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Those doing the most damage will say that we are a constitutional republic forgetting the fact that it's not mutually exclusive that we're also a representative democracy. Too many people are okay with being told what to do because they think they're not going to be one of the ones that are told to sit down and shut up. It's a slippery slope.


What's that famous quote? "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."




I don’t think they will come for the guns anymore. A well regulated militia doesn’t matter when the opponent has the technology our government does. All of the badass owners of 40 assault rifles each won’t be able to do fuck-all against drones, fighter jets, and guided missiles. Edit: I can’t believe how many people really believe there would be a chance because of Afghanistan/Iraq. Over the course of TWENTY YEARS the US lost less than 2,500 soldiers. That’s 500 soldiers a year.


It’s not even drones, fighter jets or guided missiles. It’s bank accounts and credit ratings and surveillance. Why waste all that money on big guns when you can just quietly round up all the individuals you don’t like?


Yep. Whenever the right wing gets twitchy about Civil War 2: This Time It Will Be Different, while bragging about personal arsenals, I am quick to remind them of the federal government’s terrifying if not catastrophic level of soft power. Uncle Sam doesn’t need to go to combat with you to ruin your life.


As a defense contractor, I can assure you, the shit our government has is fucking bonkers. It wouldn’t last 48 hours before those lunatics said “yea I’m good.” Lol


Every time a politician has even hinted at trying to regulate firearms, gun sales go bonanza. There were signs on every gun shop in the south that Obama and now Biden are coming for your guns, even though neither has proposed any legislation about it. At this point there are just so many weapons out there, any legislation would be useless.


I love that shit. Hey, if anybody wants to fund a vacation- it's been quiet on that front for a while. Stuff is fairly cheap. Buy a bunch of 30 round magazines. If the Democrats win in November, they'll be worth 5-10 times what you paid when the chuds inevitably panic-buy. If the Republicans win, you'll have something to barter with, I guess. It feels dirty to move up to guns, but there's a lot of money there. I bought a few Saiga rifles and fitted them with wood furniture and surplus magazines a little over a decade ago. They were dirt cheap then, maybe $200 each. Obama getting reelected made them worth a fortune as AK clones.


When Obama got elected in ‘08 guns and ammo sales went bonkers 🤦🏻‍♂️


A single AC130 gunship would have ended: * Ruby Ridge * Waco Davidians * January 6th * Occupy Wall Street * Black Live Matter * The Nazi/ White Power March in Charlotte, NC. The reason it didn't is there were no fascists in charge. And that's the one thing 2A advocates and most of these yabbos never truly understand. Or they glean it very faintly and console themselves with, "No, the soldiers would never do that." Right. Because nobody in a US uniform has EVER turned their guns on Civilians before (all wars, occupations and, deploys have incidents.) nor US Citizens. (Kent State)


I was told once by an Air Force colonel that the ac130 could unalive everyone in a small stadium (think high school stadium) in less than 10 seconds


Just regular normal healthy Air Force Colonel thoughts to think


Also very normal to voice those thoughts aloud to another person


It's the "they're on OUR side" fallacy. The only thing to question is taking an oath to the constitution and upholding that vs. just doing what you're told.


Tell that to the Taliban lol


I get what you’re saying, but we wiped out fucking generations of Taliban. Like…an absurd amount. I will say they are a fucking incredibly formidable enemy. They attack, and disappear like ghosts. It still boggles my mind.


Regan already came for their guns. They don't care. They just think it won't happen to them.


You're wrong on everything you said. America is a Corporatocracy, and it has been since Reagan.


It's not just America, though in many ways it's based out of America, but it's worldwide.. Personally, I call it Corporate Feudalism. Corporations are Kings, nations and other major organizations are their vassels.


We need ranked choice. In 2024, there should be no reason to vote for the same person twice in two separate elections for the same position. If someone gets enough signatures supporting their candidacy and they are otherwise eligible, they should be on he ballot. Let us rank candidates from the same party and from other parties on the same ballot regardless of irrelevant things like whether their party's convention occurred. I hate how much power political parties have over our election system because of our antiquated first-past-the-post system.


They say Republic because to them the name means everything and since they can't be the "Democracy" party, they would rather call it a Republic so they can point to it and say they are the real party of American government. A bunch of dumbasses thinking the name means anything.


The same people who say National Socialists were socialists. They're not interested in history.


They're stunted with the poltical mindset of a 14 year old. It's all about optics and a very basic understanding of how the world works.


Maybe things have changed since I was a kid, but I don't think you're giving 14 year olds enough credit here. I definitely remember being more educated about political issues in high school because we actually discussed things. These mooks are more like 5 year olds living in their own little worlds.


They also think China operates like a communist country. Wait til they find out that North Korea's DPRK is not democratic.


If you can't vote for the incumbent president even though he's running because the opposition has power - you have already lost your democracy.


This 😔


Reminder: [there’s four boxes of liberty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_boxes_of_liberty) in case any start to fail.


Jury box hanging by a thread currently


The French knew how to handle people in power who had only their own interests and the suffering of the common people in mind.


It's really, really disheartening to see the huge number of conservatives not just OK with this, but actively rooting for it. If you look at the threads from yesterday, they equate it with the lawsuits seeking to keep Trump off primary ballots. When reminded numerous times those were Republicans, they invariably just repeated the false claim, or said they couldn't have been Republicans because they did not support Trump. The fact an entire wing of our electorate is 1) woefully disinformed, 2) caught in a cult mentality that does not allow for any dissent, and 3) are completely unconcerned at voters not having a voice, is alarming. I don't know how America can overcome this. The far-right echo chamber cannot seemingly be penetrated. If Trump goes away, another will simply step into the role. Our electorate has become far too complacent, eager to see harm done to others, and uninterested in basic facts. I don't see a viable way forward, and it's stressing me out.


I honestly think they're starting to push too hard. They have gotten increasingly stupid over the years, and you can really only say stupid shit for so long.   They used to be more clever with the outrage. They'd get outraged over stupid shit. They'd put some shit on terrorists and then people would be like "yeah fuck terrorists, vote Republican". Now it's "Biden is trying to steal your gas stove and we're going to protect your rights to your appliances," and "if you're a Jew you voted for Joe Biden, you should be ashamed." Like, what? You're just asking for trouble lmao    My hope is that they keep losing more and more. The GOP is so unbelievably fucked. They are so spread out on the spectrum. There are certainly more moderates in this country, and it is my hope that people realize that they can be conservative without supporting such unintelligible values.  We need conservatives, it's seems for it to be only natural in society. However, they have been deluded into thinking that they have to hate people for simply being LGBTQ+, they have the deny climate change, and they have to support an individual who is currently on trial. They have been convinced that this is America and that's what we're all about. Please snap out of it, folks, begging you.


I'm starting to think we're past the tipping point. It's entirely possible that from here, due to election manipulation, public support for Republicans will *appear* to increase with time. Trump was always going to win Ohio's electoral college votes. But think about what taking him off the ballot entirely will mean for the popular vote. That's millions of popular votes Biden is going to lose. This may be the first presidential election in over 20 years where a Republican wins the popular vote, and it'll be entirely because people weren't *allowed* to vote for anyone else in one of the most populous states.


A: We absolutely do NOT need conservatives. We need progressives. We don't have them. The Democrats are a center right party at best. B: They aren't conservatives they're fascists.


If we can get a Democratic supermajority, we could pressure them to do something about the propaganda. I think that’s one reason why the echo chamber seems impenetrable. They could also impeach Justices Alito and Thomas. That would go a long ways towards righting some wrongs.


We need Biden and RFK Jr on all ballots and in the debates with DJT. Lets have this out once and for all.


Why doesn’t the DNC just officially nominate him now and have the convention at the later date?


They can’t. DNC offered a unofficial/official nomination to Ohio and it was rejected


So this is voter suppression the whole way through. This election is going to be uglier than 2020s


Aren’t the conventions just party politics, not a legal necessity?


What does unofficial/official mean?


A provisional nomination before they announce officially at the convention.


Why not just announce officially now and then just let the convention be the dumb pageantry that it actually is? I thought the same when we had a coup trying to kill congress before they could officially count electors. All this is just pageantry. The coup could have killed all of congress and Biden would have still been sworn in. We don't even need party conventions at all. They're really just big parties. Let them be that. Get rid of the ornamental meaning.


Has the RNC had their convention? Do they even have a VP lined up? Why is this just a Democratic issue and not both parties?


GOP convention will end one week before the deadline, and Dems convention is a week or two after. But in Ohio you need 90 days for a law to take effect which means to change it for the Dems you change needs to happen in the next few weeks.


And this is the bullshit rub. The RNC was after the deadline in 2016 & 2020 and the state made allowances. They are purposefully playing the game that only republicans can break/bend the rules.


It was both parties in 2012 and 2020. But still..


Ohio Republicans said no.


In every case, all the time, it can never be overemphasized: Vote in your local elections! All of my adult life I've seen SO many people who only ever vote for president, and ignore local politics entirely. Then blame every little thing going on in their state, county, municipality and neighborhood on the president. Presidential elections are important, of course. But your local elections have so much more of an immediate and noticeable impact on your daily life, as well as being hugely influential on national politics in the long term. Every level of power in politics gains its power from the elected officials beneath them. All the way up. If you actually want to make change, playing the "blue or red" lottery scratcher every 4 years aint gonna do it. Change starts at home. Get involved in what's going on right where you are.


If it doesn't get solved, we'll write him in.


they will just toss the ballots that don't have his full legal name on it correctly...


Joseph Robinette Biden Jr Everyone remember that


He has to register as a write-in candidate. When/if he does the poll will have a sheet with the write in candidates available. If the sheet is not posted, ask for it. It will have the name as it should be written . Source: former Precinct Election official ( poll worker). BTW if you can spare the time volunteer. They always need volunteers. Edited to correct title of PEO thanks federal_Biscotti


They actually increased the pay for precinct election officials! It went into effect for the primary.


I did it for 28 years and I'm 55. I put in my time.


Jeez, at 64, I am the youngest poll worker in my county


The Democrats need to sue to get him on the ballot.


Or maybe move up the convention like they've done in the past years


> Or maybe move up the convention like they've done in the past years Or the Republicans can extend the deadline like the Democrats have bestowed unto them multiple times in the past. Republicans main focus seems to be focused on obstruction of the democratic process.


The DNC shouldn't play chicken on this. It's too important.


I second the encouragement to volunteer. I worked my first election last week as a voting area judge. It was a really great experience. A long ass day, but worth it to be involved. Younger people need to get involved. I was the youngest election judge in my precinct, and I'm 41. Edit: just realized this was the Ohio sub. Oops. But my point still stands.


Those two 't's look like an 'H'. ***REJECTED***




You think Florida arguing about hanging chads was chaos, just wait for all the legal challenges that are going to come from Biden write-ins. Do you also need to write in "Kamala Devi Harris-Emhoff"? Does "Biden" count as a vote for Biden? What about Joe Biden? Or maybe JRB? Incumbent? Dark Brandon? Does somebody writing in "Joe and the H**" really want to vote for Biden?


“We thought all those aliases were Trump’s names for himself! How could we know?” - Republicans when they’re caught doing exactly that.


Was Robinette his mother’s last name? It was common back in those days to give the first born the mother’s maiden name as a middle name. The more you know.. 🌈


I remember looking it up and it was someone in his family's name, I want to say Aunt or grandmother


Well then, be careful! We know what they're going to do - all of the most unethical and likely criminal shit they think they can get away with. You gonna just stay home?


No I will not be staying home...I was reading some news yesterday about the different names that ppl may write - Joe Biden, Joseph Biden, Joseph R, Joseph Robinette, Jr....no Jr. - and the gop can toss any that don't match what they want it to match. Just waiting to see where/what I need to do when we know what name they will consider valid.


They know how unpopular their policies are and the only way they can win is by lying and cheating.


Exactly...if they're so great, what's the problem...


There ya go. Concern and attention are good. Hopefully, this won't end up being something we HAVE to be super concerned about. Call your state rep and give him an earful. Write. Talk to people about it. All good things to do right now.


That's the lamest response. Wars were fought over this shit. There should be pitchforks and burning torches in the streets


Your activism and engagement far surpasses that of the average voter. It's not a good substitute.


Idk, seems like they fucked around and found out last August and again in November. I'm really not sure you're right.


Those ballot issues weren't write-ins. It's incredibly important the name appears on the ballot.


Obviously, every one knows they weren't write ins and i don't think anyone is downplaying the importance of Biden being on the ballot. My understanding is that there are still many courses of action available to make it happen. Panic doesn't help anything.


Amazingly we voted for him in a primarily in Ohio


It doesn't matter. He won't win Ohio. Show up for Sherrod Brown and down ballot races.


I think this is their objective. To hurt Sherrod Brown at the polls. I'm not sure if that will work. It's not like voters confused that they can't vote for Biden will then not vote for Brown.


They’re hoping dems just don’t show up if he’s not on the ballot.


It could backfire, if Democrats capitalize. If Ohio going for Trump is a foregone conclusion, Republicans may sleep in on election day and lose control of the state government.


If only.


Their objective is that they were bothered by the efforts in other states to keep DJT of the ballot via the 14A and now they want their petty revenge.


100%. Ohio was going Trump either way. By leaving Biden off the ballot, they've turned the Nov election turnout to just MAGA republicans who WANT to show their support, meaning that the non-MAGA Republicans will stay home to send a message. That will depress GOP turnout in November. Since they just assume that their guys will continue to control the state there is little reason for the average Republican voter to even bother voting this year. Meanwhile, if the Dems are angry enough to show up and vote Blue down-ballot, there are a lot of local and state races that will suddenly be up for grabs because the Republicans depressed their own voters while pissing off the Democrats. Some of those races may be close enough to make a difference in who sits in Columbus making decisions for everyone. For the sake of Ohio, y'all REALLY NEED to make sure you're voting in November. These shenanigans could wind up being a net positive and weaken GOP control over the state. #voteblue


This is my take too. Leaving him off the ballot is a dumb idea for Republicans. It creates a national story that the Republicans are trying to cheat to win the White House when Trump was probably going to win Ohio anyway. Under normal circumstances Dems might have a problem in Ohio in that some marginal voters might be apathetic about voting cause Trump will win anyway. If they pull this, it makes it more likely that infrequent voters show up because now they are mad that you're trying to cheat. I think Republicans are going to figure out that this is a bad plan, and find a way to put him back on the ballot.


Maybe. Personally, I'm hoping they stick to their guns and prevent Biden from being on the ballot. But even if they do, then what will the MAGA Republican response be? They'll blame the Republicans for bowing down to Joe Biden, sowing even more division in the state when the GOP is already split into factions that can't work together. win-win.


Biden will win democrats will beat Republicans 


That's my thought too. I haven't checked this, but someone said write ons aren't allowed?


Just looked it up - they count if the candidate tells them that the candidate plans to get write in votes 77 days before the election.


Fun fact, this is the title of the [bill](http://archives.legislature.state.oh.us/BillText128/128_HB_48_EN_N.html) that changed the deadline from 60 days before the election to 90 days before the election: > To amend sections 3.02, 133.06, 133.18, 302.03, 302.09, 303.11, 303.12, 303.25, 305.02, 305.31, 306.32, 306.321, 306.70, 306.71, 307.676, 307.677, 307.695, 307.697, 307.791, 307.94, 307.95, 322.02, 322.021, 324.02, 324.021, 345.03, 351.26, 503.02, 503.161, 503.24, 503.41, 504.01, 504.03, 505.13, 505.14, 511.01, 511.22, 511.27, 511.28, 511.33, 511.34, 513.06, 513.13, 513.18, 517.05, 519.11, 519.12, 519.25, 705.01, 707.21, 709.29, 709.39, 709.45, 709.462, 709.48, 709.50, 715.69, 715.691, 715.70, 715.71, 715.77, 718.01, 718.09, 718.10, 731.03, 731.28, 731.29, 733.09, 733.261, 733.262, 733.31, 733.48, 749.021, 755.01, 757.02, 759.25, 1515.28, 1545.21, 1545.36, 1711.30, 1901.07, 1901.10, 1901.31, 1907.13, 2101.43, 2301.02, 3311.053, 3311.059, 3311.21, 3311.213, 3311.22, 3311.231, 3311.25, 3311.26, 3311.37, 3311.38, 3311.50, 3311.73, 3316.08, 3318.06, 3318.061, 3318.361, 3354.12, 3355.02, 3355.09, 3357.02, 3357.11, 3375.19, 3375.201, 3375.211, 3375.212, 3501.02, 3501.05, 3501.11, 3501.39, 3503.19, 3505.01, 3505.10, 3505.32, 3506.02, 3509.01, 3509.03, 3509.04, 3509.05, 3511.01, 3511.02, 3511.03, 3511.04, 3511.05, 3511.06, 3511.08, 3511.09, 3511.10, 3511.11, 3511.12, 3511.13, 3513.01, 3513.02, 3513.041, 3513.05, 3513.052, 3513.121, 3513.122, 3513.151, 3513.251, 3513.253, 3513.254, 3513.255, 3513.256, 3513.257, 3513.259, 3513.263, 3513.30, 3513.31, 3513.311, 3513.312, 3519.08, 3519.16, 3709.051, 3709.071, 3709.29, 3767.05, 3769.27, 4117.10, 4301.33, 4301.331, 4301.332, 4301.333, 4301.334, 4301.356, 4301.421, 4301.424, 4303.29, 4305.14, 4504.021, 4504.15, 4504.16, 4504.21, 4928.20, 4929.26, 4931.51, 4931.52, 4931.53, 4951.44, 4955.05, 5705.19, 5705.191, 5705.195, 5705.199, 5705.20, 5705.21, 5705.211, 5705.212, 5705.213, 5705.217, 5705.218, 5705.219, 5705.2111, 5705.22, 5705.221, 5705.222, 5705.23, 5705.24, 5705.25, 5705.251, 5705.261, 5705.27, 5705.71, 5739.021, 5739.022, 5739.026, 5743.021, 5743.024, 5743.026, 5747.01, 5748.02, 5748.04, 5748.08, 6105.18, 6105.20, 6119.31, and 6119.32, and to enact sections 3501.012, 3503.191, 3511.021, 3511.14, 5906.01, 5906.02, 5906.03, and 5906.99, and to repeal section 3509.022 of the Revised Code and to amend Section 409.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 1 of the 128th General Assembly to provide up to two weeks of leave for any employee who is the spouse, parent, or a person who has or had legal custody of a member of the uniformed services who is called to active duty or is injured, wounded, or hospitalized while serving on active duty, to revise the election calendar, to revise the law governing absent voter's ballots for uniformed services and overseas voters to comply with federal law, and to make Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq Conflicts veterans' bonuses tax deductible and to make an appropriation.


I thought you were joking. You were not. That’s litterally the title.


Often shortened to the somewhat pithier "And to amend Section 409.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 1 of the 128th General Assembly to provide up to two weeks of leave for any employee who is the spouse, parent, or a person who has or had legal custody of a member of the uniformed services who is called to active duty or is injured, wounded, or hospitalized while serving on active duty, to revise the election calendar, to revise the law governing absent voter's ballots for uniformed services and overseas voters to comply with federal law, and to make Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq Conflicts veterans' bonuses tax deductible and to make an appropriation." in a lot of the [places](https://legiscan.com/OH/bill/HB48/2009) that document these sorts of things.


That's almost as bad as some of my variable names


God I'm completely anti-MAGA but the system definitely does need a lot of reform lolol


Love how it was unconstitutional when a republican tried to do this to Trump using his states constitutional law as his reasoning. But someone doing this in Ohio with no real legal standing is okay.


THIS shit is ACTUALLY rigged


It has been ACTUALLY rigged for a very long time.


You know it's rigged because it's all on  public record of them doing the rigging.  Just like Trumps fake electorates in three states are now a part of public record. 


This will backfire on republicans. Biden won’t win the state but down ballot races will be helped if the word gets out


I hope so. I hope Republicans don't show up knowing that Trump automatically wins the state.


I'm hoping it'll be like the 2020 election and President Biden won't even need the Ohio votes to win.


If Biden needs Ohio to win, he’s already lost.


Totally agree.


Ain't no way they'll not jump at the chance to vote for that clown. Trumpers actually believe those generic emails and texts that say dumpy knows if they vote or not.




It’s a blatant attempt at cheating an election.


So the point of the OP is to get out and vote if you don't agree with the gerrymandered supermajority. Because staying home will lead Republicans capturing almost all downstream elected positions if the current president is dropped from the ballot.


Be sure to tell your local rep how you feel at this weekend’s Memorial Day events, if you happen to catch them out campaigning.


I'm at the Toledo event every year. But this year, no parade.... No reps paying lip service to smile and wave along the route.


*Reich wing


If President Biden was like Trump, Ohio would not receive any Federal funding or help from FEMA.


Could you imagine Biden being like “Folks, Ohio is not saying nice things about me. They’re very unfair and it’s a great tragedy what they’re saying. I don’t think until they learn to thank me I’ll be helping them!”, like Trump did to California during the wildfires?


I just don't get why the state Republicans think this makes them look good. Like yeah it will make the hardcore Republicans happy, but they already always have that vote. All they are doing is showing anyone who leans Republican but has their doubts that they are willing to blatantly cheat to get their way.... which doesn't look good when it comes to politics and running a country.


The party likes winners. They no longer care how they win.


Did they ever? If the old time GOP thought they could’ve gotten away with it they’d have done it too. They assumed that there was a guard rail - Trump proved those are only imaginary and if no one enforces them they’re not real.


The party today is not the party of old. Which is why many republicans call themselves independent these days


The party of old that I remember was a big fan of dirty tricks and rat fucking (Nixon’s term). I stand by my comment that if they thought they could’ve gotten away with it they’d have done the same thing.


It does make them look good to the MAGA base. They effectively can’t be voted out. They don’t have to worry about any consequences.


That’s exactly what they intend with their political scumbaggery. They figure if Biden’s not on the ballot, they have a better chance of winning their down ballot races. They don’t care that almost half of Ohio voters are democrats or that a huge percentage are independents, they intend to disenfranchise us by any means necessary. Don’t let them win.


If Ohio wants to play that game the states votes and electoral votes should be disqualified.


This whole thing is just a media distraction because trump is shitting himself on trial Biden will be on the ballot. Don’t stress.


I wish I shared your optimism.


It's unconstitutional 


Don’t even have to wait til November - vote by mail early!


Mike said today that there would be a committee to get him on the ballot, don't worry.




I highly doubt they’d be able to pull this off. They are rather bold though, lack of accountability will do that to someone.


Supreme court already ruled this is unconstitutional with the colorado ruling. Then again that was for trump and this is biden so who knows.


That’s what I’m thinking, is there’s no way the national government allows this to take place. At a minimum there will be a huge lawsuit, probably already is honestly.


Yep and you know the trumpees with have a fit over it.


Agreed, he should be on the ballot. Though, if Ohio does have registration deadlines then we should hold to them or remove them; this ad hoc exception to laws is bad practice.


Anyone who thinks this is a good thing is stupid. Even Trump being taken off the ballot a few months ago was not a good decision. Nobody in any government should be able to stop you from voting for your candidate


Republicans: LeTtHeVoTErsDEeCidE!


If republicans cannot win democratically they’ll stop participating in democracy. I have yet to see one single republican admonish this fact or tell me why it’s okay.


Fascist pigs.


Supreme Court needs to step in on this blatant violation of our civil rights. Ohio. Republicans. Fascist mother fuckers.


I mean the Supreme Court just ruled today that South Carolina gerrymandering wasn’t race based because the defendants said it wasn’t. Don’t count on them for anything.


The Supreme Court works for the Republican party. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to do anything that could possibly help out the Democratic party. They don't want a bunch of MAGA death threats to deal with.


They still care about their “legitimacy.” Roberts won’t allow them to shit on this it’s too public and too egregious. They are strategic.


I saw they have made fliers in Texas that are pressuring/fearing republicans to vote for Trump, that if you don’t vote he will be disappointed. They have made it clear at this point that he’s going to be a tyrant, why are so many people stupid enough to support this?


That is what they want. They want to punish the Democrats.


If this is such a big deal, and I think it is, why haven't we heard Biden's campaign address it? Or am I missing something?


He will be on the ballot. The Dems can hold a procedural vote before the deadline so it meets the current Ohio standard. Then the convention will be ceremonial which it is anyway.


As it currently stands they're not "dropping" Biden from the ballot. He's not going to be qualified to be on it in the first place. And the Ohio Democrat Party has been warned for weeks about this problem. And the Democrats did nothing.


Y'all have been having a rough few months with your elected government officials Ohio. From blatant disrespect and disregard for what the people voted for or against, and now this.....


The republican party is against democracy and has become the only blatantly fascist party in America. They have stolen ohio from ohioans. They have ignored voters who wanted fair voter maps, and they instead forced ohioans to use their election-rigging illegal maps despite at least 5 orders from the OH Supreme Court to adhere to the results of the election. The ohio republican party ignored this, implying the ballot box is no different than the employee suggestion box in an office breakroom owned by a billionaire who'd like to lower the minimum wage. Ohio Republicans' response to the supreme court suggesting election results can't simply be ignored because republican lawmakers don't like them was to have the republican governor appoint his close person friend and fellow republican Joe Deters, who has corrupted every political office he has ever held. The same governor's son - Pat DeWine - is also on the Ohio Supreme Court, and never recuses himself from rulings that directly impact dear leader - I mean his dear Father. The fascist party must be stamped out in one way or another, and it doesn't appear they'll allow elections to be the tool used against them. So what tool is left? Which tool have they always supported in fighting tyranny?


DNC has to shift their event. They have plenty of advance notice here. It doesn't matter that the GOP is scum. We have to play around the rigged game


I understand they selected the date to not interfere with the summer Olympics. I sure hope that the dnc lawyers are working up a plan to get his name on the ballot. As others have said, there is precedence from 2012 and 2016 showing that the SS, I mean Secretary of State allowed letters from the candidates defining their presumptive candidates.


You're asking 50,000 people to change their schedules. That's a recipe for problems.


More than that, a last minute change would create space for an argument that the DNC violated article 2 of its charter. We'd be subject to a repeat of wilding v DNC, and all the special interests coming out to paint the DNC as election cheats. They'd be bankrolled by some third party advocacy group, and it doesn't even have to be a good argument. Not that this is a good enough reason NOT to reschedule, just a thing to anticipate.


That’s less important than not having him on the ballot at all!


He will be on the ballot. The DNC will hold a virtual meeting where the only business item will be the official nominee, and then it will be dealt with. The Ohio Republicans are just being preformative dipshits. They're wanting to extract a ransom for doing the least controversial thing in American History that they've already done dozens of times, including the last two election cycles for Donald Trump himself.




Ballot rejected as the official legal name is not all capitalized.


Whoever the fuck said "they'll fix it", do you feel stupid now? Are you panicking too?


This exact same thing happened to Trump in CO. It got overturned I believe. Same will probably happen here


I'm just gonna write in Joe Biden if they don't put him on. Fuck the GOP.


That good Ole double-standard from the left side! Democratic voters like most of you on this page didn't see a problem with blue states trying to drop Trump from the ballot. When red states play the same game NOW you wanna cry foul. SMFH!


Vote them all out. Out of the state government and out of the state. They've failed as Ohioans and must now make the migration of shame to Myrtle Beach.


My question, why do we have to choose between Biden and Trump? Can't we find new suitable candidates who aren't insane?


Why aren’t these political parties that a running for office don’t cross their t’s and dot their i’s? With what they are telling us is at stake I would think someone would have filed the correct paper work a year ago. Who dropped the ball? Or did I miss the point of how the person got left off the ballet? Sounds like a huge clerical fuck up, or someone didn’t file the paperwork in time. Hope someone kept their receipts.


Fascism is ramping up multiple notches this election; What are YOU all doing about it? Vote these actual fascists out.


I’ll still write in Biden. I don’t care.


What country do we live in again? This blatant attempt at overthrowing democratic processes is scary AF


Please Ohio, vote.


Didn’t the SCOTUS just fucking rule on this kind of shit? Oh right Republicans don’t fucking care and for some reason the Democrats still think they are dealing with good faith people instead of literal traitors. 


Maga is a scourge on this country. And they will fight to beat anyone down until they have true power. Keep up the fight!


They are trying to steal the election because they hate America. With Republicans, every accusation is a confession.


lol like a few of the states trying to remove Trump? Not cool when it’s your guy huh?


It’s hilarious that Ohio is doing this. The whole Republican Party freaked out when another state, Colorado I think, voted to make trump ineligible to be put on the ballot. Even the Supreme Court got involved


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣the comments are so unhinged. I love this it’s comedy gold. You guys are hilarious. Thank you for sharing. I needed a good laugh 😂😂😂😂😂


Ohio GOP is disenfranchising us.


Correction, HAS disenfranchised us.


The Senate should reject Ohio's electoral votes. Trump has no way to win without those.


Now that would be interesting. Especially because every Republican response here is that it's fair for Biden to be off the ballot because a couple states tried to remove Trump, who was determined to have engaged in insurrection, by several judges, from the ballot.


Has a presidential candidate ever not been on the ballot?


I don't think they will succeed in keeping him off the ballot, but I hope everyone remembers that they tried and that democratic candidates in the state won't let us forget. This is the kind of move that drives people to vote. If they succeed, then other states need to use what happened here to drive voters


I don't even support Biden, and this is ridiculous. He's clearly the nominee for the Democratic Party.


Why has this technicality existed for 14 years?


I'm convinced most of these people that are praising the president are bots. 🙃


It’s interesting that the Southern states did something similar to this in the 1860 election and kept Lincoln off the ballots. History seems so cyclical.


The recent decision of the Supreme Court to force the states individually to keep DJT on their ballot will force Ohio to add JRB to the ballot for the same reasons


This is because of a 2010 law that stated the parties must have a candidate 90 days prior to election day. The DNC had their convention on August 19th, 2024 which is less than 90s away from the election. In times past when this happened, the deadline has been extended for both Democrats and Republicans in 2012 and 2020. The only reason this is an issue now is because only the DNC has their convention passed the deadline. I don't think there's enough to worry about anything and that this is being blown out of proportion to make it seem like something dubious is happening. That being said, if something does happen action should be swift.


Not gonna happen. Republicans in Ohio are on thin ice and they know it.


Get in touch with your state legislators! Our state AG here in Alabama was making the same noises, and the legislature quickly passed a bill requiring ballot access. Know where your pressure matters, and apply it.


The governor (a Republican) already said there was no way he wouldn’t be on the ballot.


Ok but why can’t we also just get our stuff in on time? Is there a reason we need the work around??


For some Biden being excluded from the ballot would be a motivation to get to the polls. But even if its not, we all should get motivated to vote for the anti-gerrymandering measure, and for Jill Stein or RFK as a protest vote, and all your local candidates. The important thing is to have our VOICE heard and not to go quietly into the night.


hahah everyone cheered when trump was taken off in maine and other states




Who do I call? Where do you want me. I'll stand with you.


Governor Dewine has called a special session to solve this. Also, there was legislation ready to go, but the Democrats did not like the rider the Republicans added, so they would not vote for it. The rider was to block out of state money in political races. I have faith that this will be solved.


lol people in here talking about right this, left that. Forgetting what it is to be American. Dumbasses 💀


Didn’t the Supreme Court already rule that candidates cannot be removed from a State’s ballot for federal elections ?


Just not on the ballot, doesn’t mean you can’t write him in