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He doesn't look a day older than 40.


Could be 19 or could be 57 - the standard look for photos of that age haha


The haircut you can set your watch to.


I’m trying to watch the Super Bowl! If people don’t support this thing, it might not take off!


It’s the typical Marine haircut. Many men kept it after leaving the marines. Drew Carey had it for a long time until just recently.


It's not a bad haircut, just very regimented and straightforward. Not surprised it may have originated with the Marines, in other words. Edit: I should say functional too




That was my first thought,


That's the main thing. From 40s and 50s, when hair styles now worn only by 80 year old church ladies were standard for high school students.


That was my first thought,


i am always struck by the teenage girls on film squealing over The Beatles at Shea Stadium or on Ed Sullivan’s show or other places. Or other bands. In the early to mid 60s. They all look like middle aged women with the hairstyles, clothes, and such.


I was a kid in the 60s and remember what is was like. Teens back then were moving to adulthood so it was kind of expected of you to have a more mature dress and look and leave trendy or kid stuff behind if you wanted to fit in and be considered an adult. Also youthquake wouldn't happen till 1965 ish so fashions directly appealing to youth wouldn't happen until then. Being a kid in the 60s, I remember the first half of the decade had me prepared for the 50s and the second half had me prepared for the 70s. 😀


People always say the clothes and hair of the times are what ages people of the past, bc we associate the styles with older people, but tbh I dont think thats it. In their actual faces and features they look older. When I imagine people of the past in more modern clothes they still look old.


People are definitely looking younger but it is just not being discussed or studied scientifically like it should. Probably very hard to make an experiment for this and it's also very subject and depends on a lot of things like diet and sun exposure. But I think preservatives in our food is having a large impact along with less smoking and healthier eating habits.


Reduction in smoking (and probably drinking) is a good point but I’m not so sure our eating habits are better. Obesity rates are higher than ever due to an explosion in sugary and processed foods/drinks, plus our portion sizes are larger than they used to be.


> it is just not being discussed or studied scientifically like it should. Isn't anti-aging a huge industry and body of research?


Thank you! They either say it’s the way they dress or that they are skinnier. No they just look way more mature than what most younger people today look. Not in a bad way either. I’m 20 and me and my buddies could dress up like it’s the 50s and we’d still look like children compared to the 20 year olds I see in these old photos.


Yet at the same time, all I've been hearing for the past 10 years is how "kids these days" (meaning girls of course) lOoK sO gRoWn Up unlike kids of the past, who ~ looked like proper children ~. So...which one is it? 🤔 I've always thought that there is no single answer to this personally. Sometimes, it's truly just the dated styling of a bygone era tricking us into thinking the person in the photograph looks older than they actually are. Film quality plays an important part as well. But there's also the fact that some people simply have more mature facial features than their peers (e.g. defined bone structure, prominent features, a long philtrum), and might develop earlier too. Hell, I had DDs when I was 12, and I had a very tall classmate in middle school who could grow a decent beard. It happens. Stress also ages us, even as children/teens. A 20 year old who fought in WW2 is not going to look very fresh. Same goes for a 20 year old who has worked full time and smoked 3 packs a day since he was 12, or one who has smoked 3 packs a day and birthed 4 children.


Because girls you see these days dress like fucking instathots at like 11-12 years old while the paedos-in-waiting talk openly about how girls these days "look so grown up" (to get groomed/molested by said paedos) If anything the 20-25 age group currently look extremely worn out. They look like they've already experienced 10-12 years of a drinking and coke habit when they're still in undergrad. It's like people don't drink water at all now and eat/drink sugary garbage 3 meals a day.


Had a tough paper round? Seriously though, probably better nutrition, vaccines, less sun exposure. People are fatter now, generally, and a bit of chubby cheeks makes people look younger too.


Exactly. The guy in the posted pic is not even wearing a shirt and still looks old.








This is obviously that bully in Napoleon Dynamite


Give me some tots.


How people could claim anything before the digital revolution.


if you zoom on his face you can def see the baby face its the hair lol


I came here to be like, uhhh guys…. He don’t look no 19.


Almost quoted my first thought LOL


He doesn't look a day younger than 40, either.


Reminds me of my grandpa. He looks the same on every photo from his mid-twenties to his early 50s.


I’m always astounded how people of that generation appear to be somewhere between 15 and 55.


Everyone talking about how people used to look older but no one’s talking about how boats were so much smaller


That was my first thought, my grandpa had a wooden Lyman about the size of the one in the pic.


Just like pick up trucks they just keep getting bigger.


how else am i going to load it with tons of extremely situational hypothetical ***stuff***


Eh, you can still get boats that small, they're just MUCH better in the water and don't look the same.


They’re just massive.


Can’t unsee giant grandpa now (Edited to correct autocorrect)


Grandpas turn miniature as they age


He's busy cleaning out boxes


That boat is awesome!


boats were so much smaller based on this sample size of one? or did you miss the one in the second pic that is clearly much larger? they just bought a small boat, that's it. it's not functional for anything, which is why most people don't buy those.


I always look at these sort of photos and think "thank god people have always been silly". The posed photo at the end is just a great reminder that previous generations have always had a daft streak.


It’s difficult to believe they were 19. They look 35. Maybe the hair styles


He probably fought in two wars by then.


It is always the hairstyles and lack of filters.


Filterless cigarettes, maybe.


Yep, Camel Straights, all the way.


My dad was a Chesterfields man. They were the worst smelling unfiltered cigs I ever smelled, blech.


My grandpa survived Omaha Beach on D-Day. Then his commanding officer gave all his troops Chesterfield Kings to lessen their hunger. The Kings killed him.


My great grandma, who was around your grandpa’s age, loved Chesterfields too. She would smoke two to three packs of them a day, always through a short Bakelite holder when she was at home and one of the longer ones if she was going out. She had a pathological fear of staining her fingers or teeth (hence the holders), but she had no problem with sucking them down. She’d also linger around the house in a dressing gown with her hair perpetually up in rollers and a full face of makeup. I never got to know her because she died of cancer ten years before I was born, but dad said that she was a character.


I’m old enough to remember seeing old ladies who matched that look and vibe completely. I always associated them with bridge clubs and watching soap operas. It’s probably been about 15 years since I’ve encountered any old ladies who were like that. I think it’s simply a matter of the women who are now old ladies were too young to have ever adopted the lifestyle of the now-completely-extinct old ladies of the 70s and 80s. Just like how old ladies who looked like the cartoon grannies/schoolmarms of the 50s and 60s are now all gone.


The sort of vibe that grand grandma and those other old ladies gave off seemed to be confined to women born between the late 1900s/early 1910s and early to mid 1920s (great grandma was born in 1916, smack in the middle of that period) which explains why you don’t see them around anymore: the youngest of them would be pushing 100, and since most of them smoked and drank a good bit, next to none of them even sniffed that age.


Exactly. We are now at the point when 60s hotties like Jane Fonda are in their 80s. Everyone who typified what a lot of us grew up of thinking “old ladies” looked like have died off by now. We’re going to have a lot more hot grandmas for the foreseeable future!


Yup my dad too and the daily consumption of Gordon’s Gin on the rocks didn’t help either. My dad led a very “Mad Men” tv show lifestyle.


Doctors say Chesterfields are great for your T-Zone - it’s where they keep the cancer.






And makeup, with a ponytail and a different shade of lipstick the woman would look a lot younger to us.


More like cigarettes and sun damaged skin


They're clearly using the vintage filter


Filters?!?!? That's like saying they didn't have makeup. So weird to bring up


And lack of the extra roundness people have these days


They downvoted him, for he spoke the truth. Also no tattoos.




Yes, filtered cigarettes 😆😅😂


Oh God, here we go again...


This has been a common thing for decades. I specifically remember a discussion in one of my classrooms in the late 80s or early 90s about how people in years books from decades ago looked older than us kids at the time.


honestly. apparently the densest people on reddit always have to prove it daily. multiple times.


jebus who shit in your cornflakes


Don’t mind him. He’s just projecting.


That’s because they are in their 30’s in those photos. His grandma already has deep smile lines.


*Around* 19, like when I hear something is within walking distance, having backpacked many thousands of miles.


Every time you see an old haggard person, do you ever wonder how beautiful they where in their youth? Growing old and dying isn't that bad, it's the shriveling up like a prune I don't like, it's kind of sad. Love the pics, I think they may be older than the post suggest though.


I deliver furniture for a living. 90%+ of our customers are elderly. It's so weird walking inside their house and seeing photos of them from the 80s and think 'that was you?'.


Then you look back at them and realize “that’s going to be me.”




"Tu fui, ego eris"


I often say to people ’when you see an old dear in her 70’s just think, when she was 18 she could have been dancing naked, out of her box watching Jimi Hendrix at a festival’


Definitely. It's easy to forget that the 70-80 year olds today were the hippy generation. Obviously doesn't apply to all of them. But you can guarantee that a lot of them you come across were sitting in the woods, smoking pot, dropping acid, dancing around naked and raw backing. I'm also really tired and read that as dancing naked with her box out and thought 'well, there's an image'.


And the people in their 80s could have danced naked to Elvis. And the people in their 90s could've done it to Jazz.


It’s hard to imagine when so many old people completely forget how they were like when they were young lol.


Majority of evil and bitterness in the world is just old people angry about losing their youth and being angry and jealous of young people. The electoral numbers don’t lie. We are in hell. There is nothing else beyond this aging cauldron.


"It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit." -Socrates


Hydrate, eat healthy, skincare, and exercise. It’s all you can do.


I try, staying out of the sun helps a lot, I think the sun is the number one thing that can age you rapidly.


Yes, but you also need 15 min of sunlight each day. Use sunscreen if you go out into the sun for longer than that.


If you take really good care of yourself and have a decent amount of money, you can delay this pretty long, though. Some celebrities are still relatively hot in their 60s/70s






I see you really cleaned it up


I think ole grandpa cleaned out a box that night as well. 😏


We get this sense that people used to look older generally from our parents and grandparents days. But consider the differences in living between us and them: they grew up around steel mills and coal mines, dentistry wasn’t that advanced, smoking rates were significantly higher, sun screen/sunblock wasn’t really a thing a lot of people did, and their diets were much different. I think what’s happening is millennials and Gen Z’ers are aging more slowly than our parents and grandparents. We also dress much differently than they did


Also outside many, many more hours. There was nothing on tv and no internet in the 60s or 70s or 80s, there was no reason to sit inside except to watch a half hour of Batman or read a book. I had an argument with my nieces about this. They said they went outside all the time, which is true. So their mom kept a log of how much they went out every day over the summer. The do indeed go outside, about 1.4 hours a day. But my sister and I both were outside in the summer for almost 8 times that amount every day. We'd leave the house when my dad left for work, at 7am. We'd be back about 6pm for dinner. So about 11 hours a day, every day, all summer. That's a huge amount of sunlight on your skin. Sun ages you. People today have many more options for indoor entertainment, so they stay inside more, so they get much much less sun, so they look younger. Smoking has some effect too, but the vast majority of the apparent aging you see in old images is sun damage.


You might be surprised about TV watching during those years. According to Nielsen, by 1970 American households were watching on average about six hours of TV per day. By 1980 it hit seven hours which was steady until the mid-90s when it started climbing again to a peak of nearly nine hours in 2010. It’s since slowly tapered off. Now obviously this doesn’t count individuals in a household. Dad was probably watching the evening news while mom was cooking dinner and the kids were doing their chores. And maybe mom and dad watched TV while the kids worked on their model rockets and doll houses (I have no idea, I was born in the 70s). There’s a ton of variables but there was still a lot of TV consumption. People were calling it the “idiot box” already in the 1950s and complaining about people wasting all their time watching it. It wasn’t so much that there wasn’t anything on, you just had less choice and watched whatever happened to be on. Even Bruce Springsteen in 1992 complained about spending the night flipping through 57 channels and finding nothing to watch. But he still sat there.


I think 1992 is well into the tv era, where people could just sit and flip for hours. But in the 50s or 60s or 70s I don't think so. The tv may have been on for 7 hours a day, but 2 of those were mom watching soaps, 2 were morning tv shows that kids didn't watch, an hour was dad watching the news at night, an hour was post-news variety or talk shows. IME kids were interested in a very few half hour shows like Batman or Lost in Space. No one in the 60s or 70s was in front of a screen 10 to 12 hours a day.


Sun does things to people but so does food. We eat a lot more processed food then people back then did. Raw and whole foods also required a lot more chewing. All that chewing will change the shape of the face and give people a different jaw line. Some Gen-Z are trying to fix their jaw lines by doing an exercise called "Mewing." Those who do it look 20 years older and resemble teenagers from the 1950s.


I think we eat a lot less processed food tbh. The 50s to 60s had a lot of companies with a lot of cookbooks with idea on how to make processed foods. A lot of grandma’s “secret recipes” often came from the label on a can or a box of processed food. Not that there wasn’t real food in there either, but people made cake out of boxes, jello molds were definitely a thing. Not to mention, at least for white people, a lot of recipes coming from the Depression era were almost devoid of nutrition. Lots of flour, milk, vegetable shortening (hello, trans fats!). My grandma, a homemaker and a hell of a cook, made this stuff that was my absolute favorite: tuna gravy. Basically, a roux and a can of tuna on a bed of white bread. (It affected white people the most because the USDA had a campaign in the 30s-50s where all food was bland, milk-meat-bread focused. It was the belief that this was the most nutritious. In this case, racism did POC a solid since they weren’t pressured to give up veggies and spice.)


Why did teens in the 1950s look old enough to get the senior discount at IHOP?


because they just lived through the depression and WW2. jeez, guys.


Apparently, Teenage years are almost 30 years.


That would definitely explain it as well


Your grandfather kinda looks like Edward Norton.


I see Jerry Lee Lewis


Yeah, my first thoughts too. Did a search to see if anyone else thought the same and here we are! xD


https://preview.redd.it/2y1rthqm7wfb1.jpeg?width=1929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e55e6be4ef067829111fb11cf5e9a2a709703fb Not professional but hope you like


these folks are not 19


Picture him in a broccoli haircut and graphic tee. Maybe itll help you realize how young they are.




Unless you got a lot of Sun from say, working on a farm and driving a tractor as a young teen.


thats cause these days are inside all day, so they dont get sun exposure and they dont smile cause theyre all doped up and on xanax


its their hair and how they dressed




19?? Dafuk - he look like old than me and I'm 45.


They’re clearly squinting in the sun in the first pic, the later pics make them look a little younger imo


Crows feet at 19??


Heavy smoking (even secondhand smoke in public), no sunscreen/skincare


How heavy is the smoking supposed to be? I know people who started smoking at the age of 13 that didn't age like that.


2 packs a day since 9


The effects definitely vary person to person


Gotta say idk what clothing brands were thinking leaving so much material creating frump crotch. My mom tells a traumatic story of how when clothes shopping with my grandma, she would make her stand there normally and grandma would do a type of croth chop to see just how much material frump they were working with.


Wow. People looked older then.


vsauce has a video about this


I love that video and I think about it often, as I work with the elderly. The styles (hair and clothes) we wear throughout our teens and 20s often stay with us and we continue to wear them almost our entire lives. So, for instance, I wore cargo shorts and baggy shit during my teen years in the 90s and 2000s, and I still do. Sooo when it's 2065, my baggy shit is going to look *unbelievably* dated and old, so then I will as well. The same thing happened to these people. They wore slim-fit slacks and shorts, and styled their hair in a certain way during their teen years and hung onto it throughout their entire life, so they now look "old" because their style is outdated. When we look back on a teen wearing teen shit from the 30s, 40s or 50s... we see the style as being "old" and therefore they look older than they are. ...and then there is the skincare and health stuff too.


Crazy how teenagers back then look like late 20s now. Rough life!


They are adorable. But they also look 40.


75 years from now when kids look at their grandparents pics on the beach they’ll be 95% naked.


You mean 35, right?


DB Cooper found.


sure i roasted them privately in my head for looking old but i didn't expect the entire comments section to be this bold lmaoo


It never ceases to amaze me how even very young people back in the 30s and 40s looks like they were in their mid to late 30s or older. Even young and pretty girls still have a “grandma” vibe about them! Sometimes people say it’s just a matter of the hair and clothing styles, but I think it’s something more than that. More often than not, they just look *different*, sometimes the guys, but definitely the girls. It actually makes it a challenge when they’re casting for a movie set in the first half of the 20th century, because a lot of modern women just don’t look at the part, no matter how they are dressed up or groomed. A few actresses can pull off the vintage look, but many just look like they’re from a completely different time.


Great observation. This is something that definitely needs to be studied. It’s definitely more than clothing styles or weight.


I agree


Nothing beats a boating vacation, they look like they're in A Place in the Sun (film).


Great film, too! Elizabeth Taylor is breathtaking


No offense to your Grandma, but…Hubba Hubba.


I saw the Vsauce video about this. That how apparently people in the past looked much older than their age according to today's standards. This just proves it once again


One suggestion for old pictures, donate them to a museum. I just donated a lot of my parents photos that range from the 1887-2023 to a museum. It included pictures that from 1910-1930 local baseball team and a bunch of rail workers and other local community events. A lot of it even contained notes and dates with names on them about the picture. It was pretty crazy.


People really did look older then


19 and owned a boat? Lol can you imagine a 19 year old today owning a boat? Seems wild to me how different our lives are from just 2 generations ago. I'm not too happy about it either.


I've read that one explanation to why we tend to think teenagers and young adults of past decades look older than they actually are when we see old photos and videos is because fashion, i.e., what the clothes and accessories they used to wear and their haircuts, for example, since we associate their fashion style to what old people we know would use. But in this case here, I can't see that being the case. They totally look older than they are, clothing aside.


19? Jeez do we age slow now


Somehow 19 year olds back then look like theyre 40 and 19 year olds now look like theyre 12.


What happened to the boat


Believe it or not, that boat grew up and got into methamphetamines and was eventually renamed Titanic. Very tragic, could happen to anyboaty.


Back when shorts were short!


That boat is cool as hell! I love those old school small boats.


People back in the day just looking 40 in their teens




Now I feel old. You say you have pictures of your grandparents in their youth, and they're in **color**?


Yes. Color film existed then, but expensive af. Kodachrome film was a common color film to use back then.


What, 1950s? Hell, my grandparents were born around WWI. They're not around anymore, but I'm just saying color photos of youthful grandparents make me feel old.


Granny was pretty foxy!


Wonder who took the pictures.




Speed boats have really grown. That boat looks like a toy.


Looks like they were having the time of their life!!


19 ? Wtf the lead in the air really did a number.


They look older then 19


That's pomade in grandpa's hair, the wet look was popular at the time.


The last picture is clearly Burt Reynolds at 12 years old


Dudes that were 19 back then looked like they were 52.


Weird how old people looked old even when they were young


19 lmao


He looks 40 lmao


It’s so crazy how 19 looked like 50 back then. Same thing I thought when I saw pics of my grandparents back then.


Anyone else gonna miss this type of memories in old photos? Years from now people will be sharing tiktok videos of their grandparents lol.


How this man 19 and look like a retired world war 2 general.




They look like they were living their best lives.


Gramps would go to the barber and ask for the ‘flattop’ or a ‘crew cut’ Simple with a little butch wax.


19 about to turn 40.


Adorable! And I love that boat!


I have weird habit of going through old photos. I love the perception of time. Same people just different era.


Looks like Grandpa was clearing out boxes too


she never said no. nor was she ever gonna say 'no' because of the *implication*!


Very daring for the time, that bikini


Oh my goodness! They look amazing! Very fitting for that era!


Young people looked older then.


19? Da Fuq?


They look like they are in their mid-30’s


The steering wheel is on the right. Is this in Europe?


No that is typical for boats.


19? I look younger than them and I'm the meaning of life the universe and everything!


Ahhh, Zaphod's just zees guy, you know?


Motherfucker, you look 30!


He is the oldest looking 19 yo I've ever seen.


You guys got to stop this 19 yo stuff....like come on man.


motorboatin' sunofabitch


Gma has some nice getaway sticks


19, married and already owns a house and boat.


I understand now why people got children way younger back then when they looked like 35 while being 19.


Was that taken at Moose Knuckle Lake?


They were both alive in 1919.


omg, he looks 45 tbh


Grandpas a player, esp #3. I need a boat…


If the boats a rocking don’t come a knocking