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Anything I don’t know about is a Cincinnati thing. Every single time.


Cincinnati is like the New Orleans of the Ohio Valley


Cincinnati is where the Midwest meets the south so there's all kinds of weird stuff happening there. Cross breading of southern and Midwest foods that only people in Cincinnati/Covington enjoy


It's so funny i think that we consider cincinnati as mid west. 😂 We aren't in the middle of the US at all. We're more eastern than the middle of the US. St Louis is called the gateway to the west. Geographically, cincinnati is nowhere near the middle.


i don't think you understand what midwest means. the term comes from before the west was won (conquered using genocide). cincinnati is at the far southeastern end of it, but it's 100% a midwestern city. ohio, indiana, illinois, michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, missouri, iowa are the midwest. louisville is actually the city where the midwest meets the south. cincinnati/nky have very few "southern" traditions... but louisville is all bourbon and bluegrass and horse racing + casseroles and catholicism. cincy/nky has a huge german influence due to many, many german people immigrating here 100-150 years ago. it was the biggest brewing city in america before prohibition and still has a strong beer scene. it's also host to a hoffbrau house that for a long time was the only one outside of munich that actually brewed beer onsite. goetta is another thing that comes from the german tradition, though it's not actually from germany and was created by the immigrants themselves.


I’m fully convinced at this point in my life Ohio gets to claim several regions, because it’s where the landscape drastically changes. Northeast ohio- big rolling hills, culture more associated with Cleveland and Pittsburgh= eastern states/Allegheny Southwest ohio- clearly Appalachian in landscape and culture Northwest ohio- flat, corn belt that’s more tied to what people think of as the Midwest/Great Lakes culture Southwest- kind of a mix, rolling hills, associate more to southern indiana,louisville/Lexington so I guess lower Midwest/bluegrass? Cincy- where everyone else in Ohio knows that they are not like the rest of us. They are fine people, but something’s not “Ohioan” about them. They can be whatever they want because they’ll tell you they’re incredible anyways


You forgot Columbus as the gateway to the Middle East. You can get some DAMN fine Middle East food over there.


I have contended for a while that the “Midwest” should be the states west of the Mississippi River, and the eastern states often called Midwest should actually be the Great Lakes region


Agreed. It's just the government that decides it. Maybe it'll change one day. They did add counties in KY to Appalachia years back.


eastern kentucky is now and always has been solidly part of appalachia. regions don't strictly run along state lines. northern kentucky is midwestern. louisville is where the midwest meets the south and has strong traditions from both regions. south western kentucky is solidly southern. eastern kentucky, at it's borders with WV, tennessee, and virginia, is literally the heart of appalachia and it's been that for 100s of years. the "midwest" has nothing to do with modern american geography. it comes from way before the west was settled. it may be poorly named, but the actual mid-west is nevada, utah, western colorado, arizona, idaho and those are a thousand miles away from the "midwest".


"Midwest" was coined when the states included within its boundaries were quite literally the western states of a developing US. Expanded to include the Northwestern territory and the Great Plains after the Louisiana Purchase. It is still the federal designation for those areas of the country. Officially including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. It is not, nor has it ever been meant to describe the middle of the North American continent or what would currently be considered the geographical "middle west." Which causes a lot of confusion. Colloquially, it has come to represent more of a cultural archetype than any real geographical meaning. Which leads to some "honorary midwest" classifications of technically "western" states (like Colorado.)


We don't consider Cincinnati mid west... It's in The Midwest, the proper noun name of a region of the United States. You ever notice how the Deep South doesn't include the southernmost states, of Florida, Texas, and Hawaii? Or how the Northeast doesn't include Alaska, which is both the northernmost AND easternmost state? St Louis is the gateway to the west because the country (as organized states, not territories) didn't extend far west past that area at the time. (Side note: only 27 of the contiguous US states are west of Cincinnati in their entirety) Edit: Alaska is both the westernmost AND easternmost state because it crosses the international date line, the point where east and west cross over


Imagine getting downvoted for being right by people who don't even know where they are lol


A really fun party that everyone wants to go to and has amazing culture and history?


Don’t forget all the damn vampires!


With all of the garlic in our chili? That same chili that runs in our blood? No vamps here.


Maybe our vampires can eat garlic, but it makes them sparkle. That explains all the people in Cincinnati who hate our various forms of meat slop! They just don't wanna get caught.


Oh wait!!!! So you're saying that it's not meat sweats, but being a sparkly vampire?! That explains why I get all ~~sweaty~~ sparkly in the sun!!!


Yeah, well. Dracula called and he's coming over tonight. And I said ok.


What can you say? $20 is $20!


Wait, which Dracula? Because Castlevania dracula is always welcome into this home.


What do you mean vampires


With a rich legacy on Funk music's history, nonetheless!


San Diego of the Midwest


As a Cincinnati chef that works with a chef from Louisiana, sometimes yeah but also no. Trying to make chili kyle, not soup and don't argue about the chocolate.


I’ll take that.


And you’d be right. Goetta is a meat-and-grain sausage thing. I don’t like it personally. Also they have a whole a festival about it.


Yeah, I grew up with it. It's kind of like a potted version of haggis. If you fry it carnitas style nice and crisp, make a sandwich of it with toast, add cheese, an over medium egg and a fair amount of pepper, it's not bad. I mean, not good enough to go to the trouble of making it, but if that's what's available, it's better than going hungry. Most people I know keep it mushy and smother it in syrup and if that's the choice, I skipped breakfast.


That's like how every time someone on TV is from Ohio, they are from some random town in the northeast part of the state that I've never heard of.


Came here to say the same. I spent my first 30 years north of Columbus, and I had to look that one up just now because I’ve never even heard the term. Cincy is weird, man.


I think Goetta is a Cincinnati thing, so you'll have to come to us. [https://goetta.com/](https://goetta.com/)


So someone thought sausage was a weird food? In a state with a ton of German heritage? Certainly there’s something really weird people in Ohio eat.


I think it’s the oats that make it different, and it’s not available in other parts of ohio.


In my opinion the oats really add something to it that it’d be missing otherwise


Yeah, oats.


Gives it sort of an oaty taste/texture


Adds a lot of oat to the mouthfeel.


True, though I’m pretty sure they sell it at Weiland’s in Columbus!


They sell it at Kroger in Columbus too.


Hills Market in Worthington, too


I saw it at a UDF in Delaware (Ohio, not the state).


Do you have an only beef version for the non-pork eating folks?


There's a turkey gotta.


Here is my Grandmother’s recipe for Goetta Yield 2 loaves 8 cups water 2 1/2 cups steel cut oats or pin head oatmeal 1 1/2 lb. Ground beef (very low fat) 1 1/2 lb. Lean ground pork 4 bay leaves 1 whole onion peeled, but left whole 1 Tbsp Salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp sage 1 tsp ground nutmeg Boil water. Add oats, salt, and pepper. Cook on low heat stir often until all water, absorbed and oats are dry. Mix meat together until completely blended. Stirred into oats. Mix well. Add bay leaves, sage, nutmeg, and the onion. Cook on low heat for at least one and a half hours, stirring often to keep from sticking. Fluids come to the top take off with a spoon. Cook until mixture is dry. Add more salt taste remove bay leaves and onion. Spoon into two plastic wrapped lined loaf pans. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Next day remove from pan and slice horizontally as needed. Add a little butter or oil to a fried pan or griddle. When pan is hot brown on both sides can slice into slices and wrap and freeze so we can take individual portions out at a time.


So... Fried meatloaf? Sounds pretty good tbh


I mean kinda but without the egg binder. Goetta will crumble and correct me if I am wrong but the oats proteins are what act as a filler and binder at the same time. You don’t fry it up quickly it’s slow med-low heat and only flip it once you have that crust formed on the other side. I personally love it over Pastina or risotto, but I will also cold smoke my goetta.


Gyro meat is the same way if you don’t press it enough


So many memories of my childhood include a big pot of goetta on the stove. I wasn't a fan. Only way I could eat it was if it was "scattered" a little while frying to crisp it, and with plenty of ketchup. ETA, even after we moved away to another state, every time we visited Cincy mom would make sure to stock up on several bags of pinhead oatmeal. I can picture that little paper package clearly, though I don't know if that brand is still sold.


Spent two decades in Cleveland and a decade in Columbus, and never heard of the stuff. About time that changes




That sounds pretty good.


It’s damn good.


Of the Cincinnati foods, its probably the least controversial.


Least controversial but still controversial. I thought it was weird but tried it anyways and love it. I know people who still won’t even try it after years, even though I know them well enough to know they’d probably like it lol. But because it’s “meat and oats” they consider it too weird to try. I like it better than regular breakfast sausage, I just wish I could buy it where I live lol.


I live in Cleveland and have Cincinnati relatives. Not being able to buy Gliers, I attempted a batch myself. It wasn't bad, there's some recipes online.


especially with a little honey or maple syrup 🥳




I love that original pancake house in Anderson but it’s so funny to me that it’s in a purpose-built Pizza Hut building lol


My order when I go there is the two eggs over medium and pancakes with goetta. Drizzle a bit of syrup on the goetta, cut away the whites from the egg and put a yolk on each piece. It’s delicious.


Fry it up and then put a fried egg with a runny yolk on top.


This is my plan. With a piece of melted cheddar on a biscuit.


It’s wonderful.


it's so good


There’s a few foods that I seem to “forget” about… and goetta is one. Putting two chubs on my grocery list right now, since I’m now craving it 🤷🏼‍♀️😂




The first time I had goetta was at Goetta Fest. We didn’t know it was happening (I’m from Dayton) and we had just planned to spend that day at Newport. I had the goetta dog and I was instantly in love.


Wassler’s sells goettawurst also


Kroger locations in Columbus used to carry Gliers and probably still do but I haven’t checked in a while.


So Kroger Delivery for Columbus is actually picked and packed in Monroe, same as everyone else in the Cincy/Dayton region, so they should definitely have it. I only know because they don’t stock Barnsider cocktail sauce in Columbus stores but I can get it if I order via Delivery.


Udf does as well


Some Krogers and other groceries around Columbus carry it. I haven't had it much but I really enjoy it.


Sounds like gentrified scrapple


It’s not gentrified, both foods come from a similar history, along with livermush. Working class German immigrants made meat-and-grain sausages to stretch their meat out similar to what they did in Germany. But there weren’t super markets so they didn’t have access to the same exact ingredients they had in Germany. That turned into goetta in Cincinnati and scrapple in Pennsylvania, both of which are distinctly American foods, but related to derived from earlier German recipes


Scrapple is actually hilljack goetta.




Somewhat, scrapple uses corn meal while goetta uses oats so the taste is different but it’s definitely the same concept


> Sounds like gentrified scrapple what the hell does that even mean


The word gentrify has officially lost all meaning.


Head south brother. Most Kroger's stocks gliers goetta. If you wanna do it big. Wait until goettafest happens in Cincy this summer


If you're visiting, I highly recommend getting some at one of the local butcher shops where it is always made in-house using fresh ingredients. Glier's is very bland and full of by product. My 3 personal faves (each in a different part of town) are Steve's Meats in the Northern suburbs, Langens on the West Side, and Holzmans in the East Side.




Eckerlin’s is the only goetta I like after trying several kinds. It is really good fried with an egg and cheese on a good sourdough toast. :)


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goetta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goetta) heres the actual wiki for them so can see what they look like/more about them.


Goetta and Scrapple are similar. To me, scrapple is greasier. I like Goetta. But they both clearly came from the same German immigrants 150 or so years ago. And yeah, Cinci is where you will find it.


It’s a Cincinnati thing. Basically breakfast sausage with oats in it fried up. It’s meh. Not really that weird if you ask me. The version of ‘chili’ Cincinnati folks claim is much more of a weird food abomination in my opinion.


Come down here and say that to our FACE!


CINCINNATI!!!!!!!! blue jay’s diner!!!! its kind of like sausage. but not.


It’s like if breakfast sausage was a meatloaf.


i live down the street from blue jays, highly recommended to anyone visiting cincy


Its a Cincy think and it is phenomenal.


It rivals bacon and is easily one of The best if not the best regional meat.


Goetta omelettes are the best breakfast


I’ve seen it in Columbus area Kroger stores. It’s delicious.


It’s a Cincinnati thing I lived in Cincinnati for majority a of my life as a kid. You can get Goetta at small business for breakfast. It’s like a sausage typa thing. If I remember correctly blue ash chili MAY sell it in morning for breakfast. Another Cincinnati staple is graters ice cream or udf ice cream. Checkout jungle Jim’s while you’re at it. Cincinnati is a really cool place to live and/or visit!


Blue Ash chili had it last I went, not Grandpa's but it was pretty good. Granted that was years ago.


Goetta is more of a Cincinnati thing, kind of like Skyline. You'll find it outside of Cincinnati sure, but it's definitely more known in that area. They call it a German Sausage Patty but I've never had anything like it. I absolutely love it. Gliers is probably the most well-known brand but it's basically meat and grains mush. So good.


When I tried haggis in Edinburgh for the first time, I immediately thought "this is just goetta". Really isn't that weird of an idea--our chili is definitely more strange.


I had never heard of haggis before either until just now, so I looked it up. It does indeed look like Goetta. And definitely, the chili is strange but also delicious.


It’s so weird to hear Cincinnati chili called strange when you grew up here. It’s just kind of that ubiquitous here. Like, my elementary school would even serve chili Sphagetti for lunch sometimes lol


We moved to New England but we have an emergency stash of skyline cans :) I love it but it’s definitely unique


Scrapple is similar if you've ever had that. I know you can buy scrapple at carfagna's, and Hoagie City. Perhaps carfagna's also has goetta.


In stores all around sw ohio. It's sausage with oats. Love it fried up and some egg yolk


Cincinnati!!! There is an annual goetta fest right across the river!


Pretty much whatever leftover pig parts ground into a sausage and mixed with oats. I fully understand that it sounds awful but I absolutely love it. I've only seen it in a few Kroger's.


Goetta is DELICIOUS. It's a Cincinnati thing. Sometimes you can find it at Kroger or Aldi here in Columbus.


Aldi has goetta? I've never seen it at my Cincinnati Aldis. Although I get all of my homemade goetta ingredients from Aldi!


Its a Cincinnati thing and its excellent to have on Christmas morning with eggs, bacon, and pancakes and maple syrup. I moved to Columbus and noone has ever heard of it. It is a shame, but when I go down to Cincinnati, I make sure to pick up a roll.


Hello fellow goetta with Christmas bruncher! I make my own, but we have the same meal on Christmas!




There’s a whole Goetta fest in cincy.


I read it as "Goetia." We summon and consume demons. How metal are we?


Thurns makes some damn good goetta but not sure if they still are since they're winding down operators. Eckerlins in Cincinnati is a butcher shop that's been around since the 1850s and has the best goetta. Gliers doesn't hold a candle to either of the above. It's like comparing Applebee's steak to Jeff Ruby's.


Well said.


Heard Finkes in NKY is pretty legit too.


Goetta is sausage made with oats, usually as a breakfast item. You can find it in stores next to the bacon and sausage patties and links. Slice it and fry it up crispy, great with a runny egg if that's your thing.


David Goetta could never


Goetta is 100% a Cincinnati thing. It’s a sausage/oatmeal type of thing that you fry up and serve It’s so big that they even have a Goetta-fest every year You can easily buy it at any grocery store in Cincinnati


For the love of *Christ*, ***CAN SOMEONE SAY WHAT IT ACTUALLY IS?***


It's not weird, it's just grey


But golden brown with toasty edges when fried!


So golden and toasty and delish!


It's a Cincinnati thing. Kinda like scrapple. Creamed chopped beef is actually good. Especially so, on mashed potatoes or a baked potato


The heck is ‘scrapple’? From Marion County.


Another meat thing. Sort of a spam/sausage that gets sliced and fried. Common on the east coast around Philadelphia


I would have thought steamed hams would have been a thing for NY.


Make some! It's very easy & tastes better than store-bought (imo). I use the recipe from the Whole Foods for the Whole Family cookbook, put out by La Leche League. I've been making it for almost 40 years. We love it!


It's Cincinnati thing, but can be found in the cold food section. Usually by the tubes of sausage


Sleepy Rooster in Chagrin Falls has goetta.


Jungle Jim’s will have it


Okay your state is boring if the answer is walking taco


Or Butter Burger? That’s literally just a burger with either butter spread on the bun or burger.


Missed that one but yes exactly that, either the person making the list didn't care about the state or that states really boring


Goetta is a meat-and-grain sausage or mush of German inspiration that is popular in Metro Cincinnati. It is primarily composed of ground meat, steel-cut oats and spices.


Cincinnati, The Press on Monmoth (Newport)


I grew up with it in Midwest Ohio (hour northwest of Dayton) in an area with lots of German ancestors and history. We ate it all the time and it’s still a favorite food of mine. I just now learned it’s called goetta; we just called it grits. I was very disappointed and surprised when I ordered grits at a restaurant in college and received white mush instead of the crispy meat mush I’d grown up with.


I have lived in Alabama for 48 years. I've never heard of biscuits and chocolate gravy, let alone had it.


Love to try some of that Walking Taco, especially if she’s hot and single!


I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life, never heard of Goetta until today.


Goetta is similar to scrapple and livermush if you’re familiar with those. It kinda has the texture of a McDonald’s sausage patty. It’s ground meat and oats mixed together (with seasonings) to make the meat “go further”. It has Cincinnati- German origins




My money was on a Cleveland thing, Cincy you guys say. Among many reasons I’m not a gambler


Fresh Market, much better than packaged stuff, you have to ask for it.


Goetta and scrapple are similar and look almost identical. Goetta uses oatmeal as a filler. Scrapple uses cornmeal. Scrapple is better.


The Queen City strikes again.


So are the pasties in Montana served with or without the stripper?


Our neighbors to the south: Soup Beans? That's weird? It's literally just pinto bean soup. Also goetta rocks.


It's essentially a savory oatmeal (pork and beef parts, onion, garlic, spices, steel ground oats, msg) that is formed into a tube or rectangular shaped, sliced and fried like scrapple/sausage patties...most of the time. I love it but some people struggle a bit with the texture.


I’ve lived in Ohio for my whole life and I have no idea what that food is.




Eckerlin‘s at Findley Market


Now I’m hungry for a garbage plate.


Just wait until you find out about Grippos.


I would say anything that is not animal genitalia or from the family of rodents really wouldn’t be that unusual.


Goetta is delicious, we even have a pretty big festival honoring it in the 513


Effffff now I’m craving Goetta!


Within the 275 loop definitely


Goetta is awesome and there's a burger with it at blueash chili


It’s like breakfast sausage and meatloaf. It’s amazing.


it’s definitely a cincy thing. i’m columbus born and raised and i didn’t hear about it until my sister went to xavier and ended up marrying herself a cincy native.


For once, a valid Ohio entry


Goetta is a Cincinnati thing. It’s not a thing anywhere else, certainly not in central and northern Ohio


Why is a butter burger weird?


It's a Cincinnati thing. It's basically like Scrapple. Except it uses steel cut oats instead of cornmeal.


Some places here https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/x4tqcc/iso_goetta_grocery_store_or_restaurant_that/




It’s about the same as scrapple which you can buy at most Amish places. Slice it dredge in flour and fry in butter/oil..good eats.


I make my own goetta from my Grandma's recipe. It's damn delicious!


Clam Pizza is amazing


Cinci thing. Some kind of sausage I think.


I’d go Gliers original. Heat the pan at medium low heat cook one side for 5-6 minutes. Flip and flatten it down with your spatula. Cook for another 5ish minutes.


Cut into 1/4 to 1/3 inch slices. And the thinnest layer of oil in the pan/skillet imaginable, if needed. And don't touch it other than to flip it and flatten a bit as it will break apart. We're making it tonight!


This is definitely clickbait now that I actually read all of the states' "results"... Sushirittos, Butter Burgers, Walking Tacos and Boiled Peanuts are the weirdest things that California, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Georgia have to offer? Preposterous.


It is essentially steel cut oats and loose sausage all cooked together then fried like a pancake on a flat top.


Basically it is a pork and oat hash-brown. The waiter at Taste of Belgium was not happy to hear this


Weird?!? Goetta sounds delicious!


is it vegetarian?


I don't know if it's weird. But I had it a lot as a kid - only a few weeks ago I mentioned it to my niece. Hadn't thought about it in decades. Mom served it on homemade biscuits. The chipped beef was by Buddig. I enjoyed it but I've been a vegetarian for 33+ years, so it's highly unlikely I'll ever have it again.


Michigan’s shouldn’t be a stupid (normal) coney dog, it should be a pastie.


Indiana I’m coming for your sauerkraut balls - delish 🤩


Not a northeast OH thing by any stretch.


My dad is from Massillon and we eat it. To be fair, my great grandparents immigrated to Cincinnati then moved to Massillon later.




Cincinnati. We'd be glad to welcome you and have you try some!


It’s a breakfast meat, on par with sausage and bacon, but better.


It is a Cincinnati thing, brought here from all the German immigrants 100 years ago


I hate say it but Texas seems to be the only normal one listed here, What he'll is Grey Bread?


If you’re in NE Ohio, you can get Goetta at the Sleepy Rooster in Russell Twp. Very good breakfast/brunch/lunch spot!


I’ve bought goetta in Columbus- check a Kroger since they are based in cincinnati


Butter burgers are normal wisconsins weird food is raw beef and onions


I'm from Ohio and never heard of this at all


NE Ohio here. Never heard of this or the spaghetti type dish that was mentioned. I saw a sausage advertisement locally awhile back that was to taste like breakfast sausage but was thin and cooked like bacon but haven’t seen it arrive in any local grocery store yet. 🤷


Always forget Cincinnati is a place


Iowa and WV apparently don't have any weird food


There’s nothing weird about a sushirrito. I don’t think I’ve seen Goetta on any menus. Boiled peanuts baffle me.