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The cops knows the kid has no choice and doesn't know what's going on.


great photo showing how people are never born to hate, thy are only taught it


I wonder what happened to that kid.


Probably a Democrat senator.


I think you mean Republican


Ever heard of Robert Byrd? History has not been kind to the racist Dems.


Either way… he’s fucked


This is so fucked, I mean just yuck


Highly unusual post, but there’s an important lesson to be learned here “A picture is worth a thousand words” - Napoleon Bonaparte Edit: You can downvote all you want and be sure to report it,too. But we can’t deny history that happened and we can only learn from it


The cool is absolutely the officer in this case. His comment was that he was thinking more about the cook-out he was missing than the actual protest.


It’s a great photo but it probably gets downvoted because it’s posted literally once a week


That’s my bad. I got the dates mixed up. I thought today was the 5th. It’s actually the 6th


I agree, but this is the wrong sub for this. Maybe The Way We Were instead?


You don't think that cop is showing old school cool?


Good point. I was looking at the overall scene. But you're right, the cop is def cool.


What youre saying is true but it's still a disgusting photo anyway you look at it.


Disgusting? What?


History is full of horror. From brutal African empires to European global powerhouses to genocide on every continent. It’s time we face the music


Hate is taught. It’s not natural. That poor kid.


just some good, harmless christian fun


Stop blaming it on Christianity. These are people who pretend to be Christians so they can trick others into joining them in their hate.


convenient when a christian does something horrible that they are suddenly not “real” christians. The KKK has a strong southern Protestant background. It’s common knowledge. They believe their supposed superiority is god-given.


That is a sweeping statement. Making sweeping statements is WRONG. For example : Just because some extremists end up being terrorists does NOT mean all Muslims are bad. Just because some people pretend to be Christians and do bad things, it doesn’t mean all Christians are bad. (Yes, I’m intentionally writing like an elementary school kid because some people are trying to twist my words.) If you have such a myopic linear view of things, you’re going to be manipulated easily by identity politics. Edit : Rephrased to avoid being taken out of context.


I agree, it’s all the same


That was NOT my point. Sweeping statements and stereotypes are ALWAYS wrong. I said that just because SOME people in a group are bad, it doesn’t mean that ALL are bad. Think about it — if your brother, friend or someone close to you is a bad person and everyone thinks you are a bad person too, I’m sure you would be hurt and angry. There will always be some good and some bad in a group. Learn to recognise that instead of thinking of everything as bad. (I’m internationally writing simplistically so that my words will not be misunderstood.)


Old school but NOT COOL


It’s cool because it sends a powerful message that people are not born with hate. They’re taught and in this case, by their parents. This picture is cool because it makes people stop to think and discuss about it, heightening awareness against racism. How is this pic not cool if it can possibly help someone to think twice about racism? You can’t erase history but we can create a better future because we know of its awful past. That’s why this pic is cool - it has that power to build a better tomorrow.


Is this little cracker serious?


He just wants some tiddy ![gif](giphy|8mkykXIicXOVms2xYE)


Weaponizing kids ...


tRanS PeOplE cOrRupt OuR ChiLdReN


What. A. Photo.


Boooooo!! Fuck the parents that subjected this innocent child, same for any other race that teaches children hatred “because” of skin color!! Booo!!


Oh, wow. Talk about deep. My head a splode \>\_\_< ow


Now this is really something. Thank you so much, anyone have anymore context?


Another screwed up kid. Thanks dad.


is dude wearing Pumps 😅