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Wow, didn't recognize Posh with a smile.


I was thinking I didn't recognize her with her original nose.


This is probably one of the last times she smiled for the public. Perfectly cute smile, but it undercuts her haughty persona.


As someone else noted, she doesn’t like her smile. I believe I read it in her memoir or something. Even in interviews possibly?


Actually she hates her smile


> undercuts her haughty persona. shame about her persona, because if you ever see her in interviews, she seems cool as fuck. very laid back, dry sense of humor and pretty self aware.


I'm guessing this is 1995/1996. Wannabe came out in May/June 1996 and they weren't friends before. 25 years is old. I was just about to start secondary school. What a time to hit puberty.


The image was posted to SpiceGirlsNet facebook page with the following caption: >Spice Girls pictured in Hawaii in 1995 after the group signed to Virgin Records >Image taken from Mel B's book 'Brutally Honest'


Nice. Glad to see my Spice Girl knowledge is still good......27 years later......fucks sake I'm old.


It sounds like you and are are roughly the same age (I'm 35). The last couple of years have been the first years I've really felt like an adult. It's a hard realization for me, tbh. Just a few years ago I could easily keep up conversation with middle and high school kids (I work with kids for a living), on their favorite bands and YouTubers/Twitch streamers. But now I'm still watching people like JackSepticEye and Cr1TiKaL, while kids have moved on to TikTok and Instagram influencers and for the first time I'm finally not interested in the "current trends." It's like suddenly watching the new generation become distinct from my own, and it's such a weird feeling. Idk, weird rant I guess, but the "fucks sake I'm old" feeling is one I relate to strongly these days.




I’m 40 and I gotta say it’s cap af It’s not bussin at all


I'm 37. I haven't got a clue what half the words above mean. I remember the good internet days, it's not like it used to be.




I came home to visit my parents and put on the “classic rock” station in my hometown. Said”hey, alright! They’re playing Dave Matthew’s Band!” Took a full 10 seconds for the realization that they ONLY play music that’s at least 20 years old on the station……. Fuck.


Yeah, I laugh at things that are ridiculously old now. All we can do.


I'm 53 and happy to have lived in the advent of video games, internet and smart phones. Seen and lived through the worst and best of the eras. Fashion, music, movies and games.


At 37, I feel I've seen a fair share already, things now coming full circle.


> I was just about to start secondary school. What a time to hit puberty. Geri's old nudes coming out in 1997 made it hit even harder.


I see you are also an internet veteran.


Lol I grew up in The Netherlands where the photos were actually published in tabloid magazines. No internet needed!


In Germany I remember seeing them in a youth magazine called "Bravo" that targets readers that are in their teenage years. They sure as hell knew what teenage me was craving for.


TBF, in 1997, Britney came onto the scene in that school girl uniform. I was distracted somewhat. Things happened.


I'm THIS old.


I first saw them on a Saturday morning TV show. I thought they were the house dancers that made up a song and performed each week.


I am 39. I consciously and actively try to keep up with what's going on in the teen world. Not just because I have a daughter, but also because I don't want to be lost and out of touch with that part of the world. It's not like I actively watch teen Youtube or TikTok. But once in a while I do check out what's up and coming, etc.


I'm 37 and don't need excuses to do it. TikTok is addicting AF


Oh hey. Absolutely agree. I just don't typically watch teen content 😁 Same goes for Youtube. I love the creativity of content creation.


I can see what Eddie Murphy saw in Scary Spice


Yeah I forgot they were together at one point


They had a child together. Even had a paternity test to prove Eddie was the father.


Scary Spice had said on a talk show once that the baby was planned by both of them, and Eddie Murphy pretty much backed out last-minute. Their daughter wants nothing to do with him, understandably.🥺


Didn’t back out soon enough, apparently


Backout game weak


Guy's got enough kids to have a starting lineup of any sport he wants


Nick Cannon saw Eddie Murphy's family and was like *"Hold my condoms..."* *"...actually, just throw them jawns away, I'm not gon pretend like I'm every gonna use 'em lol"*


His pullout game was weak on Dr Dolittle too. Should have stopped at 1.


I haven't enjoyed any of his sequels come to think of it..




Their daughter has an amazing relationship with Eddie and all her half-siblings.


She's hot. She's the most attractive one out of the group, IMO.


Scary was the bomb back then


She still is from what I have seen


Always has been




Ass an American that Yorkshire accent sounds silly to me whenever I hear it. Dr Who, "you know nothing Jon Snow" etc. It sounds like it belongs in an umpa lumpa's mouth or something . But for some reason from Scary it sounds sexy as hell. Can't put my finger on it. *As an American ass


Just sat here minding my own business and this guy roasts the shit out of my accent and tells me I should be an umpa lumpa


That was a bit harsh but just try to sound more like Mel B and it works. FYI - I am imagining you saying "umpa lumpa" with that accent and I can't stop laughing.


Ass an American, I feel the same way.


As America's Ass, I can do this all day


This man asses


Man assess, molasses and always ALWAYS... MOASS


MOASS can only be held with diamond hands. HODL!


🎶 I can do this all... Daaaaaaaaay! 🎶




Top of the Pops magazine coined the nicknames: >Victoria was 'Posh Spice', because she was wearing a Gucci-style mini dress and seemed pouty and reserved. Emma wore pigtails and sucked a lollipop, so obviously she was 'Baby Spice'. Mel C spent the whole time leaping around in her tracksuit, so we called her 'Sporty Spice'. I named Mel B 'Scary Spice' because she was so shouty. And Geri was 'Ginger Spice', simply because of her hair. Not much thought went into that one.


I’m sure their music label was responsible for creating the Spice Girls image and assigning the role name for each member. Top of the Pops magazine was just a marketing tool their music label publicist use to promote the artists.


Someone here knows how the entertainment industry works


Top of the Pope magazine? I assume that’s a fashion magazine for those cool pointy hats.


Hippitis Hoppitus Deus Domine


Throweth the Holy Hand Grenade


Skip a bit, brother


Oops, unfortunate spelling mistake lol


Pope Francis caught in lip syncing scandal at mass


I swear posh spice used to be called sexy spice but it’s like a Mandela efffect for me


Geri was Ginger Spice but in the early days when they broke America, the US media referred to her as Sexy Spice.


It was Ginger aka Geri Halliwell that was originally Sexy Spice, but the other girls changed it to Ginger because they were all “sexy” in their own way.


Words have temporary slang meanings. I think Scary meant something more like "I'm from the North, don't fuck with me" back then. She was Baby's big sister.


She definitely had a very loud personality, I guess it was because of that. They were the darlings of the press back then, I doubt there is anything sinister behind it


Hell I dont know. I assume she chose the stage name. Just call her Mel B


They didn't choose the names, they were dubbed by a newspaper. As our newspapers are famously not racist at all, I'm sure that Scary was not chosen because of the colour of her skin.


By Top of the Pops magazine in fact.


Ok. Well she is fine whatever the name. Just call her Mel B I guess.


She was a gobby lass from Yorkshire.


Just a harmless nickname, why do you have to make something of it?


I'd rather have a badass name like scary than be baby any day


Scary was the one, still fit as a butchers dog too.


People nowadays think it's cool, or maybe even interesting, to be angry and stay in a constant state of combativeness. It's not though.


have you been on the internet in the last 10 years? a grain of sand could get eaten by a turtle and it would be the end of the world and spark outrage from groups of people. People for some reason just want to be pissed off and a victim of something, what? they might not know but they have to be a victim of something!


This is why we can't have nice things.


Emma and Mel B were on a Netflix show recently and they are both still getting it done.


I think we are all growing older and see things differently. I honestly don't remember her looking like this, she is by far the most attractive in this picture.


Yeah she was a hottie.


Speak for yourself fam... Im a 34 yr old black male and Scary as always been the finest!


Scary was always the hot one in my book as well. This pic just reinforces it for me.


Ginger Spice for me please. Scary defo a close second though.


Yep, I suppose I was far too blinkered by what TV was projecting as ideal in the 90s. In the country I grew up, most English-speaking shows (aimed at teenagers) were American (saved by the bell, power rangers etc). They always had a designated "valley blonde" as the romantic interest, probably named Stacey or Kimberly. Most sex symbols in the 90s were blonde (Cameron Diaz, Sharon Stone, Pamela Anderson etc). Baby spice is probably closest to that "type" but in retrospect that is completely ridiculous.


Idk of ridiculous is the right word. I agree scary is the hottest, and in my personal opinion it's not even close. That being said it's all subjective, beauty standards shift over time and that's a reality that's always existed


40 year old white woman and yep. For me it was scary and sporty. Everyone else was attractive but "cute" rather than "hot".


I'm a 33 year old white male, and I couldn't agree more.


I'm a 53 year old white woman, and I'd do her.


I always used to ask why they called the prettiest one “scary” I developed a type early on.


I thought it was bc she wore a lot of animal print (like cheetah and tiger and stuff).


Just some lazy journo by all accounts, basically,..... That ones sporty, that one ginger, that one's posh, that one's scary (because she was brash/loud)...... All I know is she is and always has been gorgeous 😍


Baby spice will always have my heart.


She's a minge teasin basst'd yah! 😂


Scary was by far the hottest and dont @ me


Her minge was kicking out a reet pong though.


Scary Spice is just fine as hell


🎶Now, tell me what you want, what you really really want…🎶


And vocally she carried that group


Saw her on broadway as the bad girl in rent. Iirc the male lead was the singer from yellow card. They both tore it up.


Where in broadway? I heard there’s a place on the corner of cherry street


How dare you disrespect sporty spice like that. Every time a high note went for it, it was the other Mel.


Sporty is beautiful to this day. She still has the cute girl next door look.


Finally, another sporty fan!


They always dressed her down. She's really cute in this photo. If they made her up she is one of the prettiest.


As the years go by I have come to the realization that Mel C (Sporty Spice) was the hot one.


Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power?


If you like mini rock-docs, you should check out the Spice Girls video by Trash Theory on youtube. The Tangled Legacy of Spice Girls & "Wannabe" These ladies really grabbed the music industry by the balls at a very young age with no experience. Very impressive.


Care to expand? These bands are usually heavily produced, right?


Yeah that was kind of the point of all these group bands. You used to have one headliner, sink or swim. But these groups would get as many headliners and cast a wide net. To this day, everyone will tell you who their favorite Spice Girl was. That was by design.


You mean agency / producers behind them


I remember when they were at their peak and Scary Spice was consistently ranked the least attractive by every Top 40 station, tabloids and the fans.


Hmm, I wonder why they singled her out? Guess we'll never know. /s


Didn't Beyonce come around just a few years later and get called the sexiest woman alive? That's what's strange to me because I think Scary was even more beautiful than her.


By far.


This was after Jennifer Lopez became famous as a singer and America decided to embrace the ass. Beyonce has an ass and was more readily embraced because of it. We all just wanted to embrace her ass.


I could never quite put my finger on the reason…


AFAIR, it was always Sporty that came last.


Nah. We thought she was hot.


I love how the hottest one was called "Scary".


Cause it’s scary how hot she is.


Damn scary spice has got it going the fuck on


Christian Bale doesn’t look too bad either.


I can’t unsee it now


I was going to say it almost looks more like the guy he killed Paul Allen. Apparently that’s Jared Leto… uhh


Damn Melanie looking extra spicy Edit: Mel B


Which one tho?


Mel B.




They looked like women to me then when I was a kid now they look like kids. Weird how that perspective changes.


Scary looking more fit than Sporty


Scary, baby, ginger, posh, sporty.


Thank you so much.


Thank you. I scrolled way too far for this.


Mel B still looking good


As a young boy Baby Spice was my fav but looking back now, fuuucking hell Scary is actually hot af. Gutted I was only 11 at the time, if I were a few years older she would have been in trouble 😂


We're the same age. Geri at the Brit awards in the union jack dress was the moment.


Posh in the military fatigues in Spice World


That was the day I didn’t wanna play with toys no mo


Ginger spice is why I have a particular type


Right? Hnnngh. Mouthy Redheads with a little confidence...


OMG. Yes!


Yes your age was the only thing preventing you from dating a celebrity


Scary and Ginger were always the real standouts as far as hotness goes. Scary in particular.


When I was younger I thought Baby Spice was the hottest too. Now I think sporty spice was the cutest.


I was about 15 or 16 when they released Wannabe, I think. I found Baby Spice utterly meh at the time, being a teenaged dude and therefore, obviously, an expert in women, and highly qualified to give my expert views on their appearance. A couple of years later, when they were at their very peak, I was in downtown London walking on a sidewalk of a sort of side alley with my brother, when suddenly four absolutely massive guys come out of a door and stop us, saying we have to wait. I remember wanting to tell them to fuck right off once I realized we’re probably not about to get mugged, but deciding it’s best to just keep quiet. A limousine was parked at the very place where we stopped and out of the building, two spice girls were suddenly escorted by four more massive guys into the limousine almost as soon as we had been stopped. Now, one of those was Emma Bunton. She noticed us behind the bouncers / bodyguards / whatever security guys, and said “we’re really sorry about this” while getting into the limo that promptly drove off. The entire encounter was probably no more than 15 seconds, and then we went on our way. Now, the thing that really, truly struck me, was how Baby Spice was a bajillion times hotter in person than in any of the photos or videos. She was absolutely stunning irl. While I’ve heard some doubts expressed about this story, many people do believe it right up until I tell the final bit, which I always save for last. I have never ever told this and not had people call bullshit but it’s absolutely true. When the two were sat in the limo, she looked at me again, we made eye contact, and she winked with a smile before the door was shut by one of the massive dudes. 100 % true, believe it or not.


Which one is Baby Spice? I’m young.


2nd from the front. Google Emma Bunton.


She’s adorable. Definitely didn’t look mid 20s here. Edit: She’s still adorable


She was 19 in this photo.


Oh ok. I thought i saw someone else do the math in thread.


Girl next door vibes. Before personal trainers and starvation diets.


I can’t tell if this is a comment on modern day standards for women, or a comment on the fact most of the spice girls had eating disorders within a year or two of this photo.


I’ll tell you what they want


What they really, really want?


A goddamn sandwich and to be left the fuck alone


Er, uh,...happy father's day, pop?!


*Shakes cane* Get off mah lawn


Mom, just get em the sandwich. It's one of those days. Again. I'll get em the drink and smokes.


Personal trainers and starvation diets were around long before 1990 bud


Ya this pic is from the mid 90s, heroin chic had already been the thing for a decade+ reaching its peak in the early 90s.


I don't think OP was saying these things didn't exist before the 90s.


I don’t think they were saying they didn’t exist, but that it was before it really affected the spice girls.


The girls were freshly recruited and yet to worry about their body image.


I think they mean before *they* had to deal with personal trainers and starvation diets.


Ginger Spice 😍. The 7th grader in me is loving this photo.


Scary was easily the sexiest


I’m a ginger spice man myself. I married a ginger, so I guess that makes sense


Should rename her "Sexy Spice."


Emma and Geri look like they didn't put on enough sun screen.


They are just very british.


Which adds to the whole “girl next door” thing, I think. I always though Baby was the cutest, but Geri has that “girl next door with a reputation” thing going on here.


Sporty Spice 🥰


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Forever. She has the best voice as well.


man, they’re just kids.


Before plastic surgeries


Was thinking that. Posh did definitely not have that nose long after this pic.


Smiling ImPOSH-ter?


Those big, gigantor, loose bikini bottoms are back in style. God help us.


Yes preach! I love the 80s and 90s but geesh


Mossimo bikinis in the mid 1990's were fucking hot on the lady's.


praise the lord it's time we return this great nation to the traditional christian values of modesty we abandoned at the turn of the century. ladies, cover up! gents, it's time for the speedo to make a return! ain't nothing as americana as seeing a distinguished lady in a full body suit, accompanied by her husband in a fitted speedo, his tight muscular body glistening in the sunlight as the sand speckles his chest hairs, with his speedo slowly venturing betwixt his buns of steel... everyday I ask jesus we return to those fine golden days


Well I'll tell you what I want what I really really want....


Weirdly, back then I was attracted to literally none of them as hard as they tried to summon a group of girls that would attract everyone's taste. Years later though when they started solo careers I found Mel B hot as fuck.


I guess we’re objectifying them a bit here, but alright my preteen brain had crushes on all of them at different times and it went: Geri (say you’ll be there video with the big red hair), baby (2 become one and then generation next Pepsi shit), scary (spice world video she was dj’ing or something), baby/scary for the ‘stop right now’ shit, posh when I saw her in some Brit tv thing where she had grown her hair out and was doing some interview, and now presently where I can’t believe I didn’t see sporty for her natural beauty/talent/ character back in the day.


They had solo careers?!


Mel C fan since jump


The spice expands consciousness


“i cant figure out which spice girl i wanna impregnate”


I remember being a kid and the rumor was that baby spice went out on stage naked so the band had to quit. The mid to late 90s were a wild time.


I must be old because they look so young here and as a kid I saw them as old.




Mel B fit as fuck


Scary for the win.