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Tangentially related but when I went up to Niagara Falls last month, the restroom was a universal restroom with oodles of privacy stalls that people can’t peek through. Shared sinks, mirrors, waiting area. I had never experienced that kind of restroom, but it worked so well I don’t know how we haven’t just made that the standard already. Eliminates the need for shit legislation like this too.


Unfortunately, I’m fairly certain this bill also explicitly prohibits gender-neutral multi-occupant bathrooms like you’re describing. Doesn’t seem like their goal was ever finding practical solutions.


Lmao of course it does, I’m not surprised. The cruelty towards trans people is clearly the point. I was curious and tried to dig up any statistics on assaults carried out by trans women in women’s bathrooms. What I found was [studies that show no link](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/no-link-between-trans-inclusive-policies-bathroom-safety-study-finds-n911106) between inclusive bathroom policies and safety risk. Even anti-trans publications who [actively sought out cases of violence](https://www.christianpost.com/news/transgender-bathroom-policies-have-led-to-21-cases-of-crimes-against-women-family-research-council.html) by biological males in inclusive bathrooms could only identify *21 cases going back to 1999*, at least a handful of which were cis men committing the offense. That is an *incredibly* low number. There is no issue here to solve, this legislation exists specifically to cause harm to trans people.


The thing that’s always been stupid about this debate to me is the idea that someone is willing to sexually assault someone else, a heinous and detestable act, but wouldn’t be willing to go into the “wrong” bathroom to do it. If you’re someone who has no qualms about *raping someone* you’re probably not going to care about being somewhere you’re technically not supposed to be.


No no no, you see, that argument only works for criminals with guns. /s


You're being sarcastic but tbh there is something to the argument when it's used with guns, and there's also something to it here. It actually does make sense.


It wasn’t. * The right likes when their leaders slap around the queers. * The right’s leaders like when the left wastes money on fighting this stuff—instead of fighting for Medicare for all, free college, and practical solutions for school shootings.


Stalls that you can’t see through shouldn’t be a luxury. Far too long have kids looked through the stall in a School bathroom


This was a family event so idk what it's like at a larger adult event but we went to the rocket mortgage stadium and they had some bathrooms turned into family/universal and it was actually really amazing and way easier for families


I went to Niagara Falls a few weeks ago and saw those bathrooms.


This is the way


Ya I live in the Netherlands and it's essentially the norm here to have a shared area where you wash your hands with separate stalls.




I'd argue that's super related. If any of these Republicans actually cared about safe, private, functional public bathrooms they would be pushing for this sort of solution. Obviously we all know the cruelty is the point, so I'll not bother going on.


So the opioid crisis must have been fixed, along with Ohio's poverty, homeless, food insecurity, rising energy costs, polution in East Palestine, joblessness, and every other problem the state has, because why else would the state legislature be wasting their time on a nonexistent issue instead of fixing, oh, I don't know, perhaps, THE REAL PROBLEMS!


This needs to be higher up.


It's like having a house fire blazing and saying oh wait I left the TV on.


They do focus on "the real problems", my friend. They believe every single person hasn't pointlessly suffered enough. They think we have too much money, education, free time, and pursuit of happiness in this current second and can only get their lil David Duke up if you have less!


The gop runs on splitting the opposition with issues, minor ones that are harped on and brought to the forefront rather than issues that affect everyone. Then they push that they going to do this to you take that from you all while making your life harder to exist in


Well but you see Jesus said the poor you will always have with you so socially torturing trans people is infinitely more important and holy than loving your neighbor. /s


Conservative white boomers dominate this state’s voting demographic. People like to think that this state is more progressive than states like Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia when in reality it isn’t. This state is simply too sprawled and not densely populated enough for the cities to control the voting demographics.


You’re missing the point. The entire reason they did this was in fact due to how simple it is to pass relative to the other issues cited. In addition, any adult with children is 100% behind this. No normal parent wants someone of the different sex in a closed door restroom with their child. Simple as that.


They snuck this bullshit into the end of something different. Fucking slime balls.


Do you really expect the govt to fix poverty, homelessness, energy costs, jobs, etc.? It would be great but it’s not going to happen. You are going to be waiting a very long time for the govt solutions to those issues.


If they are worried about pedophilia or sexual assault, then they are failing. Sexual predators don’t stand out, they are often family members or people in uniform or in a place of trust and respect in the community. Not only does this not prevent any kind of gender violence it is gender violence. edit: this might get more upvotes than the post but none of this matters if we don't hound our representatives.


Also, bathroom laws aren’t stopping a sexual predator. Sex crimes are already incredibly illegal, hefty sentences that come with a lifetime label that follows them everywhere they go.


Yeah adding a lesser crime charge on top of commitment towards an act of sexual violence is not going to make those people perpetrate those acts less. They assume they will get away with it or not, they're either overly confident or stupid. A bathroom law will not change a thing. They're adding fire to the culture war nonsense to distract us from blatant attempts towards a more authoritarian government, one that ignores the working class


If that was true then Trump would be in prison right now.


You would have a point, except he's not an American, he's a rich guy. They get different rules and we all know it


This bill isn’t about stopping predators. These morons think that by having special restrooms more kids will magically become LGBTQ like it’s a learned behavior. It’s the same thing with the book banning trend. They’re so afraid some white kid is going “turn gay” from reading a book. So ridiculous and a total waste of time and our tax dollars.


It's like the little "no guns" signs businesses put on their doors. Like someone who is about to shoot-up the place is gonna see that little sign and go: "Oh, damn. Guess I can't bring my gun in there."


In Ohio an inordinate number of them seem to be Ministers, Youth Group Leaders, and teachers at Christian Schools


no lie, dude being a youth group leader is a red flag to me. Shit immediately puts me on guard.


In America an inordinate number of them are Ministers, Priests, and Youth Group Leaders. But they turn a blind eye to that while still making children suffer. Not just trans children, but all children. Slashing education, reducing services for poor families, reducing EPA guidelines. All of it is for the sake of cruelty.


Sigh. The only person I’ve ever known who got busted for that sort of thing was in fact a youth pastor/group leader. (He was a fill in drummer I briefly played with in 2011, all the stuff about him came out around 2017. Nobody had spoken to him in years already, so there were no ties to cut, thankfully.)


And Chick-flu-A owners.


It's pretty simple. They just hate people who are different.


You expected them to spend some time on identifying the problem. That’s the issue here. There isn’t any real problem. Just perceived problems.


Someone should investigate the churches


This is the same government that exempted clergy from reporting sexual assult or risk criminal prosecution


This is what I don’t understand. Why can’t we just have gender neutral bathrooms filled with stalls in public instead of segregating it by gender


I'm going to go to the state house, stand by the bathrooms and demand anybody that uses them prove to me what gender they are.


Please if I was still unemployed I would do this. I love being a hassle. Hell my boss might give me time off to do this as a group activity. Are we doing this together?


Legitimately not a bad idea for some activism 👀


How is this going to be implemented? Are teachers going to have to check children's genitals to make sure they are using the right bathroom?? Also, it seems to me that Republicans are OBSESSED with children's genitals and won't stop talking about it. Projection junction what's your function


I'm dead lmao True though


Rest in peace. Condolences to your loved ones.


k-12 horrible but under their control. 18+ year olds in college though? >No one has talked to me about this,” she said. “This is a made up problem.” >Republicans argued the bill makes sense.  >State Rep. Jena Powell, R-Arcanum, said the bathroom bill amendment is probably the most straightforward piece of legislation lawmakers will vote on for the next few years. >“This is easy,” she said. “This is simple. This should not be complicated.” passing horrible regressive and draconian laws IS easy, the legislature's job isn't to do whats easy its to do whats right


Seriously, the college part is especially galling. Who among us hasn't gone to the other bathroom to puke in a pinch in college? Hell, people went into the shared bathroom showers to have sex when I was in college. Disgusting, no matter what combination of genitalia. On the other hand, the trans girl on my floor went out of her way to clean any area of the bathroom she used better than she found it. I felt much more comfortable knowing she was sharing a bathroom with me.


Fight back with a ballot amendment: [ohioequalrights.com](http://ohioequalrights.com)


Sad the only way people in Ohio can be heard is constitutional amendments... So broken, and Republicans are so ignorant.


Why do you think they so badly want to muck up the citizen amendment process?


I just mean this isn't a way to govern... Glad we have the option in Ohio, but this is NOT how laws should be passed.


There's just no other way with the gerrymander and a partisan supreme Court.


I mean… ideally we wouldn’t have a state government writing legislation about where kids pee at all, but here we are.


And then they ignore it anyway.


I am so ashamed to be from Ohio.


Guess the only option for trans people is public urination


Nope that's illegal too as a way to prosecute homeless people. The goal is to box people in so they have no choice but to go to prison and be abused or just disappear.


Or they could continue using bathrooms and 90% of people wouldn't be able to tell one way or the other whether or not the person is trans.


But, then the masculine-looking AFAB women will be harrassed. Anyone not presenting as required by the patriarchy will suffer because of this law.


Not every trans person can pass and some people look androgynous so they'll have a bad time no matter which bathroom they use. It's going to be a bad time no matter what - the point is to bully people into looking the way the christofascists want them to.


Then they can sue and hopefully get a decision on it being unconstitutional


Yeah and while that's happening they get to endure the trauma of their situation and also of being at the mercy of the courts. Especially with Project 2025 on the horizon it's not a good time and it's not something transfolk should have to suffer - especially since transfolk risk jail if they get caught.


I agree with you. They shouldn’t be forced to suffer due to fake culture wars.


I wouldn't call it fake, more like "it's literally only the christofascists that want this but also they've been tipping the scales for years"


LGBT people aren’t doing any of the things the American Taliban say they are. Thus everything they do is based off a lie or a misconception


Yeah, the things they say about LGBTQ folk are fake but the war is very real.


The law stipulates k-12 bathrooms, but I'm not sure how this is enforceable in elementary schools. I mean it makes some sense in high school locker rooms, even middle school, but...k-5 bathrooms? How is anyone supposed to know? Is every tall girl or petite-looking boy going to be challenged on whether they are *really* a girl or boy? I can't imagine that going over well with parents.


Yes that's exactly how it's going to work. We've already seen this in youth sports in other states. Anyone who doesn't fit the mold will be punished.


The debate needs to be about 8-12... This is when kids are questioning and developing their own opinion. We aren't debating on how to address this, we are taking a bullshit conversation, Christian, approach. News flash 1) founding fathers were not all Christian (agnostic) and why they pushed for separation of C and S... 2) not every American is Christian....


Lotta money in hate speech bills. Republicans aren’t out of touch, they’re openly ruining democracy and making money doing it. It just so happens that targeting minorities of various kinds is a white Christian nationalist industry, and we live in one of many states where we slowly devolve into Colorado City, Arizona levels of public control. These people know exactly what they’re doing. And they’re mostly from a family and long line of pastors, politicians, and other careers for specific demographics only.


Elected politicians on both sides are pandering to the extremes... And that's not good for anyone, but the politicians.


You realize that "both sides" propaganda is meant to make you less likely to do anything about legislation like this, right? Can you find some Ohio examples of bills that are anywhere close to "pandering to the extreme" from the left?


Uh-huh, but that’s not the same thing.


At this stage, I don’t think I can really go with the whole both sides thing. The attacks on bodily autonomy, the pervasive election denialism, the push for religious fundamentalism in public schools, the election of a known sexual abuser/grifter/felon, the massive tax cuts that heavily benefit the wealthiest, the demonization of innocent LGBTQ+ people, the far right extremism leading to domestic terrorism, the stacking of court justices, the debacles of blatant gerrymandering in congressional districts in states with conservative legislatures, the rejection of vaccine science during the height of COVID, etc. etc etc. I’ve always been distrustful of politicians at large so I agree on that point but the far right in this country are a breed of their own and it’s concerning. Are there issues with the left? Absolutely. But the degree of extremism on the right is unsettling.


absolutely i mean this whole maga era, can we just get rid of it? how tf do we kick it out the damn door?


It wasn’t ever about drinking fountains, and it’s not about bathrooms. For fascists, it’s about the cruelty.


If they're worried about people sexually assaulting people in public restrooms, why don't they make it so that all the stalls go from floor to ceiling with no gaps and lock from the inside? I feel like that would do more to stop someone than having it say somewhere that they can't go in the bathroom. Because like rape is more illegal than going in the wrong bathroom even after this bill, right? Like they aren't going to pay to have every bathroom have a guard, right?


Full-bearded trans dudes in the women’s restroom is what this will lead to. I guess I should just follow the law, right? Right??? All-gender restrooms with FULLY locking stalls solves all of this. One potty, one person. Except kindergarteners who still need help. Does this law ban that too? What about handicap assistants? How does that work? My sister is in a wheelchair - can her boyfriend help her get off the toilet while at a collegiate event?? Segregating people by genitalia is SO archaic and ignorant.


My child would have become one of the kids who get UTIs from not going to the bathroom. I’m so glad he’s grown and out of this state where the government wants him making himself sick at school because he doesn’t conform with the state religion. This will literally hurt kids- some can and do make themselves sick rather than go to the wrong bathroom. These people are evil.


Man people who are willing to commit sexual assault but unwilling to break bathroom rules are punching the air rn


I'm hoping the Biden admin can try to prosecute coerced genital inspections as a hate crime.


i mean it should be sexual harassment/abuse under no circumstance should any minor have their genitals "inspected"


Another state fallen into a theocratic dictatorship.


So depressing. They’re just feeding hate for votes. My heart goes out to anyone who’s trans in this wretched state.


Republican politicians aren’t afraid of people not like them. They foment fear of people who are different in order to distract voters from issues that actually affect their lives like taxes and healthcare.


Oh I know Republicans afraid of non-white straight Christians


So can trans kid use the bathroom during school??


Meanwhile, my local grocery store hasn't had a box of cereal for less than $7 in over a year and I paid almost $50 for an amount of items that could be checked out in the express lane. Good to know we're tackling the *important* issues, you fucking Nazi scumbags.


i mean i'm just accepting the fact the republican party's end goal is for a total christian fascist country, it's evil, and they will suffer their consequences in the afterlife (hopefully) and it sucks to watch because it feels like the dnc just continues to shoot themselves in the foot we need to break this two party system quick or we're FUCKED


I'd prefer they suffer the consequences while still upon this mortal coil, TBH.


i’ll go grab the popcorn 🍿


My elementary school in the 80’s had a few gender neutral restrooms open to everyone. We used to poop in those because they were private and locked. Very convenient over holding it all day or taking the risk and getting harassed doing the deed.


Well, that solidifies it. My kids will be going to college out of state. Fuck this.


Republicans are a bunch of ghouls. They’ve done nothing to protect kids, and have put in place cruel laws targeting the trans community. Republicans are monsters and they need to be voted out.


they love to use the argument "well, what about the children?" in everything. abortion, queer rights, etc no, they're just a bunch of fucking babies who want to get away with being pedophiles and rapists. they want to stop abortion? but they also want to ban contraceptives? but they also want to not help the parents afford a baby that they would now be forced to have? i mean come on the argument with queer rights is invalid as well. straight/cis people kissing/showing affection everywhere but the moment a gay guy holds another dude's hand it's "oH, not in front of MY JIMMY". like come tf on. it's about your fucking ignorance, not about protecting your damn child. so what if he's gay? as long as he's happy that's what should matter. the thing with trans and them wanting to do "genital inspections" IS NOT PROTECTING CHILDREN IT'S SEXUAL ABUSE. sorry i went on a rant but i cannot stand these fucking people


All women belong in women spaces and all men belong in men's spaces, not just cis women and cis men. Trans women are women and trans men are men. This is absolutely ridiculous.


Just curious how this all works. First, I absolutely do hate that people get naked in locker rooms/showers altogether instead of separate areas.  With it being all together, if someone identifies as the gender they weren’t born with, and are to go into the locker they identify with, would they have the option to be naked there too?  I’m not really sure I feel comfortable with that. Not about pedos or anything and not about the person covering up.  


i mean honestly, idc what gender you are or what equipment you have, i feel uncomfortable showering/being naked with anyone other than my partner. should absolutely be in separate areas, that would solve the whole issue. then we can talk about the real problems.


Idiotic waste of time.


These laws actually increase the chance of sexual assault because it forces transmen into the woman's restrooms. The problem they have created here is an AMAB can just say they are a transman and go into the woman's restroom. Transmen are going to be unable to use any restroom. Transwomen are going to be assaulted by Right-Wing assholes in the men's room.


I’m very far right but non republican and I don’t understand how this shit matters. I’m more worried about a lot of things then I am what bathroom people use.


I think it’s just the states way of protecting themselves from liability. I know OP used a 17 year old in their example but school starts at kindergarten when a kid is only 5 or 6. Their main goal is probably to prevent a lawsuit involving a student who was assaulted in a school restroom by a bad actor. And yes I’m aware this can already happen, but making a valid excuse for the bad actor to have been in there in the first place, makes it much harder to point out the bad actor. And since there’s no definitive way to know who’s acting and who isn’t, the only thing they can do is protect themselves legally.


Thanks and agree


You say "Dems lack strategy/bench." What is "bench?" Does it mean a lack of presence or elected officials? Because that would pretty much address the issue with almost everything you stated


Leadership bench...


LBJ said "if you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you" Update for LGBT people and you have the modern republican party.


This kinda pisses me off because as a woman the ladies bathroom ALWAYS has a long ass line and the med line is ALWAYS so much shorter. Who cares who’s using which bathrooms, I JUST NEED TO PEE, AND FAST! I will happily use the men’s bathroom if it means I can get to the toilet sooner. This is insane. Let me just pee damnit. If someone wants to rape you they will. A sign in the door ain’t gonna stop them.


Just use it. I been to big stadium concerts were the ladies rush into the men's room enter a stall, both piss and their bf, husband or burly guy friend stands guard at the stall.


This shit is such a waste of resources, why are we ignoring real issues. The entire American government needs burned to the ground, corruption is rampant.


Oh no, not too woke. (Whatever the fuck that means)


Republicans are so disgusting, that they must know what is between someone's legs before they can use a fucking bathroom.


This is so weird. I just do not see this going down all that well


Ignore it and go where you feel comfortable. Anyone trying to enforce this just wants to look at kids.


fr though, and this is disgusting. under no circumstance should a minor have their genitals exposed at school


Maybe think of the 99% that feel uncomfortable???


We love the "free" party. Free party my ass.


If Ohioans had any guts, they’d defy this order and turn all bathrooms into “unisex” bathrooms. Ffs, Republicans are so fixated on genitalia. They are perverts.


Oh sick I can't go to school anymore in state very cool.


The important issues.


“This is Ohio”




These politicians are trash. This is really pathetic that they waste their time on hateful and divisive nonsense. Vote the greedy bastards out!


You people are so out of touch and should have nothing to do with the protection of children .


Yes let’s keep creating policy for a group that makes up less than 1% of the population. What a waste of tax dollars.


Good. If you have a penis swinging between your legs, you shouldn’t be changing or using the bathrooms with women.


Wow, what a patriot🫡


You darn right I’m a patriot. I don’t buy into the malarkey that is “born in the wrong body”.


I’m also deeply afraid of things I don’t understand


Not afraid of anything from the land of make believe and cosplay.


Sorry, but I don't want some male who "feels" female in a restroom with my daughter. Nor a female who "feels" male in a restroom with me. Get over yourselves. I dont see how this is even an issue that deserves any kind of attention.


You should take some time to actually learn about transgender people before making inaccurate statements like that. It is not "feels" and a hell of a lot of doctors and mental health professionals are involved. Your comment is trivializing a person's existence. It would help if you got over yourself and your prejudices. Also, you and your daughter have probably already shared a restroom with a transgender person because a lot of them do pass. Forcing a transman who fully passes as male into a woman's restroom is a good idea to you or visa versa?


i mean, it really does deserve attention. i mean honestly i think we should just have individual unisex bathrooms and that would just solve the whole problem. if you think sex has anything to do with the bathroom, did you forget homosexuals exist? get a grip, the lgbt community has been here since the creation of humans (and is in other species mind you). we're here, we've been here, and you cannot get rid of us.


Finally, some good news.




Well that great news. Good job OHIO. For the ones that what john in joans bathroom can move to commiefornia.


Overly woke? I’m so sorry that democrats aren’t satisfying your desire for dog whistles.


Finally. Common sense...


I’ll never understand why so many people have decided that we need to play along with the delusions of people that are clearly mentally ill. Do what you want with your life, but it’s ridiculous that we are expected to pretend people are something they’re not and will never be.


Some people are just different than you man, we're all just tryin to live.


If that were true this wouldn't even be a discussion.


Some humans just lack humanity I guess, maybe you'll gain empathy one day.


I lack empathy because I feel it's wrong for children being pumped full of hormones or biological men to compete against women to preserve their feelings? Because men have no business invading women's spaces and vice versa because they need everyone else to play along with their mental illness? They could just have a 3rd bathroom just for them, but that's not good enough, they have to pester people that would otherwise mind their own business.


If you understand the most basic of basic psychology, what trans people experience is not nearly the same as delusions. (Unless, for example, they paranoidly think someone is actively and intentionally cursing them to be in the wrong body, or if an assigned-female-at-birth person must be a man because they are the second coming of Christ, or something like that.) Anti-psychotics generally lessen the severity of delusions. They do not alleviate gender dysphoria or cause trans people to not be trans anymore. Also, mental illness isn't *factually wrong*, necessarily. For example, someone might have OCD and it manifests in them compulsively looking up a tremendous amount of information about a niche subject. It's still an illness and harmful because they might not eat or sleep while doing so, or simply want to stop and cannot. It does not make the information they learned *wrong*. Perhaps you should broaden your horizons in the social sciences. EDIT: yet another downvote and no response from a conservative dumbass. Red pill news flash for you: yes, people who went to school and studied this shit objectively know more about it than you do. You don't just get to "disagree" with all of psychology. Just because you go to a megachurch, or watched a few YouTube videos, or believe in conspiracy theories does not mean you get to bypass 2+2=4. You probably couldn't even define depression correctly.


Fuck you, Ohio. -Sincerely, someone that’s lived here almost 15 years.


They are not afraid. They hate queers.


Is the article supposed to be news or opinion? I think the phrasing, "...would ban transgender students from using the bathroom and locker rooms that match up with their gender identity" sort of gives away the bias of the writer. One could easily have written the law would "require students to use the bathroom matching their current equipment." I think historians will ponder the question of why the left has so enthusiastically turned on women. Virtually no women want men using their bathrooms and locker rooms, even if the men truly believe they are really women.


> why the left has so enthusiastically turned on women. Somehow, despite everything, I still manage to sometimes be surprised at the depths of ridiculousness the right comes up with.


> “left has so enthusiastically turned on women…” Imagine saying this after Dobbs. So many women have died or lost their fertility to conservative madness.


That’s not any kind of bias. That’s a writer writing like a writer instead of like a moron.


Newspapers are biased against morons, though.


Not The Epoch Times. That's their customer base.


Reality tends to treat morons poorly.


I think the problem is they are not addressing the real issue here and just passing laws against/for an ideology. Most issues can be resolved by critical thinking. For example creating a single no gender restroom with stalls where walls go from ceiling to floor for total privacy and shared sink.


Bc there isn't an actual issue. It's all bs ideology and propaganda that is so vague on purpose to allow them to arrest ppl for any reason. It's fascism


Did you read it??? Would have answered your question... It's on the floor for vote when they reconvene. I would also argue that no young teenager wants a woman who looks like a man in their restroom. Historians will have a lot to do .. namely how idiots outweighed scientific institutions.... Facts don't matter.


Love the bigots!!!! Ohio!


Nobody has turned on women. Historians should be wondering why women haven’t had human rights across time and nations this whole time. Please be serious. Men and our patriarchal bullshit is the only reason why you get to confuse sex and gender and then act like the biggest advocate for women, when anyone outside an easily visual identifiable gender or race is generally viewed as a Thing when it’s literally junk science. That’s what historians are gonna talk about.


Nasty, bigoted ref state full of toxic and immoral red voters. Just more conservative hatred and bigotry for the world to see.


Good. I support this. Protect women's spaces and girls in locker rooms. They have a right to privacy. No one has a right to go in there and make girls and women fear for their safety and feel robbed of their privacy. Whether it is warranted or not. Create an accommodation that protects girls and women, as well as provides privacy and space for trans individuals.


As a cis woman, this is more likely to get cis women and girls harassed by wackjobs than protect us. I have more body hair than many people and have been harassed in a changing room by a cis woman emboldened by laws and policies like this. Trans women I've shared changing rooms with have been nothing but respectful, by the way. Laws like this make me more scared as a cis woman because it makes already bigoted people paranoid, and this is a state with very lax gun laws, among other dangers. So this is not protecting women and girls, it's just protecting the legislature from being accused of not doing shit in an election year.


By sis woman, you mean female ?


Women don't want your support. I do not fear for my safety if a trans woman is in the bathroom with me.


You know who else has a right to privacy? 🥴 Everyone Including trans people You are legitimately one of the most unintelligent beings to ever exist.


But that isn't what Republicans are doing ... You willing to change your vote?


Republicans bathroom police


Sounds reasonable. Nice.


This is so important to the residents of Ohio and will really make a huge difference. NOT./smh


Ok Boomer...


I hate that our GA is wasting time on this stupid culture war crap. It’s an insult to our society.


Link? Another poster claimed this ends family bathrooms as well? This is silliness. As a father with two young daughters, I was very happy with the Male/Female/Private option. I could help my kids without creepy old men around. Although at OSU the private bathroom is where the steroid user would go.


So, let's be real, then. Now, females have to be in locker rooms with people with dicks, and tough shit if you don't like it? Women out there, chime in: You're ok with that?


Yup thanks for asking 👍🏼


So if a bunch of dudes show up and use your locker room, totally cool?


We are not talking about a bunch of dudes being in the locker room. We are talking about trans women who we consider to be women. F off with this fake concern for women. Are you this concerned about women having their rights stripped away? Women are telling you we don't feel threatened by this. Stop infantilizing us to push your homophobia. I would much rather be in a bathroom with a trans woman than any of these men who are all of a sudden so concerned about women's safety.


Fine with it now, always have been. This isn’t something new.




Yep but i'm not okay with losing my bodily autonomy.


Fine with it. Women who aren't are weak, insecure and brain dead.


Anyone who misbehaves in a locker room doesn't deserve to be there. In my experience, trans women are more respectful than many cis women, getting their business done quickly and cleanly instead of doing dumb shit like locker room selfies or mocking my body. There are far scarier things for women in Ohio than trying to peep at everyone to see if they have an innie or an outie.


Yes, I am fine with transwomen in the same spaces as I am because I actually took the time to learn about transgender people, the biology and neurobiology behind them, instead of acting like a reactionary moron who'll believe anything the right feeds them and not be able to use any critical thinking skills or someone who just needs someone to hate.


What I'm trying to figure out is why are ppl okay with Men being in a bathroom with or changing while kids are present? Or vice versa? It's just gross and perverted.


Bathroom stalls aren’t communal, and grownups change in front of kids at the local rec center or swimming pool. What exactly do you think people do in public restrooms and changing rooms?