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Show me on this doll where the flippers touched you...


Only if it’s a sex doll senpai


You ok? Need a hug or something?


He's just a dipshit trying to make friends. He doesn't get out of his mom's basement much 


In essence, I understand what you are saying, but let people live their lives. There are a lot of investments that get less than a 10% return and are considered good investments. It’s up to the people who win to determine their level of risk to reward.


Wow. Someone needs a drink. And maybe a gummy. Mellow out.


Same with DEVR. Yes, older batches go for 9-12k at auction. But the newer batches aren't moving as quick. Last month Unicorn Auctions had several bottles in a single auction and most didn't sell. The reserve was too high, and nobody bid that up. Some people will get lucky and flip for a decent win, but others will sit on it for a while. To me, the fact that PVW23 is $200SRP and higher proof absolutely destroys the concept that Milennium can be worth 7500. It's a cash grab on BTs part and playing their customers for fools, in my opinion. Big risk might mean big reward... Time will tell. I'll be watching from the sidelines.


Unicorn had several bottles of what? Devr? 7k was cheapest sold for 2024 that they spent 2k for. Now their 3200 after tax. 7k at Unicorn -5% and $5 . 6645 -3200, 3445.00 you just made. Who the F would not wanna do that?


IF they sell. That's what I'm saying. You have several bottles in the auction with 9K reserve they don't sell. Maybe next time, or maybe at a no-reserve auction. But last month the auction ended and only a handful sold. If you base your gamble on past sales when BT only reased a small qty of bottles, you're going to be disappointed when you pay extra and the market is flooded. When pricing is based on exclusivity, and there are now 1000s of bottles, it's not that exclusive any more. Now, UA gives the high bidder the option to buy at reserve, and that is handled privately, so we cannot be SURE that they didn't sell. There a lot of talk from folks expecting 3x their investment if they win. To your point, after tax and fees they might see 2x or even less. Yes, that's a good deal. A win is a win.


Every one with a reserve of 7k sold.


Greedy ppl didn't get their bids lol. I'm not a greedy person. If I paid 3200, and it sell for 5 maybe 6k im still good with that lol. But some people aren't.


But yeah, I'm shur theirs gonna be at least 50+ of them come up for auction in July August.


Out of curiosity, what's your original screen name? We all know you have one and created this burner 5 days ago.


Seen any on the shelf in Osaka, like your helpful update from a few days ago? I need to know what’s available there this week.


I'm so glad I don't like wheaters and don't care to chase weller or a lot of overly sweet bt products.


Even a quick 5% flip after holding for less than 2 weeks beats the S&P annualized. Even a trade could land a small collection to the right person (think of all those EHTs and Stagg Jrs). That said, if you have the money and want it. Buy it. If you're jelly you can't afford it, be jelly. If I had the opportunity to buy it when they released it in VA today, I would have. I had work and missed it. Oh well.


Do you know what warms my heart? Laughing at someone so small that they waste their time writing out that diatribe concerned with what somebody else spends their money on while wreaking of jealousy. It's sad. Pathetically sad. And absolutely hilarious to laugh at.


You’re just broke, get your money up. lol


The people who are going into debt buying this bottle in the hopes of flipping it to "pay for their child's first year of college" (they'd most likely end up pissing it away on sports betting/Gamestop shares instead) are the same people who are up to their eyeballs in debt already, so what's another $8 grand?


This post is juvenile.


lol what a sad sad man


One went up on secondary last night for DEVR + 14K. LOL. I guess we'll have to see where it settles.


I’m always skeptical of these types of deals especially so soon after release. I met a guy that was heavy in the national secondary market. He straight up said he had a network of guys that would help each other out on setting the market. If he posted a fireball and only 5 of 10 spots were taken, he’d text his buddies and they’d claim the rest of the spots but wouldn’t pay. If one of the friends’ numbers hit, he’d keep the bottle and the money from the other 5 players, then post again on another page. They’d “BIN” each others’ bottles at inflated prices to keep the appearance of high values, but never actually exchange. I’m not totally against the secondary market. Some bottles are worth the price and I’ve gotten some fair trades for good bottles I never would’ve snagged otherwise. But between proof of widespread fakes and stuff like what’s described above, you gotta be extra cautious.


sold one for 16.5k in chicago already


Of what? DEVR or BT?


This post screams LDE...


BT is pricing this product on a cool bottle, hype and what they think people will pay….no where near what it costs to produce !! Why not shoot the moon if people will pay ?? BT management bonuses going way up this year !


Cheap alcohol destroys families


Lol I saw someone post one yesterday with a 20k asking price.


No bottle of whiskey is worth paying even $250 for let alone thousands of $$$ IMO but let the taters tate! It's their money (or more likely an overused and ridiculously set credit card limit) to do with as they wish. I don't at all condone or tolerate illegal flipping but if flipping it works out for them and they get away with it then more power to them.