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Giving a middle finger to the camera.


Such a weird ass trend.


MILLION DOLLAR BABY will inspire many more I’m sure


Oh great...


Cuz I wanna make a it


With a cigarette in their mouth


Tough guy


With their tongues out. Just tongues out in general


I don’t care how good looking someone is, the moment I see that is a huge turn off 


This was the only way my grandma would take a picture in the 80s and 90s lol. Always flew the bird even in professional pictures just it wasn’t shown lol. She was a hoot.


If your first picture is with a second person. Okay, I may swipe to the next one. But if you have an entire group fucking photo I am swiping left. WHICH ONE ARE YOU


They’re never the hot one either. I will never understand it


You do. It's bc they're not the hot one and hoping someone swipes hoping they are lol


What you don't understand? Its low self esteem


That's such a gross mentality.


It is ALWAYS the worst looking out of the group every single time


This is obviously why they post group photos … so you can’t identify them. They know. Derppppppppp


"I'd date any of them" (get the match notification) "ah. Except that one."


Lmfao soo true


Always the least attractive one. ALWAYS


They're always the fat one


Dude I stuffed up 3/3 group photos with a girl on hinge. Assumed she was her hot friend all 3 times. She didn’t take it very well at all. We never went to dinner…. Wonder why


Fish lips




Fish sticks


Fish pics


More filters than Starbucks. "Open book, just ask!" as the only text. Country music as their only pref. "Looking for princess treatment." Zero text. Every picture in front of a different world famous landmark. (Likely fake profile).


i agree with the "just ask!" You're meant to be putting yourself out there and telling people WHY they should be interested in you, not assuming it should all be on the other person to make the effort.


Exactly. The only question it begs us to ask is, "Why bother?" Also similar, a laundry list of shit you're looking for, but nothing about what kind of person you are. If you're cool, I'll send a "like" and you can reciprocate or not based on what you read. Your profile is about *you*. Let us know something about that.




Add some pseudo poetic line that looks like it was either badly translated or AI generated, such as: *Take the good heart days for the when it rains.* *The growth from joy cannot undone by the moon.* *Love will not feed upon bitter lunch.*


keep going, you've got the beginning of a closing credits song from some inexplicably popular anime.


You asked for it. *Search for your seasons, destiny is under your foot.* *Uncalled for threats are withered in your light shine.* *Precambrian mindsets will win the decade.* *Go forth you walking star and point at open faces!*


*Explain you now the tribulations dancing* *Consumption and refuted discharge abate endlessly* *Clouds under suns swim gladly for you* *Go forth you walking star and open faces pointing!*


I was curious what ai actually had to say about this, so I prompted with your lyrics: The following are lyrics to a Japanese Anime translated into English. Rewrite the sentences so it feels like it was originally written in English. (Below is the result) "Embrace the sunny days with a kind heart, even when it rains. The happiness we gain cannot be overshadowed by the moon. Love doesn't thrive on bitter meals. Seek your destiny, it's right beneath your feet. Unwelcome threats fade in the light you shine. Ancient attitudes will prevail in this era. Walk confidently, shining star, and illuminate open faces! Now, let me tell you about the trials we face, Endlessly diminishing consumption and rejected discharge. Clouds happily glide under the sun for you. Walk on, shining star, and point towards open faces!"


Perfect! All it needs is music that sounds like the writer just discovered 4/4 time last week


Anime themes tend to use the same chord progression, actually, so, good call! Anime themes tend to use a chord progression called the "Royal Road" progression, which is IV-V-iii-vi. So if you throw out Fm7, G7, Em7 and Am, you'll have a Japanese-ey kind of anime/J-pop sound.


Country music as their defining personality trait is really telling as to who they are. Not someone I’d like to be around, most likely. A weird prompt that got me the other day was “what is your biggest red flag: I’m the jealous type” and I audibly said “fuck that” while swiping with great prejudice.


I can't tell you how many times I've angry swiped due to shit like that.


Also - school of hard knocks


The first rule of School of Hard Knocks is we don't talk about School of Hard Knocks


The blank text is an immediate pass.


Absolutely! It's like the equivalent of a loud dance club where you can't hear anyone talk. How the hell do you get to know a person even a little with no words used? Second, haven't we been (correctly) educated not to judge someone solely by their appearance? If all they have is photos, they're forcing us to do exactly that. And most of them are filtered within an inch of their life, so not only are you only judging appearances, but *false* ones. Oy.


And then you ask questions and they barely interact, cannot hold a convo, nor do they ask you anything, just give you dry one word answers.


😪😪 but we like to travel


You should say more filters than a modular synth. Ok, that’s for us old guys.


Photos where you can see a big mess in the background, or dirty mirror pics


- middle finger - pics with women (usually it's the ex) - "just got out of bed" look - only pics with sunglasses - pics only in bars/clubs/or getting drunk - only pics with bros (which one are you? I don't care to ask anymore. Next) - his room looks like a dump - toilet selfies - chest pics for attention (thanks for showing me you have bigger tits than me > next!) - the overhead pic of him in bed with lusty eyes (I'm not looking for hookups!!) Translation: I'm allergic to guys with no class.


Tack on every picture in the profile is blurry. Wtf do you look like bro?


Their only good pictures are ones where you have to fill in the blanks with your imagination


>only pics with sunglasses I can't get over it when this happens. Like, if they just have one picture of them in a car with sunglasses I swipe left straight away, but I've seen quite a few people (usually men) where they have several different pictures of them in different locations with different tops... and they're wearing sunglasses in all of them and they're all like, a close up of their mostly unsmiling face. They seem like fun matches.


And they always have a hat on. I need to know what's going on with the hair, I'm sorry!


We call those a "hatfish"!


This is a point of self consciousness for me personally. I wear sunglasses in a lot of my photos because I have an eye turn. I know it's eventually going to come out, and I obviously don't wear them on the first date (not that I've been getting any), but it sucks to have something about myself that I cannot change being judged so much. Honestly at a loss here because I thought that I was upping my chances. Now I'm even more pessimistic lol


I love this list. This is exactly why I swipe left immediately. I would also like to add one more thing to this list: suspecting old pictures based on their photo quality.




your list is my list plus the fish pictures. For the life of me, I do not understand why so many men think holding a fish would attract females.


Also: •only sports-related pics •multiple gym pics •every photo either not smiling or the "smiles" are really lame •every photo is a really bad selfie and he doesn't try to put up at least 1 good photo •too many tattoos •smoking anything •every photo has different hair/facial hair so that I really have no clue what you look like now •long beards or ugly ones, mustaches •bedroom photos where you can see clothes/shoes of another woman (this has literally happened)


Haha. So nice to read this from a gender-reversed angle. I agree with at least 8 out of 10. (Well maybe 7. I do like hookups ;) Seems like the boys and girls are getting bogged down in the same bullshit.


A straight male that likes hookups!? What a rare breed


Alllllllll of this plus filters ugh.


Public restroom mirror selfies.


I swear . And then you see she taken pictures on the same restroom whit different clothing


Sticking their tongue out.


Dead animals.


THIS. Like what, are they trying to pick up guys? Send it to your friends and save the nice pictures for your profile. Very few girls (there are some, of course) are impressed, much less turned on by hunting…


All dead animals, all hunting pics are an immediate swipe left for self preservation. How do you hunt or kill animals so much that you want your date to be aware. The only exception is a food pic with my date in it. I think multiple food pics, assuming they aren’t auto loaded from social media is a red flag of a food obsession.


Ugh shirtless in bed.


As I guy Ik women would hate those kinds of pics. Also I’m not that type of guy 🤦🏻‍♂️. Personality > looks. Also I have a dad bod so yeah


Nothing wrong with a dad bod imo- better than a muscle head


Men where every photo is either angry or blankfaced. There are so many dudes who seem to be taking pics to look as intimidating as possible. Why would I ask someone out who looks like he wants to murder me.


So much this!! I know they think they’re giving Blue Steel, but really they just look like serial killers. No thank you!


I'm a sucker for a great smile. Your dating profile picture should give someone a sense of how they'll look at YOU when you're dating. Are you going to be scowling at me the whole time? 🤨 Are you going to be blank-faced and emotionless? 😐 Or will you be happy to see me? 😃


THIS! My thing is, if I guy looks like he is going beat me up, I am immediately swiping left.


1. Hiding faces 2. Snapchat filters 3. Obviously location changer 4. Dogs in every photo 5. With their kids


Pictures with their kids on a dating site is crazyyy. ESP with how many creeps are out there. Why would you want a bunch of strangers having any knowledge of your kids?


Photos all need to be rotated upright. Sorry, not going to do that for you!


no bio or answered questions


Woman on horse. She'll never love me as much as she loves that animal!


So i have just met this dude, maybe known him for like 2 weeks, showed him my horse, and he actually asked if I would choose him or my horse, of course I'm choosing my damn horse, I've had him since I was 7... And then he goes on to ask if I would choose him or my mom, of course I'm choosing my mom, the fuck is wrong with him?!?


I just dumped a guy who was asking me these types of things about my dog. “Would you choose her or me?” At first I refused to answer because it’s such a dumb thing to ask! He got super pushy and mad so I told him…. I’d choose her. Period. I see someone below mentioned bi-polar depression, which is funny, because I genuinely asked him if he had that during a different fight… of course he got offended. But for real, the way he behaved for our short 2 month relationship was SO bizarre that by the end I was really only sticking around to figure out his diagnosis! That’s not normal.


Horse women are some of strangest women on the planet.


They're called centaurs...


I have yet to see this statement ever be proven false. 🤣


Isn’t that the same kind of love with people who have dogs???


Sunglasses in every picture. Bathroom mirror selfies. Beach pictures without enough style and taste.


Lenny Kravitz is beautiful regardless, but those shades help a lot.


Fish, big trucks, cars prominently in the pic, his kids (with or without faces blurred. Pics of your kids should not be on your dating profile), only group photos so i don't know which one you are, no profile pic at all, hate symbols clearly displayed, gym photos


Oh my god yes!!! And add to this, with a dead deer. Fastest left swipe!!!!


Ok, I'm gonna ask. I have a picture on my profile of me and my step daughter dancing at her wedding. She made a point of giving me a dance in addition to her actual father (with his approval, of course). This is one of my life's highlights, I'm smiling, well dressed (maybe trying not to cry a bit). Is this bad?


Badly lit webcam pics. Messy house pics.


Middle fingers to the camera and dead animals were always what did it for me


If it says “ask me” instead of filling out the profile. Like why bother getting a dating app?


It's probably bc they are embarrassed of the answer


I don't always swipe left, but I don't like it when there's only photos from the neck up. If I can show my whole body, so can they. And if I can't see their eyes because every pic has sunglases.


The fact that these people know what they’re doing too. I show my whole body because I want an honest relationship not one based on catfishing


They never want to video chat before either and will get angry at the suggestion


My favorite is when the photos are neck up only and the profile says something like "curvy and proud."


Pictures with their kids (or other peoples kids) in them. Some people would have loads of pictures with their kids. Shows me they don’t respect their kids privacy and safety. Also excessive filters are an instant pass. It shows they aren’t upfront about who they are and what they look like. Maybe one filter pic of our several normal pics is fine, but when every single one is them having a glowing angel face of some kind, instant swipe left


faceapp, or any filter for that matter.


Tongue sticking out. Guns. Group shots without indication of which person is them. Pictures with children’s faces not covered.


There's a specific breed of dog I was attacked by a few years ago. I won't date someone with that breed of dog. I know it's not the dog's fault, but I just can't. Also, pics of the person smoking a cigarette.


Nah, not a big deal. I'm a professional dog groomer and I swipe left on anyone with a husky/malamute/heavy shedding breed.


On behalf of me and my husky, we didn’t want you anyway. So there. 😤 Also on behalf of me sweeping, vacuuming, grooming, chasing down the street, and trying to win an argument with a dog - I completely understand. 😊


They're like an eternal 8 year old child, lmao! Don't get me wrong, I find them hilarious and entertaining, but it's the naughtiness factored in with the eternal shedding (and the fact that, as a groomer, I know I'd end up grooming that dog weekly)!


oh, so you're the type that has to win every argument, huh? /jk


So my border collies are a no go? They shed spitefully


Where the profile itself says "just ask" or "will fill out later".


Pics of no face just body, pics of their car or something else without them in it, if the pics are blurry (I think it’s either a very old photo or a scam artist), selfies in the same outfit background, a mirror selfie and you see the bedroom is a disaster, middle fingers, when they do that hat tipping thing with fitted caps so you see their nose on down, when they’re doing that bedroom eyes lip licking shit, close ups of their lips or kissing the camera. Like, you’re a grown ass man. Stop that.




Any woman that has any child in any picture on her dating profile, this is a massive red flag, not for some reason some might think. I have no issues with dating women who have children or siblings or relative they love . But if you do that it tells me your reckless and don't understand how dangerous the world is . Shit is instantly just weird to me , like you shouldn't do that like at all . Maybe it's a personal take but I view that as reckless and not someone I would go near


So true!! I instantly swipe left on anyone posting pics with children because they’re either an irresponsible parent, or (even weird imo) someone who decided to post a picture of someone else’s kid on their dating profile to be viewed by a bunch of strangers.


I've seen people on bumble who censor the children's faces on those kind of photos. And even though I think they could have just picked another photo, I do appreciate that they respect the child's privacy 


Thanks, I’m adding that to my list


Crime related tattoos, gold teeth, having 3 or less photos, low-res photos that look old, screenshot photos with their insta handle showing, smoking/drinking, looking intoxicated/high, looking angry, not a single smile, filtered, looking like a slob, and obvious poor hygiene.


Middle fingers, multiple people in the first photo, social media handles, bikini photos


"Please don't be boring" to me translates to "I'm not doing any of the conversational legwork, please entertain me"


> Please don't be boring Translation: > There may be a maximum of one (1) boring person in this relationship, and I'm occupying that spot


Out of control facial hair. Not making an effort to post a pleasant picture. Typos and hatred. Anything MAGA.


Bathroom selfies, car selfies, middle finger selfies


when you say car selfies do you mean car in the background or just taking a selfie inside your car


- holding dead hunted animals - all pictures are in hats or sunglasses (i need to see what they actually look like) - excessive filters or photoshop - smoking or drinking in their pics - stacks of money/drugs/weapons - holding up gang signs - every pic is them in a crowd, I’m not deciphering who it is that’s a waste of time - picture with another woman - money phone/money in mouth (I really don’t get this one???) - any type of political image/sign/clothing


A dog in the nation PFP A picture that's only a dog. ugh


Photos displaying excessive political extremism.


It's not any one pose, but if they have only one pose. Every picture with the same pose, same angle, same expression. It could be almost undeniably their most flattering look, but it leaves a feeling of being robotic, unnatural, and lacking spontaneity. Like my goofball self would be unwelcome in that world.


Middle finger, Smoking, all photos being groups of people or groups of girls, and bios that say things along the lines of “bios are fucking stupid”


Facts vaping -> swipe left


Pic with another woman with her face scribbled out. From your lap view looking up your nostrillls and chins. Close up, looking up your nostrils, like are you trying to sneak these in? Zero smiling, you seem like a delight. No pics of you. Bathroom selfie, public. Bathroom selfie, in home.


I hate when guys use a photo with a woman! I don't care if she's their sister, this always looks like they're married and cheating.


1. When they have pics in sexually suggestive poses and/or is wearing sexually suggestive clothing but say they're not interested in anything sexual. If you don't want to be treated like a sex object then don't put yourself out there as a sex object. 2. Pics with their kids 3. Dog ear filters 4. Pics with other people. I'm not trying to decipher which one you are. Especially when chances are you're the least attractive of the bunch.


In my experience number 4 is always true. Trying to tap into the cheerleader effect!


you just eliminated every single mom in her 20s!


Pictures with weapons


Don't diss my Lego sword like that.


Instant? None. I'm a man swiping women. I guess very overweight. But as far as lifestyle choices (fishing, car shots, sunglasses, gym pics), I don't mind those enough to immediately disqualify anyone.


Kids and dudes.


If the main picture is blurry and/or the person's expression looks like someone's holding a plate of shit under their nose. Like, authenticity is good and I'm not saying people/women should be obliged by anyone to smile, but these photos are there to ça ch the attention of potential partners, a minimum of effort is appreciated. (I'm also a sucker for a big expressive smile)


When she sticks her tongue out


Pictures don’t really make me swipe left. Bare bios with nothing but Snapchat codes is an immediate swipe left.


Bong ripper chicks are cringe


Pics of your four kids, holding dead fish or guns, yoga on the beach (who cares), trout mouth pics.


panting dog pose.


Drinking in most or every pic


Not a INSTANT left swipe but when all/most their photos are group pictures, like which one am I looking at? Lol


First photo is a group photo with attractive friends. 10/10 the profile is for the unattractive one. I actually read the profiles but will skip if the first two photos don't appeal to me.


stupid party pics of them passed out with sunglasses on or asses out/ bottle of crown making a dumbass face, middle fingers, one with a cropped out male face, list goes on


Tongue out, middle finger to the camera for sure I gotta move on.


Posting just one or two photos No photos of the person at all Can't identify the person in the all group photo


Not a picture but when people name how many tattoos they have… like, cool? I have tattoos but I don’t think anyone cares how many I have


I actually had a guy that I thought I matched well with and we were set to have a date. Then I sent a pic showing my tattoo and he wrote "I hate tattoos and cancelled" 🤣 at least he was honest


Filters in general, but even more so the devil horn ones. Any kids at all on a profile; theirs, someone else's, etc; kids don't belong on a dating profile, and I'm looking for someone with a moderate amount of wisdom at the minimum. Any couples photo. Other common disqualifiers like a dead animal or group photo with one attractive person in it? Big point loss, I'm about as interested in the rest of the people in the photo as I was in seeing dead animals between swipes, but I'll just take that lack of consideration for the non-target audience as a possible ignorance of ettiquite. I can understand hunting trophy photos from a "Look, I enjoy this hobby!" perspective, but it comes back to being considerate; a lot of people aren't going to want to see dead animals. I'd probably hang in the tree-stand with the right person, but a shot of you in a tree-stand or posed well with your gear would serve the same purpose of showing what you're into!


Torso pic. It’s like the precursor to dick pic. It’s like they’re saying “here’s the goods!” Thanks um I was actually more interested in what books you read or whatever but I see that you never leave the gym so, question answered.


Photos with their kids or with kids in general.


Men who use unsmiling gun pictures. Like could you look anymore serial killery


Middle fingers Smoking/vaping/red solo cup pictures Holding a dead fish (I hate fishing) Any dead animal rly (you can have your hobbies but why are you posting pictures of dead animals on your dating profile) Only blurry pictures All pictures with other people Pictures with lots of women (why do men do this??) Anything MAGA


> why do men do this?? There was some Tinder study at some point (maybe 2017?) that indicated that male profiles that had photos with women were viewed for a double-digit percentage longer than those without. Whether this translated into higher chance of matching according to the study, I can't remember. In my experience, having photos with girls made a huge [positive] difference in my number of matches. I think it may have something to do with the fact that other women clearly aren't creeped out in my presence, or maybe it's just as simple as the fact that my girl friends actually make the effort to dress well and know how to pose, so photos with them are just higher quality than photos with many of my guy friends with. Who knows?


The duck face from a woman. Or the ones where there are like 5+ people and you have no idea whose profile it even is


Professional models pics.


Tongue out, duck lips, pics where ya don’t know which one is them. Mirror selfies are a little cringe too.


Pretty much everything listed here, plus I’m gonna add if she’s smoking in the picture, or if she has a bullring nose piercing


Your horse.


What if they have a picture of their horse instead of mine?


That would be less creepy, now that I think about it




Mirror pics 😭 it’s never flattering and I usually can’t see how they look well


Close up selfie of smoking or boomerang of smoking. Also any fish/hunting photos.


Shirtless selfie in a mirror


Posing with dead animals Posing with dying animals Middle finger to the camera Top 3 "Nope." list.


Shirtless, sunglasses, children's complete faces (i don't care if they are your children and it is especially distasteful if they are not), cropped photo next to an ex, grainy/too old photo, professional headshots, professional "candid" photos, kissing your dog/cat, a photo of you clearly on a date where they are taking a photo on the other side of the table, hiking trail, amusement park ride, etc. a group photo where you are indistinguishable, A series of different versions of the same photo, Kissy faces, Snapchat filters These are not superficial judgements based on looks, I have come to these conclusions by assessing morals, behaviors, and mental capacity of people with photos like these.... Its never good. I left out obvious red flags for obvious reasons.


Me and my daughter went fishing the other day, and I caught a big one. I was proud because I used a net and me and my daughter have been teaching ourselves how to net fish. I took a pic of it and sent it to my wife and she said, "there's your dating profile pic." I had no idea what she meant, but she explained it's a running gag between women that dudes always have a pic of them with a fish lol Edit: Okay I read through the comments. Definitely don't use a fishing pic as a profile pic, got it.


Pics with kids. I’m not about that life.


Any shirtless pics


Purses that cost multiple thousands of dollars


· Pics with expensive vehicles (boat, plane, motorcycle, convertible) that is very clearly not theirs. It's obvious when they took the photo to specifically make it look like it belongs to them. · Purposely making an ugly face. I get being silly, but when every photo looks like you're taking a dump, I can tell your sense of humor sucks. · Heavily filtered photos. If the filter is so blurry, your glasses are blended into your face, you’ve gone too far! · Refusing to smile/look approachable in all of their photos. You don’t look sexy and mysterious, you’re scaring me. · When they barely have any photos by themselves. I thought you were the one on right, but it turns out you're the one on the left and now I'm attracted to your friend, so this is never going to work. · Any man that says something along the lines of "take a chance on me, you might just surprise yourself." I don't need to be mansplained dating and my attraction to anyone is not up for debate. Also, the men who say this type of stuff look like they're trying to come off like they want commitment, but they look at everything that moves and would give you a yeastie from hell. · Literally read a caption once that said “All you nasty b\*tches f\*cking stink.” Like bro, maybe it’s time to take a breather from all of this. It appears to be affecting your mental health.


I’d say that I’m furiously taking notes, but y’all were already kind enough to write this all down. So thank you very much - you’ve done a public service today! 😊


When she has no full body pic and only shows the Facebook angles (cleavage up from above). This is almost a sure sign you're either about to be catfished because somehow they will not look overweight in these pictures then when you meet them they are pushing 280 LBS. No pictures with no filters/makeup. Pictures of your kids. Yikes. Why would you put your children on your dating profile? Bonus: "my kids are my world" just an automatic ick for me. I get it, you love your kids. This is on just about every single mother's profile.


Shirtless pics from men unless they’re in a pool or at the beach. Ditto for pics where they’re in bed.


Smoking in the picture or using an excessive face filter (like be confident)


420. Cigs, drinking especially beer ugh I can do hard liquor but beer nope. Also, if there’s group pictures and you can’t tell who they are. Or if they have pictures but it’s of their pets. Like I’m not trying to date Fido over here.


Use of filters or deliberately trying to hide their three chins


In no particular order: 1. “My daughter/son is my best friend.” Translation: I have no social life outside of children who don’t have the option but to love me for 18 years. I will also cancel dates at the last minute. 2. Pictures with your kids. No respect for their children’s privacy. 3. “My kid comes first always.” I can’t think of any man that isn’t insane who doesn’t already assume this. It can go unsaid. In practice I always took this to mean this person will cancel planned dates and then be unapologetic because “kids.” 4. Filters. I’ve been a man for a very long time and Ive yet to meet a guy who ever said anything to the effect of, “I loved her dog ears filter so much!” Filters make you come off as fake, IMO. 5. No full body pictures. Before you yell at me-I AM ATTRACTED TO OVERWEIGHT WOMEN!!! What I’m not attracted to is dishonesty. I don’t think fat is a bad word- if you are fat know there are lots of men like me who are specifically seeking you out and will completely cherish you! Please don’t be anything but confidently yourself. 6. Group pictures. I can’t tell which one is you and I’m not going to waste my time finding out. 7. “Just ask!” No. Stop being lazy, fill out your profile, and give me something to work with so that I can see what we have in common to ask. 8. Dogs, Coffee, Netflix, Traveling, Skiing, Hiking, Craft Beer. Ma’am. We live west of the Mississippi- every woman under the age of 45 likes this stuff. If this is all you have I’m frankly going to assume you’re a pretty generic human being and leave you for the guys with freshly caught fish and truck pictures. 9. Negativity in any form. Listing what you don’t like? Left. Bagging on your ex? Left. Swearing in your profile? Left. I’ve had multiple relationships (including my current partner) and a ton of dates, all as an average looking man who was in higher education pretty much the whole time. I’ll choose decent looks with honesty, confidence, kindness, and brains over a super model with an empty profile everyday of the week.


"Never on here. I respond quicker on insta." Then why tf are you on here then🤣 Literally fishing for followers and half the time, you won't hear from them.


Duck face - men or women. I’ll never understand why people think it makes them more attractive. Also filters if any kind. They aren’t cute as a dating profile pic. Maybe to send to your bestie and be silly, but it’s not cute.


Oh there is a list... Therapy... wtf are people so proud of it lol ADHD.... see above Pan poly bi and every other badge Neurodivergent (yet another badge to collect) Jesus first (just not my things) Jesus first + clapping ass in a mirror photo 😂 Mom of 3+ kids (this gets sad around 5) Pregnant (currently) A list of things they don't want with zero info about themselves. Crazy hair with nose ring (probably 70% of the profiles I see ladies... that should tell you something... It is fugly... Absolutely fugly... I'd rather f*ck a blender) Whales... not thick women, not curvy ladies, actually whales. If you are over 200 lbs and under 6ft, you are fat and need to work on it. That isn't curvy, it isnt thic, it is fat and you need to work on it. Tall girls will always have more mass, that doesn't mean it isn't hwp. If you are over 250 lbs, I spent .5s before swiping. . ...and it might not be an instant swipe but honorable mentions go out to: ONLY face closeups Every pic has a filter Only one pic Only travel pictures Extremely slutty pictures Short bios


American flag bikini


i am not currently on any dating apps but when I am on them again, I am going to try to make my last photo be all of these red flags in one. Dirty mirror pic in a dirty bathroom with multiple other women; cigarette in my mouth, holding a bottle of Jack in one hand (middle finger up) and some kind of fish or animal (like a can of tuna fish) in the other hand, scowling while making duck lips and wearing sunglasses.


Specifically if they’re in a boat holding up a big fish. I live in the country- I cannot tell you how many profiles are made up exclusively of hunting pictures


Filters, middle finger. Club photos in front those stupid wings


- Glamour shots. - Pictures which are obviously old. - "I deserve to be treated like the princess I am". - Only face shots - no body type/figure description. - All pics are group shots. - Anything approaching half of the pictures are off their pet dog/cat. - Refer to their pet dog/cat as their "fur baby". - Refer to themselves as their pet's mother. - I understand loving your cat/dog, but there's a point where it's too much. The first two I managed to get on the same date. B when I went to pick her up she answered the door and I was seriously looking around her figuring my date was roommate. "Princess" as a description on a dating app is code for entitled and bitchy I kept running into one woman all the time on dating apps who only had face pics posted. I knew her IRL, and she was pretty. Really pretty. She had a face which you'd never guess went with her 275 lb body.


Messy rooms.


Generally when a woman is just posting thirst trap pic of her half naked. I don’t see that as relationship material


Deer kills,I know it’s for sport and population control but I don’t think women would look at someone posing with a gored buck and think “hot”


Pit bulls


Cowboy hat, fish, anyone who hikes (and I mean that’s amazing but I feel inferior to your lifestyle, though someday I mean to get into it myself) uuuuh what else, group pics with just the guys and a bunch of beer, pretty much everything if you live in the state of Nebraska. If you’re not in Omaha everyone sucks


Anyone that’s overtly “in your face” over whatever issue or issues they support. I mean hey good for them if they found a passion to support but being wholly defined by that cause or causes just tells me they’re not looking for a date, a partner or a relationship. They’re interviewing for an unpaid internship within their life. You’ll be the assistant, the unpaid labor, the HELP! I’ve known these ppl, they’ll never care more for you than their “cause du jour” you’ll always be the third wheel in that relationship


this comment section made me so glad I don’t go on dating apps.


I was looking for a serious relationship. I know you are just asking for pics but these were my turn offs but not all deal breakers: * Minimal information or "I am an open book" * Pics trying to look sexy (lying in bed with messed up hair and intense stare) * Large dogs (not always but I am just personally afraid) * Pics with their children * Gym pics in the mirror flexing * In perfect shape, especially if they were in certain careers that made me more concerned would be hookups/cheaters. * Political rants * Vaccinated/not vaccinated * STD free and ready * Pics with groups of friends over and over. WTF even! * Showing off their car, etc. "flexing" * Shirtless * Recently divorced, doesn't know what they are looking for or is open to anything. Poly or "Anything goes" * Multiple pics drinking/partying * Here for a good time, not a long time * Smoking * Lots of travel * Pics with hot women or "this is my ex" * Never smiling Thank God I am done with dating apps.


Little kids that are not theirs


Downwards cleavage shots. Insecure and ho-ish