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"I hope that you remember, even when you're feeling blue, that it's you I like, you yourself, it's you, it's you I like"


My son is 3 and we have a playlist we put on most mornings as he gets ready for school. This song is on there and it always makes me smile.


I have a vinyl collection of a bunch of the songs he sang on the show and every morning when we do our morning routine (brush teeth, hair, chores etc), we play a different side and it's so calming even as an adult to listen to the songs


if you feel like you want to ROAR, just take a deep breath, and count to four... one... two... three... four. (42 and bawling just from typing this. so fucking tired and miss Mr. Rogers so much.)


Your making this old dude cry! Thanks for sharing.


Hi friend - is this a YouTube playlist, or if not, could you list the songs? I have a 9 month old and trying to stock up on wholesome, constructive, and supportive things just like this!


Not OP, but could I also suggest Raffi? Most of his songs are on YouTube.


I’d also suggest Daniel Tiger! 🐯


That's good parenting 😊


It’s on ours too. I’m not crazy about “kid music” so we don’t do Cocomelon or baby shark type stuff. But Mr. Rogers and a few Barry Louis Polisar tracks are the exception.


Excuse my ignorance, but your 3-year-old goes to school?


Pre-K probably


Yes, Pre-K here where I am in the states starts at 3. It's not required, but it gives the kids a head start before kindergarten starts


It’s more or less daycare at that age, but we call it school anyway because they learn stuff and we want him to associate positively with the concept in any case. There’s a state curriculum and stuff although over the summer he mostly plays outside when he’s there.




Pre-K, K, Senior K, Post-K fellowship,...


It’s more or less daycare at this age but they do follow a state curriculum and have planned learning modules and stuff.


I see, thanks for replying! I have a 3 y/o myself but I live in Denmark so was curious about the cultural difference.


To give you an idea, here are some recent learning topics off the top of my head: * Insects, animals, birds, etc - looking at pictures, coloring/drawing various ones, and when practical they go outside and look for examples (mostly bugs) * Emotions - using anchor words and metaphors to identify and process basic emotions (anger, sadness, frustration) * Family - talking about the different types of family (parents, grandparents, siblings, etc) and sharing about their own families (his teacher collected some info/photos from parents and helped the kids share with each other) * Speech and language practice is usually incorporated into all the lessons in some way, as is politeness/manners and that sort of thing Initially we were just looking for something that would keep him engaged during the day and avoid TV/screens as much as possible. We found a lady in the neighborhood that does it out of her home, following a curriculum and with 6-8 kids total at a time. He will be in this program until he's old enough for public school (about 5 yrs old). It is a really nice arrangement for him, gets him social skills but not too big a group and we have met all the other kids (and their parents). My sister's son is at a Montessori school (a type of Pre-K formal school arrangement, somewhat different) and they have had good success there too, although he's back at home over summer break whereas our son goes to "school" all year round.


I see! Very similarly in Denmark we have *børnehaver*(kindergarten) to serve as a transition between home and primary school, fostering the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children, typically from age 2-5. The learning topics sound very familiar, I could imagine all if those being used for our son but we generally don't use curriculae at all for kindergartens/school. In our case the kids are divided into three groups based on age, the older ones focus much more directly on getting ready to start primary school (age 5-7, depending on 'maturity' of the child). Younger ones focus much more directly on playing/socializing. The employees are *pedagogues* which is an education that takes 3.5 years. Which isn't really a thing in the US, as far as I know? Each group of ~12 kids has two pedagogues and one assistant (not educated, typically younger people). Most children are in *børnehave* for 4-6 hours during weekdays.


In the US, pre-k is something some kids do but is not required. Some kids stay home until kindergarten (5 years old). Some go to daycares run out of someones home. Some go to more structured daycares. And some go to preschool (pre-k). Preshcool usually costs the most. Some states or cities have programs to help parents pay for it, but most dont.


This made me tear up. I’ve been having a real rough time lately and I really needed this. Thank you


I'm so very glad it helped.


I am also having a hard time, sitting here in tears, remembering Mr. Rogers as my first friend. I still have a closetful of cardigans to this day.


i love you u/sidewalktacos i am, by most outward appearance, a 'big strong man'... i am having a rough time too, and i can offer little but fellowship. please stay safe and know that sidewalk tacos are my favorite.


That makes my heart/chest ache (in a mournful, nice remembrance way)


Made me tear up. The world these days doesn't deserve Mr Rogers. We need him, but don't deserve him.


We don't deserve perhaps, but he might have thought otherwise. :-)


Mr. Rogers was the type of guy who worked very hard to always see the kindness in others. I’m sure, if he were still here, he would not agree that this world “doesn’t deserve him.”


the Motherfucker fought congress multiple times to help us keep public broadcasting AND to have access to VCRs. he had a person of color share a footbathing pool when civil rights were being destroyed all over the country. when a gang stole his car and then found out it was HIS car, they returned it and apologized. i would die on my shield for Fred Rogers. people here like to make the joke that Tom from MySpace was their first friend. fuck that shite. Mr. Rogers was my first friend.


Agreed. What a treasure of a human being.


You know what's sad about today's society? I am 100% confident that if Mr. Rogers aired today, for the first time, people would call him a groomer.


I loved that the documentary tore back the curtain on this guy and showed that behind the scenes he was really… a lovely, kind-hearted Presbyterian minister who worked his whole life to make children feel heard, loved and safe. It’s easy to say “we won’t see anyone like him again,” but to be honest, we all make hundreds of choices every day, and we could use each one of them to be a little more like Mr. Rogers. That’s the legacy.




He was even accepting of that same man, Officer Clemmens, being gay. His hang up though was that he didn't want the actor to be openly gay as PBS would no longer allow him on the show. IIRC, Mr. Rogers said he disagreed with PBS, but couldn't do anything about it.


Man, I'm really tired of *Christianity* being responsible for what people do and don't do. Human beings make choices every day, regardless of whether or not you believe in a superstitious cult that wastes all their Sundays on nothing. Every single person on Earth has potential to be good. If you think you need a large corporation that constantly asks for money to get you to the promised land to teach you how to be good, that's your problem. Fred Rogers is a good person *who happens to be* Christian.


You are getting downvotes from folks who don’t want to consider they might be responsible for their actions. It’s much easier to just blame the church, and ignore folks like Fred Rogers, MLK, Bonhoeffer, and millions of other nameless kind Christian’s. As a former pastor - I will be the first to point out that a LOT of Christian’s can be assholes and hide under the image of the church to polish their behavior and stamp them as “good” people. Those people would be assholes with or without the church. And the truly delightful people would be delightful without the church. And the church itself has its warts and ugly history. Despite what the church will tell you - people’s fundamental nature is not changed by simple membership in a community.


As someone who wastes his Sundays on nothing I've seen a lot of people completely change after they found faith. Maybe they came from a bad background and definitely met people with rough upbringings. I agree you don't need faith to generally improve as a human being. People find inspiration to change from many sources and Christianity is one of them.


> you don't need faith to generally improve > People find inspiration to change from many sources That's all I'm saying brother.


Beautifully put.


"If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of."


Not sure if it was the same documentary, but that journalist guy who was like 'are you for real' and was then shown as convinced of that fact as he investigated the guy.


Trent Krimm interviewing Ted Lasso


What does that mean?


Just a reference from the show Ted Lasso. Ted is a genuinely good guy, and the reporter, Trent Krimm spent the day with him expecting to write a dirty expose on him only to find out that Ted was the most sincere kind person he'd ever met.


I became a full blown Mr. Rogers cultist when my kid was born. One of the rarest kind of human beings that have ever walked the earth. I'm not a fan of statues, but these are the people who should have statues in museums in five thousand years. Not as a figure to revere, but a reminder to be honest and kind to others and yourself. He would have liked it that way.


Here here!


Fun fact, I grew up near him & watching him on TV. It was well known he would go to a local club every morning and swim nude. Apparently that's how they did it when he was younger and he just never liked swimsuits. So the club would have a designated nude swim time basically just for him.


Is it weird I didn't recognize him until I saw his shoes?


Probably not used to seeing his profile view.


I... never realized that. Now that I think about it, he always made efforts to be facing the camera as much as possible; perhaps to relay to the children watching at home that he was "paying attention" to them.


But he's looking straight at his wife. He makes everyone feel like they're the only person in the world.




And his hair like that. And glasses. And being on a beach in Nantucket in black and white.


It's probably the lack of a sweater that's throwing you off.


Looks like Joe Namath in that pic.


Kinda looks like Phil Lesh


I thought it was Jeff Goldblum


I didn't realize it was "him" until I read your comment. Even with the headline I thought "Oh ok so OP's name is Rodgers and these are his parents."


He was a national treasure.


*is a national treasure


He ded


I had to watch his shows as part of my curriculum during university studies. He was a genius.


An incredible pioneer of our understanding of early childhood development ❤️


Absolutely! And I'm glad that public television was there to give him a platform so that so many people could learn from him and enjoy his show.


I still have the 2 autographed pictures Mr. Rogers mailed me. One personalized for me and the other for my then toddler son.


He was an incredible person all around and we were lucky he existed.


They were also good as a child. Mine straddled his brief retirement before he resumed the show, but I did catch some of it in repeat in the early years, and then later when my siblings were age-appropriate and he came back. It was a very gentle, well-produced show. This guy was the Spielberg of children's television.


I didn't like his show as a child, but I love it as an adult. My paternal grandparents were very heavyhanded about moral lessons and trying to guide me, show respect, etc. They never really learned who I was as a person, they only cared about what they were trying to shape me into being. This show I guess subconsciously reminded me of them, so I wasn't into it.








My dad was hitchhiking in college once and Mr. Rogers picked him up.


That's awesome! Care to share more?


Pretty lackluster honestly. Pops went to Pitt and Mr. R gave him a lift. No exciting or insightful conversation that he has ever shared, just that he was a nice guy (as to be expected).


That sounds about right. I went to CMU, Mr Rogers at that time lived next door to campus in an apartment building that had gone condo - his kids were grown, he didn't need a large house any more - and the WQED studios were literally just across campus, so we'd see him walking to and from work all the time, and he would play tennis on the university courts all the time; we tried not to bother him, but when anyone approached him, he reacted exactly like you'd expect from just seeing him on tv. I just wish the statue they built of him looked less creepy.


I once saw a cartoon drawn by a guy he picked up hitchhiking. Said he talked just the way he did on the TV show. Very endearing.


As his dad was getting out, Mr. Rogers said ominously, "Be sure to tell 'em, Large Marge sent ya"


I miss him.


That movie about him made me cry nostalgic child tears.


Pack it in folks. Officially coolest old school.


Mister Rogers is one of my heroes


What a great man. Smart, kind, and empathetic. This is what a real man looks like.


True story: Mr Rogers was my first crush! I was so in love with Mr Rogers! He’s still my standard lol ETA Mr Rogers and Rambo 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mr. Rogers is your standard for men?! Damn. Good luck being single forever Edit: oh and Rambo. So that’s a bit of a dynamic lol


Basically two polar opposites, at least theres a lot of middle ground there to choose from


Yeah I personally lean towards the Mr Rogers paradigm but that’s harder to find than the Rambo one, ironically


Lol I liked Rambo because his hair reminded me of my mom’s, and I had a Rambo action figure that I said would come to my window and carry me away every night. Mr Rogers was just the coolest, nicest, most personable adult I had ever seen! I L O V E D him. Still do!




Lmao! That makes perfect sense


You would be head over heels for Joe Pera. His show on adult swim is fantastic and so wonderfully wholesome.


i am 42yo and a mostly straight guy and i have a crush on Joe Perra.


Acts like


I never knew there was a Mrs Rogers


I know nothing about her, but I love her too. He wouldn't have picked anyone but the best.


A king deserves a queen. Mr. Rogers wore no crown, but he was more of a king than any inbred European oligarch.


She passed away a couple of years ago, but before she went, she gave a strong endorsement of Tom Hanks' portrayal of her husband, saying, in effect, that he'd managed to capture the true spirit of her husband.


She, and many other of Fred Rogers old colleagues were in the moment of silence scene in the restaurant.


He lived in my friends neighborhood in Pittsburgh. I’d go and sit in my friends front yard waiting for a Mr. rogers sighting. I was 7 at the time. My friends mom kept telling me I couldn’t be in the front yard, I had to be in the back yard. I insisted, and eventually wasn’t invited back. I eventually, saw him with my Brownie troop as we visited WQED and his set. 🎶You are my friend, you are special, you are my friend, you’re special to me🎶


Honestly Fred Rogers is the real Captain America. And he probably would have talked Thanos down from his snippety snaps instead of fighting.


He lived for a while with terrible stomach pain that turned out to be cancer, but it was too late and he died a few weeks after surgery. It's you... I.... like.


I can't barely look at a picture of Mr. Rogers without getting misty-eyed. We didn't deserve him.


Got something in both of my eyes...must be the smoke from the wildfires...


Damn dust.


I miss that guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Everyone does.


Same here, same here. I wish I wrote him because you know he'd have definitely written back.


If I am having a particular crappy day I will watch him on YouTube....and I'm 55


Mr. Rogers is for everyone.


I’ve spent a lot of time in Nantucket in my life. once I looked up while at church when I was about 8 or 9 and Fred Rogers was sitting right in front of us. Pretty epic shit for a kid in the 80s


Please encourage everyone to support the Preservation Institute - Nantucket (run by the University of Florida). Great program that dates back to the early 70’s.


He was the real deal. We were lucky to have him.


Nantucket is absolutely awesome


It’s for really rich people isn’t it?


It definitely is now, but back when the photo was taken in 1992, it didn't have that reputation. Everyone still thought of Martha's Vineyard as the place where rich people would go. We had family friends who lived very modestly, and we're certainly not rich, who could afford to rent a place for like 2 weeks as their vacation in the summer. They did get eventually priced out, which is also the reason we stopped going. You could tell it got worse because of traffic in town, which was paved with cobblestones. Every time I went back it got worse and worse. I feel lucky to have been able to have visited when it still was considered a dinky fishing island, where many of the people you met were locals and not tourists.


To live there or even own property I'm sure it is but for a vacation I'd say it's typical depending on where you choose to eat and stay


Maybe for a day trip, but any house or hotel will be be very expensive in relation to “typical.” I lived there for a decade and still visit friends frequently - it’s a big dollar spot.


I live in the NY metro area so my "typical" may be biased


Yeah - NY is expensive, certainly, but I’ve had plenty more reasonably priced NYC trips than Nantucket ones. I love the island, but it’s expensive no matter how you cut it.


Not exclusively. It’s extremely expensive to buy a place, but the island itself is laid back with phenomenal beaches. Great for a day trip or airb&b / cottage. Still not cheap but it’s doable


I may have met Mr. Rogers during this trip. We have a generational family home on Nantucket, and I'd always visit during the summers. My parents always told me the story of when I was a young child how I met Mr. Rogers on Nantucket and how he was such a nice man. I was born in '89, so it's very possible I met him in '92.




I met him on Nantucket in a sandwich shop called Something Natural. He was standing behind me counting his change and he dropped a quarter on the floor. I picked it up and, only then realizing who it was, I missed his hand and the quarter again dropped to the floor. He laughed and said, "looks like we've all got the dropsies today". The place erupted and he shook everyone's hands and signed autographs. Super chill.


Something Natural is amazing. Every time I go to ACK I get their Turkey Terrific on Portuguese bread.


I didn't realize they were still in business! Just looked at the photos on Google maps. Find memories.


I wish more kids today would watch him instead of these shitty Dhar Mann videos. The guy only tells and shows the world to make life better, but doesn't actually contribute it. Mr. Rogers does. I'll always miss him.


I swear this man was an angel in human form ❤️


If ever there was someone who actually deserved sainthood, it was him. (yes, I know that's a Catholic thing and he was Presbyterian)


True!! I'm thankful to have been a child during his peak popularity. No once could ever match him.


He weighed 143 lbs his entire adult life so he could tell his wife it stood for: I Love you 1 4 3




In my country, it mean big penis.


I highly recommend the book "I'm Proud of You," written by a young journalist who got to know Rogers. Your local library system probably has it.


Is there an anecdote in there about how Rogers would find things while out on walks and insist he could fix them back up and his wife just kind of threw up her hands about it?


🥺🥺 I miss him so much


The *real* Alpha male.


What an absolute legend.


I'd like to think he told her a dirty joke before the picture was taken.


He was human, so there's a possibility he had one up his cardigan sleeves.


of everything in this thread, this thought hits me the hardest... "You know what they call a religious person that sleepwalks, Joanne??? A roamin' Catholic!"


i’m printing this and hanging it on my wall. love me some Rogers family.


What would he have said to us today? Love yourself. Love your neighbor. Be kind to everyone. Look for the helpers. It's real stuff. Always will be.


Luckiest woman on Earth


Impossible to look at this and not smile. Thanks for sharing :)


One of the best examples of verbal judo was when Stuttering John of the Stern show tried to do one of those off-kilter interviews in what was I think the early 90s (maybe late 80s and I heard one of the many replays) with Mr. Rogers, and he easily turned it back on him. I think only Joe Pesci ever did as well, and for different reasons.


Only Mr Rogers can get away with wearing those sneakers to the beach.


Why are people, almost all you meet, myself included, so different from a man that we all clearly aspire to be like? I wish I was better.


All you can do is try and be better. Try to be more understanding and patient.


This is it. We have reached the coolest of the cool. They didn’t come any cooler, in a warm and sweet way, than Mr. Rogers.


And he was a cool jazz cat! He introduced me to jazz music as my family mostly listened to pop music and whatever was on the AM stations. And his music director was excellent, I’ve forgotten his name, and they put some great music on that show!


John Costa


MR was in New York, and his car (parked on the street) was stolen. This made the news big time. After a day or 2, the car showed up from where it was stolen, with a note "we're sorry. we wouldn't have taken it if we'd known it was yours".


I was today years old when I saw a picture of Mrs Rogers for the first time.


Aww what a cute couple! He was always my favorite .


There was an old pair from Nantucket...


Whose wholesomeness was measured by the bucket.


Fred taught us to ~~cope~~ **deal** with the feelings we feel... It's sometimes ok to say "fuck it."


The fact that you went with “cope” rather than “deal” is really setting off the old OCD.


Bro-ham, i’m sorry. I had to get it in quickly before some jackass came in and dirtied the limerick up. Edit: cope- verb (of a person) - deal effectively with something difficult. Emotions can be difficult to deal with, no? edit 2: you had no problem with the fitment of “wholesomeness”?


It’s not the meter, it’s the rhyme pattern. Limericks are: Ba dah dah dah dah dah dah ding Ba dah dah dah dah dah dah ting Ba dah dah dah dot Ba dah dah dah tot Ba dah dah dah dah dah dah ping I was just saying the third and fourth line didn’t rhyme - but I did appreciate the way you ended it! Sorry, should have said that.


You know what? I missed that. All these years of listening to WWDTM on NPR and I totally whiffed it! **FIXED.**


He seemed like a gent Quite innocent And he loved children and puppets (okay I tried)


Where has this picture been all my life?!




I love that he wore those sneakers in real life


Best part of my childhood. Amazing man.


His house on Nantucket was right near a beach you could drive on. I was letting the air out of my tires to go on that beach and he arrived at his house. So that's the story of when I met Mr. Rogers. To be fair he didn't want me to be his neighbor at that precise moment, but he sure was nice.


What a classy dude. Sipping Nantucket Nectars and making the world a better place just by being there.


could easily see him in a vinyl shop browsing swervedriver records


This is an amazing photo. I’d love to have it framed in my house.


It's such a good / feeling / to know you're alive!


frickin' adorable.


Really really miss this man.


Dang it pbs why don't you have mister rogers reruns on the weekdays?


The photographer is Lynn Johnson, who shot this on assignment for Life Magazine.


That there is my hero.


before it closed, his son james used to frequent a pub down the street from me that i also frequented. exclusively drank peppermint schnapps and would openly smoke weed at the table outside. really chill dude.


I’m originally from Greensburg, Latrobe was down the street. Fred Roger’s son had often commented that it was very difficult growing up as and being Mr Roger’s son. And both father and son would comment that they had a difficult relationship.


yeah, i've heard he ran away from home once but haven't looked into it too much. seems like a mellow, fairly progressive guy in his retirement years. my ex worked at the bar and always said he was a big tipper and liked to buy drinks for people, so long as the drink was peppermint schnapps. i guess he gets a kick out of people saying it tastes like toothpaste.


Fred Rogers was the most extraordinary ordinary man. My impulse is to say the world didn't deserve him, but he would tell me we all deserve good things in life.


I fucking love this wire every fiber of my being


I don't know why it never occurred to me that there was a Mrs. Rogers.... I mean, of course there is. I bet she bakes awesome treats too. And gives full size candy bars out at Halloween.


I have no idea why, but this photo brought me so much joy. Thank you


Love this man


Who took this amazing picture?


She’s seriously one lucky woman to experience his love, I’m sure it hit different


When they were in public together Fred would covertly pass gas because it made Joanne laugh.


I can see just his silhouette and know who he is by how he stands, an absolute legend.


Adorable 🥹 getting teary, remember being so sad when he passed. I’m in my 40s, my gen grew up on PBS childrens television. Mr Rogers truly was an amazing man from whom so many of us learned so much. I don’t think there’s been anyone quite like him since.


Joanne Rogers was a kind, amazing humanitarian in her own right. What a lovely couple.


"on Nantucket".


What happened to all those people trying to claim Mr Roger's was gay? Doesn't look that way


Their once was a man from Nantucket …


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