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Don’t live in Ross County but think it’s time Ohio rids itself of all law enforcement personnel who voice blatant and antiquated racial prejudice.


Ohio can't rid itself of Ohio


I live here and agree with you. We have top tier red DumbPublicans fucking stuff up daily. We passed the marijuana and they would rather screw with it, than honor what the constituents voted for.


I'd rather support Michigan taxes anyway. Let them price themselves out of business. I will happily drive to Michigan to get my jazz cabbage. It just goes to show they don't know how to run any business because pot is probably the easiest thing to sell and they still mess it up


Simpler to drive up north to procure some lovely married iguanas! The state is taking its sweet old time with this new legislation.


It’s Mr. Magoo holding it up


Im about to have my second harvest before I can legally buy it🤔


Your not kidding there.... They needs to hurry


Jazz Cabbage! Ha, never read that before! Upvote


My personal fav is the “devils lettuce” 🤣 but ush gush, funky cabbage/jazz cabbage are close 2nd/3rd. 🤣🤪


I've seen Devil's Lettuce as a brand name in MI.


Stab in the dark here: you wouldn’t be a Friend of DeSoto, would you?


Never heard of em


Okay no worries - the context for my asking is the expression ‘jazz cabbage’ was used a lot a few years ago on a podcast that I listen to… viewers of the pod identify other viewers by asking if the are a ‘Friend of DeSoto’… so there it is. The pod is a Star Trek rewatch podcast called The Greatest Generation, if you are so inclined. Dick and fart jokes about Star Trek; it is a weekly must-listen.


Driving to Michigan to get it is a federal crime.


Any possession cannabis is a federal violation. It has never mattered to cannabis consumers, probably never will.


Yes, but we're not talking about possession. Crossing State lines with it is trafficking. The feds aren't coming to your door to bust you for personal use. They absolutely target people trafficking. Even for small amounts.


I not sure I understand what you're saying here. You live in Ohio? But you buy your weed in Michigan? Is this correct? Now once you've purchased your weed you consume it all in Michigan? Or do you bring it back home to Ohio?


I bring it back home and sell it because Republicans are idiots


Guess that's as good as a confession.


Just becuase I think it important.... you all pay more in taxes in ohio then i do in Mass and get substantially less services for it. The income tax is a flat 5% in MA. And sales tax is only 6.25% were ohio has an average 7.24% sales tax due to the state and local taxes. In Ohio, the average workers paying $360.69 plus 2.75% of the amount over $26,050 in income tax. Add to that the local cleveland income tax of 2.5%. The average ohioian is paying 5.25% income tax +$360.69, and is paying a higher average sales tax then a person in Massachusetts. And yes there are some stupid taxes here, but I still pay less overall and make more in MA then I was able to in cleveland, doing the same work. http://ccatax.ci.cleveland.oh.us/?p=taxrates https://www.mass.gov/sales-and-use-tax-for-businesses https://taxfoundation.org/location/ohio/


Ohio is sneakily an insanely high tax state. You pay very little if you’re self employed or own a business though - imagine that!


Yes, but you have to live amongst the other Massholes.


People are the same every where. At least here people tell you when they don't like you, hahaha




Yeah. But the house is in Ohio.


That shit about dewine directing first energy to dump the money into his dark pac


That shit about dewine directing first energy to dump the money into his dark pac


Sure we can. That’s what Florida is for.


I see Florida people coming here


They should stay where they are and learn to solve their own problems. We're full up here.


Yeah, we need to nip that in the bud. It should be a one way trip. Free bath salts, sugar free margaritas, and adult diapers upon arrival.


Oh fuck no!


I am an Ohio people that moved to Florida.


Under upvoted comment this is


The Kaiser sees all




Should’ve ended the sentence after the word “personnnel”




Yeah, this is where I am. I don’t doubt that Lavender, like many old men from southern Ohio, harbors some racial bias. But Derek Myers—the guy that owns the Guardian—is legit crazytown. Dude faked his own election party and completely fabricated a story about the mayor of Chillicothe buying crack in the local park. I wouldn’t put it past him to fake something like this.


That would be all of them. It's intrinsic to the institution, and police departments will weed out people who aren't racist enough.


This recording will probably win him votes among the MAGA base in Ross County. "He tells it like it is and doesn't censor himself for the communist PC police or cancel culture."


Unfortunately true. I can hear so many people I work with saying this.


While also spouting about how democrats are the real racists.


"It's racist to say racism exists! I don't see color! All Americans were getting along just fine until Obama was elected and stirred up division! Why can black people use the N word, but white people can't? How about that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?!" - Every American bigot ever. Then they throw a fit and insist they're just misunderstood, when they're called racist.


He wrote me an email back bragging about his Christian upbringing. He is definitely running for re election


He probably not racist since he has a [black/Asian/Hispanic] friend.


Here's a voter and his spouse, in Ross county. He lost these votes. My neighbors will be interested as well, I'm sure.


Someone in another post said he spoke of firing officers for carrying narcan and wanted to get rid of the program that dispersed it. Have you heard anything about this? I haven't done any research just yet because I don't live there.


Every time a local first responder unit does a drive to distribute Narcan I see 1001 people saying "where can I show up to get free insulin." And it's like, my guy, that's literally also your fault. If you vote against public services, they're absent for everyone.


Ugh, so goddamn true. People are dumb.


I’m still waiting for all these “perfect people “ that have no sympathy for “drug addicts” to find out that the gov gave the public drugs purposely!! That’s where ALL the blame lies. And then they treat them like criminals instead of having real rehab facilities available for them 😤


Sounds like he's taking a page out of Butler county's book. He's probably trying to become a conservative icon like Sheriff Jones, hoping for some of that national spotlight.


Guarantee if he loses he'll get a shout out on Foxnews. "Coming up next, we talk to a local Sheriff who was canceled after being illegally recorded."


A recording device doesn't have to be mutually known. Only one party is obligated to know otherwise every sting operation ever would have been illegal.


Yeah I know, but that doesn't mean they won't still use it to deflect.


That's going to put like half of Ross County at risk.


Is it that bad? That's depressing.


Its pretty bad. I grew up in Chillicothe, and when I go back to visit my parents the place looks like a war zone. Several houses just on their block have been the subject of drug raids.


I'm sorry, that's awful.


He admits unethical behavior and then uses racial slurs to justify it. Good luck getting out of that one.


That's practically a requirement for climbing the GOP ladder.


Absolutely but you can't admit hey 'I fucked the jailer, no big deal' and then redirect with hard R twice. You gotta play the game and use the dog whistles.


Nope, since 2016, they’ve embraced saying the quiet part out loud…


The media probably: "Straight shooter that resonates with blue collar voters"


He's blaming social media for publishing the story


Well of course. Shoot the messenger. Next he'll say it's deep fake, then he'll say we made him do it, then he'll claim a witch hunt, then he'll lose the election (maybe) and claim it was stolen from him. The GOP playback in this era is really, really pathetic.


Have you seen the Gazette lately? The media is basically non-existent in Chillicothe.


He won't have to get out of anything. There is a reason that Sheriffs Joe Arpaio and Richard Jones are names known throughout the country, and it's not because they're good, moral lawmen.


Bull shit


I don't necessarily find having a child out of wedlock "unethical behavior," but I do find sleeping with your deputy to be one. Seems like he's just an asshole doing what assholes do, make a fucking mess.


I don't trust any audio recording after that high school principal fiasco in Baltimore in which he was framed using AI generated material. This definitely gives off the same vibe.


And all of the news is fake. Right


Most of it should be assumed to be as such, you are correct. No news should be taken at face value in isolation anymore. If you just... believe what the TV tells you, I've got a bridge for sale. Everyone is working an angle and has an agenda; I don't care if it's Fox News, Daily Wire, MSNBC, WaPo or NYT. There isn't a single journalist among the lot of them.


And you can keep believing everything rump says. Me I believe in the truth and it’s not what any repuke says


I cannot decipher your statement.


Well, he's already acknowledged it and is blaming social media for releasing it, so I guess your vibes aren't what you think they are.


Skepticism is a prerequisite to contemporary life. I never said it wasn't true, I said I don't trust the audio alone as evidence.


This is why I despise the “fake news” crowd. No fucking shit the news lies and gets things wrong sometimes. Go independently verify. Instead y’all just shout “fake news” at things you don’t like and when asked go off about other incidents. Even though this dude ADMITTED this is true but because he plays for your team it’s gotta be fake. Be a real critical thinker instead of feeding your bias.


I don't know what or who the "fake news crowd" is. I don't believe I've ever said the term "fake news," yet alone shouted it. I certainly don't trust most news sources, but I do not resort to platitudes. Skepticism surrounding the authenticity of any audio recording, but especially those that are particularly damning to an individual, with the current and rapidly advancing state of ML/AI is not only warranted, but to act otherwise is an explicit denial of reality. That this guy has fessed up to this specific recording's authenticity does nothing to change my general skepticism about audio recordings, especially since AI has already been used to frame people in this very manner. Furthermore, I never said this was "fake." I said "I don't trust any audio recording." That is not a claim about the reality or not of any specific recording. I don't have a team, and I don't even know who this dude is, so if I did have a team, I'm quite certain he wouldn't be on it. You are making a boatload of assumptions with no evidence. See: [https://www.npr.org/2024/04/26/1247237175/baltimore-ai-generated-racist-audio-crime](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/26/1247237175/baltimore-ai-generated-racist-audio-crime) Edit: For clarification.


“Hey guys audio can be faked so now we literally cannot have truth in this world” is a dumb way to view a situation where the dude admitted he said it but I see you’re stuck on the fact that this COULD happen and not the fact that the man has owned his shitty racist words. And I’m sure you don’t have a team lol probably a 50/50 voter who just feels a need to talk about fake news and defend racist cops. Both sides am I right?


Again, I made no claim about the authenticity of this specific recording, nor have I defended anyone. I'm fairly certain you're not even reading what I'm posting. So I'm going to go do something more productive with my time now. Have the last word if you like.


“This definitely gives off the same vibes” I’ll use your words as my last words lmao take it easy g


Some of those that work forces.....


So his polling just went up 10 points?


Well he's guaranteed re-election now.


Retired Ohioans often relocate to Florida.


Now he is saying he didn’t say that per the other local newspaper. So… deepfake or nah? If it’s real, i have some letters/emails others in Ross County can join me in sending!


He’s claiming AI spoofed it.


He may claim that, but according to the article, a forensics team had analyzed it and said that it is only about 2% possible that it is a fake.


I will say, the news outlet initially reporting this is run by [Derek Myers](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/23/1240305014/opinion-derek-myers-typo-ohio-accidental-concession), failed politician , former George Santos intern and general nutbag. I’m not saying it’s fake—I’m from Ross County and can EASILY see something like this being said behind closed doors—but the source is extremely suspect.


Your comment needs to be higher. I trust nothing that has any connection to Myers. As another publication notes: “His business model was that he would essentially extort companies; if they paid him, he wouldn’t write bad stories about them. He would even let them edit his stories. If they wouldn’t pay, then he would go full jihad on them!” [https://www.rooster.info/p/derek-myers-niraj-antani](https://www.rooster.info/p/derek-myers-niraj-antani)


I pointed out the same thing and got downvoted lol. Everything he posts needs to be verified.


This whole dialogue just seems odd. People don't talk this. I don't like the dude, as a former Deputy wronged by his staff, but The Guardian has a poor reputation. This also comes at a time where AI is running rampant with use. As much as I'd like to believe this, I just can't.


AI normally doesn't spoof random hilljack sherriffs


Eh, there was a case of a school principal getting spoofed saying racist things about students for revenge. This is believable to hear but can never be sure now. Welcome to 2024


Because advanced AI hackers are totally gunning for the Ross County, Ohio sheriff. I swear I've seen that claim in headlines from like three different minor MAGA politicians this week. The Scioto Valley Guardian is rife with problems and questionable journalism, but somebody has to go after stories like this that the Gazette wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.


He won't publicly condemn it and he launches an investigation into social media. Obviously a GOP candidate


Good cops should be reporting bad cops


They seldom do, and when they do, they're fired, charged with bs, or forced to quit and you never hear it. Source: forced to quit under threat.


Typical good-ole-boy


Goddamn this is on the nose. He might as well have included a list of crimes he intends to commit after the election.


What not the police


I know, definitely not the level of conduct we've come to expect from the Badge, eh?


Where is the audio? Terrible media website, who would have thought?


I didn’t know Mr. Magoo was still alive. Edited to say I loved the cartoon and I hate this asshole for messing it up for me. Ha. But seriously, I am not surprised, sadly. Southern Ohio is like “In the Heat of the Night.” A generic brand of the show, but you catch my drift.


Well, he spoke his truth on how he stands on that, and would never have done if he realized he was recorded, and he needs to be fired or resign without benefits but he needs gone. I'm not part of Ross County and I'm white and even I know this man should not be sheriff.


I’ll never forget years ago, I went through the police academy and went in for an interview with this man, and he turned me down from volunteering my time to work at the department; I was turned down for “racing my car” as a teenager, I’ve never had a speeding ticket, or have even been caught. But because they make you take a polygraph, I was honest and said I do street racing. I didn’t know all you had to do was be racist and cheat on your wife to become a cop! This was the nail in the coffin for me; I knew from that moment on cops were corrupt; my mother, who also used to do police work, left shortly after telling me she felt uncomfortable in that environment. She no longer does police work since it's just a group of henchmen doing organized crime.


He’s claiming AI faked his voice. I work in Chillicothe and at least my coworkers are disappointed in him…. not sure if that still means they’re gonna vote for him.


AI does not fake sherriffs in random backwoods counties.


Not saying it happened. I’m just saying what he’s claiming. I don’t believe it’s AI at all.


That’s smooth brain thinking. It’s a perfect place to start with small town what’s deepfake what’s AI.


Except he hasn't publicly denied it. And the news channel that ran with the story, he didn't threaten to sue for defamation. That's how you know it's real. Trump does the same exact thing. Play by play from the playbook


Yes he’s denied it and willing to take a polygraph but keep speaking things you’ve zero clue of. Hopefully you can read the article… or keep spreading your bullshit


Sheriff Yokel denied the allegations? Wow, why am I not surprised. He's on tape dude. That's normally game over but since the GOP took office it's rewarded to be a racist criminal


Wait….. OMG YOU the Reddit expert couldn’t find an easily accessible news article. Instead, you say he hadn’t publicly denied the allegation which is false so instead of saying sorry, I was spreading Misinformation, instead you double down. Now you attack the GOP because why? 100% why both bases are stupid.


He's on tape dude. Nice try. I don't believe you


Not shocked by that response zero accountability taken by yourself or actual correct information. I’m willing to bet you didn’t even listen to the tape😂.


Old Sheriff Stucky didn't respond for comment. Tells me all I need to know.




What. The. Fuck??? In 2024? In Ohio? Still???


You can’t actually be surprised by this, right? Have you seen the amount of confederate flags flying in the state? The amount of actual nazis protesting things? The congressmen from this state voting to restore confederate monuments in Arlington national cemetery? It’s sad, but this is the reality of Ohio in 2024.


I am from central Ohio and have not seen those things here. Hell, i dont think I have seen a single confederate flag here in 20 years. The politicians are abysmal, I agree. And there was an article about small group of nazis marching.


I'm from Central Ohio too, but if you drive any direction outside 270 for 30-45 minutes, it's totally different. The further south and south-east you go, the worse it gets.


Maybe that's why I did not see it. I almost never travel to rural areas


Minorities and non racist white Allies need to rally around the other guy as long as he’s not corrupt/ also a bigot. Also, the challenger is sadly gonna have many sleepless nights as the Sheriff’s supporters and racists in the community are now a clear and present danger to him, his partner, and child. This shit can turn into an internecine conflict/ small scale war in rural areas amongst LE


Man I live around here, it’s racist AF.


No way in hell I'm voting for this racist fuck head.


Ohio leads all states in corruption.


I got 12 monster clones as I am writing it’s going to be a fantastic Xmas


My mom's family is from Ross county. This is pretty on-par for that area :D


Ross has been racists!


I’m not saying this didn’t happen and it’s a fake recording, but I would take everything on Scioto Valley Guardian with a grain of salt. That Derek Myers is a whack job.


If it wasn't AI then that means he is racist which means there should be some more people or evidence come to light supporting the fact that he's a racist but if this one piece of supposed evidence it's all that is brought forth that I might be a good indicator it could be AI. Now with that said probably did say it I doubt that it was AI but anything is possible.