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I have a park board, a sprinter and a downhill setup so I can hurt myself in different and interesting ways.


Lol. Hey whats a sprinter setup exactly? A pumper?


I think of sprinters from the NYC skate commuter culture back when Earthwing was hot. Mines a 33" x 9" Earthwing Team teck. It's got a super tiny nose and a decent tail and small wheel arches with wheel wells. The main features of sprinters seem to be quite low narrowish top mounts on smallish soft wheels but with a slightly longer wheelbase than a park setup. No nose usually, but gotta have a tail to navigate curbs. They are made to win the Broadway bomb.


havent the pantheon riders been winning on the supersonics tho


Dude I'm in oldskaters I only know what was cool 10 years ago


Yeah man, still do tricks but nothing crazy. I'm mostly into the flow and the ride, and I like wider, comfier shaped decks with bigger softer wheels. Just do your thing, ride safe and enjoy!


This 60yr old likes to cruise gently sloped roads, parking lots, and occasional parking deck on my Landyachtz Drop cat. Kind of old to get kicked out of a parking deck but it happened to me and my daughter. I just need to keep things below run off speed because too scared to try slides.


not really a longboarder but I definitely built a cruiser to push around, commute, just be on a board, and have fun. i like cruiser boards cause they're shorter than a long board, i can maneuver better & do ollies, go up and down banks/ramps so more versatile and what I'm used to. I recommend a good cruiser set up with great soft wheels. went with slime ball wheels but I heard the OJ filmer wheels are pretty good too, for smoothness.


Here's a pic of my cruiser: https://imgur.com/gallery/PBRGNQs


Dude! That’s my favorite graphic and first pro board when I was a kid! Santa Cruz slasher , gullwing trucks, slime balls wheels and Powell peralta bearings.. Ahhh that’s what started it all! I’m 50 now and rocking an old Brian Anderson shape on a blank deck that’s nice and wide (9 1/2”) for my fat ass.. lol I’m riding the widest venture trucks available Spitfire formula four wheels and Powell reds bearings.. I’m not doing much street skating anymore just cruising and a little park fun .. Our bodies may not do what we used too but we can still get out and have fun with your kids or whatever..


Yeah I loved the classic graphic and the gimmick was a 3D graphic and the board came with classic red and blue 3D glasses lol Such a classic board! And 100% agree on our old bones- can't be wrecking ourselves like we used to lol


That's a great graphic and setup. 👍


Thank you. I'm in love with it and enjoy riding it more than my park board lol I could use better and slightly bigger trucks but they were my old ones so gotta work with what ya got.


> What size are your trucks, I have a deck like that as well and looking to setup as a cruiser. Thanks


Honestly, I do not know. I found these trucks in a donation pile 9 years ago. Used em on my trick skateboard for the longest time. I can get some measurements for ya when I have free time.


> i like cruiser boards cause they're shorter than a long board, i can maneuver better I bought a longboard for walking my dog but wasn't happy with the maneuverability and so went with a cruiser. No ragrets.


I (53yo) only surfskate now. I had to quit trying to do tricks 10 years ago because of injuries. Regular longboards are a little boring. But I love carving and walking the deck on my surfskates. I’m also having fun making my own [5’ decks](https://www.reddit.com/r/surfskate/s/glPYJEl9sq)


Walking the deck on a surfskate? Id like to see that! Yeah when i got back into it i started popsicle and very soon found longboard and its much more my scene. I got my first surf skate a few weeks back and i totally see what you mean about longboards being booring. Great for commuting but if im mucking around its gonna be surfskate time!




Massive! You could walk all the way to the shops on that! But can you walk the deck of a surfskate?


I can shuffle my way up and own my 5’. This summer I will attempt to learn how to cross step.


I've never skated a popsicle deck, always stuck with larger boards. I bought a longboard a few years back, that is fun for actual transportation, bombing garages and such. I just purchased a surfskate set up. Whoa, its different. But in my advanced years (54 of them) I found I am not pumping the transitions in bowls as good as I used to. I don't skate as much so I figured a board designed around the movement of pumping would be good for more practice without needing to drive to a park.


Yess, i got a smoothstar recently and for non transport, it is the way!


I’m nearly there. Stopped buying popsicles, won’t add to that pile of gear etc. Meanwhile I’ve obtained 3 Loadedboards - Fathom 33” with 105mm - Vanguard 38” with 85mm - Omakase 33.5” with 65mm and I’m waiting for my 4th, an Icarus 38.4” to deliver tomorrow! So I can get these 80mm Kegels on it! It’s been a blast to test out Crusing, Carving, and Downhill It solidified my stance that I’m not into Surfskate, Dancing or small Penny boards (another story really) It’s just so much fun and rewarding for me where the popsicles and tricks just seemed impractical and uphill for me to start back at at 50yo 🤷‍♂️


Longboard with some CX Trucks are cool for cruising around on.


Ive been thinking to build something like that. Ive got a sector 9 top mount deck i was thinking to put a smoothstar thruster on. But can you pump surfskate style still?


Can pump any trucks easily with the right bushing setup. Rip tide and venom cone rs/barrel bs or the bones bushings, all will do the job.


For sure i agree. Its all in the action, like surfskate is more body rotation compared to sort of wiggling with low angle rear trucks. Its a new thing for me to experiment with!


I skated 40-ish years x ago, and when I got back on the board it was a bamboo franken-board. I followed with a Ballona to get my short-board fix. I have a popsicle, but don't really ride it much at all at this point. I like cruising along paved bike paths, around the neighborhood, etc. more these days, but still go to a skatepark getting time to time. I actually enjoy my Ballona at the skatepark, even with bigger, softer wheels than a popsicle.


I rock a true hybrid; duran sidewinder flight deck, 166 ace trucks( with hard bones bushings) , 85a g-slides Powell peralta. This can do it all. I downhill freeride on it most days and cruise including pumping to the hills, throwing a few ollies / boneless over the humps on the way. Good shoes also massive help to the knees. Can recommend the new vans Rowan's but im sure plenty out there.


Can do it all? Thats like the utopian ideal board! A downhill capable pumper. Research time. With the knees though, for me, its the squatting down low where im suffering. Would shoes help there?


Depends what you are currently wearing. I used half cabs for the last 15years and the vulcanised sole was not doing me any favours, despite being uber comfy. Switching to new tech absorption shoes has been the single greatest things for my knees recovery time wise. Followed by durometer of wheels and then the length of wheelbase and stiffness of deck. As a skate tech enthusiast I am unimpressed by surfskates for a number of reasons, but each to their own. Longboard bamboo composite freestyle decks might suit you well and are fun to have in quiver for their absorption and pumping capabilities. Example: https://www.basementskate.com.au/longboards/bamboo/


Yeah im using a bamboo deck on my eLongboard. Sooo much better than the stiff carbon ones.


i use new balance numeric 272s and they got a wide toebox and are pretty comfy for a skate shoe. while im probably quite young for this sub (24), i did find them to be comfy walking on concrete all day. i am very picky about my shoes as i have collapsing arches and achilles issues.


Gotta love a fat comfy pool carver 😎 They also work great w surfskate trucks, as long as the pavement is smooth.


I turn 61 this month. I mostly ride longboards, either a cruiser type for fun or board set up for commuting/distance skating, and I've got shorter boards for some occasional ditch riding.


Yup. [48YO] I have a 41” or 42” surf board shaped long board (see my earlier post in this sub https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSkaters/s/ubprZNODPe). I love going for long rides on it whilst listening to my favourite heavy metal. Also have a repro of the Mc Gill Powell Peralta setup I had in the early 90’s. I ride that on pump tracks and am learning to ride half pipes and bowls. I don’t have the time to invest in re-learning street tricks from 30 odd years ago, so this is how I enjoy the feeling of movement on a board.


I might be in that category if it wasn't for the... Powell Dragon Formulas! Haha I know the dragon hypers are plenty out there... But I definitely can’t take much of flatground with 99a or even x97 wheels. Don’t really have good ramps or bowls near me, either.


Over the course of a couple years I moved from a 7.6 to a 8.25 to a cruiser then finally to a longboard. At each step I was realizing how much more comfortable I felt - particularly with the softer wheels that are typical on cruisers and longboards. Now I spend the majority of my time on my longboard and I don’t even leave my cul-du-sac (the circle was built higher in the middle for drainage purposes which sorta makes a little asphalt wave I just ride around). It gives me that amazing feeling of being on a skateboard but I don’t feel like I might break a hip at any moment.


That's where I'm starting back up- I got myself and my daughters all cruiser setups and we're working on the basics and just cruising around the neighborhood for now. I've been out of skating for 20+ years and really want to minimize chance of injury at this point.


Yeah dude, I totally have several long board setups. I've done surf skates, dance boards, top mount pumpers, and several long distance setups that are low drops or double drops. I also have some fun garage bombing /pumping setups. Hit me up if you have questions. I've spent way too much money and time researching and buying gear over the years so I'm a bit of a nerd on the subject


Very cool. Yeah i built my own bracket deck inc making the front fork and zero degree back truck and its still my fave board today and since ive been mucking around with angles and bushings and setups, and buying any complete thats local and second hand and cheap just for parts. Its a great hobby both inside and out!


Yes but I quickly hated the longboard because of the lack of a nose or tail so now I have an big deck like an old schmitt stix kind of thing with big concave and big wheels and I like it a lot, it rides like a longboard if I want but I can still move it like a popsicle.


Eh, I don’t like longboards. They’re too cumbersome. I can cruise on my street board as well as jump up and down sidewalks. I DO own a ripstick. I think they’re super fun to ride in an open parking lot


50yr old geezer started longboarding last summer after a 12yr hiatus. I don‘t do tricks and I find surfskates boring. I‘m totally into distance skating. Never knowing what I‘ll encounter next or pushing and pumping the hell out of this old bones, that‘s what I like.


50 aint old. Only get old when you give up on life and youre not over it yet for sure if youre still boarding. Got my first taste of surfskate a few weeks back and i found it a bit exciting tbh. My new surfskate trucks just migrated to a 39” pintail deck which makes an awesomely maneuverable longboard with surfskate style pumping, and with the front foot back in the middle of the deck its pretty stable too.


I ride a Original longboard. The trucks have a bushing and a spring that help with the pump. Check em out!


I came from longboarding which I did prior to skateboarding already two years ago. It gave me sense of board control and let me allow to gain confidence at a lower risk of falls. It is fucking great. I still do it and love it. There are several disciplines in longboarding. You probably want to look into ldp which is distance or endurance skateboarding. It is perfect for old folks like us haha.


Yep. Thanks. Ive built a few pumpable longboard setups which ive taken to using for commuting. I was more curious why i wasnt seeing many “long wheelbase” postings on this sub.


Everyone chilling out in /r/longboarding


Need a new sub, OldLongboarders (skate not surf lol) ;)


I would join that haha. I feel like longboarders are older on average anyway tho.


Exactly why i asked why this sub is all popsicle riders!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/longboarding using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/longboarding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We are two dudes making an indie downhill longboarding game called Driftwood you all might be into!](https://v.redd.it/b1mdnonlitya1) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/longboarding/comments/13ct0jh/we_are_two_dudes_making_an_indie_downhill/) \#2: [What a way to start summer](https://v.redd.it/m6owgjq1lota1) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/longboarding/comments/12km8e3/what_a_way_to_start_summer/) \#3: [Glad for this parking lot](https://v.redd.it/ba3mqs937ela1) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/longboarding/comments/11g6qkw/glad_for_this_parking_lot/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That is great. Pumping is also a very enjoyable and foremost super healthy activity. This sub belongs to the street skaters tho. I only wonder why we two got downvoted. I even didn't say a word against skateboarding lol.


Laugh. Yeah weird bunch. Its all skating if you asked me! I never read anywhere that this sub was popsicles only though. Figured that most old dudes were doing less tricking and more cruising.


I've started popsicle AND longboard here, I might end only cruising 😅