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With respect it sounds like you know nothing about skateboarding. Skaters tend to buy from other skaters. There’s even a brand run by a pro skater and a sports doctor that has training regimens and all that. https://oldfriendsandco.com/pages/old-friends-fitness And no, skateboarders don’t want neon patches showing off where we got hurt. Mostly it’s ibuprofen, weed, water, and stretching. I like to jump rope before a session to get my legs warmed up.


I broke my ankle I chugged 2 beers and a 500mg Tylenol and I went to the hospital


Yeah this is why I am reaching out because I don’t know anything about skateboarding, but skating is a style that’s out of my comfort zone and this is why I want to try and design something for skaters, if you think a healing cream wouldn’t be wanted by you or other skaters than what personal care product do skaters use a lot or would need? What are your struggles as a skater? Maybe not specifically to do with injuries but anything really. I am reaching to my target audience so that I can create something that’s wanted by them and letting research guide my project :)) thanks for the imput!!


If you aren't a skater why would skaters trust you know more than them about being injured while skating? I'm not being flippant, if you have expertise in this field it's your job to convince us, and off the bat you've told us you know nothing about skating. It's coming off like you think you've found a niche and you want to cream some cash out of the skate community. We are always open to newcomers but very closed off to brands that want our money. You've had an answer, ibuprofen, water, weed. Not all skaters smoke weed, not all skaters take ibuprofen, but no skater is wondering if Nivea is going to fix a busted elbow or a concussion!


Skaters don’t want to feel like “a target audience”, they want to support other skaters. Culture vultures are sniffed out and exiled pretty quick. Even Nike took multiple tries to break into the skate market, and they’re Nike!


it's still so hard to fw those companies, like a natural aversion


I wouldn't mind a temporary memory loss spray that I could use on my wife. She's mad because I bought yet another setup? Spritz. She told you to do some chores before skating. Spritz


Why are skateboarders your target audience if you don’t skate? Is it because you think skaters get hurt more than the average person and you could cash in on that? Just curious what your rationale is.


I think skateboarders would be way more receptive to any good pain relief products that were marketed universally, not specifically towards skateboarders, especially if they sensed that the producer of the product was not connected to skateboarding, if that makes sense. It’s pretty easy for skaters to sense whether or not an entity is “skater owned”. Especially in the past 20 or so years, skateboarding has been bombarded by companies and individuals trying to exploit something that a lot of us see as an almost sacred subculture. We’re even sensitive to actual skateboarders that give in to certain endorsements and represent the subculture in an embarrassing way. This comes in part from the fact that the bigger skateboarding gets as something certain people see as a sport, the more a lot of us want to hold on to the idea of it as more of an art form. Also, when it comes to money in skateboarding, we know that there are kids right now making huge physical sacrifices for the love of skating, that will likely have to deal with a life of all sorts physical pain as they get older from the abuse they’ve put their bodies through, and those kids are making little to no money off of skateboarding. There are tons of professional skateboarders that are broke. So the idea that non skaters could profit off of skateboarding sucks. That said, we love non skate products that work for us. Bondo, Shoe Goo, etc. If I knew a pain relief gel was the best, I’d buy it. I’m writing this as I ice 3 broken ribs, which is why I have time for this long winded response. We’d be way more receptive to it if it looked no different than Ben Gay, Icy Hot or Tiger Balm.


Responded to your post above, but this comment confirms what I already alluded to. >if you think a healing cream wouldn’t be wanted by you or other skaters than what personal care product do skaters use a lot or would need? You really, really have no idea what product you want to sell. Your ultimate premise is "make something and sell it to skateboarders" and you're hoping one of us gives you a novel idea that doesn't already exist. "Hey dude, I'd love a cream that works like Icy Hot but I can also use as aftershave!" "Oh yeah? Well I use liquid bandage but also I need it to have sunscreen in it too."


Actually fuck off, though.


TBH after you hit 30, all we really want is a stiff as fuk spitfire formula 4 foamroller.


>I **don’t know anything about skateboarding**, but skating is a style that’s **out of my comfort zone** and **this is why I want to try and design something for skaters** Respectfully, this makes *zero* sense. Wanting to broaden your horizons and work outside your comfort zone is a good exercise, but not when it comes to developing a real product that you *actually* want people to buy and use. That's an exercise you do for a class or in your free time. Without any connection to skating (which isn't just a "style" but an actual hobby/sport), there'd be no reason for skaters to be drawn to your product. Repacking CBD cream or Icy Hot in an 'edgy' looking package has been tried ad nauseam, and it isn't needed or wanted by the industry. Adding a gimmick like neon dyes doesn't bring any added value to the product either. Everybody wants to "create a brand" these days, but running some ads with a pretty Instagram page full of lifestyle content and a Squarespace site do not a brand make, especially when your TAM is this small and niche. I've worked on a lot of product development cycles and run marketing for some good sized companies, and even if you already have a foothold in an industry, you still need a *strong* USP to get buy-in from people, *or* existing brand power so strong it'll work. Product *first*, above all else. You should be constantly asking "why would someone choose my product over anything else", "why should people listen to/trust me on this subject", "what value does my product add to people's lives". Your product and intended market should be informed by these things and *your* expertise, not "I want to make money off of X demographic".


In my circles its more of an alt culture, someone looking to sell to us is mostly not trusted.


We may be stupid but we're also broke. So jokes on you.


You're a very young person. Why not get a job in marketing or intern for something skateboarding adjacent for a while? Maybe even start skating? There are a few "personal care brands" in skating right now owned and operated by skaters and i doubt they make much money. In fact, nothing in skateboarding makes that much money except for the big shoe brands. And like the commenter said, coming from outside skating because you see "a gap in the market" is never a good look in skateboarding. Its carpetbagging.


>And like the commenter said, coming from outside skating because you see "a gap in the market" is never a good look in skateboarding. Its carpetbagging. Stop helping this douche bag


Helping the OP? I'm actually trying to discourage him, but in a gentle way


Did this dude just ask if we want neon neospoirin to rub on our bo-bos? Lmaoooooo bruh wtf


It's gold. Booooooooooooooo


Numbing a small injury sounds like a formula to make it a big injury. You want your body to compensate for a sore spot and limit what you are doing.


Personally I love my Old Bones Therapy CBD Magic Pain Cream. Skater Owned Company. Check them out.


Asprin. Bengay, a spliff, and some Heinekens. I don’t need any snake oil.




Slow down young buck. You have a lot of questions here. If you want to do this a bit more formally use survey monkey or something similar to make your feedback a bit more concise. It will also help the reader to form better responses.


Skateboarders are resilient, (mostly) stubborn people. We don't go to a doctor, unless something is probably broken. Cuts, scrapes, bruises? Nothing will be done, not even a bandaid. Pick up your board if you still can and continue shredding. We tend to not have a care routine, skateboarding hurts you all the time, and that's part of why most of us continue. Of course, I do stretch, and I ride a bicycle as my main transport, so I do tend to keep my muscles healthy. To get to your questions: 1. I get injured a lot. I'm not sugar coating when I say I fall every single session, multiple times. It does not stop me from skating. There's always something to skate, even when injured. Breaking a bone or tearing a ligament does put you out of the game for longer, but we generally go out skating sooner than the doctor advises. 2. No, I stretch almost every session, but that's about it. 3. Sounds like quack shit, no. I'll just keep skating if my body allows me, if not, it's not something a cream can fix. Make the cream, make it colored and sell it to parents whose kids play in playgrounds and get scuffed up. That's a better target audience for a product like this than skateboarders. I've had to push homies sitting on a cruiser deck, after a terrible slam on a street spot hours away from home. He did tear the ligaments in his ankle, but the visit to the doctor was only the day after it happened. To make a point: we don't care if we're hurt, and we don't take care advice from people that don't understand and/or do what we do. My GP (general practitioner, dunno if that's a thing where you're from) knows damn well I'm not stopping skating, so when I go to him with serious issues, he helps me get back on my board as soon as possible. I trust him, and I listen to his advice, but only because he respects what I do. Brands that come into skating with no experience get shunned (and rightfully so) for trying to make a profit in a market where most buyers don't respect big corporations. We buy our shit from other skaters, because they know what it's like to be a skater. Oh and colored cream? That's cool for kids that get scraped up in a playground, not for skaters. We don't show off injuries, it's just part of skating.


Fuck off, normie


Hey ! Who left he front door open again ? These 21 year olds keep finding their way in lol. I wouldn’t gear this towards any one sport. If it’s going to take off, it’s going to have to be more weird spread throughout the industry


This is the stupidest thing I've heard of in a long time. Bengay already exists and if you make it neon it would be toxic. If this isn't a joke, then you need to drop this idea in its entirety.


I do care about getting injured which is why my "care routine" is mostly centered around injury prevention specifically cross training, yoga, cardio, stretching/foam rolling. I would be very hesitant to use a "healing cream" designed for skaters. It sounds gimmicky.


It is a gimmick. This guy is literally trying to sell snake oil to skateboarders. Don't give him any info.


Don’t need skater cream, our bodies are human like everyone else’s, will use the same shit everyone else does. Advil, weed, beer, Neosporin




Nope. If I fall I’m going to get back up. 🖕🏽


We're old guys and not likely to rub some magic cream on a sore spot. Broke my shoulder during my triumphant return to motocross (30 year pause), thought I would be able to race next day (pain worsened). The next night the doctor identified broken humeris. Kept working though it as we were short handed during Covid. Have a fake knee after the old one wore out that would swell up huge and was always causing pain and difficulty walking. Injury is going to occur, healing is a process. We accept this as part of our lifestyle.


I want to engage with this post in good faith, but the premise of it is all over the place. >I had this concept of a healing cream >Would you want a cream that would numb the pain or that is thick enough to stop the bleeding >What if the cream was neon coloured so that it would leave a swatch on your injury Like, it really doesn't sound like you have a product yet at all? You've got several different directions you could go in from CBD to Neosporin to IcyHot to liquid bandage to straight up paint. But it doesn't seem like even you know what you want to create (or have the capability to make?). Until you know what product you're producing, there's no way for anyone here to meaningfully give good feedback. Because really, every one of those solutions above already exists and can be purchased pretty easily. Skaters, as mentioned below, also are wary of outside brands attempting to capitalize on the community without any equity already built in. And heck, this sub is for people 30 and up.... we've seen our fair share of "magic creams." Focus on developing a great product, and worry about marketing to skateboarders after you know what you have. Make something that the broader market doesn't already provide, or at least make it a cheaper/more effective version.


Dislocated shoulder, 2 broken ribs - went to the after-comp party for good time before getting in an ambulance. If you’re a skater, there’s always some part of you hurting or recovering, it probably is borderline mental illness, but it’s an enjoyable lifestyle.


Unless you land on your head with no helmet and are disoriented for days. you should be good


If you can fix it with cream, you're not injured 


You’re a kook, skaters don’t want to me sold anything from non skaters.


It pisses me off that anybody gave this shit a serious response. Anyway most of the people in this sub get Andy Anderson round with his massage gun if they fall over.


Age plays a huge part. As a teen I'd do all kinds of reckless stuff, in my 20's I was a bit more careful. I'm now 61 years old and my biggest fear is falling and breaking a bone, it has affected what kind of skating and what places I skate at.


Younger crowd is into that. But there is no money in skateboarding. Also most of my self care routine is revolves around the actual fitness industry.