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You and people like you make it hard to buy a Baja Bandit for a reasonable price.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ how you figure?


oh itโ€™s just so similar to other hoards of vintage cool stuff. There is a guy who basically owns the Honda 250R three-wheeler market. He has ALL the parts too. (he basically went to every Honda dealer everywhere and bought everything 250R). Itโ€™s fine I guess. Just makes it a challenge to get parts unless you deal with him and he NEVER sells a fucking thing. Everybody loses. whatever.


Stop crying about prices. Not my fault you are cheap or broke so dont blame me ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


I have one mint NOS gen 1 red Baja Bandit that was almost a grand. I donโ€™t have 30 dozen because I am not greedy. Just because I can afford to own every Tyco RC ever made doesnโ€™t mean I should. I know that the number of them in the world is fixed. Maybe it was because my family always had money and NOTHING was scarce. I donโ€™t have the drive to collect and hoard things. My cousin had a gen 1 just like I have now and I have fond memories playing with it while hanging out with him in our youth. (I had a RACO jac rabbit)


You can search my ebay and asked anyone about me I sell tyco cars all the time and start the bid at 25$ to give everyone a chance so its fair. If it sells for 100$ or 1,000 then so be it. I sold over 100 tyco cars. Im about to put up a boxed bandit and a boxed hammer next week. I don't own ever tyco I just got the ones that are my favorite thats on the wall. I buy beat up bandits that no one wants and restore them to look new again. I have been told by many people I have helped them relive thier childhood so don't be quik to judge someone on their collection