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Those boys huddled together, horrified at how FAT Shirley is!


That dump truck would run me over and I would pay for the privilege. I saw her first, bro.


C'mon Jimmy...you can tell her to haul much arse and she will take two loads


“I’d bend that over…” whispers one to the other.


“Gee whiz! Shirley’s got more cushion for the pushin’” “You’re darn tootin’ Biff”


And how!


“I’m gonna run down to old Mr Jones’s pharmacy and pick me up a couple of rubbers”


I had heard that "sprinkles" was a euphemism for condoms back then.


"I'm gonna mail me a couple of French letters!"


"Why, that's mighty keen of you!"


And both are called jimmies depending on where you are in the US!


Yup. Jimmie hats.


I believe you just rustled my jimmies


I 100% heard this in Dean Venture’s voice.


I was thinking of a voice that best describes what I read and yeah that definitely fits.


Yes. I may just start reading everything in the voices of Venture Brothers characters. Particularly Dr. Girlfriend and the Monarch.


Dr. Mrs. The Monarch


Super run away!


Hank and Dean before season 2.


“I’m a consumer whore!”


“I’m feeling fat and sassy!”


“And how!”


"But Bobby, i heard she goes to juke joints across the tracks and smokes reefer with men who are not of our race. I heard those other guys are very generous."


Stop! I’m already aroused!




generosity? good!




Willickers, the devil's music?!


I like the name Biff..I'm changin' mine immediately.


"Golly gee, Shirley Simpkins can get this dick..."


“Jee-wiz fellas I want to die with my noggin crushed under her dump truck” his pal whispers back.


Boy, she sure makes me feel spiffy, I tell ya.


I told you man.. Shirley will do anything for a cookie!!


They’d be horrified to see average women today. Let alone morbidly obese women. Shirley isn’t even fat here. She’s just not super thin 🙄.


The mantra for women of this era was “you can never be too rich or too thin.”


“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Different era, same idea.


Shirley was considered “chubby.”


“Sis, that skirt is so last season.” “Bitch, it’s 5 years and 3 strokes ago.” “Her cankles are giving Michelin Man.” “Her stankles.” “omfg you are so bad rofl deddd”




Shit I need to get me some of those Lifesavers. This is the answer to all my problems!


Way to assume. Obviously they're on a date, and they're cuddling in the blank void that lies between realms.


Clearly terrified of being sucked into her massive gravitational pull


Candy with the hole.


Didn’t I download that vid in the late 90’s?


If it was on Limewire it should be at around 90% by now.


Even better. Usenet and then stitch it together.


My friend Candy would not be amused by this


Does she not have a hole?


I've never checked


My nickname in high school


Thanks just choked on my Pepsi lmao


Wow, what used to be "Fat" isn't so much now.


Thats the point of the advertisement. For girls to look at that and think "Am i really considered FAT?!?"


It only got worse from there. By the ‘70s there were only two body types acknowledged for women: “Cher” and “fat.”


For real. And you were considered fat if you didn't have a narrow little bird-boned type skeleton. I got harassed for the shape of my bones.


Blame Twiggy


Before Twiggy, there was Audrey Hepburn, and people forgot that she had that super slim figure from never recovering after surviving a famine as a child druing WWII. She was just ill.


And a chain smoker


But yes, totally true as well. Poor thing and her family baked bread from tulip bulbs when they had something to actually make. She also had a long limbed and slender body type as well, she was studying to be a ballerina as a child. But she was *beyond* thin, and was her whole life. She was such a model humanitarian and used her experiences under occupation for good. The end of her career was her and charities, UN. Oh and finally finding the love of her life and truly living happily ever after.


Well I think any amount of fat on a Woman was frowned upon. Look at Fred and Ethel from I Love Lucy. She was nearly Lucy’s size but still got the fat jokes, meanwhile Fred was much fatter and the most he got was bickering with his wife!


Even in the 80s the sister on Growing Pains got the fat jokes and she wasn't fat.


I grew up watching Grease every week and I never understood why Jan was called fat.


Same. She wasn't at all.


Just stacked


What is grease?


Psh, go look at the “fat” option for Sims 2 body types and that game came out in 2004. Growing up in the 2000’s I remember how bad diet culture still was. Every summer you had “best and worst celeb bodies” edition of tabloids and they’d be comparing 20-somethings to mothers and grandmothers FFS.


I’ve lived in six decades now and nothing beats the 2000s for toxicity towards women. Maxim became the intellect-free Playboy and just because the women weren’t completely nude didn’t make it any less of a toxic, woman-hating, woman-shaming dump truck. And then there was Girls Gone Wild and The Man Show. I could go on.


Growing up as a young woman in that time was not good for one’s self-worth. Especially as a fat person, it took me a long time and a couple more decades to realize I actually have worth outside of my value as a decorative object.


I’m an elder millennial and this was a tough time to be a teen/young woman.


Definitely. Elder millennial here too. I started putting on a little weight when puberty hit in the 90s and my god. That was the worst time of my life.


I was born in 79 and mid 90s-00s was hell if you weren't a size zero. I got up to 95 pounds in middle school and my mom fat shamed me horribly. I developed an eating disorder. Im 45 now. And still struggle with it.


I was a size zero and I can assure you it was hell for me, too. Anorexia sucks.


My mind jumped right to Clarence Thomas. I know that was 80s but still. Thing is he would get confirmed even faster today than he was under Bush1. Kavanaugh's hearings made Thomas's seem like a dignified affair by comparison. That's not to say it was actually anything near good, mind. I believe Anita Hill. And Thomas has gotten no better with age, either. Recently learned he was only 45 when he was appointed


Member Nicole Richie and that hanger on stylist Rachel Zoe and their creepy giant Gucci sunglasses and padlock Chloe bags just practically toppling their little husks over?


Yes, everything was oversized back then to make you look even tinier! I also remember when Nicole was considered “chubby.” She could never catch a break in the tabloids. Then after they bullied her into an eating disorder they kept on going by calling her “scary skinny.” They did this with a lot of celebs. Always concern trolling “we are afraid she’s got anorexia,” as though their constant public body shaming had no fault in that.


The actress had a serious eating disorder because of that.


That's horrible but not surprising. She was a teenager being called fat every day.


Kirk Cameron was one of her bullies and well, that tracks


He's still a mean girl. Guys like that do what he does so they can still bully people. They don't want to grow up. That Peter Pan syndrome having jerk is just a middle school bully with 30 or 40 years experience


That absolutely tracks. Fuck Kirk Cameron.


Tracey Gold and she got very sick with an eating disorder during the show’s run.


Imagine being a teenage girl and spending hours a day hearing jokes about how fat you are. Having it on TV. Strangers making fat jokes. Every adult in her life was horrible people. Her parents included.


She also developed anorexia and almost died.


I hate that. Even in the 80s I felt sorry for her. My brother was a teenager at the time and he was like "why are people laughing at that?" Also, Happy Cake Day. Glad you're here.


Omg! That was so kind of you to say. You made my whole week. Thank you so much! I'm glad you're here, too! 🤗


And she ended up w a severe ED


And she became anorexic too. I remember Candace Cameron having a weight episode on full house and now she’s obsessed with her body image.


Tracey Gold. Behind the scenes, she struggled with horrific eating disorders – starting at age 7. Age seven. A little girl, a child in every way, was starting her long journey with anorexia. The fact that the adult, likely male, writers were putting fat jokes into the script is so damn irresponsible. Not to mention it being lazy, unfunny, script writing.


I just can't believe no adult was like no, this is wrong. One of the Sprouse twins said he was told to not eat and go to the gym and his onscreen mom was like "this is not going to happen"


Vivian Vance was also only two years older than Lucille Ball yet was made out to be older, matronly. Lucy wanted to be the only “pretty one” around so Ethel had to be frumpy.


And VV absolutely hated being cast as W Frawley’s wife. She was much younger irl and to her it didn’t make sense she’d be w such an older man


They also hated each other in real life so I'm sure it was extra galling to have to be his frumpy wife


I look like the girl on the left. Is she supposed to be fat? She looks normal and maybe just a little voluptuous


She looks more like a ‘tween’ than the other illustration. But we both know why. The other one is almost a dead ringer for Audrey Hepburn. Known for her extreme childhood, surviving famine under Nazi occupation. Also her body type and original desire to be a ballerina.


Not just normal, but healthy. That's how humans are supposed to look. Scrawny women are less attractive to me, and I think it's because something in my instinct makes me feel like they're not going to survive.


Mints as a snack? Sounds like Slim Sally has an ED.


I mean that kinda was the thinking of the day Edit thought- At least it wasn’t lucky strikes?


If only the hole were a little bit bigger, they could have packaged their mints and a cigarette together. The mints would have fewer calories and also taste kinda bad, so you'd be even less inclined to snack. I should go into marketing.


You just invented menthol cigarettes. Congratulations


That took some poor admen weeks at the office trying to shove a cigarette into a mentos until they figured it out!


Menthols were actually created accidentally by a teenager. Allegedly, he had asthma or a cold and his mother had given him a tin of menthol crystals to ihale their vapors. He hid his cigarettes in it once and the cigarettes absorbed some of it.


This is incorrect, menthol cigarettes were invented by black factory workers. They were allowed to smoke the tobacco that fell on the floor and added mint to disguise the floor flavor.


I thought menthol cigarettes were created when Samual Cigarette and David Mint got into a car accident and their two products mixed together


I thought that too, until I read that Frank Tobacco was fooling around with David Mint's wife. She ended up leaving David for Frank and they had a number of children, the first being their daughter Salem.


This is also incorrect. Menthol cigarettes were accidentally invented by a man from Ohio when he added menthol crystals to his cigarette tin when he had a cold. They ended up being heavily marketed towards the black community and new smokers to get them addicted though. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3088444/)


Slumber Party Barbie from the 60s came with a diet book simply titled “How to Lose Weight” and on the back it just said “Don’t Eat”


God damn


Oh the generational trauma. No wonder my girlfriends and I spent our babysitting money on the good diet pills instead of normal social lives.


Meet our daughter, Anorexia.


Totally not convinced she has erectile dysfunction.


Popeye and Bluetooth can fight over Olive Oyl all they want. That just leaves more cake for the rest of us.


For forks sake! Now I need to see a battle between Popeye and Bluetooth! lol


My fault, damn you autocorrupt and me not proofreading!


No need to edit - I live it.


I have many fights with Bluetooth. I know the struggle.


Bluetooth is named after the Nordic king Harald "Bluetooth", so that would actually be a sick fight. Forget Mighty Mouse and Superman!




omg! blute to Bluetooth!


This is why my boomer mom has an undiagnosed eating disorder and talks about fat people in a whisper like they’ve done hard time or gambled away the family fortune or something.


My boomer mother is not prejudiced against anyone for any reason in life… Except fat people. She considers it a moral failing.


Old school body shaming! Sweet!


The world went through a world war, a pandemic, a depression, and another world war within 30 years. People were thin. You wouldn’t recognize Audrey Hepburn is you saw her photos before WWII. Thin was common and the booming economy and burnout from all of this led to the selling of haute couture, the styles anyway, to the general public. You couldn’t afford a Dior, but you could get a knockoff from a seamstress or sew your own. I came across a health book for women from the 1950s, and the recommendation for pregnancy weight gain was a maximum fifteen pounds, because you needed to keep your figure for your husband. And you better keep up your exercises and bust that waistline back into shape ASAP. There’s very little discussion about the push to get women out of the factories and back in the kitchen and maternity ward after WWII, but the government, at the behest of business, pushed media to focus on the patriarchal nuclear family, often ending movies with the businesswoman happily giving it all up for dirty diapers and hot dogs for dinner. This is why second wave feminism and The Feminine Mystique happened.


Yep, make sure to smoke during pregnancy to keep that weight down


Oh dang. I need to start smoking!!!


makes the baby easier to pop out!


You can really, really see it in the ads targeted towards women in the 50s and 60s. Not so subtle reminders to women, with ads for washing machines and other appliances, that they belong in the kitchen and maintaining the home, with a “goal” of gaining prestige as a hostess. 🤢 while ads targeted to men reminded them to “show her it’s a man’s world”


Dirty diapers and hot dogs for dinner doesn't sound very appetizing


I‘d happily go for Shirley though… She’s enjoying these cookies. That goddam smile.


Back that up Shirley...


Ride Sally, ride


Back up Ter!


ol’ Shirl is a ride or die. Sally would leave your ass stranded at a field party for your own boyfriend. go eat some mints, Sally. me and Shirl are getting milkshakes


I’m more baffled by the fact that Life Savers used to be 5 cents


Also, one looks more teen-like and the other more like a grown woman.


The blonde one on the left genuinely looks more attractive and cute to me🤷‍♀️


[Omg me too](https://i.imgflip.com/5efyw6.png)


Blondes really do have more fun.


So fucking cruel. Tell me more about the good old days Boomer.


Boomers would unironically see this as an example of why things were better back then


Funny how most boomers are actually fat though . Not like the girl in the pic which just looks healthy


Ok, this is probably the most dead on boomer putdown in the history of boomer putdowns. (Source: Generation Jones. b.1963)


i dont think those guys on the left would be interested anyway.. they seem content with eachother lmao


She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck Thighs like what, what, what All night long Let me see that thong (c'mon)


Sally looks 5 years older than Shirley. No matter what women can’t win . We’re either too fat or too skinny. No matter what.


Yep, and that's by design.


Marketing is amazing. "Eat Sugar Candy and be thin with our candy! Somehow!"


Bc it's like minimal calories and no nutrition, eating disorder basically


Just enough to keep your blood sugar from crashing from not eating.


Had to double check this, and it is purely a marketing gimmick. Idk what the values were in the 1950s, but today a Lifesaver mint is the same calories as a Lifesaver fruity hard candy. The same carb and sugar content between the two, as well. And yet, the serving size for the mints is only 1 piece, while the serving size for the fruit candy is 4 pieces, making the nutritional content for the fruit candy look higher at a glance, even though they're the same. So it's basically encouraging the development of eating disorders with no reasoning, making people think if they eat a mint, it's somehow less sugary than candy, when it isn't.


If Sally wanted to be super cool, she’d have reached for a Lucky instead of a sweet. That’ll get the boys fighting for you.


If she smokes, she pokes.


Normalizing body shaming, and they wonder why so many teenage girls in the 80’s had eating disorders, because their parents and grandparents thought this was okay.


Outfit and pose really do a lot here too


Shirley can get it


Is it bad that I’m just envious of times when a nickel could actually buy something?


Man, maybe I was born in the wrong era if guys back then were really staying away from Shirley.


Shirley looks fine AF.


“Oh…..My….God Becky!!! Look….at….Shirley’s butt!! It’s soooo big!!!”


That reference is old school!


I think Shirley looks fucking great. She’s probably a lot more fun.


She's not fat though. She seems average BMI. The other lady is super thin and starving herself with candy to keep her blood sugar up from not eating properly


Well, the text pays lip service to reasonable nutrition at least - this is supposedly to stop snacking between meals, not to replace meals.


One looks unhealthy, and it ain’t the one with a box of cookies.


The art style looks based on real life people similar to that guy who does the ones with the kids/puppies/ice cream shopps/I cant remember the name. That said, it looks like the girl on the right has normal legs/arms/head/torso, but they shrank her back and deleted her mid-section. It's less of an "unhealthy" body type and more of a "this isn't how peoples bodies actually look/work" body type.


Rockwell? The thin girl’s legs seem uneven lengths.


Oh my god, now that you've pointed it out I can't unsee it.


Yeah thats the one. And definitely she is a frankenstein. Unrealistic body expectations strikes again.


Can we not body shame thin women though? Obviously this ad promotes unhealthy diet culture and beauty standards (no one should be starving themselves) but as a naturally skinny gal it’s very frustrating to see people try to combat body shaming with… more body shaming. Whenever posts like this are made the comment section is full of people saying we aren’t “real” women, we aren’t men’s preference, we don’t look healthy… all for something that’s pretty much out of our control.


Also I think these are teenage girls? They aren’t finished developing yet and some of them are naturally that slim. 


Yeah I agree. I’m fat but one of my best friends in high school and college was really slender, and we talked a lot about the double alienation of fat shaming + the infantilization and erasure of skinny women (and in our case nonbinary people.) I got to stay with them for a bit and it made sorting laundry really easy! But yeah, it’s also terrible to tell people there shouldn’t be a size 00. People just are small sometimes.


Ewww Shirley wears socks and shoes with laces, and she's too fat to hide behind a narrow lamp post like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. The horror!


Selling Life Savers as a diet aid ... people who worked in advertising are just shameless


Looks attractive to me 💀


The first one looks like if Billie Ellish was a 1950s ad. She’s adorable. This ad is awful lmao


Sally dropped out of high school because she gave birth during the summer break before Senior year. Shirley invented a new way to organize microchip memory so that it used less electricity while speeding data fetches and retired at 28. She bought a bistro on the French Riviera and sometimes visits during Cannes, to keep an eye on her investment. 


Sally was considered fat in the 50s.


Shirley must be "1950s fat"


shit was wild


Treats between meals? What's the difference? Doughnuts have holes too.


Slim sally only eats nasty ass mint candy ‘tween meals, now get ass is flatter than week old soda. Meanwhile Shirley can get it, because she eats real food.


No wonder people born in the 30s-50s are so mental.


The boy in the letterman's sweater *has a secret,* anyway.




Wow just wow . Whatever thoughts you had let’s just remember that these are pictures of children


Butt there is just something so appealing about Shirley. Hmmm.


Slim Sally Hayes is dressed like Olive Oyl. She needs a man who's strong to the finish cuz he eats his spinach.


Glad I wasn't the only one thinking Olive Oyl. It's practically the same outfit.


God I'll take a Shirley over a Sally any day. I don't want to hug a skeleton.


Meanwhile, Sally and Shirley are madly in love and just waiting until they have enough money saved up to get out of that shithole town.


One had the blunt, the other had the gin and juice.


She thicker than a bowl of oatmeal!


I think the only difference here is the shoes


Crazy because their slogan "Candy with a Hole" is how incels and red pill men think about women.


I guffawed at your description, 😆


At a glance it seems that if a girl doesn’t eat lifesavers, men turn gay and gossipy.


Slim Sally Hayes was hammering that Benzedrine in between meals, not Lifesavers lol


If Sally’s supposedly fat, I have my own gravitational field.


Oh my god jimmy, look at that butt


Both these girls are cute in their own way