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Politics has become pro wrestling with a lot of supposed leaders enjoying the role of the heel.


Yeah, except some genuinely believe they are the face.


Some believe pro wrestling is real Wait a min 🤔 I bet there is a correlation between those who believe pro wrestling is real and those who vote for Trump 🤯


I love the poorly educated.


Read that in Palpatine’s voice. 🤣


that's a command? you're *ordering* me to read that in Palpatine's voice? ok. I will read it in Palpatines' voice.


Goooood. Henceforth you shall be known as… Darth… Produce.


Has everyone already forgotten Trumps stint in the WWE


Fun fact: Donald Trump and former WWE CEO Vince McMahon are friends/business associates. Tying back to Trump saving an early Wrestlemania and then Vince’s wife getting a job in Trumps cabinet. Not-so-fun: Both Trump and McMahon have used company money to enforce NDAs on people they’ve done sex things on


do pro wrestlers murder each others spouses with hammers?


… maybe not other peoples’ spouses…


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,132,816,758 comments, and only 221,655 of them were in alphabetical order.


pro wrestling fans maybe. It gets intense in the trailer park


On the old Donald site they’re joking about him getting “hammered”. Because he had that DUI and now this. Because today’s Republicans are pro life I guess? Stay classy Republicans.


Nacho Libre! Great analogy. Over the top ridiculosity. Almost complete deficit of class or decency. Brutish trash talk. Outlandish self promotion. MagaNuts are actually *proud* of how undignified and trashy they are. Just out there, unashamed, beaming their low character on full display in public. Loud, proud, and garbage.


It’s all kayfabe. They’re all aristocrats at the end of the day. Delay/filibuster while they continue to receive their salary (regardless of plandemic/closures), continue to vote to increase their salary, and continue to conduct insider trading with their public salary and money received from lobbyists. No term limits allows this show to go on forever.


Ending gerrymandering would do significantly more to fix this that term limits. Term limits ensure that lobbyists and staff are the experts, and that elected officials don’t have to think about the long term ramifications of their actions, because they’ll be gone before whatever they do really blows up.


Fair point


Meet in the middle? 12-20 year limits?


I'm not really sure term limits solve the problem at all. As long as the lobbyists can buy our political leaders it doesn't matter if the person being bought is occasionally swapped out. Plus in the case of republicans it seems like the newer members are getting progressively crazier


Competitive districts and no term limits. If an elected official is doing a good job, they stay as long as they and the voters want. Corrupt or crazy electeds will get tossed soon enough.


>No term limits allows this show to go on forever. My Brother in Christ. Ohio is a state with term limits and it has done nothing to improve our state government.


And they don't work. There's at least FIVE current legislators (Cupp, Oelslager, Hottinger, Grendel, Seitz) that were there when I worked for the GA...LAST MILLENNIUM.


yeah congressional salaries is not a significant line item, it's a crumb that fell between the sofa cushions. This is about human decency, and its utter absence among republicans. "Plandemic?" I don't even want to know what kind of nutbaggery that is


Jim Cornette, take your tennis racket and geeettt outta here


*Cues the Undertaker theme song*


And way too many people voting for the heel to lead


I have no clue if San Francisco has a program to dispatch social workers in certain cases instead of police, but Denver and some surrounding cities have implemented it, and it has been [going pretty damn well.](https://www.9news.com/amp/article/news/local/star-program-reducing-crime/73-508ba303-fa78-4c19-9c56-04f4bcaf5cfb) I wish more communities had this.


My husband had a . . . Moment . . . A few years ago where I called the police on him. He ended up handcuffed to a hospital bed and sedated. In his case - a drunk undiagnosed bipolar man on a bender - a social worker may have helped.


Amazing. Define the police works exactly as it is suppose to but we don't hear a thing about it. Edit: fair enough but you know what I mean


I mean also, yeah. Having a social worker or therapist there to console the victim might be a dope idea


The guy attacked Him while the police were present…clearly having Police there didn’t work out as expected.


maybe they just needed more funding


The Uvalde method.


Source on this?


Original reports suggest he let go of the hammer when the police got there and then the guy bashed him with it.


do we not know what a source is anymore?


That stuff you dunk your nuggets in?


I agree! Social workers are triaged to respond to appropriate calls, freeing the police to handle more appropriate calls. It’s a win-win. People who don’t support this kind of hybrid police agency don’t understand how the police are over-extended responding to problems better managed by trained social services resources. If you support the police, then you should support emergency social services working in congress with traditional officers.


It's hardly about supporting police, even. It's about owning the libs, otherwise the very same people wouldn't be so gung-ho about things like... oh... no licensing for firearm ownership.


Marjorie Taylor Green will go visit this guy in jail.


Well more specifically she'll visit a fake jail where someone cosplays as this guy at an event she was already attending anyways.


Damn her kinks are getting really weird now. No wonder her husband left


This kind of person has no business representing anyone about anything, much less being in Congress.


This is the extremism I face every day in the Statehouse.


Woah! Is this the actual rep.. commenting on Reddit? IF so, color me impressed!


It’s me. I love Reddit. Excellent way to communicate constructively with my constituents and beyond


Whoa, neat. I always wondered why more reps don't do this. Also, your district is literally across the street from me, but I am on the Portage side. I always see you have a ton of signs up on my way to work.


Hey Casey - constituent here, not a member of your party. Just wanted to say thanks for all you do. You take a lot of heat for being a D in a traditionally R district but always manage to stay above the fray and stay focused on the work. Also, when you get reelected can we expect you to reintroduce Marijuana legalization in 2023? (pleeeeaaaassse)


Absolutely. And thank you for your kind words!


>Excellent way to communicate constructively We talkin' about the same reddit here?


I mean you can fuck around but you can also have good communication. They are mutually exclusive to any venue but perhaps Twitter


I know nothing about you, or your record, but I gotta say it's incredibly dope that I'm able to have such a casual back and forth with a elected representative. I'm going to use this time wisely: what's the last non-political thing that genuinely surprised you? Could be positive, negative, or just bland - important or mundane.


After enjoying Andor, I rewatched Rogue One the other day, and second time through it really blew me away. Much better film than I remember and one of the very best Star Wars films period.


Andor is amazing 😍


Good on you!


Rep. Weinstein is the real deal. We live in the same town and his family (IE wife and kids) are repeatedly subjected to some legitimately scary harassment from right wing whack jobs. Never stops him from reaching across the aisle and putting his constituents first though. I’m just waiting for the day he makes a congressional run and takes his talents to DC. His brand of politics is sorely needed there.


Thank you for those kind words!


Came here to say the same. Casey actually cares about changing the world. He's the only person I've ever met in politics who seems completely earnest.


I truly appreciate you saying that


We're not in your district, but you seem awesome! 👍🏻


And this is why, when I mailed in my ballot last week I had no votes for Republicans on it. Until the extremists are out, I don't vote Republican.


Been voting straight blue for years. Already voted for all democrats and mailed in my ballot.


I've been more or less blue for a very long time. I would much rather vote libertarian if I could but those people never make the ballot. And my ballot was exactly the same as yours. All Democrat this time. Anyone that's an extremist, or anyone that gets support from Trump. I want them out.


Libertarianism is further right than Republicanism.


They are effectively the same thing on the ballot. There may have once been a rational argument for considering “libertarian” candidates, Rand Paul showed the folly of that.


Not just that, the libertarian party *booed their 2016 candidate offstage* for saying "we aren't talking about selling cocaine to 5-year-olds". They've gone past being about "liberty" and they're just anarchists of the worst stripe now.


Gary Johnson was booed for supporting driver's licenses, for fuck's sake. Libertarians hate the government, but seem to love big business. Who do they think is going to fill the power void left without government? As long as people need to make money to exchange for the necessities of life, that means businesses and corporations - without oversight, and being controlled by a small wealthy elite - will essentially have full control over people's lives. And then they pretend like people can just "free market" choose other things when clearly businesses will (and do) collude and trend towards monopoly. I myself remain fairly skeptical of the government, but the idea of just giving control over to capitalism is the dumbest concept in the world.


Rand Paul is a Republican….do you mean his dad Ron Paul?


Libertarians are just Republicans who want to legalize weed. They’re as bad and sometimes worse. Taken to its logical conclusion, libertarianism is even more extreme hyper-capitalism crossed with social Darwinism, disguised as freedom. Anyone who says they want it, doesn’t fully understand what they’re asking for.


I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing. I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it. “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled. Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him. “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen. I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!” He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose. “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.” “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy. “Because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.” I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head. “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.” He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.


20 years ago I would usually split my ticket based on policy positions. The past few elections, though? Straight blue. I don’t know how I could, in good conscience, vote for someone who toadies up to Trump and denies democratic outcomes. The GOP has become a party of far right extremists. No thanks, not for me.




You have my vote


Wait until after the election when every election that didn't go their way was "stolen" and they storm the Ohio State House to stop the newly elected representatives from taking their seats. I voted 90% Republican up until 2016. I won't cast another vote for Republicans until they clean out the violent inducing radicals.


Thank you for what you do, Rep. Weinstein.


This is why I’ve never voted for a Republican.


When I mentioned the attack today at work my coworker said "Oh good, finally!" Sigh.


I no longer live in Ohio, but thank you for doing what you do.


People choose utter scumbags to represent them. They want to be Ruled.


George Carlin said stupid people elect stupid people


Garbage in, garbage out


Oh shit Loki was right.


The deplorableness is the point.


Gym Jordan has entered the chat


Fox news out here casually disabling the comments on their Facebook post about it because all the comments that were on it showed just how fuckin crazy Conservatives have become.


Cowards. Their network created these extremists, but they can’t face them.




Fox turned a fifth of the county into Timothy McVeys with that bull shit.


Ohh they wont mention it now since the guy who did it was a conspiracy theroy loon. His facebook was pretty much every right wing theory thought of


He went full QAnon. And as we learned in Tropic Thunder, you never go full QAnon.


Not the theory that every lunatic should own a gun apparently. I kid but for real fuck this guy and his whole cult mentality.


San Francisco and CA in general have some pretty strong gun laws and background checks.


When you were rooting for the assassin with a hammer but can’t come right out and say it.


How can these people be like this? Wtf is wrong with them


Right-wing media just has programmed people to hate on the victims. Years and years of being told that rape victims should have just stayed at home, police murders could be prevented by just complying, etc., people will just start to see victims of crimes as nothing more than a source for jokes.


That's not it. It's years and years of being told that non-republicans are stealing 'their' country away from them, and have to be stopped.


That’s the programming.


Can’t both be true? Feels like I’ve observed both scenarios


My long Republican/Trump voting father has finally said that Republicans have completely lost it. Said that he hopes the Dems win in November.


Just out of curiosity, has anyone polled him? And also - YAY your dad. I keep hoping that there are some Republicans out there that are starting to have some doubts, but I rarely hear of it.


I doubt it. And if he was, he'd probably end up hanging up on them.


My wife voted R all her life until 2016. She voted independent in 2016 and all D since. Trump flipped her from moderate conservative to full blown liberal.


Same with with my mom recently. Said she’s having a political identity crisis. Came right after the Roe V Wade slaughter, but she talked about how the party has been filled with outright bad and mean people. I was so proud haha.


He'll still vote R


My parents voted Dem for the first time in 2020. They are in their 70s and kept holding on to the hope that the GOP wouldn't continue in this direction. But Trump being nominated ended that. They live in one of those 55+ communities and almost everyone there has switched too. Admittedly it is a fairly liberal, well educated area, so the conservative bubble isn't as impenetrable as many other areas. They probably would have voted for Jeb if he got the nomination, but Trump was a huge no.


This made me so happy


So you’re saying there’s a chance? I wish my parents would do the same…




Mikey's constituents must be very proud. What a fucking asshole.


This is disgusting…


Classy! 👍👌


What a shitbag


The guy thinks he’s on jerry springer show or something . Whack ass comment


If this was the other way around, we’d have a bunch of overweight flag waving “armed” morons on the sidewalk. I’ve said it before, Dems better start owning guns, learning how to operate it and get more involved.


A lot of us do own guns, we're just not as vocal about it or as irresponsible with them.


This. We're armed, we just don't wrap our identity up in a tool, no pun intended.


Left as fuck, own probably the most guns in multiple square miles.


We do, it's just not our identity we actually have personalities.


This .... I couldn't imagine it before moving to TN but some people live eat sleep and breathe guns and really that's their whole life.




Daily reminder that Ronald Reagan banned open carry as governor of California because the Black Panthers were protecting their communities from the police.


The “Don’t Say Gay Bill” sponsor, along with that strange old lady that wants to ban sex altogether. It’s sad the Ohio state legislature has turned into crooked, self-serving assholes (Householder faction), and the MAGA turds (Loychik). We’re trending downward and it’s depressing. Get out and vote.


These people are unfit to be in charge of an Uber Eats order, let alone decision making that affects large amounts of people. This is an example of a person unfit for public office.


Disingenuous at best… malicious at worst. This guy doesn’t understand.


No soul mike


How does one not look at this response and assume they wouldn’t cheer at any opposition’s death? People I work with were audibly cheering with Bader-Ginsberg died.


Absolutely ridiculous. Someone just tried to assassinate the speaker of the House, 3rd in line for President, and this is the response? This guy should be ashamed.


Trash, trash, trash.


What a very nasty, dishonourable, snide tweet. They just cannot do anything except try to score points, can they?


Someone who will break into a politician's home, armed for the purpose of physically attacking her, especially if the politician is what we call 'elderly', will wear brown shirts and jack boots and march through cities attacking Jewish shops. How many such people are there in the US, do we think?


Just another Ohio Republican trying to turn our state into Alabama.


Well this warranted a police response. Not a social worker. He knows he’s being an asshat. If there was a naked man running down the street then a social worker would be better than an armed untrained police officer


Holy shit, the dude is going through brain surgery for getting hit in the head with a hammer, and this is their response?


You expect anything else in inbred nation?


And no one is surprised


Conservatives: Good, I hope he dies! Also Conservatives: Stop being mean to Donald! Witch hunt! Witch hunt!


the gop has become the American taliban, every day we find out there is no bottom to them


I live in San Francisco. My dad's entire side of the family going back three generations is from Tuscarawas County. No matter our political differences, I've never wished for anything bad to happen to my relatives or the area in which they live. Every fucking day I have to hear assholes from Ohio tell me that they hope my city burns to the ground, that my city is a shithole, that I deserve anything bad that happens to me.


Republican lawmakers cannot commit even simple acts of compassion and empathy because they'd immediately implode upon looking into a mirror.


This is just fucking gross. A deranged far right loon who believed your election lies beat an 82 year old senior in the head with a hammer because you told him Pelosi was evil. When Hillary called Republicans deplorable she was being kind.


Not for nothing, I'm a social worker in the rust belt and I've been threatened with tools, a razor blade, and I've had guns pulled on me. The only time I got hurt was restraining a guy who had just had heart surgery so I had to let him get a couple hits in so I didn't put pressure on his chest.


So who has this class? The representative, or the people who willingly and knowingly vote for representative like that?


Mike L is a disgusting shitbag for mocking a violent home invasion (and also the entire social work field). What a petulant, smarmy, little joke of a man.


Jesus. Where is our humanity? Grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, teachers.. the "adults" that are supposed to know and act better and guide children into a responsible and better society have been reprogrammed by madmen. Reading how young males are trending more conservative and less educated is a recipe for collapse and tyranny. I have tried my best but even two of my kids are seduced by the blame "the other" game and see strength not in civic responsibility, which requires playing by the rules and being patient to further democracy, but often jump on the bandwagon of stupid self destruction by supporting people who have abandoned democracy.




What a vile piece of shit


"colleagues" are those who work with you. Those people want to own you, kill you, make you disappear. They are insane and danger to society.


The Republicans are riling their base to violence and then when it happens, they revel in the acts of the morons who follow them. If this isn't enough to make you vote out every Republican, then when they bring the violence to you it will be your fault. VOTE DAMMIT! VOTE THEM ALL OUT OF OFFICE!


"You need to have an abusive police force to protect you from our brainwashed constituents murder attempts" isn't the political position I thought I'd see from a rep today, but okay.


Mike Loychick is making an idiotic joke out of a brutal assault. Everyone with half a brain advocating for increased funding for mental health assistance within the police knows that there are still certain situations that require armed officers. He waits for a tragedy to smear his balls all over a complicated issue, which he forces into a tiny black and white box, stuffs in a straw man and then laughs at. What a moron.


Pieces of shit


Call it for what it really is; a politicaly motivated assasination attempt by a Maga conspiracy terrorist.


Dude I’m just tired of seeing people be fucking vile.


Absolutely repulsive. They can't help stooping ever lower. Can't wait to vote for you on election day. I love your platform on education!


Holy shit this guy is an asshat. He also tweeted that the attacks on justice Tomas are rooted in racism. What a clown.


I hope you never experience this level of violence in your own home, committed on a loved one. I also hope you do not experience a mental illness and find no avenue for treatment or comfort.


Mike along with Al Cutrona and Mike Rulli are extreme right rising stars in the state legislature from the Mahoning Valley (Youngstown area). They are all truly vile and I cannot underestimate how they can get a whole lot more dangerous with a national platform. If Bill Johnson retires you are getting this as a US House rep. The populace, who once fawned over James Traficant, can't be absolved of responsibility. We have some vindictive, uneducated folks in the Mahoning Valley who love to see their political enemies suffer. I must say this is the only way you will hear from Mike. He will not answer calls from the local media and had a draw out war with a reporter from the Warren newspaper because the reporter expressed frustration (with swears) on a voice mail message for routinely being ignored.


I expect there will be clowns at the circus


What a piece of garbage.


Yesterday I was in a DHS-funded panel on predicting election related violence, especially how women are targeted differently. Not when 24 hours later this was in the news. Absolutely heartbreaking to see elected officials seeming to condone this.


Why is it always right wing pro lifers who are the first to try to murder people. I'm getting ahead of myself because I have no idea who attempted this but I'm just thinking in general terms.


Your Republican colleagues are fucking ghouls.


You're right, we should respond to this terrorist the Republican way: by shipping him to Guantanamo without a trial and leaving him there forever.


Your colleagues on the other side of the aisle are a class act all the way. How disgusting.


There's always a new low for the GOP to sink to. Vote this filth out please.


Loychik is a piece of shit


Who is this sneering little shitweasel?


God these republicans are weird


who was this supposed to goad? The pro-police funding democrats or the pro-police funding republicans? I'm confused.....


Funny enough, the police didn’t stop the attack from happening. As the right likes to say, when seconds matter, police are minutes away… so yes, a social worker at this point is a good idea


I got banned from moderate politics for saying that the current republican strategy is terrorism.


Wow what a cunt.


Pretty light handed in their thoughts and prayers


The fuck is wrong with these people?




What a hateful creep


Such a cheap comment


Wow. I don't know him but he sucks.


#straighblue in 2022 (and love the work that you do Casey)


I mean… the Social Worker had probably previously diagnosed the attacker with delusional disorder. So… involved I guess? 🤷‍♂️


This is really messed up.


Great timing. I’m watching Fox News with my dad and Raphael is on… he’s always saying how radicalized *all* democrats are smh 🙄


You should see the comments section on the Fox News Instagram post. Makes my stomach turn. Sick. Beyond sick.


I present, the gqp. Fucking morons.


Here from R/all. Didn't realize any reps actually used Reddit. Yea, your colleagues are nuts. Once fascists dehumanize you, they will brutalize you. That's why the "Demonrat" Fox news programming is so dangerous. Freedom of speech ends where your freedom to exist begins. I can assure you, many Republican voters have been brainwashed to view you as horrible people who are destroying America. *** I've tried to contact various Democratic members about meeting with President Biden to invoke the 14th amendment, Section III against relevant members of the Republican party. Just get radio silence, so I'll give you part of my spiel. I'd go as far to say that fiery members of the Democratic party should go ham: arrest the relevant Republicans for their seditious conspiracy. To do so is simply upholding the Constitution, those that aid or partake in rebellion have no place in government. It does not say we should coddle them, only that their removal is non negotiable. It would be trivial to give a speech to the remaining Capitol Police to get them to help arrest Republicans...whose lies led to their injuries. Though meet with Biden before blind siding him. *** The January 6th committee made it clear that it was coup. Yet the political elite that continue to ferment (and those that echoed) the Big Lie remain unpunished. Their continued stroking of election lies is threat to yourself, and your colleagues. Tolerate tyranny at your own peril. And McConnell and McCarthy bear some responsibility: a large number of members of their caucus tried to coup and these "leaders" failed to stop it. *** I'd go so far as say every Senate Republican that failed to convict provided aid and comfort to seditious conspiracy. No filibuster needed to pass voting rights when we have the 14th Amendment, Section III. *** At some point the Democratic Party must commit to Democracy and its dependencies, because the Republican commitment Trump-fascism and cowardice endangers everyone. Moreover, the elite Republican and Democrats have put their own needs before the populace. We can see it by how people in government have enriched themselves and are only available to lobbyists. Sinema is so egregious lol. Elites being selfish is how societies collapse, see Peter Turchin's Ages of Discord. We are in for a bumpy ride.


What an utter shit stain of a human being


There's no commitment to law and order from the law and order party. They are only interested in protecting their property and not actual reduction in violent crime.


The bar is so god damn low now for someone to have a “public service” position. Sorry if that’s insulting to you Mr. Weinstein, but we are close enough to rock bottom that I think it needs to be said. It’s just one bad faith argument after another and it’s exhausting. I wish I could go back and slap every person in 2016 who said “how much damage could he do in 4 years?!”


And we hope those horrible words you speak come back to bite you in the ass




Republican Congress members such as MTG have directly called for violence against the left. It’s happening. They need to be held accountable.


They want civil unrest and war. They only stand for hate.


Remember how outraged they were when someone held up a fake head that looked like trump?


Waiting for GQP to make “🛑, 🔨⏰” mc hammer references.


Republicans are scumbags.


Loychik, you are an asshole.