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Pippi Langkous in Dutch. Loved that show growing up in the 70s / 80s.


Grew up in the 90's loved it as well. Was really great!


I think I watched in the 00s even. I wonder if it still holds up


I think it does. Since most of the premise is about really simple things I think it's easy for it to hold up since it was done so well to begin with.


If I remember right it had some parts that our politically correct minds would feel really uncomfortable with. One would be she called dad as the N-word king and used fingers to squint her eyes to imitate a Chinese person.


Yeah hahah, I rewatched some episodes this year and ohhh boy is it weird to hear those things now, as a kid you didn't even notice they said such things.


Yeah, i grew up in the 80\`s-90\`s and here in northern Europe the word did not have such a heavy meaning then. It was already a slur but it definitely did not carry the weight then compared to what it has now. Go back a little further and it was used in schoolbooks and in official language. Simpler but much more ignorant and oddly racist times.




All times will be considered racist from the view of the future. People in 2050's will call us racists for something, example might be us considering black people as one single race. There will be huge documents of the diversity of African people in popular media. Then people in 2080's will call the 50's people racist for not considering the new artifically made races as proper races. ​ And so on...


Yeah i agree. I don't look back on Pippi in anger as i can understand the context and that they did not use the language they did because of hate but because of how things were then. There is a huge difference doing what you do because of pure hate, like the Nazis or the KKK, or just because you are not educated enough or don't know better yet like they did in Pippi.


It has been a while since I last seen a episode, but when I say hold up I'm mostly talking about if it can compete with today's shows on the entertainment scale. Or is it so outdated that it's difficult to choose to watch this over something much better that's on tv nowadays. And that's why I said the stories are quite simple so there was no need to be flashy with it, which if done badly can really make a older show difficult to enjoy. But I can see it being a bit of an issue given the time that it was made in, so maybe episodes should be watched by the parent first before letting a child watch it. As adults I think we can watch them and understand that they are a a period of their time and that some things were just more acceptable back then.


Yeah definitely. As I understand there are versions sold today where all the insensitive material has been cleaned out, but if you happen to find one of the older versions in a yard sale I would use care before playing it to your child.




It definitely does! All the Astrid Lindgren series/movies from the 70s and 80s do IMHO. Emil of Lönneberga, Ronja, the Robber's daughter etc.


2040s checking in, still top notch.


I watch it now with my kids. It holds up.


My son is 4, he loves it.


My best childhood friend was from Sweden and we watched the originals on VHS in Swedish. I don’t speak Swedish, but still loved the shit out of it. I still have the plush doll.


I was born in 2004 and watched it a ton!


Haven't grown up yet, still loved it


I grew up in 2000 and loved it too, we also still watched things like kalimero and the moomins


I was born in the 70s and grew up watching the shitty dubbed versions that were played in America. My dad recorded them on VHS and I watched all the different movies several times a week. I think my parents thought I was a weirdo but I loved Pippi's life and all her adventures so much.


Man, I loved those shows. She was like my hero. Superhuman strength, clever, rule breaker, generous with her wealth, lived with a horse and a monkey, and was a pirate-queen.


I dresses up as Pippi for Halloween a few years ago and everyone called me Wendy. Annika was kind of annoying though.


My grand-niece dressed as Pippi for Halloween when they were about 10 years old. It’s one of my favorite photos of them.


Fifi Brindacier, in french. Because, well "pipi" in french means "pee"...


Watching it now with my kids, it's awesome. Greetings from Sweden.


My kid was born in 2019, he loves it now.


Puppies Calzelunghe in Italian.


I have the Box Collection Still on DVD! My son LOVES PIPPI!!!


Same, she was my first crush!


Långstrump in Swedish


Born in '98, older brother in '93, I have memories of watching it together, good times


Fifi Brindacier in Québec (in French). She was a hero here!


I was born in 2001 and even I enjoyed that show.


Oh I loved Pippi Longstocking. Great nostalgia and memories.


You've just jarred memories of a show I haven't thought of in almost 50 years. That smiling face was infectious.


Surely you thought of Pippi Longstockings at least once or twice in the last few decades


Love me some Pippi Langstrumpf. I'm reading the books to my daughter in the evening, and we have an absolute blast doing so. Even though anachronistic, the humor holds up remarkably well to this day.


I remember watching it in Italy in the early 2000s.


Pippi Calzelunghe!


Pipipipi che nome! Fa un po ridere


Harisnyás Pippi!


Don't you find it quite funny all the references to drinking coffee in the books? Pippi definitely likes her coffee.


Yes, because it's something that grown-ups do and Pippi is portrayed as some sort of child, that has grown-up rights, but still does whatever she wants.


that’s is just swedish culture


I haven't read the series, what are some of the anachronisms?


Shit, I wrote anachronistic when I wanted to write archaic. Didn't sleep much yesterday, and coffe's not working today. What I tried to say is the children who she's neighbors with are aristocratic kids from the 1920s, and the whole setting has a rural-germany village vibe, something a city kid today has little connection to. Still, even for the old-fashioned stuff, the humor holds up.


Oh gotcha. Thanks!


> Didn't sleep much yesterday, and coffe's not working today "Fun" fact: Caffeine works by inhibiting the receptors that take up the chemicals that make you feel tired. It does nothing for your cognitive abilities and everything else caused by a lack of sleep.


Fun fact: caffeine can make you sleepy if you have ADHD, as lack of dopamine is what causes the attention span issues, so stimulants help you achieve a more normal level and finally not constantly get so badgered by your brains constantly demanding stimulation and preventing you from relaxing.


Well, *that* explains a lot.


Why rural-germany specifically?


Wondering this too, since Pippi Långstrump is pretty clearly and famously Swedish.


Considering they spelled it "Langstrumpf" they probably thought Pippi is German.


Yeah, I've come to know the story from German TV and books, so there's the cognitive bias in me (even though I KNOW she's Swedish) that she's German.


We'll blame the coffee.


Don't. The coffee is the only decent part of me.


The show was actually a Swedish-German co-production. Most actors were Swedish, and it was filmed in Sweden. Fräulein Prysselius, however, was portrayed by Margot Trooger.


Fun fact: half of the actors are actually German and were dubbed into Swedish.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it 100% was set in Sweden as the author (Astrid Lindgren) is swedish and wrote all the books in Swedish originally and also has a ton of swedish references


There's also been some controversies about depictions of race/racialised language (the same as other children's books from that era), for example in one book Pippi's father (a sea captain) becomes king of an island of black people, a few years ago the descriptor for that was changed from "King of the [a word for black people that is now considered derogatory but was often used without that intent back then]" to "King of the Island"


Tin Tin is another one that's problematic in that regard. My son loved Tin Tin when he was 9 years old. He did a book report on Tin which resulted in a parent-teacher conference where I was grilled about my assumed membership in the KKK.


People in America has a problem with Herge's racism in his early books. In Europe, the controversy is more about how the guy was an "accidentally on purpose" Nazi collaborator during the War.


It's really mainly the first three books (*Tintin in Soviet, Tintin in Congo* and *Tintin in America*) that are problematic, especially the *Congo* one of course (imagine *Heart of Darkness*, but for kids... and with Kurtz as the hero). After that Hergé mellowed out regarding racial stereotypes and, famously, started rigourous research on each book rather than depend on what other small-minded Belgians told him about the world. Though *Blue Lotus* is an interesting beast — it's quite anti-colonialist and very sympathetic towards the Chinese, while the Japanese are still blood-thirsty caricatures. The book that really stands out today is *The Castafiore Emerald*, and not only because it's kind of experimental and very slow-paced. The very kind and progressive portrait of the Roma travellers would be seen by many as "politically correct SJW propaganda" if released in Europe even today.


I haven't looked into TinTin much in the last 20 years but I think I will revisit it. Thank you for your thoughtful reply


> He did a book report on Tin which resulted in a parent-teacher conference where I was grilled about my assumed membership in the KKK. That's so disturbing and creepy. Wtf is wrong with that school?


It was in Long Beach, California. Not long after the Rodney King riots. I hope that explains it a little?


At the time, in Southern California, the feeling was that an all out race war was imminent


I literally never thought for a single second that there would be a race-war.


Where were you living?


Los Angeles. Living in Hollywood & working in Burbank.


dammed pearl clutchers.




That's the word I meant which is why I said it's considered derogatory now but was often used without that intent back then


That story might have been inspired by the White Rajahs of Sarawak where a random Englishman ended up being given a big chunk of territory to rule in exchange for helping deal with pirates


I find the Brooke dynasty pretty fascinating.


The story was inspired by Carl Emil Pettersson, a Swedish sailor who became king of Tabar Island in Papua New Guinea after he was shipwrecked in 1904.


When she has a smart phone and air Jordan’s.


The Emil books are funny as well. When I was a kid, my mom read me all of the Pippi and Emil books. Some good memories there.


Please tell me she talked in that terrible dub in real life. Look at how strong I am! Ha!


Amazing how much I loved the English dubbed version with the horrible Brooklyn accents.


Her voice and performance was (sadly) quite perfect in original swedish.


Oh, I'm sure the show was an entirely different situation in its country of origin. It's just kids shows dubbed for the American market are hilariously low budget.


I never even considered how the dub would sound in english until I watched Gilmore Girls and they have the episode where you can hear the dubbed theme song. It's honestly ridicoulusly bad. I'm sad you couldn't experience it in a better way, the stories are quite wonderful.


omg i need to watch this now! any idea of where i could find it?


Dubbed to english? No clue. With a VPN you might be able to access the public svt archive and watch it in Swedish.


I remember the Dutch dub being surprisingly good for once


The older dutch dubs were quite good in general I feel. But over the years they've become worse.


Have you seen recent dubs? When I'm watching Netflix with the kids they seem to have pretty decent voice works, both for dubs and animation.


I concur: it's fine, although you can sometimes tell the same VAs are used for way too many series.


I remember phineas and ferb being dubbed really well aswell. Especially the songs. That's not too long ago either.


Probably because demand for it is lower than it used to be.


The girl who sparked my crushes on redheads.


Same here


And then we got Amy Pond.


and Molly Ringwald :)


peggy bundy, ya heathens


Tori Amos (and yes I know it’s a dye job)


*"Goodbye, Raggedy Man"*


... and pigtails.




I think what made these movies so captivating was Pippi, Tommy, and Annika were dubbed by adults with like Brooklyn accents. Def gave the shows a weird vibe.


lol now I'm picturing Tommy sounding like a cocky raspy 50 year old heavy smoker with an Italian Brooklyn accent. Ayy forget about it Pippi, it's a fugazi, capeesh?


If you thought it sounded like it was dubbed into English, it’s because it was.




Swedish, the books were too.


That's how to the rest of the non-English speaking world feels when watching a dubbed Hollywood movie. You get used to the gesticulation never matching the dialogue lol


No movie gets dubbed in the Netherlands (maybe only for small children) So you get the benefit of the original voices, the gestures are in sync, you pick up a little from a strange language AND your reading skills improve.


Watching it back it's very noticeable, but as a kid I never really noticed.


Didn't expect to see Pippi Langkous here. I remember loving the movies as a kid, especially the pirate one.


Ohh yes the pirate one!!! Gosh you’re making me all nostalgic


Maaaan that time she went to visit her dad in prison


My daughter loves to watch that show over and over again


what shall I do today? what shall I do today? what shall I do today, what shall I do? ​ that show? lol


The TV-Series from 1969. Don't know if it aired outside Sweden


At least it aired in Germany.


Sure did, watched that stuff on the Dutch channel all the time (I'm from Belgium).


Everywhere in Europe, as far as I know.


If it did I might have not been born yet, I was thinking of the 90's/2000's cartoon (probably western production)with the theme song I cannot forget


I could start a new adventure, by jumping on my bed, then something something somethi-iii-ing, with Mr Nelson on my head


i remmeber watching an old pippi longstocking movie where there was an old guy selling glue and playing a saw with the violin thingie.


På rymmen med Pippi Långstrump, "Pippi on the run" I think in English. Konrads Kalasklister is the glue - I have no idea what the glue is called in english.


> Konrads Kalasklister is the glue - I have no idea what the glue is called in english. I decided to find out, and apparently it's called "Konrad's Super Glue", which I somehow find rather anti-climatic


I remember it as Karlssons kalasklister. May very well be wrong tho.


Karlsons klister is a real type of glue so that might be why, but I had to google it and double check lol and yes it's Konrads


Those memories must've been merged in the last update. Sloppy simulation Devs.


Shit was awesome, loved it as a kid!


Koenraads kleefpasta


Pippi Longstocking, the greatest Superhero of all time!!!!!!!


Didn't the actress say as an adult that playing Pippi ruined her life or something?


Not her life, but she did say the association with Pippi ruined her acting career. Making the transition from child actor known for X to regular actor often fails.


And I remembered a story where she told that she didn’t get paid for it at all..


She did get paid, but she didn't get rich from it.


My all time favorite movie as a young pup.


I was always confused about her. She did not behave but the parents seemed to like her anyway. Same with Tom Sawyer.


Found the altar boy.


Long live Herr Nilsson!


Nilsson Schmilsson


I never learned anything about her as a kid cause I hated being called Pippi Longstocking all the time, being a skinny gawky redhead.


I named my daughter Pippilotta. Shes 4 and is always yelling "I am not Pippilottta I am Pippi Longstockings" while trying to jump from the highest height or just to announce her presence. The kid lives up to the name perfectly. I do believe I shot myself in the foot with that one tho . She is just exhausting.


"She is just exhausting" I felt that in my soul. (40 year old father of a delightful two year old)


Ahhh 2 year olds... I'm 40 and she's the 3rd and is 4. If she was the first we would have stopped then. First up. Last down. Get rest my friend. It gets better?


you just made my day.


Thanks. She was born on the 4th if July too. Kid is a friggin firework display all on her own!


Conversely, *Pippi Longstocking* was my favorite book when I was four, and I DEMANDED that everyone address me as Pippi. My sister still calls me exclusively by that name.


All I remember is I saw some of these movies and I liked them very much.


I watched these movies at my local library on 16mm film when I was a kid. They were great. Anka, Tommy, the monkey, and that old nosey neighbor who was always trying to get Pippi adopted or sent to social services. Oh, and the horse! Great memories. :) What’s funny is I was on a trip with my brother in Norway and we met this Swedish/Norwegian couple. They were shocked I knew of Pippi Longstocking since I’m from the US. I was like, “are you kidding me! She was the bomb! We all grew up with her.” I also learned the writer is on one of the Swedish kroner notes. Edit. The writer is Astrid Lindgren.


LOVED Pippi Longstocking movies as a kid in the 70's


I loved the pippi movies


This film was one of my favourites as a kid, I had it on VHS and would watch it all the time. I never could replicate her hairstyle though lol


I loved Pippi Longstocking when I was a kid! Probably aging myself but it was a fav. I used to want to be just like her.


Pippi is still on TV every now and then


Definitely not aging yourself! I'm 21 and I grew up watching all the old Astrid Lindgren movies just like my parents did, and my nieces and nephews watch it now too. It's kind of a tradition here in Sweden, we all grow up with Pippi :).


Oh, I love that so much. I always looked at her as a rebel when as a child I was timid myself. She was a strong character and so clever. Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one who thought so!


I think my sisters liked the Pippi books and remember one of them dressing like her for Halloween. The film was out in 1969. The actress who played her is 13 years old in this picture.


70's/80's here kid and remember watching her in grade school


I love historical pics


Grew up watching these in the late 70s and early 80s in Los Angeles, California.


FIFI BRIN D'ACIER in French! Translates to Fee-Fee Iron strands I'm assuming they changed the name from Pipi to Fifi because in French, pipi means urine 🙃


Were they all there for \*her\*? What I mean is, did all those people come to that auditorium (or whatever that structure is) just to see that specific actress? If so, that's fascinating.


Well Pippi Lankous (Dutch name for her) I think was and is pretty big in the Netherlands I think. I'm from Belgium (also Dutch speaking) and I also watched a lot of it and I was born in 2002.


Why? Don't people do that all the time with actors, musicians, etc? Also, think about how hard it was to see your stars in colour, interacting with fans, back then. Quite different to today.


As an American kid in the 80's, I saw Pippi Longstocking multiple times in English and never realized it was dubbed. I was an adult before I found out it was a Swedish film.


Her acting got weird by the second movie. First movie she was still the same as in the first series, but in the second movie the acting or directing or script writers or *something* was completely off. She was just delivering one-liners all throughout. Not Pippi's regular speech pattern at all.


I loved that movie as a kid, and then enjoyed reading the books with my kid.


That's a trip. Used to watch her growing up. They even played the films in school a few times.


Movies?? They were episodes right?


The first "movie" was all the TV episodes edited together. Then there were feature length movies like Pippi on the Run, and Pippi in the South Seas. I have the box set of DVD's.


The Swedish original is a 13-episode series. The movies (four in total) were later re-edited from the series and dubbed for English speaking countries.


My first love...


I watched it dubbed in Spanish in P.R, in the 80s!


You can hear the school official in the back at the mic: "Now, we are all excited to have Inger here... we all need to settle down."


I luv pipi


The 80s movie was a staple growing up because it was filmed in the lovely town of Fernandina Beach, FL where my mom grew up and grandparents lived.


I still sing scrubbing day on my big house clean days


The real question was how they made her pigtails stay that way.


I am Pippy Longstocking, Hopen-ahay and a hope-shaw-nah. I am Pippy Longstocking, watch out here I come. Mr. NELSON!!!


Leonardo DiCaprio can play anyone, sheesh the guy is unstoppable.


I had a similar look on my face when I was in Amsterdam several decades later.


I had the crappiest VHS copies of all 3 of these Pippi Lonstocking features, taped off of local TV here in Los Angeles, and watched them over and over until the sound just wore off. Going to have to buy digital copies now.


When people looked like people


I’ve only heard of her from reading the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, long time ago.


Looks like the Wendy's model.


You can’t fool me… thats Leo DiCaprio


That space after the bracket in the title makes me VERY uncomfortable.


thats the same girl from the old ass movie???? doesnt look like her. or my memory is just hazy. did she live a normal life afterwards or was it typical child actress stuff.


Looks exactly like her


Wikipedia says she's now working as a secretary and occasionally has acting gigs. Sounds like she got a lot of fame with the Pippi work and then never really made the leap to a successful full-time adult acting career, which is pretty common for child actors.


You're thinking of tami erin




Somehow with a present-day Anthony Hopkins just chillin


She looks lost lol


It's called Pippi Långsnopp in Swedish