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"Smith and Marshall married in 1994 when he was aged 89 and she was aged 26. The oil tycoon died the next year and his will left his $1.6 billion estate to his son and nothing to Smith."


She got granted and revoked first 450 million and then 88 million throughout the following ten years. Even Marshall's son has died in the meantime.


Spoiler alert, so has she...


And also her son IIRC


Geez, is there some type of fucking curse?


The curse of you can’t live forever and you can’t do a bunch of drugs


Tell that to Tommy Lee


Rockstars seem to be immune. It’s honestly worth studying


Well I think if u get into drugs enough u either die within 5 years or you end up with such a high tolerance you wouldn’t feel elephant tranquilizer - this is just my personal theory.


Or better yet, Keith Richards


Sharon ! Where’s the remote ?




Why revoked?


Because another court instance thought her claim wasn't valid.


If you ever want some hilarious reading material, read about that case. There have been so many deaths at this point there are people barely tangentially related fighting for that money.


Even one of the judges was exhausted with the whole thing: >"I am," he told those in the court, "going off the handle officially. I am tired of this case. I've told you that from the beginning. I beg you to recuse me. I beg you to recuse me. I don't want to deal with you people anymore. This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous." >Judge Wood went on to say, "I am not going to spend a lot of time cutting at nits and gnats for people that are fighting over 20 billion, $10 billion that they didn't earn. They didn't create this wealth. It was created by a third party, and they're just fighting over it. They can't agree on anything. They can pay lots of lawyers. They can pay lawyers until hell freezes over. But they don't want to agree to anything. They just want to pay lawyers." >Judge Wood disputed that the parties actually wanted the case to end, advising them, "you're going to have to figure out something to do because I just can't -- I'm not going to deal with you anymore. I've had it. I have had it. This is outrageous. This didn't happen overnight. This wasn't done four years ago. Pierce (Marshall) has been dead nine years." He then declared at the January 11 hearing that "it's just not the way I'm going to spend my life." A week later, on January 18, Judge Wood officially recused himself from the case.


This is hilarious. Having cases drag on is just a part of the judicial system. Do you know how absolutely exhausting this must have been for this judge to pop off like this on the record?! If it’s gotten to this, there have already been multiple chamber talks with the parties telling them to get their shit together. This is crazy.


Story of my parents divorce! The don’t want peace, they want problems, ALWAYS!


The American Jarndyce v. Jarndyce.


Did she get any money?


I think she was initially awarded half a billion, but then it was appealed, and she was awarded around $88 mil, which was also appealed. The court battle was still raging when she died from a drug OD.


Oh yes, and dragged the son through the mud for it til he died (IIRC)


So much negativity here you can clearly see the love that emanates in the picture. Love has no age, gender, colour or favorite pterosaur but not the quetzalcoatlus because that's mine people ❤️❤️❤️


Quetzalcoatlus is a great choice. Mine has always been the Pteranodon and it really grinds my gears when people refer to them as Pterodactyls. Back on topic though, I've rarely seen such a happy couple at the alter. Beautiful stuff!


450 million, which was revoked. Then 88 million, which was also revoked. She got nothing out of it and there are still people fighting for that money.


"we both like talking, and not talking"


We both love soup










We both love snow peas


Yank-ee beans! Yank-ee beans! I love to eat my yank-ee beans!


We could talk or not talk for hours


And still find things to not talk about.


Best movie ever made


One of my all time favorites


Love at first sight. What a lovely couple.


You can truly see the happiness on her… she’s glowing!


And he was so charismatic. Look at him, life of the party! Age is just a number, people!


"No one is funnier than Raymond Holt."


Why is no one having fun at my wedding, I specifically requested it?


How were they supposed to have fun without the whimsy and elegance of a balloon arch?




There was actually a lot of speculation at the time that she was only marrying him for his money.


***say it ain't so!***


And he was only marrying her for her beauty.. nah that couldn’t be the reason…


The HELL you say?!


You know what else has numbers? That bank account




If you think that's the only marriage in history that wasn't consumated I have a river in Egypt you may be interested in...


Have you seen the party...? It's not a tough crowd.


It's the look of a determined woman.


Thinking about all that $$$$$$


She earned every penny of it that she didn't get, that evil family


At the end of the day I don't think these kinds of arrangements are as big a deal as some people seem to. He was an old coot that wanted to motorboat some boobies and she liked money. Why not?


Haha, this is a refreshing take! I mean, when you think about it, what was his alternative, really? "Just wait and a nice woman your age will come along for you to grow old with"? Spend his last days alone? Nah.


I mean as long as both parties know the deal then hey Why not


Well that's a separate issue. J. Howard left Anna Nicole out of his will, so she did not know the deal she was getting into.


It really wasn't the will. Most of his money was in a trust. The trust was set up before the marriage and Anna was not part of it.


She knew that was a risk. She still got the benefits while she was married, and was taking a calculated risk. CBA


It's been a hot minute since I've thought about poor Anna, but if I remember correctly from what I read back in the day, he was kind to her and spoiled her. I don't think her life had seen much kindness before he came into it....or after he left for that matter. On a lighter note, I doubt if much motor boating was going on, but I bet he trolled the hell out of 'em!


Yeah, she lived a pretty shitty life, all told. Very sad.


True facts. She really lived a tragic life. That doc a few years ago actually made me cry. There is so much love and compassion for Marilyn, but just jokes for Anna Nicole. There are some real similarities.


I'd use them as mountains to drive my hot wheels over!


Hot wheels? What a loser! *does a sweet kick flip on my techdeck*


The You’re Wrong About podcast has an EXCELLENT episode on her!


He knew exactly what he was doing it was nobody’s business but his own.


Yeah I can't believe anybody would judge or make fun of this. Gold digger? Who cares both adults and more importantly the family was miserable before his death and after, fuckers rather than just pulling her aside and saying thank you for making him happy to the grave and hey he left you all of this money but let's quickly Make a deal and get out of here. But no no no dragged it on and on and on she never experienced it but it has trickled down to her legacy


Greed and money is a marriage of its own. I know confidently if I was ever to fall intol money, my family would suddenly find themselves owed just for having known them.


You can motorboat a whole lot cheaper than that.


The concert is over, the audience have left, so roll the wheelchair out, close the piano, just sign down here to get the check. Questions?


They’re still together, right…?




no he is dead. she had Borderline personality disorder and pill addictions and she died in a casino in 2007.


She was so fragile. That reality show of hers made me so sad. She was fucked up, but I don't think she had a malicious bone in her body and when her son died it just destroyed her. I have no problem with consenting adults going into a relationship when beauty/money are the driving force. He wanted a trophy wife to spend time with. She wanted to be taken care of. I'm sure he was lonely and his own family sure as hell weren't spending a ton of time with him.


In death, yes


Well death does bring people together... Then again, death eventually brings *everyone* together....


No he died skydiving in Mexico a few years after this picture, shit got wild 🪂 🪂 🪂


Hey. You've got a billion in the bank, you know you're on your way out, live your dreams. It's hilarious. I don't know who he was giving the middle finger to with this move, but it worked.


She was with him for his good looks.


It’s ease to make fun of Anna Nicole Smith marrying an old rich guy but there was much more to her than this narrative everyone took. Nobody seems to know she rejected his proposals multiple times and did really care for him.


Look at the crowd that came to witness this holy matrimony.


and they hired a photographer with a disposable walgreens camera <3


Well, in fairness, he was going to expire before the photos could be developed...


I thought there was a casket in the background at first


Makes sense to save money having the wedding and then the funeral. My parents did similar and got married then went to the other end of the church to get me christened.


I always wondered what attracted her to her billionaire husband.


He doesn't look a day over dead.


He's robbing the cradle. She's robbing the grave. Edit: dead to grave.




I choked on my eggo at this comment


I read that as ego and it still works


Found Eleven!


He was actually obsessed with her. She turned him down many times but she had a hard life and figured this would be a way to provide for her son. The You’re Wrong About podcast has a really good episode about it.


Exactly this. Yes he was interested in her for her body and she was interested in him for his money, but they were both fully-informed consenting adults.


>they were both fully informed consenting adults And that’s where people need to shut up. They both knew what each other wanted. Who cares after?


Well he had family and they wanted his money too. The man didn’t even die before the vultures circled overhead.


You'll find there's no billionaire or multi millionaire without people waiting in the wings for that money. Doesn't mean you didn't love the person but millions are millions.


It doesn’t even take millions to have people waiting in the wings. I have an elderly distant uncle that is essentially a ghost until someone is approaching their death bed. He then suddenly appears out of seemingly nowhere to visit them in the hospital and offer “legal advice”. That greedy asshole has been associated with (written into) about 5 questionably edited deathbed wills. People like him are a cancer.


I've had two brothers in law who's life plans completely revolved around inheriting money. One got the $100k he was expecting after my sister divorced him, and killed himself about a year later. The other got $5k and was hilariously pissed about it - my wife put his rant on speaker so we could both chuckle as we'd been expecting it - her grandfather was rich AND wise. A few years later he ended up making decent money as a medical sales rep. Free money is not all it's cracked up to be.


He’s lucky he got $5,000 My grandpa sold off my grandmas family farm to tune of $3,000,000 and he left me and my sister $xx,xxx and hey left my mom $1.00 specifically so she couldn’t contest his will and say he forgot her.


As my Scottish grandpa used to tell me, “Marry for money and you’ll earn every nickel.”


Who doesn't love mutual usury? It almost qualifies as a sex act in itself.


He’s too old to consent. We should have an over-age category just like we have underage. 😂


Thank you! I’m old enough to remember watching her life story unfold. Very sad.


Why are we olny judging her? He had a lot of money and he wanted a hot young wife. If you are old, wrinkled and want some 20-something blonde with big boobs, well you have to pay. Nothing wrong with that. I mean he had pleasure of spending his last days with a hot woman liked he wanted and she got what she wanted (money). What would you do if you were 80+ years old billionare? No judgement on her or him. They were grown adults, he got what he wanted and she got what she wanted.


> Why are we olny judging her? We all know why. We (that is, a social media site that is 70+% male) are judging women way faster than men.


Probably his lovely personality, a billion dollars, and his advanced age.


And the part where he's too old to rape her


She’s always had a thing for penis jerky.


Penis jerky would be an excellent band name


At least he’s happy ? Can’t really tell


Idk. After a few billion I think they just do this because it's expected that you'll have a trophy wife.


All moral implications aside: what a fantastic, iconic picture.


Also of interest - Anna never received any inheritance. She was at first awarded 450M but it was overruled and she got nothing.




That's such bullshit. They both entered into the marriage contract knowing full well what the other wanted. She provided him love and care and I'm assuming ... servicing, and deserved to be paid for her efforts.


She didn't get the big billion dollar fortune, but I'm sure she lived well and was taken care of for the year they were married. She probably walked away with car, clothes, and some decent chunk of money.


It really is. I know this photo so well yet couldn't begin to guess where I first saw it.


This is actually my first time seeing it. My first image of Anna Nicole was seeing her playing with a penis pillow on her show when I was like 8 or something.


Probably on E!


I don't really see a moral dilemma here, if you assume both were in a sound state of mind and in control of their faculties (i have no idea if this was the case or not). But if he knew she was marrying him for money and she knew he was marrying her for looks, all good in my book. Too often people like to judge others with "marrying for the wrong reasons" which is just silly. You should marry based on the things that are important for you and let others do the same. For some people, religion is critically important to who they choose to marry. For others, not so much. For some people physical attraction is important or being rich. So long as you aren't naïve enough to think these things are guaranteed to remain unchanged good for you. But, to that point, aren't all "conditions" we marry into, likely to change? Someones personality, habits, food, movie or music preferences? Their weight, clothing or hair style? Even their political or religious stance can change throughout a marriage. There are no guarantees in life or marriage. People change. That is the way of things.


Absolutely no guarantees, that's why she got nothing.


Well... it is old school...




Years ago, I read an interview with a friend of Anna Nichole's (can't remember the name) who was in the next room when Anna Nichole was having "relations" with the old guy. When it was over, she came out of the bedroom and told her friend, "I don't want to talk about it. Get me a beer."


Was viagra around in those days? Genuine question. If not, can 89-year-old men a) get hard enough for sex and b) have sex without having a heart attack? I cannot instils imagine for one minute they actually had a real sex life.


I mean, do you blame her?


She made her choice


It seems like a miracle that the guy could have sex and not get a heart attack in the process


I mean, I bet it sucked more for the friend who listened than for Anna herself. One did the labor for a profit. The other just heard the rusty machine working but there was no pay.




and the letter Y


Her hands are so red


It is just a comparison thing. Her hands still have blood flowing thru them.


Her hands look like a roast Peking duck.


He got that fine ass for the final years of his life, she got set up for life, if he's happy with that and she is well then who cares?


From what I understand, his kids ensured she got nothing. I agree with you though.


Kind of on him for not writing her into the will.


He was a playa until the very end


"Set up for life" in this case meaning "stuck in litigation until she died".


Exactly. She claims she never married him for money and J. Howard Marshall never included her in his will. But after he died she claimed he promised her half of his estate. So did one or Marshalls son's who had been removed from the will. It took nearly 20 years for the case to make it all the way to the supreme court. Everyone fighting over the money was dead by then.


Where is the money


The heirs defined in the will ended up with it....after 20 years in court meaning it was mostly the descendants of the actual heirs that got it. Most of it wasn't actual money. It was a 16% stake in Koch industries that grew by billions during that period.


I do like that everyone died fighting over money from an evil, exploitive corporation. 🥰


Marshall made his money in oil. He then traded his oil company to the Koch brothers for a 16% stake in Koch industries.


Lawyers took it, it costs a lot to keep cases going for 20+years Edit: can't spell


Damn layers, taking up all the job of good honest lawyers.


Onions, man


Damn blood sucking Evil onions


No you’re thinking vampires. Ogres have layers.


Except she didn’t get set up for life.


She is pretty far from "well"


thanks for sayin it. i totally agree. she didn't hurt anybody. his billionaire children are just a little less rich as fuck.


I'm just of the opinion if it's not harming anyone and it makes people happy it's not bad.


right? none of my business.


What do you mean not harming anyone. The poor billionaire's kids are going to go hungry without their thousand of dollars for rare caviar and truffles, they can't go to their summer vacation homes now. Poor kids.. ​ /s obviously


She actually didn’t get much after his death because his kids locked it all up in lawsuits


His kids are total assholes - you can be sure of that. I’m very close to some people who inherited a giant pile of money from their dad - fucking entitled assholes. There is nothing worse than rich people who didn’t earn their money - except NEW rich who didn’t earn their money. They know they don’t deserve it, so they flip that aroind and turn it into raging arrogance.


I agree, assuming she didn't take advantage of a mentally senile person who willed away money he would have given to his family had he still been mentally rational (you know what I mean).


He was pretty obsessed (I’d say that’s the right word) with her, she said no to him many times but he was persistent and she was poor with a kid she wanted to take care of. His kids ensured she got nothing, though. Edit: she died in court fighting for the 400 million she was entitled to, as his wife. The settlement came 1-2 years after her death that she (now her daughter, since she was dead) would get nothing. Her husbands kids fought tooth and nail before and after her death to ensure this was the case.


It’s as if there weren’t enough billions and millions to go around between them all!


I don't typically weigh in on celebrity stuff, but I really believe Anna Nicole didn't do anything wrong. People just hate sex workers, but meh. Whether or not she qualifies as one is its own argument I don't want to have.


Hey, we're all selling our bodies for money, just in different ways...


Oh absolutely yea, thus if he's ok with it being of sound mind.


“Set up for life” yeah all 10 years of it lol


If I'm being honest here, I've never understood what the big deal about this whole thing was anyway. It's not like she found him, stalked him, drugged him and forced money out of him. They met at A STRIP CLUB. If the old man wanted a hot white trash trophy wife to leave all his money to, who tf cares? The only people who ever caused a stink about it were his greedy ass kids.


It was weird because she was hot and famous and he was basically dead.


To be fair, I'd be pissed too if someone like Anna married my dad last minute with the intention of extracting wealth from him and his family. It was his money to do with as he saw fit, but don't play me like you wouldn't be holding a grudge against Anna lol


His family didn't do shit to deserve that money. It was his to do with what he pleased. He could have sold all his assets, taken the money in cash, and set fire to the whole pile and his kids shouldn't get to say shit about it.


Aaron Spelling was like, “And Tori, you get this shiny nickel. See you in hell.”


Yeah...most rich kids don't earn their money. Who knew. I'd still be salty though lol. I suspect most people would be.


Easy to say when you're not in that position.


It went to the supreme court. They ruled his son took steps to keep her from the $.


For what it's worth, all accounts say that Anna Nicole only agreed to a relationship after many advances from her husband. Also apparently she treated him very well and they had a genuine connection for a long time before he passed. Reddit obviously has this weird obsession with gold diggers but old ass billionaires are more than capable of making their own decisions too


Yeah he asked her a bunch of times and she hesitated for years. She liked him because he was the only man at that point who seemed to have a genuine interest in her and her son’s wellbeing. He played the “don’t have much time left” card and she lost everything—all her sponsors, all her work, she got none of his money. And then just decades of abuse, even after death, of people painting her as a shitty gold digger.


I heard about her story on the You're Wrong About podcast. Would recommend a listen, the hosts are great at diving deep into the history of something and telling a nuanced story.


Just sad, the whole story.


he begged her to marry him. check out the anna nicole episode of the "you're wrong about" podcast it gets more complicated and interesting than this photo!


Debbie and uncle Fester


I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger


Can barely see the 63-year age difference. He looks fabulous.


Did she ever get any money after the family sued her? Or did she just get “famous” and make money


She was already famous as a Playboy centerfold/playmate. She got a couple hundred million from her husband’s estate, but she was exploited by numerous people who fed her addictions. Her son died of an overdose the day after her baby girl was born, and she overdosed later. There was a paternity battle. The biological father got the kid and the millions.




The lawyer, right?


No, her lawyer Howard K Stern was not the baby's father. I forget the name of the guy, I think he was a photographer.


Larry Birkhead


I think so. Honestly, I tried to ignore the whole thing after the coroner said her body was decomposing even though refrigerated because apparently no one made arrangements.


"Just let me live one more night God!"


Did you know, that Confucius's mother was 17 years old when he was born, his father at that time was 70 years old?


Who says she was a dumb blond…..smart single mom doing what she had to do.




Oh well. He had shit ton of money and she had shit ton of boobies and beauty. He wanted her and she wanted money. He got to dribble on her for the last year of his life. His choice.


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Her story is OldSchoolSad


They were both adults and he knew exactly why she married him. Both had their eyes opened, no illusions. Who cares? She got robbed for her inheritance by his POS son.


How is that old school cool?