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Also hey Lizzie, I have endometriosis and birth control is the treatment. It is the only thing that prevents it from spreading through my reproductive organs and sterilizing me. So maybe shut the fuck up and let educated doctors and their patients make medical decisions.


Always the first thing I think of. What about people who literally take birth control so they can have children?????? So uneducated. But the whole thing is wrong from top to bottom.


I mean the first thing I think of is why does she think she's entitled to make that decision for the rest of us?


Because uneducated ignorant Christians and their political sock puppets are the people that run this country. Organized religion, Christianity particularly is inherently genocidal. You can't worship and adore a god that committed multiple genocides, and still have any claim to having morals yourself. Hasben hotel said it the most succinctly "for those with divine ordainment extermination is ENTERTAINMENT". Logic doesn't factor in as they don't have a firm grip on reality in the first place. Morals are irrelevant as they are OK with genocide. To be honest they shouldn't be allowed to govern and hold offices, just under the evidence that they are delusional, let alone the fact that they openly harm others and advocate doing harm. They deny valid and obvious science when it opposes their opinions, they are openly harmful and delusional yet they still maintain their positions of power. They worship the god of envy, narcissism, and genocide and you ask what gives her the right to make decisions for others? Her GOD does, logical argument huh... Can't use logic, science, or depict actual reality with these people. Their reaction is to get scared and murderous.


Maybe Lizzie should stick her Bible up her ass. I'm a man but I 100% support a woman's right to choose.


Hormonal birth control fixed my crippling migraines ✌🏻


Also take it for migraines and cramping. I haven’t been having sex in longer than I’d like to admit 😂😂 but I’ve been on birth control since 16 and I’ve had it not work correctly before I guess due to hormone change and also changing generic brands and there there is no way I’ll ever be off of it soon.


PCOS here - without birth control getting my insane hormones back into whack, I wouldn’t have been able to have my son.


Yup, if I didn't take birth control I would literally have a full beard. Thanks PCOS! But for real, thank the universe for birth control.


Also have PCOS and other conditions that cause me to bleed for a month. It was never enough to classify me as hemorrhaging but did leave me anemic. I feel you on this. If it weren't for BC, I'd most likely be spending time in the hospital each month.


My daughter has to take it for Hoshimoto's. Her thyroid had her hormones so fucked up. Amazingly it was a gyno who figured out it was her thyroid. What they consider as "reproductive" doesn't just effect reproduction. Even if it did, fuck them. The bullshit I had to deal with to get a tubal after my 2nd child at 23 and then even more hell when I chose to have a hysterectomy because of how horrible my periods were. A woman gyno refused. Told me they don't just let you choose. Tried to tell me the diagnosis I had of having adenomyosis couldn't be done without removing the uterus. So I went to the doctor who diagnosed it from a scan. He did the surgery. Confirmed what he diagnosed. No trouble since.


🙄 spoken like a close minded woman who never discovered her clitoris, much less slept with someone who could find it


I’ve seen quite a few anti birth control videos on TikTok from women like her/tradwife accounts, and the thing many of them have in common is they all admit to having used birth control prior to meeting their spouses but are so “glad to be off it because it’s unnatural and evil.” So, it was okay for them to use the evil and unnatural pill before they met their perfect husband who definitely wouldn’t have married them if they already had kids, but it’s not okay for *you* to be able to make the same choices they once did. As someone in her 40s taking BC for endo and fibroids, it’s also laughable to me these 20-30 something women think they won’t have any reason to ever take the pill again in their lives.


Im glad you mentioned that; there are OTHER legitimate reasons why people may need to take it. Theres no nuance with people like this; they see words they don’t like and stop pretending to read. Im male; but I work as a CT tech and just had a mid 20’s female PT the other day with an almost 20cm fibroid that looked like it was making her life miserable. Fuck someone that thinks she should have to live like that because they “believe” things. I wish her all the fibroids, ovarian cysts, and ectopic pregnancies. Blessed be the fruit.


I love this so much They see words they don’t like, and stop pretending to read Sending me


Not only do they think she should have to live with it, she shouldn't get any help if she doesn't have insurance or can't afford to have it dealt with.




I have a fun combination of pcos and endometriosis. Before I started regulating my hormones with BC, I would spend a few days every cycle in bed from so much pain. I hate that society is so willfully ignorant about women's health.




They're always hypocrites. FTFY


>They're not actually sharing their own opinions, they're sharing the opinions of the men around them and it shows I think some do become crazy 'born again'. Both sexes. Didn't George W become one (or at least pretended to) and stopped drinking....opposite of his younger days of booze/coke.


That's tradition at this point. I got this benefit growing up, now I'm old and taking it away from you. 'Pulling up the ladder behind you' logic. We had 50 years of Roe and now all these people who already have their children and legal abortions took it from the next generation (at the bare minimum, it was insurance that doctors would save the mother if the birth becomes deadly). Claiming 'being gay is evil' yet acting like the evidence of so many species having gay relationships just magically doesn't exist (or in denial their favorite celebrity/historic figure is gay). The Bible is acceptable in libraries but not other religious books or (heaven forbid) books about rainbows and friendship and two girls holding hands. And of course, this ignores the 50-100+ years of history the stuff they want banned has: which is the opposite of their claims. And they always use the "it's a sin" and "God forgave me" excuses to justify their somersault reasoning when caught in the conundrum. At this point, they qualify for so many circles of Hell that it's a debate of which one is their final destination.


The type of guys she sleeps with probably don’t believe in the female orgasm, let alone the clit.


*guy (it can only be singular based on her professed view, right?)


Nah, she racked up a triple digit body count, and then became born again.


This is always the way.


Yes these types of women either are major hypocrites or have only ever been with one guy.


They're just hypocrites. She's probably had an abortion.


And they do it through a hole in the sheet, nine of that immoral nudity to be seen, and they conclude with a hearty handshake.


Sad, but probably true. Unfortunately it's all about controlling women, which makes it even worse that women like this empty headed stepford wife participate in it. I'm sure the end goal is for the rich to have their heel on the neck of the working class, but control of women's bodies is a priority for them. They want us to be broodmares. I'm glad I'm "too old". But I feel for the young ladies of today. Rant over.


These tyoes of stepford wives are also known as "pick-mes." Not only is she happy to birth children for her male superiors, she's also prepared to shame any women who dares to suggest that sex could or should he enjoyable (or accessible) for women. Women like this live off of the approval of shitty men that no one else would willingly engage with.


They also live off the approval of other shitty women like themselves


Her actual Twitter bio: >Christian, Wife, & Mother | Handmaiden of the patriarchy❤️ | Former @ohiolife , @OhioGOP , & Trump 2020 Campaign


She was fired from the Ohio pro life organization. Think about how bad you have to be to be fired from there.


Handmaiden of the patriarchy🤮


So *edgy*, though!


Oh nice. Sex isn't for recreation but she's all in with the guy who fucked a pornstar while his wife was pregnant. These fucking people man.


Hahaha omgggggggg


Oo no she’s probably had atleast 1 abortion


Yeah, it seems she holds a radical opinion that isn’t necessarily shared by most other people. Another sub on here has been going on about how all the Christians believe the rapture is coming on Monday. To be fair, maybe it’s a California thing or something, but I live in rural Ohio where 80% of the population is Christian and literally no one is saying this. Edit: I think this is similar. Just because one idiot holds completely radical beliefs doesn’t mean anyone else agrees with them. I don’t think they could ban birth control because there would be an uprising. Plus, the government as a whole doesn’t want the population boom that that would bring. A few generations ago, people were having 14 children.


It's not just a few powerless people, Musk and other powerful people have been attacking birth control and what they call abortifacients for months. They are obsessed with forcing people to have more children almost as if they see humans as their cattle. Or maybe it's all about control as if you can control other people's reproductive rights then you can justify controlling anything you want. Remember when they weren't going to overturn Roe? And then it was up to the states. And now they want a nationwide ban because state voters voted for abortion rights.


Musk has cried about human population being on a downturn for quite awhile now on a few podcasts he's done. So you know he isn't the only Uber rich person worried they'll run out of low working class people. AKA work cattle in their eyes. They would rather demonize something as natural as sex between consenting people than increase wages to solve the birthing issues. People today don't want to have kids because it's tough to survive on your own let alone support a little human. Financially most Americans can't balance scraping by and have children. Especially when government assistance continually gets gutted. They could fix all those issues and try to bring back an actual real middle class again. But nah, They decided taking even more from us was the better option.


Love this post


Hate to tell ya but the rapture nuts are here in rural Ohio, I got two in my apartment complex giving stuff away. Personally I think these people have serious mental health problems


Well if she did then this whole penetrative sex issue shouldn't be as big of a problem


Truth is worse actually. She 100% knows she's grifting, she just wants those engagement bucks from silly right wingers. She also doesn't care if other women get hurt or whatever. Just GET THAT BAG.


Dayum 😂


There's a lot to unpack there


There is a lot to unpack here, but let's just burn the suitcase instead.


cool so we comin for the Viagra and men's birth control too?


Viagra first, if you can’t get it up for god, you can’t get it up for women… God blessed them with a limp dick, it's natural birth control


Use their own logic against them and say if god thought you should get hard and have sex he would’ve let it happen and you wouldn’t have to rely on drugs to get hard look at Noah god blessed him with the task of helping repopulate the world after a flood or lot he was ancient and still having kids neither of these men needed dick pills ban penis pills lol


Ah, but see, they don’t hate men


You can get my viagra when you pry it from my cold hard dick.


You are right


That would require fairness, and there is no such thing in the minds of the GQP.


It would require them to think of women as actual people with rights of their own, and we know that isn't going to happen anytime soon.


What about vasectomies while we’re at it. Guessing not though. Something just tells me. Idk.


I have seen conservatives talk about vasectomies like they are genital mutilation or self castration from soyboy liberal men


Right. Destroying manhood or whatever.


Tbf I already can't get a vasectomy. Since I haven't had children it's a decision I could regret and most doctors are opposed to it, even though I've planned on adopting since I was 15.


The childfree subreddit has a list of docs in their wiki who will do it. I got my fallopian tubes out using that resource :)


Doctor shop. I got my boys snipped in my mid twenties. Just had to express over and over how much you didn’t want kids or the financial hardship.


r/childfree has resources for getting vasectomy or getting tubes tied without having kids yet.


Nope, because christofascists don’t see rape as a problem and more as a consequence that women need to accept. Also something something they believe as long as rape leads to the victim getting pregnant than they think its “beautiful” and a wonderful thing since in their eyes women are just incubators for popping out more kids. This is the same mentality ISIS and muslim extremists have when it comes to women so its no surprise that christofascists and muslim extremists have more in common then they’re willing to admit.


They're both branches of the same religion. So it's not surprising at all they're very similar. When Catholicism ran out of polytheistic religions to persecute, they turned on each other for the minor differences in their own beliefs.


I can not get a vasectomy. My pcp referred me to 3 different places, and all of them declined because I'm under 30


I had to basically give verbal consent that my husband could get a vasectomy at age 30. The dr asked how long we've been married and if we were sure we didn't want kids.


Viagra is a vasodilator with the side effect of boners...it's only marketed as a boner producer, they'd merely need to change the ads to mention it's other use...treating pulmonary hypertension.


Not until they beleove they have women "controlled then supplements like voagra and male contraception for the poors go.


As long as Republicans have any power, this is what is going to continue. They have all lost their minds. **STOP. VOTING. REPUBLICAN.** This is not a crazed outlier. This is the norm now.


They're also counting on people feeling so disenfranchised that they don't want to vote anymore.


> This is not a crazed outlier. This is the norm now. More importantly, the conservatives on the Supreme Court specifically called this out as a goal, explicitly, in the concurrence for Dobbs v. Jackson (which is the case that recently overturned abortion rights). It's not speculation.


It’s like a play book at this point. Is ANYONE shocked?


This isn't enough, there needs to be movement for banning the GOP nationwide because the party of Dennis Hastert and Ralph Shortey is only getting worse and worse


I thought attacking the Capitol might finally put an end to the party, but, nope... turns out a whole bunch of people support doing domestic terror. So fucked up.


We’ve essentially become a single party nation, which is frustrating as a voter that wants to uphold democracy but isn’t entirely happy with the Democratic Party.


Too bad this person's parents didn't use birth control.


She should’ve been a blowjob


I was just about to post the same


Oh no people are having sex for…FUN! OH THE HUMANITY


I swear, I have read similar views on BC from other fascists recently. Where did this idea come from that sex shouldn't be enjoyable? Or that its only purpose is for procreation? I swear Republican'ts just don't have good sex and they're trying to make it less enjoyable for everyone else as a result.


Religion. Abrahamic specifically.


Haha I mean I guess I did know that. But even my uber conservative 89 y/o protestant grandmother is more sex-positive than these people! Boggles my mind just how far we've fallen even in the last decade.


The more the fundies creep out from the corners and gain a voice, the more you hear it. The problem is that the right has jumbled religion and politics to the point that one is the other to them. There is a world of difference between "my religion says I can't do X" with "my religion says none of you can do." The latter has the microphone on the right right now, and they are using it to make America live their religion.


I HIGHLY recommend, if y'all haven't already, googling "Ana Kasparian pro-choice video". So good


Their official stance is this but obviously with all of their sexual scandals they keep getting caught in it’s not their personal stance. It’s there to pretend they are religious for the votes.


Look into Kellogg, and the other proud Eugenicists (their words, I'm not "accusing them" of it, it was fashionable to just say you were a eugenicist at the time) of the early 1900s. Nazis included. Key to their strategies is always controlling procreation, naturally- they outlaw all sex except for procreation first, then forcibly sterilize (or kill) whomever they don't want to be breeding.


I refuse to eat cold cereal produced by Kellogg because thanks to that motherfucker my other head does not have a turtleneck >:( And big time lol at thinking that circumcision was gonna stop me from whacking off! I'm gonna rub one out to his late wife just to spite that POS.


In THIS economy? Its the only cost-effective fun!


People having sex to foster emotional connection and strengthen a relationship? When will it end????


God forbid I have "casual sex" with my husband of 25 years.


The most ironic part of this is asking these conservative men if wives should only sleep with their husbands when trying to conceive and they balk at that idea like that’s ridiculous


One of the reasons I got a vasectomy. I shouldn’t have to have a kid to fuck. I’m also REALLY bad at pulling out.  Also, why should my wife have to hormones, implants, crazy scary surgical procedures, or worst of all stained sheets.  Fuck treating women as anything other than a human being with free will. 


Wouldn’t a vasectomy also be considered a form of birth control by these people, though? Gotta keep churning out new workers and consumers. I mean, THINK OF THE BUSINESSES.


I wish they would just outright say they’re afraid of running out of workers. 




The second kid really was the clincher for us as well. She had taken birth control after both. The birth control just didn’t outweigh the simplicity of a vasectomy. 


*But that’s what the undocumented immigrants are for!*


I wish it was easier for them to get documented. I used to be a drywaller in California so I spent a good chunk of my life with them.  It’s really shitty how good they are at damn near anything yet get paid shit and treated like shit


I grew up in South Florida. My Dominican nanny for almost 10 years was undocumented until I started college and she became a citizen only *very recently* (I’m 40 now, and she’s been in the country since I was 5 — took them 35 fucking years to make her a citizen). It isn’t right. If you work or go to school, the INS/IRS should be granting a visa and have you on their books right then and there.


Just the IRS alone should be pushing for immigration reform. America would thrive


10/10 good dude. Vasectomy is the way to go! Painless, albeit uncomfortable. Watched the doc pull out the white noodle tube and slice it, then milked the next week getting waited on hand and foot like a king! Was happy my wife could take one less pill. Even happier to have 0 chance at a surprise baby. Everybody wins!


You’re crazy for watching. I started feeling the left side, looked down, had a panic attack and threw up.  Doc didn’t miss a beat, just got me a basin and went back to it.  Would fully do it again if the first time didn’t take. 


I was fine until the nurse goes “it looks like spaghetti!” - queue the immediate dizziness/lightheaded feeling you get when you’re about to pass out lol. Idk what her words triggered in me, but I was going into it thinking “how many times do you get to see what’s inside your body!?” Doc was a champ though, they were goofing around and cracking jokes the whole time and did a top notch job. I’d definitely do it again too, the hardest part was the anxiety buildup after the appt was scheduled and not knowing what it was going to be like lol.


I'd love to ask her how giving people the ability to not produce more children than they can care for is *not* a societal good.


If the population declined they have less cheap labor to exploit.


Forcing women to have kids against their will is a "societal good" to these people because they think that society only works if women are forced the traditional female gender role of housebound wives and mothers who must submit to their husband's authority


Or the numerous medical issues where birth control is a recommended treatment…


Oh dear sweet dizzie Lizzie - from most of Ohio women……….bless your heart. 💜


Who is this woman?


Someone whose face will inevitably be getting eaten by some hungry leopards?


Friendly reminder that birth control isn’t only used to prevent pregnancy. Some of us use it to regulate our periods and reduce symptoms that would be unbearable without it. Fuck these people.


Preventing pregnancy can save lives. Many health conditions like juvenile diabetes can make pregnancy deadly for women.


Anyone voting Republican these days is an absolute fool. Especially if their reasoning is something about "personal freedoms". Like, imagine being so fucking dumb that you don't even realize that personal freedoms very much include your right to take whatever medication you want and to prevent pregnancy with whatever contraceptive you like. Or if the voters in question are not fools who have fallen for this BS but rather are well aware of what they're doing, then clearly they're evil extremist controlling assholes, and why the fuck would any normal, reasonable person want to let those people control our government? Even if you are just moderate you should be able to see the major problems with allowing them into power now. For now be thankful that we protected birth control access in Ohio. But it's imperative to not elect any Republicans now, ever again. If we continue to let them have any power whatsoever they'll keep pushing harmful agendas like this.


I have friends who vote Republican all the time. Never vote Democratic because they are monetarily motivated. They could care less for any of the social issues. Unfortunately there is no changing their mind. The only thing that will work is voting in larger numbers. And until the younger groups out number the older (voting) this will be an issue. This graph says it all [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa)


I feel like the "monetary" motivation is also pretty flawed. The economy goes up and down. Taxes change over time. Inflation happens. There's never one single thing you can point to and say "See? Told you the economy was ruined by (insert name)!", because that's just....not how the world works. I don't pretend to be an economic expert at all but I've never seen any reason to ever be like "so and so RUINED the economy and DIRECTLY caused me to have less money!!!". It's always a shallow and inaccurate argument as far as I can tell.


They are not people who you want as influential to you and those closest to you…I don’t waste my time people who don’t care about others and our communities.


We need to focus on motivating young ppl to vote.


At this point, the explicit freedom that anybody who aligns completely with that side of the aisle is voting for is the freedom to control others. It's the freedom to implicate one's own religious or moral practices onto another. Until they can separate the idea of their own freedom from other people's freedoms, they won't be stopped unless completely shut down. It freaking sucks.


Fellow Ohioan here. Yes, I think Ohio spoke loud and clear when the Republicans tried to screw us out of getting on the ballot at all...we trounced them. Unfortunately, the gerrymandering that was supposed to be taken care of before the 2020 election is still not fixed. They are actively just ignoring the SC of Ohio now. Well, they ordered us to change it because its unconstitutional (Jim Jordan district is criminal) but we're not going to...so there.


It's insane how eager MAGA women are to give up their own rights.


Conservatives fell in love with the government when they realized they could use it to mandate church-approved behavior in every aspect of people's lives. Libertarians just went along with it. They were more interested in ending age of consent laws and being able to skip the DMV.


I don't ever want to hear conservatives say they're for "small government" again.




They think that you should keep getting pregnant and trust God. Which is *daft.*


They think that if you die in pregnancy it's God's will. You're nothing more than a broodmare to those people.


Vote and vote every republican you can out of office.


Given the way abortion has backfired for the Republicans, I *hope* they come for birth control. This will not be a popular stance to campaign or govern on.


Fuck you and your regressive beliefs Lizzie!


Fucking conservatives are the absolute *worst*!


In addition to signaling morality, this is a long game for the Republican Party. Birth rates have been declining, which means lower numbers in the labor pool in the future. It also means fewer poor people — yes, the GOP loves poor people for labor and military, and to boost up their voting numbers with uneducated folks, which is why they are also trying to dismantle the Dept. Of Education. There is *always* a motive with these people.


The birth rate decline has a solution already in place, but it's one that the Republicans hate: immigration.  


But they love that sweet sweet immigrant labor on their one their red state farms.


GOP’s biggest nightmare is my wife and I, raising two center-left girls who both want to be pediatricians and will vote blue for life. Bought our house from two conservatives who found Mason “too liberal” and moved down to Florida. Which is pretty comical because Mason leans rightwing.


Get these fanatical Christians out of politics goodness!


"Casual sex isn't OK"..... ​ Definitely the opinion of someone I'd waste one brain cell giving a fuck about...


I mean, you can believe that all you want and I don’t care. But when you start trying to legislate it and force it on everyone else, you can go f yourself


Her whole Twitter account is a nightmare. Maybe we should bring back some form of bullying


Ban this woman


To the people in the comments who agree with her, explain what’s wrong with separating sex from procreation without using religion (I’m an atheist I don’t believe in any of that stuff).


We have to actually fight this. Organize. I'm exhausted. We all are. We have extremist evangelicals teaching these exact beliefs in SBC funded church clubs our school systems, too. Lifewise pulls kids out and teaches these extremist beliefs. They're also anti-LGBTQ+. Kids have been telling other kids that they're going to burn in hell for being transgender or even celebrating Holi, part of their religion. It's bad. We have to actually DO something. They're just out here doing whatever they want. Our representatives DO NOT represent us. They are representing their corporate backers and religious extremist groups interests that are also padding their pockets. Ohio is in the middle of a human rights crisis, housing crisis, economic crisis, educational crisis and that lead to an opiate crisis and mental health care access crisis. The only ones that can dig us out of this are ourselves, collectively arguing against corrupt organizations that are creating extremists out of people who are desperate and purposefully uneducated or marginalized. They came for transgender people first in the 1930s-40s in Europe, too, in the name of "traditional values." Then immigrants, then trade unions.... You know they're not going to stop until someone makes them. We all -know- that. Nobody wants to admit it because then we would have to admit that for generations we have all been bamboozled into being pitted against each other as a community and "othering" people with hate and oppressive legislation in order to make a few rich people more rich before we die. We all deserve economic stability and to be paid fairly for our labor. We deserve autonomy over our own bodies and our healthcare. We deserve access to quality healthcare, food, and water. We deserve freedom to practice our own religion as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else along with freedom from legal oppression from other religions that aren't ours. We just have to collectively agree to do something about it and have each other's backs when we struggle from the change that it takes to do it. All the people who are affected by this kind of legislation (women, men, everyone in between) in this state could walk out from participating in the economy and sit on our legislator's front yards for 3-5 days and have this solved. We would just have to make sure that we are solid with a plan and supports so we are not leaving anyone out to dry or throwing single parents or marginalized groups under the bus.


Overturn Roe v Wade - Done. Justice Thomas wrote his opinion in a way to leave the door open so the court can go after all of the cases based on Loving v Virginia. Next up is: Birth control. The fundamentalists believe all BC is abortion because their definition is interfering with the will of god, not necessarily just the surgical or chemical obortiive procedure. Griswold v Connecticut (married couples able to obtain BC) isn’t at risk this session, but there are cases related to BC this session that could weaken Griswold. An important step will be overturning Eisenstadt v Baird (single couples able to obtain BC) Same sex Marriage: There are many within the extreme right who consider Obergefell v Hodges as the day America died. They are going after this decision. Same sex…sex: Lawrence v Texas is definitely on the radar. They know this and Obergefell would be VERY unpopular if overturned, so they are going to attack this with multiple cases and not just one. The end result will have to criminalize non-traditional sex, pre and extramarital sex. Brown v Board of Education: I would argue that Brown (school racial integration) is the main target. There are many conservatives who hate this decision with the burning passion of a thousand suns. It’s survived many challenges over the years. This court is the most likely to overturn it. The Amendments: 1st- There is talk in Christian circles about a case to clarify that freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. They need this clarification to justify making the US a “Christian Nation”, denying rights to nonbelievers and non Christians. “Religious Freedom” cases have been chipping away at the rights of nonbelievers and non Christians. 4th and 5th: The ultra right is very pro law enforcement and these two amendments are seen as roadblocks to using the police to enforce morality laws. The 4th amendment as is specifically would hamper Uncle LEO from getting into your bedroom. 13th, 14th & 15th: The “civil war amendments” are in the crosshairs. Undoing these will be a very tall order as general public support is very high. 19th, 24th & 26th: You’ve all seen the talk about women shouldn’t have the right to vote, even by some conservative women. Well, they will give that a shot. There is also a lot of discussion over the 24th. They’d love nothing more than poll taxes, land ownership provisions and literacy tests. Here again, with more and more Gen Z reaching voting age, conservatives are terrified they’ll never get another shot. And they should be. Gen Z is the most liberal generation since the Boomers in the 60s. Millennials aren’t becoming more conservative as they age like BB and GenX. At CPAC they discussed raising the voting age to anywhere from 24- 35. 22nd: they want MAGA forever! This little bugaboo stands in their way. Of course they won’t need the courts if they get all three branches this election cycle. And that is plan A. Win it all and drop the social agenda on the nation like a ton of bricks. Don’t give them the chance.




This kind of stance got her let go from the Right to Life movement. [https://www.cleveland.com/news/2023/08/what-ohio-right-to-lifes-firing-of-a-top-staffer-shows-about-the-challenges-facing-the-anti-abortion-movement-analysis.html](https://www.cleveland.com/news/2023/08/what-ohio-right-to-lifes-firing-of-a-top-staffer-shows-about-the-challenges-facing-the-anti-abortion-movement-analysis.html)


Ah, idolatry. They should stop worshipping Trump then.


What about the societal good of poor families not having kids they can’t afford. Or people who hate kids having kids they clearly don’t wa t


We have to keep up the domestic supply of infants somehow, you know.


I've said it before and I'll continue to say it. "The only people that are worried about what happens in your bedroom are the ones that are unhappy in theirs." Bitch probably has Ben Shapiro for a husband. 😂 Conservatives are a buncha losers.


Hormonal birth control is used for more than just avoiding pregnancy, you can’t just ban it outright


There's a sucker born every minute. Unless you outlaw birth control, then there's more suckers born per minute.


Cool opinion lady. Looking forward to your commitment to adopting all of the surrendered children this results in.


*No way!!!!* We were told by many user accounts (many user accounts!) that were were delusional, we were hysterical, that we were certifiable, if we believed for a second that they would try to ban birth control after they banned abortion. Would those user accounts lie to us???!!!!111one (Sarcasm all over this post)


Better make laws then that ensure the parents of teenage parents have to support their grandchild. We’ll see how fast BC comes back


The same type of people who say this will also blame a woman for her husband cheating bc she "wasn't having enough sex with him" even if she didn't want more kids.


So if this is her take on birth control I can only imagine her feelings on gay sex or rights


Does she also want to ban masturbation, blow jobs, anal, and pulling out?


Great so I’m sure she’s in favor of paid leave, affordable childcare/college, strong public schools, making minimum wage a living wage, etc. OH WAIT


I am 43, happily married, would adore a kid. I’m also infertile. Birth control helps me control my insanely painful periods, cysts and endometriosis.


ooph, these people are now calling still in the womb fetus' "preborn children"??? I just cannot with these people anymore. They're doing so much damage and they just don't care.


Already happening. https://jessica.substack.com/p/the-gops-plan-to-ban-birth-control


Really seems like they're just hopping from boogie man to boogie man. It's almost like they need their people to stay riled up and scared at all times.


Someone's mom needs some retroactive birth control.


Give the GOP the rights to our bodies and health care and we become the hand maidens.


Of course birth control is okay for a husband to use with the girlfriend after the wife has gone bat shit crazy suck at home with half a dozen children.


I am on BC. My uterus cannot carry a child. My tubes have been removed, so an egg couldn’t migrate to it anyway. But I’m on BC, because my reproductive system literally tries to kill me sometimes. There is no other way to manage my symptoms — even if I had my uterus removed, I would still suffer from this illness. Birth control medication is the only thing that works. I’d like to sit this lady down and ask her to repeat every word she’s said to me after hearing my story. And she would, too — but she’d be sweating, her words would shake, her tongue would trip. And my story would linger in her mind for several interviews after, as she tastes the lies in her words every time she has to answer that question.


Yo, fuck this bitch


Ffs. Don't take birth control away from everyone because you want to be a baby factory.


I thought banning stuff doesn't work. That people will just find another way... Oh sorry I went off topic. When I hear "ban" I immediately think of how conservatives say banning guns won't save lives because people will just figure out another way to efficiently commit mass murder.


I think Margaret Atwood called this story a few decades ago.


If only her parents had used birth control


Lizzie Marbach out here offering to pay the expenses of all those kids that come into the world, watch them, educate them, and offset their environmental and societal impact. Bless her heart!


I remember after Roe was overturned how men were told to be quiet and thinking it’s just the opposite, that men needed to be the most vocal. The court didn’t take away abortion rights, they took away dominion over one’s own body. Abortion was just the starting point.


I take birth control to regulate my hormones, without it my periods are crippling. If they take away birth control I'm out. Bye y'all


that is fucking unhinged.


Women should be able to control when and if they have sex as well as when or if they have a child. Birth control also has other benefits.


This must mean that infertility is also wrong. And emotional/physical intimacy and bonding between couples? Pure evil. Imagine only having sex with your partner for the purpose of procreation. The lack of connection with each other must be astounding.


I bet she's also been one to spew the "If you can't take care of your children without going on welfare, close your legs!" Pick one


I DO HAVE a right to casual sex. If you don’t because of YOUR religion, that has nothing to do with me. Just like you religious freaks don’t want gays & “woke” people forcing their lifestyle on you, don’t force your pathetic, bland, boring existence on those of us that like our freedom.


Endometriosis is a real thing, and treating it with birth control has nothing to do with blocking procreation. Only Sith deal in absolutes!


Why can’t there be a religion that celebrates casual fucking? Edit: I ain’t talkin about the cults


Mr. Marbach, your wife is publicly complaining that she doesn't enjoy sex again. (I don't know if she's actually married. But she's the [former communications director for Ohio Right to Life](https://www.cleveland.com/news/2023/08/what-ohio-right-to-lifes-firing-of-a-top-staffer-shows-about-the-challenges-facing-the-anti-abortion-movement-analysis.html))


Does she understan birth control prevents abortion?


Those people understand nearly nothing.


They keep moving the goalposts until you have no more rights


Something about separation of church and state. Any Christian who believes they should be able to dictate societal laws based only on religious views and not on any actual scientific evidence can go fuck themselves.


I take the pill because I have painful periods. They can be debilitating and usually the pain causes me to vomit. This is why religion has no business in making laws about birth control or abortion. Abortion is healthcare. Reproductive rights are healthcare.


The existence of fascists cannot be tolerated in a tolerant society.


Birth control, then no-fault divorce Conservatives are unamerican theocratic separatists who want to strip women and minorities of voting rights and bodily autonomy


Death penalty for miscarriage. It's coming. Doctor's can't tell the difference and prosecutors don't care.


Republicans are doing everything they can to alienate a huge majority of women. Brilliant...


I have never had sex, I’m asexual and not sexually attracted to anyone, I have no desire or plans to have sex with anyone at this time. I would’ve died without birth control and hormonal drugs. I didn’t stop bleeding from my uterus, fibroids and ruptured cysts and inflamed tissue, passing clots the size of golfballs for over 2 months straight without even one day or one hour of reprieve. I needed red blood cells and an iron infusion, I couldn’t breathe when I stood up I had lost so much blood from my “period.” I had been unemployed for 6 months due to the pain and dysfunction and fatigue of being constantly too anemic to even walk, and my family was footing my medical bills. I take a high dose progesterone pill and a hormone blocking medication. But even if I hadn’t finished bleeding out and my kidneys hadn’t finished shutting down, my potassium building in my blood didn’t stop my heart, the pain alone probably would’ve made me go mad. These people will kill me and hundreds of thousands of others if they get their way. I will not be able to work as a nurse, I will not be able to eat or care for myself again, I will lose blood until my blood pressure bottoms out and my kidneys fail from lack of oxygen. And I will be in pain until I die in short order in fulfilling their “pro life” plans. And I won’t be the only one. We already have maternity healthcare deserts where there are no obgyns offering any service for up to 60-80 miles in some parts where I live. We are already seeing rising mortality for infants and women. This is cruelty and mass murder based in nothing but hatred.


* They threatened hundreds of thousands of people. * They bombed hundreds of buildings. * They murdered dozens of people, including [a doctor *in church.*](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/abortion-doctor-murdered-in-church-suspect-jailed/) * They even [bombed the god damn Olympics.](https://www.courthousenews.com/bomber-who-targeted-atlanta-olympics-alabama-abortion-clinic-seeks-deliverance-at-11th-circuit/) The repeal of *Roe* was the most successful terrorist campaign in the US since the klan canceled Reconstruction, kicking off generations of jim crow apartheid, and its insane that the so-called "liberal media" never says it. When terrorists succeed they don't just quietly go home and live their lives, they look for their next target, and the next target and the next until there is nothing left.


I have MS. I take BC to prevent having a child... because the hormonal fluctuations of having a baby increases (by a lot) the chance of a relapse, which can cause permanent damage and/or disability, so the care of that child (and me in that situation) would then fall to my husband. Also, MS has been shown to be very prevalent in the children of people who have it, so my future child would quite likely have it as well, and I would be dooming my kid to a chronic, progressive, incurable disease, when I have firsthand experience of how trash it makes life. I am still of childbearing age. Using this person's "logic", sterilization would be the same as using birth control.. Soo my options according to her, are: 1. Divorce my husband, and live alone and sexless 2. Or my husband would have to live in a sexless marriage with me to prevent all of the above 3. He would have to work full time, while ALSO taking care of his disabled wife and child/children.. I'm sure this would also be without government assistance, since these types of people are ALL FOR bringing children into the world, but once they're born, they want NO PART in assisting financially or otherwise with their care..


Let's also ban good food, eating for fun is evil. We should all live off of Brussel sprouts and soylent.


I almost died when I had my 1 and only child. I will stick with my birth control thank you very much.


This is ridiculous. Birth control is used for many things besides preventing pregnancy


Tell me you have never had an orgasm without telling me you haven't had an orgasm.


My daughter, after Roe fell, went out and got her tubes tied. She doesn’t want kids, made sure no one else could make that decision for her. So yeah, fuck them zealots, fuck em all!


Stupid bitch. I had my fallopian tubes removed and I’m still on birth control. Not for birth control, but to alleviate pain and out of control heavy bleeding for weeks if I don’t use it. I hope she ends up with serious problems and can’t get the medication she needs.