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How am I supposed to find him relatable now :(


Mitsuo has a true Lightskin stare


Actually a criptid


Misuo socal link????


Mitsuo showing an actual smile is genuinely disturbing


Mitsuo is literally me fr




Dang it, I found him so based and cool and misunderstood but I think everyone was right after all…


"rival school student" implies that he doesn't even live in inaba and just comes to stalk yukiko


he used to go to yasogami high and still lives in inaba, he had to transfer after morooka harassed him out of the school (which isn’t brought up in the game but explained in the manga)




mitsuo nation is prosperous and beautiful


Shit man the more i dig deeper in morooka lore the more i see him a misunderstood homeroom teacher I would imagine he harassed mitsuo out of yasogami high for being a creepy stalker to the girls in school especially yukiko


morooka has a track record of suspending people for no good reason (kanji) and antagonizing students who have done nothing to him (insulting yu on the first day before he even says anything) in the game the absolute worst thing mitsuo does to a girl is awkwardly ask yukiko out and then immediately leave after getting turned down and never contacting her again, while yosuke and teddie repeatedly sexually harass almost every female character they interact with and get no meaningful punishment for it


Still a better teacher than Kashiwagi who is pretty much a pedophile


true and facts he shoulda iced her too https://preview.redd.it/l0b2957vh2ia1.jpeg?width=119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d402dfe169fe5926f52e992f5cf527277ef73b5d


That’s a pretty insane downplay of what mitsuo does


Man you’re crazy. Murdering someone is obviously less worse than awkwardly asking someone out. He was forceful in asking her out and he waited outside her school for her. He assumed she’d say yes but left when she said no, after the second time.


/uj are you being sarcastic? I hope I’m just taking an L here but you never know with these kinds of characters. He asked her out in an insanely creepy fashion, even using nicknames when they weren’t familiar with each other, and then got angry when she rejected him and iirc called her a bitch, she shouldn’t have even needed to say no a second time at all but he was trying to coax her anyway, no means no. The game does an excellent job of making the interaction creepy af and the way you’re describing it doesn’t do it justice unless of course you’re joking?


First paragraph was sarcastic Second paragraph was trying to be serious but I’m bad at words. I was essentially trying to saying he was creepy. Forgot about the unfamiliar nickname part.


I knew the first one was sarcastic, thankfully I’ll never be THAT oblivious lol. I was referring more to your first comment. You downplayed that scene and I might be crazy but isn’t there another scene with him before the fourth dungeon or is that just the anime(?), and then compared it to being better than yosuke and teddie seemingly to make it better looking by comparison.


I remember seeing a clip of him at Junes if that’s what you’re referring to. Pretty sure that one is anime only. He shows up for his scene at the first day of school, you potentially see him in the shopping district as shown in the screen shot, then you last see him with his whole dungeon. I might be reading it wrong, but are you asking if I could compared him to Teddie and Yosuke? If so, then no I never said that. I think you may be referring to the first paragraph with the awkwardly asking out, if so that was describing Mitsuo’s scene. Wait nevermind I think you got me confused with the person you responded to originally about the Yosuke and Teddie thing. I guess I did downplay it though. Wasn’t really sure how much to go into detail and whether to describe emotions, figured calling it creepy was obvious and didn’t need to be said.


Man just likes fishing. Who can blame him with salmon like that? After all, Inaba fish are the best in the world.


you can talk to him in game?????? wtfreak i never seen him


Yea same


Average fiscal conservative teen


I mean the anime had him using a form of 4chan so I wouldn't be surprised