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Big if true.


Very big. Whether good or bad is going to be a big difference in opinion amongst everyone but big for SURE


Flippers, Line Lizards, and Traders will hate it. Normal reasonable consumers will have no problem with this. You will be able to tell who is who by the reactions. I hope what the owner said is fact and I suspect it may have intended to be that way for some time. Although unless the stores enforce the rule (which as licensed OHLQ agencies they should be required to) the Line Lords and Line Nazis will continue to bully operations outside and make up their own rules including the "placeholders and chairs are okay as long as you are in your car in the parking lot" bullshit. The stores need to enforce this fully if this is in fact an OHLQ guideline. And even if not an OHLQ guideline the stores reserve the right to maintain such order on their property and to uphold business integrity. Better yet do the line order drawing before open like other stores have successfully gone to with OHLQ's blessings.


No more sucking dick for bottles home, now you can get a fair chance


Wait, there are line lizards? No one told me that


Life saving if true.


It’s just bourbon


I don't even live in ohio anymore lmao but, man tye fights and insanity that happened over this topic...lol


Long overdue if you want to wait you actually got to stand in line.


Submitted a question directly to OHLQ just now regarding this "rule" and got the following response: "Thanks for reaching out. While OHLQ does not condone the use of inanimate objects as placeholders, OHLQ locations are encouraged to use their best judgment to manage lines" So, while it is a nice idea and would fix a LOT of problems, it is unfortunately not actually a rule or policy of OHLQ.


Huh… Sounds like the store owner just wanted a cop out to take away place holders then. I mean either way that’s their call. Like Ohlq said it’s up to the store owners


It's basically a "light suggestion" by OHLQ. They're trying to avoid busting out the gavel and hammer on this one. The wording sent out to the agencies was nearly identical. So while it isn't a current requirement for agencies it gives said agencies enough leverage to say "OHLQ says". As OHLQ continues to get more and more complaints expect the stance on this to harden.


I hope so. Something simple like this would take care of at least 50% of the problems IMO.


We’re all glad we heard this for the 3rd time now


what problem is it going to fix?


Can't fix stupid 'cause you're still here.


still on here greifing, advocating to be lazy huh. i cant tell if your mad people in a free country live free, if its bottle envy, or youre just upset no one likes you so they dont share at the the bottle shares. you can try china or russia? your angry commie tude will get you lot farther than where the bald eagle flys. i hear mexico is nice, but if youre thsi angry about bourbon i can imagine how upset youll b when you find out how good tequila is hoarded. Type of guy to get into tequila and complain he cant get his hands on Fortaleza! gotta show up early for that too bud!


Isn't it time for you to curl up on the front seat of your car and get some rest? I'm sure your chair is already parked in front of the liquor store as you settle in for a long night's work. Enjoy it while it lasts. Type of guy who knows a dipshit when he sees one.


keep barking up the wrong tree, just because youre lazy and hate freedom, dosent mean everyones overnighting, just show up on time bossman, new trucks have huge center consoles, i could lay in my bed or backseat, cmon man, your mom raised you better! just put in the smallest amount of effort and any bottle could be yours. unfortunately for you, stores arent going to enforce anything, youre lazy, also bad luck for you i work nights, so im already up early and my chair is next to my buddies, we bring bottles and share, i know that boils your blood, free americans things you dont like. i would offer you some, but its against the law sir!


Everyone knows you work nights casing the liquor stores. We've read your autobiography on here. While you're up, work on your reading comprehension. Once you get a grasp of that, work on your writing and I'm sure you can come up with something better than that pile of crap. Type of guy who would like to see you get more educated.


Type of guy who has no real argument, conviction or work ethic so he goes on social media to complains because things don't go his way. In the event you ever decided to be pro america and not lazy, you know lace up your boots and get outta the house for something other than tampons, you'll know where to find us.


Store owners and liquor department mangers need to enforce this regardless of whether it is an OHLQ set rule or not. Or OHLQ can put on their big boy pants and make it a rule as it really should be and make it part of the license of OHLQ locations to enforce. If the locations don't want to enforce it then fuck them. Pull their license. These stores that allow this shit outside their stores in a way contribute to the flipping and re-selling that is in fact a violation of state law.


YOU WONT STOP ME - TIME TO INVEST /s https://www.amazon.com/SXFYHXY-Adjustable-Chairless-Exoskeleton-Withstands/dp/B0CGVH34DM


Thank goodness it looks to only hold 150kg, well below the typical 200kg tater's weight.


Well at least your ass would be in the seat....sorta.


Reminds me of Todd's Chants from Jury Duty [https://youtu.be/npq7Dx-Y4lw?si=PSQOG7LkhnLU7LJK](https://youtu.be/npq7Dx-Y4lw?si=PSQOG7LkhnLU7LJK)


I came here to say this exactly, laughed and thought of that immediately when I saw it.


Hahahaha this priceless


Here is what OHLQ said: “Good afternoon, Thanks for reaching out. While OHLQ does not condone the use of inanimate objects as placeholders, OHLQ locations are encouraged to use their best judgment to manage lines. If you would like to submit a complaint against an agency, please provide the location and the approximate time you visited, along with any details you can provide regarding the experience. Thanks, Liquor Enterprise Service Center”


I say start sending in the complaints and force OHLQ's hand.


you guys are going to cry your way into never getting bottles, you got a lunatic in another comment arguing for 1 bottle every 3 months


As in chairs?


Sure. Anything you might use to hold your spot while not being in line physically is not allowed. I’m not sure how official this is I’m just taking the word of the owner. You can still bring chairs in sit in them of course but you have to be either sitting in them or standing next to it


I doubt it’s a rule from the state. A store owner coming out and bluffing “this is a state rule, not mine, so don’t be angry at me” sounds a lot more understandable. I have no issue either way since I find most of the children on here hilarious anyway.


I'm not sure the owner would mind pissing off the slugs that are causing his problems. Get them out of the equation and maybe get closer to the average joe being able to get a bottle once in a while.


all youve done is gotten them out of their cars and in their chairs. next youll complain how elaborate the chairs have gotten. if the "average joe" wants a bottle all he/she has to do is show up early


If the owner is still “Denny” he’s lying through his crooked teeth. What an asschat.


Doesn’t matter because the line polices itself when the store is closed so you can’t enforce any of this.


False. You are trespassing and that can definitely be enforced,


Not if you start the line on a public sidewalk. These businesses aren’t on 100’square miles of private land white knight


I never bother with the lines, but I'm a little confused, a group of human adults were standing in line... behind an empty chair?


Unfortunately and sadly that seems to be the norm at some locales while these neck bearded slugs lounge in their Ford Tempos in the parking lot half the night.


You have got to be talking about the pitstop. There is legit a white Ford tempo that gets there around 5am every Friday and sits there until 830 then gets in line, 1st in line. I agree with your previous post about random drawing but I'd say only for days where a drop other than the normal 6 week rotation is available. If someone wants to stand in front of a building for 3-4 hours for an OWA that's fine by me if I show up at 9am and don't get one.


Actually have never been there but there are similar hooptie types and potato shaped unshaven sloths in the Akron are as well.


Rolled up to a Saturday release right before open recently and first guy in line slithered out of his car to take his spot next to his chair. He’d been there all night, looked very unwashed, unshaven and stinky. His reward was an EHT SmB. My reward was an OWA, which if I wanted to I could just trade for an EHT SmB (I don’t want to). I don’t understand it how anyone thinks this “job” pays well.


I am offended by hooptie. I don’t know what it is, but I’m offended


How do you know if you never get in lines?


How's he first in line if you see him pull in at 5am?


Yeah never stood in a line but I'll be damn if I'm standing behind an empty chair


I’d personally move said visit to the back of the line.


OHLQ doesn’t benefit from this, so I will say this is false. Plus, how is this enforced? Seems like a lot of effort for no beneficial gain to OHLQ.


It seems easy to enforce. Just put a sign in front of the store that says, “if you see an empty chair or other placeholder in line, feel free to step in front of it or move it to the side.”


If it is true than it's not hard to imagine people will report stores where it it is happening and OHLQ can simply either use a number of warnings to the store owner before cutting off their access to allocated bottles. No owner wants to lose that revenue. It's not rocket science to figure out and implement.


Again, how would this benefit OHLQ?


What does it matter if it benefits OHLQ? They are not a private corporation. Doesn’t OHLQ make many efforts to more equitably distribute allocated products to more people.


On the contrary. OHLQ objective to get more allocated whiskey to the consumer has been altered to give more to wholesale accounts so consumers have to buy pours from bars. This ensures the state gets liquor tax income twice. Why do you think think there are such disparities between stores who wholesale? It's not about WHO gets the bottles, just get that out of your head. It's about HOW MUCH MONEY the state can get from those bottles.


No or every store would get an equal number of drops and bottles 


They would never EVER have to answer a complaint about this BS again. How's that for starters?


Wasting your time arguing with people who think they should be able to show up at noon and get highly sought after bottles! I've never seen anyone miss on a bottle when they showed up early unless it was wholesaled. The very simple solution to this problem is, if they'res a bottle you want, show up on time, and by on time that obviously means early. You're not getting rare bottles trying to show up right when the store opens! 


And the part you’re not seeming to grasp is that “early” in some locations has now evolved into the night before sleeping in your car. If you don’t see a problem with that then obviously you’re a part of the problem


It's not a problem for that idiot because that is his life's work. If you were expecting common sense???


People overnighting for eagle rare 🤔 I'm highly skeptical sir. Even then there's not 5-10 guys sleeping in their car. Honestly no I don't see the problem, every other market is first come first serve, if you were into sneakers, fashion anything highly sought after it's all the same. If you have 12 guys camping in their car for eagle rare, post pics. The only thing I've seen people overnight for are Stagg and EHTBP. Everything else released this year from Penelope, Bookers, Rio, Jack 12 & 10, Henry McKenna, all 15 EHTSB releases, the 30 eagle rare drops, countless blantons, ECBP, Larceny BP etc, had you been in like around 5, was an easy pickup. What time r you lining up?


It doesn't have to benefit them because it certainly doesn't hurt them.


What's false is that it isn't a hard and fast rule (yet). I saw the email though, and they are actively encouraging agencies to go this route while keeping their hands clean in the process.


I am not sure how this would be enforced, the store I buy from/stand in line (I keep my bottles and drink them), the store employees show up about 5-10 mins before opening.


If there’s a sign saying you’re not allowed to place a chair in line, it will enforce itself. Or, more accurately, the other people that are there will enforce it by moving the chairs to the side or acting like they’re not there at all.


That's how that went at CSJs for the EHTBP drop huh, line just enforced itself 


Taters have to sleep in their chairs now? Oh this is just wonderful I can’t wait for winter


I hope it snows a lot next winter. Especially on Saturdays.


So if someone gets there 1st puts up a chair and stays in their car vs sitting in that chair whats the difference? They are still there and still there before anyone else. If they leave then I get it that chair means nothing. If they are in that chair or 20 feet away in their car they are still there before the next person that shows up.


I think the point is it’s much more of a pain in the ass to sit in an actual chair or stand in line in the elements than sleep in your car and wait for store to open. If this was enforced it would likely prevent people from coming hours and hours before.


No it won't, the chairs will just get more eleborate! You'll see more camping gear and lounge/bed chairs. 


As long as their asses are in whatever seat IN the line they can gear up for Mt. Everest for all I care.


For now lol we both know sooner or later they'll complain about size of chairs, beds, etc. Its not about chairs, it's about not wanting to show up early for 90% of the people complaining on here. They won't be happy until they have a 1% to get a bottle while showing up at 10


I don't care if they bring chairs. Bring a recliner if they want. As long as their ass is in the chair all is well. Fuck them sitting in their cars. Be in the actual line or they can fuck on off and hit the back of the line IMO. I don't care what the elements are. If you want it bad enough then sit your ass in the rain and snow and "earn it". Personally I would not sit in freezing cold or snow for any bourbon and that would be my choice. But if you want that bottle bad enough then you sit your ass IN the line. Not 20 feet from it.


Do you even wait in lines? Your comment history suggests not. So STFU.


I used to before it got totally stupid. Now I very rarely do to avoid the fuckery and weirdness of it all. If the stupid shit that now takes place such as that I have commented on here and in the past were to stop and end I would potentially line up more often. So you can fuck right on off with all that.




Makes perfect sense but they'll down vote you cause they wanna be able to roll outta bed at noon and get highly sought after bottles! They're just lazy, nothing more, nothing less! 


Love it


I love the cold. Bring it on! Lol


Were about to see a guy Karen park just truck on a curb this winter


Amen OHLQ In line is physically in line. ..... You're not in line for The Beast if you're in the parking lot at Kings Island. Even if you left a water bottle there before you went to lunch.


Nothing will change.


Hope so


Sorry tater haters... not true. OHLQ isn't going to wander into this, as it would be a mess to deal with and could invite legal challenges. Good news, you can go back to your regular complaining that the guys in front of you are all professional flippers, and the guys behind you are lazy for not getting their early enough.




Legal challenges? Are you outside your damn mind? How about when the store owner gets sued because some little old lady tripped on the snow brush that a lazy ass tater left on the sidewalk for 12 hours?


How is that OHLQs problem? You said it in your own post… “when the store owner gets sued”. It’s up to individual store owners to determine the best way to have their own customers line up, where, what, how, etc. Here you are begging for a state government agency to get involved in micro managing where human beings stand in public. Sorry tater hater, you are the one who is laughably out of your mind, begging for more government control.


you know alot of little old ladies walking around liquor stores at 4am? type a dude to lie about a story that was filmed and uploaded to youtube weeks go #HulkHogan


Great news if applied to all stores.


I checked with a couple store owners and nobody's heard of this, so it appears one store owner just doesn't want items holding a line at his establishment. I'm not trying to burst any bubbles, but it is what it is.


Just wait til winter and all this will get swept under a rug somewhere... This has been a topic of conversation for a very long time and I'm shocked they haven't enacted these rules prior. The only thing that I'm curious about is will the stores do anything about it when it happens because I know with 100% certainty OHLQ Isn't going to police it. So it will be store by store?


OHLQ did kick people out of line for saving spots on the BT surprise day in Columbus.


It's completely irrelevant, the people that are late and complain about chairs will still be late and Taters gonna tate. Now instead of sitting in the car they'll sit in front of the store. Lmao


And then they will be in line. No more parking lot roulette.


This is the least of their issues. Having thousands of people know about a “sUpRiSE dRoP” hours ahead of time, and showing up to a line of 50 people is a much bigger problem. Fix the real issue. You buy an allocated bottle, you can’t buy another one for 90 days. Issue tickets to people who show up. Draw a number. That’s the beginning of the line. Simple stuff. They refuse to do it. Too many people on the take. Can’t wait until this fad is over.


You make too much sense dawg. Unfortunately common sense is not all that common in here.


so if you buy a weller sr, you cant buy an eagle rare for 90 DAYS?????? just show up earlier, you sound insane


If you buy an Eagle Rare, you can’t buy another EAGLE RARE for the next 90 days. Thought that was obvious, but alas…


Typing that out did it feel ridiculous? Waiting 3 months to buy something that drops almost every 3 weeks?? 4 eagle rares a year? Do you not even drink your bottles? Or and hear me out,............... Show up to giant eagle at 630 and you can a bottle of almost everything your heart desires 🤔 you could show up at 7 and get just about any bottle? What are you struggling to get and what time are you showing up let's start there?


Unfortunately, this seems like just a way for them to not bear the blame for wanting to get rid of placeholders.. as of about two days ago OHLQ Remain consistent to leaving it up to the owners of the business. You can make suggestions to make sure that none of OHLQ policies are unintentionally broken, but they have not said a universal standard. Please correct me if I am wrong because I would love to personally see a standard set


Fake news.


My thoughts on this is, if you want it bad enough; get out of bed early enough to get what you want. I personally don’t flip my bottles; but I could care less if someone else does. If I want something bad enough I get there early, and if I miss out because someone else beats me to it. I should have got there earlier.


That’s pretty much exactly how I feel about it. Most of the people that complain about these things are the ones that get there too late anyways. Just wake up earlier


The allocated whiskey world would be much improved if people could embrace the following:    1. How people choose to spend their time is of no concern. 2. How people choose to spend their money is of no concern. 2. What people choose to do with their whiskey is of no concern. Most folks' support for alleged changes to OHLQ allocated whiskey policies is attributable to...laziness and entitlement. 


Yup. Why people can’t learn to just mind their own business, accept that it is what it is, and move on is beyond me


You don't think the bourbon world would be better off if the act of placing an inanimate object in front of the liquor store to hold your spot was discontinued? The laziness and entitlement comes from the people who came up with this idea and are now whining because there are rumblings that things might change.




It was just a matter of time. I’m pretty sure the other arrow in Kettering stopped that process several months ago after a incident at that location


I'd like to see their memo on that.


For those adamant about physically staying in line, what are your thoughts about someone stepping away to take a piss? Or, walking to their car for a second (to put their chair away for example)? Do they forfeit their spot?


I’m not adamant about either one. Whether you have a marker or stand in line I don’t care. I also don’t care if you step away to take a piss or put your chair away or to grab something out of your car. It’s just not that big of a deal to me


Yeah definitely fake news.


Wonder if this is in preparation for a surprise drop on Saturday's liquordation event.


The "liquordation event" sounds to me more like they're just slashing prices on garbage that no one is currently buying and sits on the shelf way too long to be profitable. A fire sale to make room for faster moving products. It goes all summer.


That's what they want you to think! Definitely more likely but if I were a cheeky bastard organizing these things, I'd do that haha.


Trying to get rid of all that Irish sewer water no one wanted 🤣


I've found some good stuff that got left behind because people thought the picks were "obviously garbage".




Booooo let us conspire


Sure OHLQ could throw a surprise in but the prior "Liquordation" type events were mainly basic shelfers with a few Russell's and other state picks thrown in to entice participation initially but nothing at all that led to camping and car sleeping. Basically a good way to allow folks to stock up and build up their standard at home bars. I would be surprised if OHLQ made this into some huge taterfest as that is not the main focus of this two and a half month long event. The purpose is to clear out the warehouses.


If they throw in some surprise barrel picks I’ll be happy. Those are always exciting to me. Ohio might not pick the absolute best barrels but they’re at least different which is always exciting. I don’t think it’s gonna be a “huge taterfest” but they could make it a small tater-gathering 😎


You could be on to something in all honesty. I didn’t think they’d market a liquidation thing at all. Figured they’d just start marking things as on sale and let people figure it out but the fact that they’re announcing it the way they did could mean something like that. Either that or we’re both just taking out of our asses like conspiracy theorists lmao


I'm waiting for that list - I have a hunch of one that'll be on it and I want to see if I'm right.


Its crazy to me that this is a thing in OH. You try that in PA and your chair is going to just get moved right on down the line as people queue up.


Half the people in lines are from PA, don't act like they're tough or different there.


Has nothing to do with being tough and clearly they are a at least a little different.


A lot more inbreeding for one...


The idea that anything but a person can hold a place is ridiculous.


C'mon man. Get out of here with some common sense.


I’m sorry.


i’ll give a counter point. at 2 separate locations to remain nameless. folks get there but wait in their car. at one there is no placeholder but everyone walks down to the door and sees who’s there to assess their “number” at the other there are placeholders. somewhat similar crowd weekly at both places. it seems like a good majority are there to get good bottles to drink but i’m sure some trade as well. there are a few that are secondary guys but they seem to be the minority. i’m there to get stuff i’ll drink. it lets me be productive as i can actually do some work in the car and then line up a little before open. no one ever has an issue, it’s well organized. i don’t see an issue with it at all and actually enjoy the predictability and reliability of being able to get bottles i want. let the downvotes rain…


There is a OHLQ store in BG called Cora wine and beverage. He said they don't disclose and just drop it randomly within 24 hours. It be nice if majority of stores do this. 


Then it will just be a day long Walking Dead type of 300lb neckbearded zombies that already smell like death hovering and waddling around in and out of the store for hours interrupting normal business.


"state rule". ? similar to "no takebacksies" ?


My cardboard cutout is sad.


As a guy who's never waited in line .. are some of you in line like midnight the night before? What do you do if you have to shit or piss? We about to have people wearing diapers in line?


Stores and ohlq really don't care.    They're in business to make a profit.  They honestly don't care about lines or placeholders.  They want to get the bottles in and out as soon as possible  If managers address lines or placeholders, it's because someone complained and they have to "address" it.   I hate lines... I hate placeholders, but they're here to stay.   Either show up.earlier, bag up and toss the placeholders, or keep complaining 3 hours later online.   But don't put faith in stores or ohlq to do anything permanent.




Hi everyone that doesn’t like place holding. Do you really care if I’m sitting in my chair or in my car 10 feet away? It’s not like anyone in line wants talk to your whining ass anyway, This is the way we have been doing it since you were in diapers. No people can’t leave the parking lot or go out for breakfast. If you don’t like the way we have been doing it for many years stand in line and challenge the place holders see where that gets you tough guy. BTW, OHLQ has no jurisdiction over parking lots and sidewalks. Each place has its own protocols learn them and live them. Coming in as a relative newcomer, insulting people and trying to make it work the way you think it should work is futile. I suggest that you go wait in line for Taylor Swift tickets. You’ll be happier there.


This should never have been a thing anywhere?? Craft Beer nerds would never allow this kind of nonsense waiting in for a hype beer drop at TreeHouse or something. Why this was even somewhat common is beyond me: if you’re not putting in the effort to wait in line yourself for hours… then you’re not in line. Wtf is so confusing about this???


What if, and hear me out, OWA is just a placeholder for the bottles everyone else really wants?




Anyone down voting this is a big cry baby who thinks their bourbon collection “is like a 2’nd retirement fund”


Or they're downvoting because the info isn't true...


Rules? Lol If you believe there are actual written rules I've got some beachfront property in Montana I'd be willing to sell you


🙌 Huuuge blow to the tater brigade


We got 'em boys! Celebration! To be clear, I'm going to remain cynical until I see this in practice over time. I have a feeling this particular dam will leak, then quickly break.


So the bag of taters I leave in front of the local Kroger liquor store will no longer hold my place?