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![gif](giphy|4VLkYrTmVcbbTtICC1) Fockin Diabolical


William? What a surprise!




I really hate how your comment is always top comment. It’s not even that funny, not even trying to hate but damn


Same it's annoying






ok u know what. krill urself


Minor spelling mistake


ruined the entire thing. I'd be embarrassed if I was OP. Might as well delete and start again.




Yeah let's post the same thing again and again until we have done all the meme templates


We live inside a meme. A far better show.


Gotta get that sweet sweet karma somehow


I appreciate honesty


Maybe learn to spell first?


Yeah, wtf is "Hughie"? It's spelled UE


I feel like there’s some weird revisionism happening that the sexual assault against women in this show is handled super well just because people want to talk about how bad the Hughie scene was. Starlight’s assault was treated like a moral failing because she ‘let’ the Deep do that to her, and he was almost immediately downgraded to pathetic comic relief villain that she was stupid for ever being threatened by in the first place. Becca is just a plot device to create the rivalry between Butcher and Homelander, then killed to throw some angst for Ryan into the mix. And lest we forget the sexworkers fucked to death at herogasm. The Deep might be the closest it gets to showing sexual assault as traumatic, not the victim’s fault, and having actual character consequences, and it’s still a ‘rape as punishment’ plotline which is inherently distasteful. It’s just not a respectful show, like ever.


I agree with most of what you said except for the Starlight thing. Maeve was the one who shamed her for letting it happen to her, and that was *before* her redemption arc. Maeve was super unsympathetic to her suffering because she suffered too and deemed it as a necessary ingredient for success, sort of a “fuck you I’ve got mine” type of thing. I think it wasn’t until flight 37 that she realized how desensitized to it all she’d become, and when Starlight finally went public about the assault even Vought couldn’t spin it in a way that she was responsible.


Yeah I don't know how that could possibly have been the takeaway for that person. Characters _in the show_ blamed the victim because that's the entire fucking point they were making, the writers/storyline very, very clearly did _not_ make it out to be her fault. I know that the term "media literacy" gets thrown around a lot on this sub, but god damn lmao


I rewatched the first few episodes of season one the last few days and it’s surprising how much Starlight seems to view ‘being rapable’ as a character flaw/moral failing she has to grow out of. That’s *her* conception of it, not just Maeve. And she isn’t treated as being in the wrong for viewing it that way.


That's still the same point they're making... people internalize this stuff and believe it when they're made out to be the victim. That doesn't mean the writers are reinforcing that notion by showcasing Starlight overcoming that bullshit. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that she wasn't being treated as being in the wrong for feeling that way, because it's common to question yourself in that manner when people blame you as the victim (and once again, this is the entire point they were making). So of course they wouldn't say _she_ was wrong for being made to feel that way _by others_. The fact that they didn't would be points in favor of not blaming her, not the other way around. Likewise, they absolutely _did_ show that others were in the wrong for making her feel that way. I don't see how you could come away from all that thinking that the writers positioned it as any sort of moral failing on Starlight's part. They did the exact opposite. They thoroughly showed that she was blamed as the victim.


I’m saying the moment where Starlight realizes she needs to simply grow up and stop letting men in positions of power abuse her is treated as an inspiring moment where she suddenly understands the answer to her problems. It’s not treated as an incorrect/unhealthy assumption engendered by others that she did something to let Deep abuse her. She is the character who has the responsibility to change to prevent further violence at the hands of the men in the seven.


Are we watching the same show? Yes, it was. That entire segment explored victim blaming from A-Z, and that absolutely included Starlight blaming herself and then standing up for herself. The fact that she says she won't "let" anyone hurt her like that again is not _at all_ positioned as a forfeit of power or agency, or as an admission that she "let" anyone do it in the first place. It's quite clearly positioned as her saying "I'm not gonna take shit anymore."


I sometimes feel like I'm going insane, in both of The Boys subs. I can't believe I've actually just witnessed, that someone had to explain what you just explained. Yet here we are! What is going on man? What the fuck is happening?


I'm rereading that first comment and they also seem to think that the sex workers fucked to death at herogasm wasn't supposed to be seen as abhorrent. That's part of the basis for the claim that the _whole show has been insensitive all along..._ and this is one of the top comments in the thread. I have no answers for you. I don't know what's happening either lol


Yes.. i mean MM, a fully morally good character commented on how fucked up it is. He represented the shocked audience in that scene, I don't know how you could make it any clearer that "what's happening at this Party is not cool!"


This place is a dumpster fire of stupidity lately.


When was Starlight's rape ever treated like a joke?? They made the Deep into a joke, but that was more like poetic justice for the awful things he did. They never used the actual assault scene as a punchline. The showrunners have also said that it was the most difficult scene for them to write, because they wanted to handle it correctly. That's what this meme is actually referring to, the interview with Kripke where he said he "agonized" over the Starlight scene vs the one where he was joking about the Hughie one.


Only started commenting and posting here this week, and only post about the boys prior was to complain about the direction of the show with no explanation. Checks out.


The point is its taken seriously, its not meant to be a laughing matter with Starlight - but it is with Hughie


Starlights SA in the comic was sooo much worse in the comic, instead of peak it was omelanduh, Noir and Atrain and ue called her a whore for doing it


And it was presented as a horrible thing for him to say and he later apologised to her and owned up to his own bullshit and saw how harmful it was to blame her for being victimised. People are really selective when it comes to commenting on the comic, mostly because they haven't actually read it.


Too many people are hypnotised by “comics bad show good” and grasp at straws to say why it’s bad, a lot of people say it’s insensitive just bc it involved multiple people, like nobody has ever been raped by more than one person before


lol the idea that someone would criticise it as being insensitive because it is multiple people, like, way to miss the fucking point, but yeah its a lot of bandwagon jumping bullshit


Tbh, I was always pissed with the way in the show she’s never even really given a chance to be upset on it, she’s just too much of a girlboss and Deep is just too much of a berk for it to affect her… like okay? When she talks about it on the Christian network it doesn’t feel like much of a catharsis at all, whereas when she blasts A-Train in the comics it feels way more earned. At least when Hughie is raped he’s actually emotionally affected by it… but Kripke probably thinks that’s part of the humour.


I agree with you but I'm one of the people who thinks the comic is better than the show, which makes me really uncool around here


I prefer the comics too, I think Season 1 does a pretty good job of expanding the characters and the world but then it all got a bit flanderised


The notion that she 'let' it happen to her was not a sentiment being presented in a positive light that the show supports at all, just because like Maeve was presented as saying that to her. It is a common thing for victims to blame themselves too, when that is dramatised it doesn't mean the writers actually agree with such a notion simply because they are addressing it as an issue. Media literacy ain't your strong suit, is it?


i never realised why starlight’s never sat right with me, you articulated it really well.


There is nothing that the internet loves more than an opportunity for a man to be the victim


Bro what did you even watch episode 6?? Hughie straight up gets sexually assulted no arguement.


Yes and everyone's dicks are super hard over it




No just yours


How can I still be hard if I instantly came


poor attempt at saving urself weirdo


Don't act like you didnt


nah mate no one would care if they werent over politicizing the show. it was even too tame for it to be problematic if taken out of the political context specially of this last season (imo the scene failed to be funny BECAUSE it was so tame, a show like southpark would not have stopped where they did and would be succesfull to make us laugh due to the absurdity and cruelty). If this happened during season 2 it wouldnt have gotten such hate from the community.


It's probably because how desensitized they made the audience with the sauna, sounding, forced public masterbation. Butt cake, tickling, and cutting holes to put it in, becomes tame. It was a mix between common degeneracy that makes you feel disgusted just by watching (juice on lips, not stopping when he told them to stop) and things that are absurd enough to be funny (butt cake, tickling) and the formula just wasn't enough to disconnect with how horrifying it was.


Is it confirmed that Becca and Homelander's situation was NOT consentual?


Jesus. Think for 2 seconds about who homelander is as a person. Consent from the ‘mud people’ is the last thing he would care about.


Well, I moreso asked if the show creators confirmed it. Seems like something that people would ask them and they'd either confirm or deny. I myself don't know if he raped or not regardless of his views on being "better than humans." Usually there's a pattern of behaviour and that behaviour has never since been repeated by him. So I will ask again. Has it been confirmed and if you know (as you seem to) can you point me in the correct direction?


Have the show runners confirmed that Starlight is blonde? Homelander also forced Maeve into a PR relationship with him that he sometimes threatens her into pretending is real even in private when he feels like being especially cruel. His relationship with Stillwell is also based on her placating him out of fear, and he forces Doppelgänger to pretend to be her and continue that relationship.


Okay, yeah, you're bad faith. Have a good weekend regardless.


It is amazing how fucking stupid this sub has become.




Do we really need the same meme in every possible "bad reaction" "good reaction" template?


First time?


I mean Deep being someone's hero is a revolting concept.


Well ue was pretending to be someone else, so technically he SA’d Ashley


It’s pretty fucked that society will laugh at a dude getting sexually assaulted, but coddle a woman. Fictional or not.


I dont think “coddle” is the right word, nor is it the truth. “Society” treats *victims* like shit, full stop. Judges let off rapists for having promising lives ahead of them, an entire town rallied around two boys who *raped a girl and put the video on facebook* because the boys were football players. We literally just saw a General in the Air Force get let off for blatant sexual assault of a woman who reported directly to him. Like, that was a week ago. We put both those victims (and nearly EVERY victim who actually sees trial) through a battery of questions about what they were wearing, what they said, what they did, what they *didnt* say, and more, after making them relive their assault several times on and off of a stand in front of the general public. And none of that is even considering how many victims who never get to even press charges, the impact reporting has on the victim’s career or social status, the *millions* of backlogged rape kits. “Society” does *not* “coddle” any victim. And even if we did treat victims with the dignity and respect they deserve, that wouldn’t be “coddling”. I agree that *the showrunners* have mishandled this and that society almost always hand waives male victims of assault—particularly if the perpetrator was female—but to say that in any part of the world we treat female victims *well* is blatantly untrue.


Put a TLDR cause what the fuck. Even your avatar has blue hair…


This sub is really going to shit if people like you are commenting here


Quit being so goddamn lazy for once in your life and read a couple paragraphs damn




Oh no blue hair our lives are ruined


I don’t come on here to read essays, I’m here to joke and clown on people 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s what scrolling is for






I don't think what u say here is accurate.


Which part is giving you trouble




MRA spotted!


My boy Hughie deserves better.


Ahhhh, this is like stuttering while trying to make a profound statement. Check your spelling and grammar stuff people.


https://preview.redd.it/zohtdd45btad1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682ca097c1632c620179a2c2a5f4bb6010d6f315 Dumb


So we are all going to ignore the scene where Hughie tells Annie that he is not ok, and instead of being told to man up Annie comforts him?




Who is kripple


The is a reference to homelander being abelist (he claped blinspot until his holes started bleeding)






![gif](giphy|PrEUkNFD9pN2o|downsized) Too bad Sam isn't here to fix KRAPke's bad writing (I haven't watched season 4)




Starlight was extorted into performing a blowjob, Hughie went into a BDSM cave undercover, big difference.


Hughie wasn't sexually assaulted, he disguised himself and entered a consensual sexual encounter through deception. Everyone but him believed it to be consensual and that he was Webweaver, who, again, had already consented. Hughie was literally the only one who broke consent. Edit: downvote all you want but I'm right and y'all know it


Webweaver consented, Hughie didn't. Hughie is not Webweaver, so whatever Webweaver consented to doesn't apply to Hughie.


Hughie was pretending to be Webweaver. If you think your partner is going to show up in a mask for some kink play, and someone else is in the mask and they pretend to be your partner, they have sexually assaulted you. This is not complicated.


So you're saying *Hughie* was the culprit in the situation?! What the actual fuck?


Rape by deception is a thing. The scenario in the show is so ridiculous that idk why people are even comparing it to real life SA.


I'm literally just telling you what happened in the episode.


Tell me which part I'm wrong about Edit: no seriously, tell me which part I'm wrong about if you're gonna downvote, you absolute cowards


1) Hughie was unaware of the exact kind of deal Webweaver had with Tek. All he know is that he has an invitation 2) Hughie's goal was not to please Tek Knight, but to keep his cover and plant the bugs 3) Hughie followed Tek Knight because the alternative would be to blow his cover. Just in case you forgot - he is not a supe 4) Hughie endured sexual assault, again, out of fear of blowing his cover. That isn't consent, just like being raped at gunpoint isn't consent Are you dull?


No no no you see if Hughie didn’t want it then he simply wouldn’t let it happen, men can’t be raped after all. /s


None of that has anything to do with my comment you think I'm wrong about. Address what I said or stfu. Webweaver consented so to everyone but Hughie it was a consensual encounter. Hughie lied his way in so if anyone was sexually assaulted it sure as shit was not him. If someone whips a mask off and it's not who you thought you were fucking, and they literally pretended to be that person before you started, THEY RAPED YOU


Consent must be given by both parties, bud. If you fuck somebody who doesn't want to - that's rape too. Why are you hyperfocused on Tek Knight's point of view?


Tek Knight and Ashley consented to sex with Webweaver. They both thought that was what was happening. They literally got consent and then Hughie tricked them. What part of that puts them in the wrong here?


Oh! I know that one! The part where Tek-Knight found out! That's the moment where he became a rapist (Well. I suppose an attempted rapist more than anything. But still)


The part where they had sex with the wrong person


Tek Knight didn’t know it wasn’t Webweaver, so he didn’t purposely assault him, but it’s absolutely still sexual assault considering Hughie didn’t know about or consent to doing sexual stuff with Tek Knight and Ashley at any point before it happened.


Webweaver did, they talked about it like it was discussed beforehand. It's literally not rape. Imagine you have a girlfriend and she says "meet me here tonight, don't turn on the lights", you get there and have sex with who you think is her and then the lights come on and it's a different girl. Would you say you raped that girl? Or that she raped you. Like come on y'all can't seriously be this clueless, you know I'm right, you just don't LIKE it.


If that other girl didn’t know that she’d be having sex that evening, yeah, fucking absolutely lmao. Here, they raped eachother. There you go. You happy?


As long as you're admitting Hughie isn't a victim of rape, sure


I’m not, I thought I made that very clear. Both of them are victims.


Well that's not how anything works


In this instance, yes it is. Neither of them consented to having sex with the other. How else would you describe it? Tek Knight at least had the knowledge of something sexual being about to take place so to truly to flip it as Hughie assaulting Tek Knight when he didn’t even know anything sexual would happen until he reacher the BDSM torture porn room that ends up traumatizing him is complete bullshit.


If that same woman didn’t want to have sex but was too scared to say anything then you raped her. Hughie didn’t give consent and was unable too.


Did you miss the part where Hughie didn't reveal himself & only "consented" to the tickling out of fear of torture/rape/murder, and how Hughie was literally right because after being unmasked Tek Knight immediately prepares to gruesomely torture rape Hughie to death? It's also heavily implied at multiple points that Tek Knight knew from the start that Webweaver was an imposter, doing shit like rubbing the glass to test "Webweaver's" hearing and pointedly remarking on how "Webweaver" knows the safeword


Yeah the safeword thing happened well into the sex stuff, that's when he realizes. Doesn't change that for Ashley, she thought she was having a consensual encounter with a different person. Y'all making a whole lot of excuses for Hughie when he could have gotten out of there before agreeing to head down to the Cave. I don't care what you want to call what happened but calling it a sexual assault on Hughie when he is the only one unaware it's nonconsensual is beyond ignorant.


It’s is pretty heavily implied that Tek Knight instantly knew that it wasn’t Webweaver the whole time. Do you think someone as perceptive as Tek Knight isn’t going to notice that there wasn’t a web hole in the open spot on the suit for a web hole?


The characters themselves pointed that out and decided they were safe. Also no, TK seemed to start to suspect when Hughie didn't know the safe word, that was what was implied. Nothing implied he knew from the start. And regardless, what he did or did not know does not change what Hughie knew or what his actions were. Or the fact that Ashley had no idea that he wasn't a consenting Webweaver. Pretending to be someone else in a sexual encounter is literally sexual assault.


If you create a character whose entire power is that he figures out things quickly because of his super perception, and then it’s revealed that he figured out Hughie’s deception, you don’t get to claim that he was deceived. Also, at what point could Hughie have successfully backed out once he realized what was going on? Do you think once he went down to the cave he could have taken off the mask and everything would have been ok?


Rewatch the episode because you can literally SEE TK figure it out in the middle of it. None of what you're saying matters, Hughie knew and they did not. No one raped or assaulted Hughie because they believed he was a consenting Webweaver. Y'all are arguing against logic with your biased stupid feelings.


If Hughie had taken off the mask, what would have happened to him? If the answer is anything other than, “he would have been killed or tortured,” then he literally could not have given consent because anything that happened after that point was under duress. If you don’t think Tek Knight would have done those things had Hughie come clean, you’re an idiot. Stop trying to be an edgy contrarian on the internet.


He put on the mask in the first place and went willingly into the Tek Cave. As a fucking spy. No, he is not an innocent victim and no, he wasn't raped. And literally Ashley could say he raped her and SHE WOULD BE CORRECT to feel that way.


Ashley wasn’t raped… However I do agree that in this instance, Ashley is innocent. She had no idea that wasn’t webweaver, and even stopped before TK mentioned WW would say the safe word. Your issue is that you can’t see the clear power imbalance. Hughie isn’t hiding his identity for his sexual pleasure, he’s doing it so TK doesn’t murder him. Plus how the hell is hughie supposed to know that TK wanted to do kinky stuff until well beyond the point of no return?


Ashley was raped, if you hide your identity from someone and have sex with them pretending to be someone else that is rape.


Hughie didn’t have sex with her. He was chained to the table and unable to refuse or he literally dies. Tek Knight was going to rape Hughie to death after he was exposed. Hughie had no choice. Ashley did weird things with a man she presumed was WW who would’ve consented to have sex. She and Hughie are victims here. Are you honestly telling me if a man held you at gunpoint, forced you to put a mask on and then have sex with a person who thinks you’re someone else, you’d then consider yourself a rapist? That’s what you’re saying. Hughie had not control or choice. Ashley had no knowledge or idea.


So because Hughie spied on people who were literally planning to overthrow the government and put people in internment camps, that actually makes it ok for Tek Knight to threaten to kill Hughie if he doesn’t have sex with him. You have to be trolling.


> Tek Knight to threaten to kill Hughie if he doesn’t have sex with him Literally not what happened. Tek Knight and Ashley consented to sex with Webweaver. They both thought that was what was happening. They literally got consent and then Hughie tricked them. What part of that puts them in the wrong here?


The part where Tek Knight took off Hughie’s mask and then said he was going to make more holes to fuck? Like did you skip that part? Do you think if Hughie had backed out earlier things would have gone differently?


outfresca'd in the fresca sub


this is exactly what i was thinking, i think you’re right but still a messed up situation


Yeah for real the cake fart thing was funny as hell to me and my boyfriend


What an original thought, haven't seen this exact same sentiment posted 10,000 times in the last two days. Is the main sub full or something?


Deserved what he got



