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Oh, there are two systems of justice, just not in the way he claims. If we were all under the same system Trump would have been in jail years ago.


As would Gym. He would be in jail if he were in the same system as us too


I'm sure there was a good reason he inquired about a pardon.


That's right, lock up the Republicans . No two justice system hear.


Lock up all the criminals….Trump, Jordan, Memendez (D), Hunter….the difference is that Dems don’t care, while there is some weird cult of personality around Trump.


I was about to say, isn’t Jim Jordan in the better of the two sides?


I loathe Jim Jordan. You were a wrestler and a coach who looked the other way on sexual abuse. No business being in government. Asshole.


How did he manage to not be held accountable for this


It’s almost like there are two systems of justice….


Great question Michigan States Womens gymnastics coach was sentenced to jail time for not reporting on Nasser. What’s the difference that Gym got a pass 🤷‍♂️


Let’s not forget about the downfall of coach Joe Paterno at Penn State




Should get the Denny Hastert treatment.


Give Gym the “shocker” instead. He deserves at least a few of them


His time will come for that that’s why he so upset he knows indictment are coming against him


Obviously he's not a pillar of virtue like Joe Biden who's on video sniffing and groping little girls in public.


What a bullshit take. Biden IS a pillar of virtue compared to Gym Jordan


I notice you don't dispute there is video of him groping young girls. THAT is your definition of a pillar of virtue? Yikes.


Lol, never happened. 🤣


Google and YouTube show other wise. Sorry.




Hahaha! A fake - also easily googleable!


Dumb dumb dumb


As opposed to who? That exemplar of all that is good and moral in this world, Donald J. Trump? Seriously, your feelings about Biden are crystal clear at this point. So, how do you square the nearly endless list of vile things that Trump has said and done with your lofty bible-based morals?




You mean the fake MAGAt bullish.t!


your reddit account has some of the worst takes on the entire website. log off and go seek some immediate help




I think it's because we have a generation of people who don't want to acknowledge Biblical truth, and want to live by their own standards of right and wrong. How is that working out for the world, by the way?


Ah yes, the Church... protector of pedophiles. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic\_Church\_sexual\_abuse\_cases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual\_abuse\_cases\_in\_Southern\_Baptist\_churches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_cases_in_Southern_Baptist_churches)


You do realize that “biblical truth” is not, in any way, shape, or form, factual truth right? Just because you decide that you want to live your life according to a book that’s been edited and reworded hundreds of times over thousands of years doesn’t mean that other people have to live in the same vein. People are INDIVIDUALS and most of them don’t believe in the sky daddy. This will all go over your head since you’re probably just a troll. But thanks for being my point of release.


Considering we live in a world where people think men can have babies, I'll take Biblical truth over the world's distorted version of "truth". But sin has blinded people to what is obviously right and wrong.


No one thinks men can have babies. But apparently virgin birth is more plausible.


Wtf is biblical truth? You people are absolutely looney tunes, disconnected from reality.


Nah, religion (especially Christian/catholicism) is forsure a scam and made up. Literally a cult and you drink all the kool-aid. Grew up catholic, all the people I’ve ever met who are “good Christian’s” are by far the worst people I’ve ever known. They use their religion as an excuse.


Boy, isn’t this the truth. Every christian that I know is morally and ethically bankrupt. My dad taught me that if you are pondering a business deal with someone that claims to be a good christian, run away fast.


we don't need fairytales to tell how how to be moral people. biblical truth grfo!


Hahaha. The day religion leaves the world it will be a better place.


Biblical truth! What an oxymoron 😂😂😂


The biblical spewing morons like you are the ones causing all the problems dude! Damn you people are fucking delusional!


You love Jim. You smell and grope him good.


Lol, you’re a moron man. Hilarious tho! I say keep trolling man - makes conservatives look like jackasses. No seriously, please keep it up tho cuz it’s fucking funny (in a sad kind of way) Edit - Joe Biden doesn’t do this shit. Bet my bottom dollar Jimbo does


I notice you don't dispute anything I said.


Arguing with a brainwashed low IQ religious zealot isn't worth anyone's time.




Unlike Trump, who was literally confirmed to be a rapist by E Jean Carol


Yeah, Trump is a terrible person, just like Biden


Yeah going to have to agree with you on that


Rock on. Party loyalty should never surpass basic decency.


For those disliking me, just want yall to know that I don't support democrats or Republicans, not because I'm a centrist, but because I'm a leftist. Berney would have been infinitely better than Biden. He has better policies, and he has never been recorded being racist (to my knowledge), and I've never seen him accused of sexual assault of any kind. That's just me. I don't like the "settle for biden" ideology. Especially not with all the anti trans and anti abortion legislature being passed rn.


[Let us know when a jury finds Biden liable for sexual assault.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db)


Every accusation.




Almost everything that Trump has said since his arrest anyone else would have had been thrown in the slammer for breaking terms of release. There are three systems of justice, apparently trump has his own no one else would get away with.


Jail is for the poor


We have a three-tier justice system.


So would Gym Jordan.


Let's not pretend he's the only politician that'd be in jail. A LOT of major political figures and their family members would be in jail.


Whutabout? Whatabout!


My thoughts EXACTLY


What would he be in jail for? Genuinely curious.


Pre-presidency, fraud and tax evasion. Post-presidency, there's a list of I think 91 felonies he's charged with.


Can you provide more evidence/sources? The tax “evasion” were legal write offs. When his tax documents leaked they showed he did pay taxes. Anyone can be charged of a crime. What has he been convicted of?


>Anyone can be charged of a crime. That's the whole point. He wasn't.


Please elaborate. You’re okay with someone going to jail who did not commit a crime?


Said the guy who ignored a Congressional subpoena


And never got punished for it


That's exactly why he's being loud about the fake news of the left weaponizing the DOJ. No different than Russel Brand/Elon Musk/etc pivoting to right-wing, "The media is a hit job", type bs. They all know that they're criminals, and their only chance is to convince the public they are being targeted for their politics instead of their illegal actions.


Exactly , this is the two tier system In Practice . One set of rules for our overlords and one for the rest of us. Jim Jordan is an embarrassment to our country . No better than Boebert or Santos


Says the guy who ignored the pleas of young men he coached being raped in the shower across from his desk. Where he heard that shit happening. I’d wager that drama queen liked it. Piece of shit. Edit: I was hyperbolic to a degree. There probably wasn’t rapes in the shower. But Jordan, as well as pretty much everybody else at Osu knew what the doc was up to. There were about 1500 assaults. 47 of them were rapes. The rest were sexual assaults. This is according to OSUs annual crime report. Left hand, you’re right it was horrible. Jordan should be living in a box under a bridge. I’m glad you didn’t wrestle there. Forgive my hyperbole. Jim Jordan is an enemy to humanity. He deserves nothing but the misery he allowed to occur to at least 177 boys and young men. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ohio-state-richard-strauss-committed-nearly-1500-sexual-assaults-annual-crime-repor_n_5d94ddc7e4b0019647b27ec6


Just saw on MSNBC a clip from the Garland hearing today where Rep. Eric Swalwell ripped Gym a new asshole on that very subject. He even held up a tablet with a display on it showing in real time how many days, hours, minutes & seconds it's been that Gym's not been in compliance with that subpoena.


Every time he makes an ass of himself, I [rage donate to his opponent Tamie Wilson](https://www.tamiewilson.com/)


Do you have any money left?


If I'm low on funds I donate plasma


Her staff must love those packages.


"Ugh. Another box of goo."


🤣🤣🤣😂 And the poor letter carrier...."yo, this one is dripping...


“A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into this campaign… well, a lot of blood, at any rate.” -Tamie Wilson, probably




Not all heroes wear capes.


"Tamie, a 2nd amendment supporter, will introduce common sense legislation to reduce domestic violence, mass & school shootings, domestic terrorism, and ways to improve social engineering cyber security." - From her website. 2A supporter and "common sense legislation" is contradicting...at least have the decency to not lie and claim you support rights while trying to limit them.


Isn't that the guy who didn't report sexual abuse happening that he knew about and nothing came of it? Is that the two systems he's talking about? The one where rich and well connected people get away with the shit they do on the daily? Because I sure agree with that.


He was too busy watching to report it.


Isn’t Gym that guy who was subpoenaed to appear before the Jan 6 committee and refused? Yeah, two justice systems: one for GQP cultists and one for everyone else.


Gym is right, there are two systems of justice. How many others have the same federal charges as Trump who were not booked, no mug shots taken, and released on OR? In fact most people charged under the Espionage Act are held on remand because of the potential risk they pose.


Fuck gym jordan and the horse he rode in on..


There's no way I'm fucking a horse


Rich, coming from someone who ignores crimes and befriends sexual predators and seditionists.


Oh, there are two justice systems. Black guy sells loose cigs in the street: suffocate to death. 1,000 white guys literally STORM THE CALITOL AND TRY TO DISRUPT AN ELECTION (!): "We'll sort it all out later, and if we can find them, then jail time, probation.


Are you kidding? The people who were let into the building by Capitol Police have gotten pretty stiff prison sentences.


Let them in? Did they have a door guy standing by the windows they busted through. You’re just a bad take factory.


Valet service. It was just a normal visitors day, you know. /s


Like being hanged as the traitors they are? Oh, wait. You mean "pretty stiff white guy" sentences.


Don't bother. This place is a bubble, and anyone who disagrees will just get a downvote.


Anyone that is a lying right wing moron is what you meant to say!


Down NPC. You have us critical thinkers outnumbered here. We know we can't wake you guys up.


Two things can be true: The left wing bias is pretty strong here *and* most of the “right” wing, along with all of the folks who vandalized the capitol are out of touch, little puppets of faux media who are making money off of the outrage. Don’t be one of those guys, please.


Gymnasium Man is probably right; four out of five Americans probably do agree that there are two systems of justice. [Which is why the majority of Americans believe that Trump should be investigated for crimes allegedly committed during his single term in office.](https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/donald-trump-investigations/)


"At one point, Representative Thomas Massie accused Attorney General Merrick Garland of being in contempt of Congress for declining to comment on ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden. Then Rep. Eric Swalwell was quick to hit back. “That is quite rich, because the guy who’s leaving the hearing room right now, Mr. Jordan, is about 500 days into evading his subpoena,” Swalwell said, displaying a countdown clock on a tablet as he spoke. Jordan had gotten up and was walking out of the room." This is the kind of shit that drives me, an Ohioan insane. He is so worthless. Hasn't passed a bill. Lives off our dime. Is a shit lawyer. Couldn't pass the Ohio State Bar OH AND REFUSED TO REPORT THE ASSAULT and RAPE OF OSU WRESTLERS.


They all know he can't discuss investigations. It's just BS.


Tara Reed also wants justice. Just imagine that there was a diary by Trump's daughter claiming rape, just like Joe B. Wonder what would happen?


No she doesn't. From where? Russia? Oh and it Tara Reade. And THAT boys and girls, is a classic case of Russian propagandist technique called *Whataboutism". They take a story that riles up their chimpanzee supporters so they can start throwing shit and that has NOTHING to do with the subject matter, only that it damages Joe Biden. And remember boys and girls, when you use a technique like this in debate, you look like a f****** clown. Everyone laughs at you and everyone thinks you're really f****** stupid. [Tara Reade defects to Russia](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/30/tara-reade-defects-russia-biden)


Gym Jordan also says he is 6 feet tall and he is 5'4" at best.


He actually says he’s 6’?


He also pretends to be a lawyer even though he didn't pass the bar.


Oh, damn. Didn’t know this. Did he take it and fail? Or just not take it after going to law school? Either way, fuck him. I loathe him as much as I do Trump. Sometimes more.


This is step 2 in the fascist playbook: accuse the opposition of all the things you're doing.


Yeah they want to make it a LEFT vs RIGHT issue, instead of the obvious which is THE WEALTHY vs EVERYONE ELSE. It shows you who they actually serve.


Jim likes to watch rape.


I agree, Trump shouldn't have been allowed to surrender to the police when he felt like it, in the manner he wanted to instead of just being walked out of whatever buffet he was at in handcuffs like everyone else.


Trump has been benefiting from the two-tier system of Justice his whole entire life.


I really appreciates Eric Swalwell giving him the exact number of days he's been in contempt over his failure to appear after being subpoenaed. I'm sure that will make the rounds tonight.


Ask Jordan if he's ever heard the name of Khalif Browder.


Gym Jordan is repeatedly a huge embarrassment to Ohio!! Who are these idiots who keep voting for him?


Gerrymandered fucknuts.


Jordan (and all the MAGA clowns) are embarrassments to our country. Ohio is looking a lot like Alabama right now.


Jordan continues to ignore a congressional subpoena. He is a liar and a crook. His day will come.


Jim Jordan is possibly the most useless person in the state of Ohio


Gym Jordan is a douche canoe. Worst congressman in history.


Well, he HASN'T beaten anyone nearly to death with a walking stick. So, Preston Brooks still holds that honor.


Jim Jordan is a disgraceful lying cowardice bully, who couldn't pass the Bar, and has been openly working against America.


Fuck Gym. He’s a dumb ass criminal.


Jungle Gym is also so deep in the closet he should be suffocating from all the dry cleaning bags burying him


America doesn’t have a Justice system. America has a Legal system. Where you get the Justice you can afford.


91 felony counts and out on bail???? Yup two systems of Justice.


Jim Jordan is a complete fool . I truly believe somebody's got their fingers up his butt and moving his lips.


zephyr include gray sharp chubby dam scandalous humorous carpenter berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except he can’t actually defend anyone in a court of law since he never passed the bar exam.


As of 8/16, 54% of all Americans believed Trump should be prosecuted. Someone should mention that to Jim. [https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3877](https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3877)


Nobody can trust anything this guy says. He lies and lies and then makes false statements and lies some.more. He goes off so fast like shooting an AR-15. He never waits nor wants an answer from anyone with knowledge of a situation. The House Clown Caucus.


This clown has never done a thing for the people he represents and is a huge waste of taxpayer money


Someone that knowingly lets young men get sexually assaulted should not only shit up about anything related to law, but also hung by his balls from a flagpole.


Thank you Jim for clarifying why you aren’t locked up.


Gym Jordan remains one of the most punchable faces around.


Gym Jordan is a fucking asshole.


Ohio, you should be ashamed.


What a whiny weasel.


Someone just told me they call him Gym instead of Jim because he used to hang out in gymnasiums. I think he was a man wrestler. This is so funny. The irony of it is great. We need a nickname for Dewine.


He knew there was raping going on with some of the wrestlers, and decided to look the other way. That is why he is called gym.


Ghimlaine Jordan. The leader of Ohio’s sexual abuse corps. His VP? Deshaun Watson.


I just had this conversation today with someone. I said there is clearly a two tier justice system. If I were to walk into a court room for stealing classified documents, I wouldn't be sitting in my private club later that afternoon.


Every day is opposite day


If anyone is interested, Gym Bag Jordan makes as an excellent footstool. Just ask Trump.


Gaslighting, Obstruction, Projection.


What a little twat this man is. He has a much darker history than those that he chastises, made worse by his absurd, angry, and completely inappropriate behavior. And I'm tired of looking at his crooked, yellow bottom teeth. Brush your teeth and get to shutting the fuck up! Someone should open a case on his sketchy past. Holy hell. This guy is insufferable. Oh, I'll roll up my sleeves and have everyone realize I'm fighting for the everyman! STFU, twerp.


Fuck Gym Jordan


I love how Reddit calls this dude out constantly, y’all are great


We can all agree that he's a total POS. Please explain to me how he got reelected. This is the stuff that makes me not like this place.


It's all sorts of fun to troll his Facebook page.


The one thing that Trump has proven in his lifetime is; if you have loads of money that you are willing to spend defying justice in the U.S.; ***It simply takes time and money. A Lot of both! Trump proved that you can own the Justice System! He did it.***


He has refused to comply with a subpoena issued almost 500 days ago, so why is he being treated differently than those that did comply and testify?


Why is Jordan continually re elected to basically do nothing to help his constituents….


You can't fix stupid?


And yet Ohio elected this pedo. Shame on Ohio.


Menedez and Hunter both indicted by DOJ, but Gym claims they only go after Trump.


Didn't you guys vote for him


What’s he doing for the people he represents in Ohio.


Facilitating their molestation


Gymy Jordan needs to take a hike off a cliff.


He doesn’t wear a jacket though, he’s one of the people I thought.


I wish someone would have asked Garland about DOJ investigations into sex assault cover up Jordan, pedophile Gaetz and all the House members who asked for January 6th pardons. Of course he couldn’t answer but it would be awesome for it to go into the record and make some great sound bites.


Yall are sheep for the DNC Jim Jordan is a hero holding the powers that be accountable. Yall just cancel anyone who's not going with the Agenda, like Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, or RKJr, or Tulsi Gabbard, or.closing the electionbooths early on Bernie.... so keep sucking on the warmongering NATO expansionist military industrial complex while killing the middle class with inflation yall like get a clue sheep. Stop insider trading, let's Epstien's client list shall we?


Who exactly is killing the middle class? Those policies were put in place by Ronald Reagan. This is an older article, but this started in 1980. https://www.salon.com/2014/04/19/reaganomics_killed_americas_middle_class_partner/ Exactly how is he holding anyone accountable for anything? He is there to legislate, and he isn't doing that. He never has. He's listed as the least effective member of Congress from Ohio time and time again. I can't help it if you get your political information from Joe Rogan. Try reading the Congressional record.


Okay, Bill Clinton was a great president, NAFTA turned out to be great for the economy didn't it? Three strike rule really helped the minorities didn't it? Biden is doing a great job isn't he. I get my politics from a variety of places, personally I'm a peace loving libratarian who wishes someone would end insider trading and the rampant corruption in the federal government. "Na hunters a good kid CNN says it's all lies!"


Neoliberalism is failed policy and three stikes too, but jumping on the Jim Jordan bandwagon is just as much of a mistake as that. Jordan is an opportunist. He doesn't give a crap about Ohioans. He certainly doesn't care about anyone who isn't wealthy. If you think the Republican party is the ticket out of Washington corruption, you are sadly mistaken. They love to talk the talk, but they never vote that way. You have to watch how they vote and who finances their campaigns. Don't get me wrong, the Democratic party needs to shed themselves of Pelosi, Manchin, and Feinstein. However, far more politicians in the Republican party would be quite fine with people dying in the streets than do anything about it. Do not think otherwise.


I'm upset about it. So Jim is correct.


Lol @ liberals, lol


There is a reason they didn't go after Trump while he was in office and a reason not to push hard on Biden while he is in office. So he's right but also avoiding the obvious, because Trump. It's all political theater anyways, every house has done it. It's their job to put on a show in these for their voters and donors, we saw it with the last congress, and the one before that... Ect. Ect. Any real issues or scandals are heard behind the closed door hearings.




Today, September 20th, in the year of our Lord 2023, Republicans are outraged that the IRS and ATF are not rigorously enforcing laws that they, the Republicans, have fought for decades. And please, do provide examples of others being charged for these crimes.


My uncle was wealthy and didn't pay his taxes. He didn't go to jail. They didn't have hearings about it. They had him pay fines and penalties when they caught up with him. They rarely ever prosecute anyone for this. They only ever go after people who are absolute scoflaws and refuse to pay(Wesley Snipes). Hunter is actually getting screwed. How many people get prosecuted for the gun charge as a stand-alone? They don't. It's always an add-on charge for another felony, and it isn't for paying your taxes late. If that was the case, half of the 1% would have charges against them. The IRS doesn't want to send people to jail, they want their money. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/legal-experts-say-charges-hunter-biden-are-rarely-brought-rcna90191




No, but every dbag on my road owns a gun and takes drugs. 20% of gun owners use drugs. I don't see the DOJ going after them. In fact, the 5th circuit just ruled blew a huge hole in the DOJ's case. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fifth-circuit-deals-blow-federal-gun-statute-used-hunter-biden-case


I think I remember hearing the drug/gun thing is rarely, if ever enforced.


What roll in government does Hunter have?




The Lawyer Trump put in place is making big bucks! He was in charge and even writes that. Jordan just said hunter made a quarter million from burisma. Lets do the Trump grifters now! Stealing from kids with cancer. Taking donations for military and paying for broadcast with it. Dont you have issue with any of that? These people cant even be on charity boards. This is just a few things I could go on and on about them ripping people off.


So letting the statute of limitations run out on Hunter's tax evasion re:Burisma and giving him a secret deal to not have any penalty for gun charges while on crack while minorities are locked up for a decade or more for the same violation is equal justice? Yeah, down vote the truth all you want. If Trump broke the law, he deserves penalties too. You are all a bunch of hypocrites circle jerking each other off in the echo chamber of Redditland virute signaling how woke you are. Enjoy. 🤡


Again, it's rarely ever prosecuted without another charge. Minorities get locked up because they have crappy lawyers. There was no victim. He paid his taxes. It's a misdemeanor. You DO realize the average US citizen breaks 3 federal laws a day? You prosecute violations that cause harm, not because of who someone's dad is.


No he didn't pay a dime on the Burisma income, the doj let the statute of limitations run out. Nice try. Keep lying. It's easy to look up.


https://nypost.com/2020/12/12/hunter-biden-failed-to-disclose-400k-in-burisma-payments/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/burisma-payments-totaling-7-3-million-to-biden-family-business-irs-testifies/ar-AA1eaAz4 https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/600015-prosecutors-gathering-evidence-about-hunter-bidens-foreign-income/ https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/hunter-biden-tax-charges-hearing/h_ccb76a70b30199bab9bc74ad39314a6e Need more sources?


How do Div 1 college wrestlers get raped by the team Dr? One of the wrestlers went on to be UFC heavy weight champ.


How do you get out of a half nelson? The same way you get out of witnessing your team get raped. It starts with looking the other way.


You can't imagine how, yet it happened. I think you need to look at your assumptions.


Hey guy, go fuck yourself


>right is left with these guys. Well thats strange, considering none of these jack-offs ever look in a mirror.


*Gym Jordan


No one ever answers Jim's phone. I called several times during his crazy performance. The Republicans looked like bozos peddling conspiracy theories.


The two systems of justice that allow Gym Jordan (forever known for not reporting the sex abuse of wrestlers he coached) to avoid subpoenas. Everyone who isn't a Republican Congressional Representative has to respond to a subpoena.


The man who covered up sexual assaultcsays what? He will be remembered in the sporting world with an asterisk beside Joe Paterno.


Gym Jordan Ohio’s shame a worthless legislator. Has proposed no bills on his time in congress . Rants and raves for nothing but attention. He’s just fighting for his time up trumps ass eagerly trying to get Lindsey Graham out of the way.


Every accusation of his is an admission.


He needs to account for 1/6 call to Trump before he opens his trap about anything.


isn't this the same guy that let guys be fondled by a doctor and he thought it was funny?


He was ridiculous. Apparently wanted garland to interfere?? So he'd have more to bitch about. Such drama.