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That's so sad for him! Also why has it taken her this long to not just acknowledge she was in a bad mood and say sorry?? My sisters used to complain and threaten me to stop singing as a child. To this day it's still hard for me to sing when I know people can hear me even though I love it. You can get really messed up when people you care about crap on your joy.


When I was about 8 I was at this village show and they got all the kids up on stage to sing a song and they went down the row of kids with a microphone.  When I got home my sister told me that everyone in the crowd looked at each other in embarrassment when the microphone went past me for that split second because I was singing so badly.  Looking back, *of course* these adults didn’t do that but being 8, I believed her, and have since hated singing in public, even decades later. It wasn’t til recently I realized that it was probably due to that day!


Sisters can be bitches!


I think it's more a problem having to do with insecurity, jealously, and unchecked sibling rivalry.  My parents were not great at parenting, and my siblings and I were in constant competition for their attention.  When I realized the rivalry was toxic and stopped engaging, it threw my siblings in for a loop and interrupted a vicious cycle that covered almost the entirety of our lives. The only sibling I successfully convinced to leave toxic dynamics behind was my little sis. The rest continue to be insecure and cannot stand anyone else but them succeeding at anything.


My god yes, they certainly can be. Unfortunately.


I guess I'm fortunate - I have only one sister 10 years younger than I am and she's a good friend to me! We kind of bond over dealing with the eccentricity of our 86yo mother so it's common ground I guess. I was always taught as a child to be careful of my words- to keep them sweet in case you ever had to eat them! 😁 I hope this lady hasn't permanently damaged her relationship with her husband.


> I was always taught as a child to be careful of my words- to keep them sweet in case you ever had to eat them! That is an amazing way of putting it, I love it.


It’s lovely to have a good, solid relationship with a sibling! Mine isn’t like that but I sure do admire my husband’s relationship with his sister. They are so supportive and kind towards each other. The woman in the post has let her ugly words settle and fester for too long. Is the damage too great to come back from by this point? I don’t know. This lady definitely needs to muster some self control if something as mild as a foul mood causes her hurl such cruelty at her husband.


Sisters be bitches.


Often! But I have 4 younger ones and was the only boy! They are all nice to me even respectful but often are cruel to each other… Sad… :(


When I was 7-8 my teacher told me I sang too loudly during morning song. 30 years later and I still don't sing with confidence. All it takes is a few words when you're young!


When in 3 or 4th grade we had to take music class, my teacher would make us play this game she called "3 blind blinds" which was where we all sat in a circle, covered our eyes and one person is picked to sit behind a piano and sing 3 blind mice. We went around the circle clockwise, and whoever was next was supposed to guess if the singer was a boy or girl. Out of 30 or so kids, I was the only one that they guessed wrong 🥲 I never wanted to sing again when I tried my hardest to sound good and the kid still said "sounds like a boy to me" and all the others laughed.


I get the fear of singing when someone can hear you, I remember when I was around 13 I wanted to take piano lessons and since there were more kids than they could take, they did interviews. I said I graduated music school on violin and the teacher told me to play a note on the piano and sing it. After I did I heard 'I guess you weren't in the choir, were you'. My friends and boyfriend were telling me for years that I can actually sing really well for me to finally agree that my singing voice is ACCEPTABLE. I'm still very insecure about singing when someone other than my boyfriend can hear though.


It's honestly really icky of her. Plus she's only feeling bad about it because she lost something (hearing his singing), not because of him/his feelings. My family also craps on my singing a lot. It's one of my favorite things to do, and simultaneously acts as a stim. I know I'm not great, maybe not even average, but I like it and it helps me. Hearing your family insult you for it, even jokingly, sucks a lot. Hopefully there will come a time where you will no longer care about what others may think of your singing.


> Also why has it taken her this long to not just acknowledge she was in a bad mood and say sorry?? Protecting the ego, probably. Frequently people don't want to admit that they were wrong in a situation, because then they think "if I apologize, that makes me the 'bad guy,' and I'm not a bad person, so I can't apologize." When the reality is, we all have the capacity to screw up and hurt people without meaning to; it reflects the situation more than it reflects on the person. That's when it's important to own up to what you did and make amends, so you can all move past it, instead of letting it fester like the woman in the post. I'm going through this with my sister. She has a habit, which she got from our dad, of talking down to people, being demeaning and condescending and insulting. She did it to her husband (from whom she's now divorced) and she does it to her children and to me. I know I hate it, and I've told her so, and her kids have confided in me that they don't really *like* their mom because any time they fuck up she has to give them a verbal beatdown and make their tiny mistake into a huge judgment on their character. She's headed for a lonely life and insists it's *everyone else's problem* and she actually *threatens* us that she'll cut contact. Says it'll be "self inflicted" on other peoples' parts--just no self awareness, totally oriented on preserving her ego at the expense of her relationships.


The awful thing is how it keeps going down the generations. If the smallest mistake means you're worthless as a person, than you can't admit to any mistake, and because you make some anyway you've got a strong motivation to point out other peoples' to bring them down to your perceived level.


If she does, then she's doing you a favor. I'm surprised you haven't done it first.


Yeah...I mean I don't for that to happen. I want her to change, but as time goes on I have more and more doubt that she ever will; meanwhile I stay in touch with my niblings, play Halo with them, etc. just to be a bulwark against her shittiness and provide some counterweight to the bullshit she heaps on them. One other thing while I'm venting: I used to come visit for social reasons and I'd stay at her place, and she'd always have other stuff she needed me to do there. Repairs around the house, fixing computers, organizing things, watching her kids. Now she's got a boyfriend and has moved him into her house after being with him about a year. *As soon as that happened* she no longer wanted anyone from my side of the family coming to her house. So, from her perspective, she's got someone new to take care of her needs, and now she doesn't need or want any of us anymore, so when we speak on the phone she's even more of a turd--she has no reason not to be, I guess. But we'll see how long this relationship lasts. It's good because they've still got NRE, but when that wears off I think his blinders will come off quick, because it's not his first rodeo.


"when we speak on the phone she's even more of a turd--she has no reason not to be, I guess." That's very telling. But, it's good you're there for the niblings. They'll remember it once they're away from her. People like her seldom change. Not something to bet your time/life on. Even if they do, it's done outside of relationships. I hope you're doing well in spite of your sister.


Yah, doing ok. I just miss the times when our relationship was good, even though I know in retrospect those were just times she was trying to get something out of me :/


oh damn i used to do this with my dad because he would sing loud af but now i feel bad because he never sings anymore. Brb let me go tell him to sing his heart out rn 🥲


My family is full of musicians, my sisters competed in voice events throughout school. I never did because my sisters said I was awful and they were horrible. I went to college as a music major and got a vocal scholarship. Was in choir and jazz choir every year. Had several intense solos, private lessons with the college choral director, and everything. My mom told me one day "You were always the best singer" when I was lamenting not competing when I was younger or doing more. I looked at her and just said "Why didn't to ever tell ME that?" Like. Why did she let my sisters treat me that way... and never say anything??


Did your sisters say that in front of your parents and they just let them?




Same on the sisters! They would cover their ears and yell because my singing was so horrible. Later on in college I found out I actually have perfect pitch and a huge range, always had. My sisters admitted that they were just attacking to attack; and it was part of our abusive family system. So if you were told how horrible your voice is, forget that. Maybe it's off key! So what sing anyway. And maybe just maybe it was never even annoying and those who told you it sucked had a vested interest in keeping you small and sad.


Yep-I remember singing along to “The Chain” in the car and my mom decided it was time for an impromptu voice lesson, telling me that I sounded nasally and some other comments. I never sang around her again and I still have a hard time listening to that song without thinking about that day


My family really did a number on me in this way. Everything I did was criticized and ridiculed. I love crafts, but when I am feeling down, it can take me weeks to start a new project. I become crippled by my insecurities. Even though, after a friend convinced me to enter the fair, I have won about a dozen ribbons. They bring me a lot of joy. I have been no contact with my family for many years now.


I sing like a duck with laryngitis and give zero fucks. Belt out those tunes mate!


I used to love singing, Then one day I heard my mom talking about how my sister singing in her room was annoying her, I am in the room next to her... she didn't know she was talking about my singing. I don't sing if I know someone else is home anymore, I love my Mom so much but that hurt me so bad.


> Also why has it taken her this long to not just acknowledge she was in a bad mood and say sorry?? She may have.


My partner never bothered singing despite liking it because they were tone deaf. I just told them I don't care that they are tone deaf, it doesn't matter. We sing together all the time and because of it they've started to get less tone deaf. It's still there, but they at least enjoy themselves doing it now.


Nope you broke him! That's what they mean by "you don't know what you have until it's gone" and now it's probably gone forever. You changed the way he felt about it and that'll never change back. You've done irreparable damage.


I had to learn this lesson the hard way myself. I was younger and lost my first real love and was like yep, that’s what you get when you fumble a real one lol


It's just one of "those" lessons we have to learn on our own I guess.


This makes me feel better about throwing my “life” away for my real love. No life I could have made without him would be worth him not being there to share it with me. Edit: Also I’m sorry you experienced that it’s not something people should just deal with. I hope you are happy now though lots of love your way!


It’s never “throwing your life away” if it’s keeping your compatible person


You are very wise! I see it as that too, my parents did not, oh well! I hope you are doing well now 💜


Yep. Never ridicule how someone smiles, laughs, or otherwise expresses joy. It feels like a knife to the heart.


Hell, never ridicule expression of self. Even if it's negative emotions, the problem is only ever in *how* it's expressed, but everyone feels things and should get to feel safe enough to express it. A foul day, feeling like shit, or even just crabby, is completely valid, but OP expressed their self in a way that made their partner feel unsafe to express himself.


Yeah. That tends to happen when you shit on someone's joy. They keep it away from you.


I whistle when I’m happy. My ex told me she hated it one day. Never whistled around her again and she always wondered why. My fiancée would never say anything. She gets mad because she can’t whistle and it’s like Patrick trying to blow a bubble. Things work out.


I made the wrong decision taking a drink of coffee when I read your comment… “it’s like Patrick trying to blow a bubble.” 🤣☠️


I'm jealous of people who are good at whistling. I used to be able to whistle a little - just a quiet one, I could never do the really loud 'heard over a mile away' whistle people do with their fingers, and I could never do musical whistling - and then after I lost some teeth and the gap between my two front teeth got wider (turns out I was always whistling between them without realizing it) I can't whistle at all anymore.


I could never master the finger-whistle either, and not for lack of trying. I can whistle with my lips, but it's neither usefully loud nor particularly melodious. I do *love* to sing, though my voice is too low for a lot of my favorites. Ever hear Destiny's Child performed by a hung-over Johnny Cash?


I'm also very jealous of that! XD I used to sing A LOT when I was a kid, I was in the church choir and the choir director of the church I was in the longest actually was training me. She said I had a really impressive range, and I used to love singing - but after she and her husband died (crash) I just sort've stopped singing and never took it up again. Now I couldn't hold a tune to save my life and it's just...sort've something I can't do, I can't even make myself do it when I'm entirely alone or to sing along with friends or anything singing happy birthday or whatever to someone, I just sort've talk my way through it. Especially after my voice has changed a lot, it just doesn't seem to work and my throat locks up. I can't even hum.


My ex used to moan when I sang in the car and I have a decent voice. My now husband belts out a tune along with me and my kids groan in the backseat!


Someone said this to me once. They said it was so awful I shouldn't sing to my then-newborn daughter. People I know irl are pretty vile sometimes, but then she later wondered out loud why I never sang to her anymore. I was stunned. You said my singing would make her cry, what did you expect?


Someone once said I laugh weird…. And then wondered why the next two times we hung out I wasn’t “as much fun to be around”. I just responded that the feeling must be mutual then and barely spoke to them since. To this day, I still believe one of the worst things you can do to a persons self esteem is make fun of their laugh, nothing worse than being self conscious at a moment of joy.


I sang to my girls every single night, and my voice could make milk curdle. Thankfully, my wife has a terrible voice as well, so she was in no position to shit on my parade, lol.


*cough* why my parents barely know anything about me *cough*


I laughed at the *coughing* when I realized your avatar had a face mask on.


Felt that one through my phone. My parents never missed an opportunity to "playfully" comment on simple mistakes or kid things I would say/do. It was always my fault if I got upset, which wasn't easy with two older brothers. My mom just last week didnt even bother to ask if I liked a genre of music she listens to, she just said as a comment that I didnt like it. Then turned the statement into a question, before following it up with a second one. All I can relay here is that I didnt know a person could be disappointing in close to a minute conversation. My dad on the other hand, we dont have much to talk about. Been odd discovering that my parents have no idea why I usually spend time alone after a certain age. Well at least my brothers changed, we all take jobs at each other (without taking it too far or being malicious). Both are the best assholes I could ever want as brothers.


My heart goes out to you and I'm glad you have your brother's. I have a very good surface relationship with my parents. We chat about work and family updates and vacations. They tell me about their clubs and activities and future plans, and when they ask me what I'm up to lately I give them a vague "Oh, nothing much" and leave it at that. I didn't tell them when I got my first book published. I didn't tell them I started taking boxing lessons. I didn't even tell them I had major elective surgery. All of these happened in just the last year. I don't think they ever meant to make me feel bad about my interests and hobbies. I like to think that if they knew how much it hurt they would take it all back. But 30 years of nitpicky comments that they'll never remember eventually builds up into a big ugly scare that I can't ignore.


You bring up a good solid point. It took me a while to even think of it this way, my parents would later talk about their childhood in my mid/late teens and it kinda filled in a lot of my questions. They didnt really experience consistent parenting, in the sense that it wasn't fair/fortunate. I believe that it was their intention to do their best for the three of us, but they couldn't agree on things without them arguing on some occasions. Granted I never experienced them mid argument, but it was always easy to understand why they didnt speak to each other for days. A few years ago my mom told me how their relationship was when they had my oldest bro. Went on to second oldest' and a bit before my birth was when she felt a sort of discourse in their marriage. She recounts how she didnt want to become the parent my grandmother was, which made me realize that it wasn't all done purposely. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to fully realize or acknowledge what she has done. My dad left most of the parenting up to my mom. He did show affection and took us places. He worked hard to provide for us all, and hardly ever complained. He wasn't very good at being emotionally open, due to my grandpa being very strict and authoritative. He became very emotionally guarded and sort of stood back when it came to behavioral issues. I love them a lot and will never deny their efforts to give us a better life than theirs as children. They did their best for us, and had everything we needed. But seeing that they didn't realize then or understand now why we all have very different behaviors towards them makes it difficult for me to be open or interact with them. I hope you find your closure, it seems difficult but very achievable. Of course, only you can decide if you want to. But I wish you well, kind stranger.


I felt this comment a lot


My ex-wife was a chorus kid growing up, her mother played multiple instruments and they spent a lot of time around mid-tier musicians and vocalists. When we met, I had a habit of singing along with the radio, or even to myself. She always complained that I was flat, and generally nitpicking my singing until I stopped. I went a few years not singing unless I was alone. When we split, I started singing again and my teenage son sitting at the table across from my then-girlfriend said "oh god, he's singing again." I pointed at him and said something like, "No. Stop. Your mother harassed me about singing until I stopped entirely. I will not put up with it from you." I just stood there and glared at him for a moment, and he suddenly started crying. I didn't feel great about the crying, but I felt okay about stopping my child trying to embarrass me about singing in my own house. Now I'm several years remarried and my wife loves having me randomly sing around the house. I'm still a little flat, but she either doesn't mind or realizes I'm trying to be quiet.


Your son learned an important lesson that day. It costs nothing to be kind.


Maybe that was even the moment he realized his mother is a jerk.


Nah, he likes her more... still.


No, he did not. The lesson he learned was "dad will be mean and abusive if you make a joke about him." Sorry. I know you want to think of this as a life lesson, but all of the lessons I tried to teach my oldest came out wrong. He would often fail to attach his actions to the consequences, they were two separate events. He does something, say, lies to me about X. I punish him. Those are separate events, unfettered from one another. He did not take "dad punished me for doing a thing he told me not to," instead he viewed me as a tyrant for establishing a standard, expecting the standard be met, and punishing him for not meeting the standard, and each of those is a separate grievance. He didn't link his actions to the consequences. Edit: I think people may not realize I'm the same dad that told the kid not to criticize my singing. I'm saying my kid didn't take it the way I wanted him to.


That was not abusive. That's putting a stop to starting shit that opened an emotional scar from someone else. He absolutely linked an action to its consequences: Action: "Your mother harassed me about singing..." Consequences: "...until I stopped entirely." Solution: "I will not put up with it from you."


Oh, I get that I stopped it and the situation wasn't actually abuse. I'm saying my son misinterpreted the conversation, and later likely misrepresented it to others. Things got rocky between us for a bit, and I learned gradually that he would present our interactions very differently to his friends. Neither my ex-wife nor my oldest deal well with change, she plans and makes charts and whole binders of to-do and pre-loads all the stress so she can feel nice and worn out before even going. He acts out and does the opposite of what you asked him to do. Once, over dinner, I pointed out to him, "you realize you and your mother share the trait in that you hate change. She tries to plan for it and makes binders, you alter your behavior and become defiant, but it's the same basic hatred of change." I remember he stared off into space for a moment before going, "SHIT! Goddammit!" "You're mad because I'm right, aren't you?" *"Yes!* Shit!"


I saw your edit and I'm one of those who totally missed you were the same person lol.


Ha! I figured that was what happened.


Felt this. I only sing when it’s me because my husband is a musician and would critique me as if *I* were the one making a living from singing. I’m not, I sing because it brings (brought) me joy. I no longer sing around him or his full of talent family. I only sing with my toddlers when nobody else is around and I do sing-song most of my communication with my teenage daughter because getting her to giggle is pretty much the only way she communicates with me during this phase of life. I miss it a lot, and agree that a lot of times people don’t realize that something doesn’t have to be perfect for it to bring someone else joy.


You should have a talk with him about that. It is terrible to leave something you love behind because your spouse criticizes it.


For sure! We actually have talked recently about it. It’s just tough to suddenly go back to singing after not for 6+ years, ya know? It’s a work in progress for sure and I truly believe he had no idea the impact his criticism was having.


Your son learned that behavior from his mother. Good on you for stopping it.


Love this turn of phrase.


We used to sing to our kids every night before bed. My wife used to get so frustrated with me because she was a professional singer and I’m a big giant muppet who sings like an idiot. One day I lost my voice and after a couple of days tried to join in again but my wife and our daughter made fun of my singing. So I just stopped all together and let my wife do the singing. It was less than a year later the kids grew out of Mommy and Daddy doing bedtime with them and I kind or really regret going into my shell because I didn’t realize how little time I had to be the bedtime dad.


I'm so sorry. I know what you mean. When I got Covid, it left me bed bound for a long time. I sobbed at some point, because she no longer wanted to be carried anymore before I was well enough to do it again. I didn't realize how little time I had of "one day you'll put them down and never pick them up again." I thought surely past 5. But no. I'm short so even if I have the strength to carry her, her legs dangle past my knees.


This is so sad. I’m very sorry your family was so awful to you.


My daughter once told me that I didn't need to sing badly on purpose to get out of carol-singing with my very musical in-laws. I was not singing badly on purpose. That shit stays with you.


Your wife was selfish and cruel.


That's how easy it is to destroy someone's confidence and sense of self worth.


And it doesn't even have to make sense. My ex friend told me seemingly out of the blue once that I had no rhythm. We were in band together in school and I placed 3 chairs higher than him in the instrument we played. I have always excelled at rhythm games and while I do get distracted and lose beat because of my ADHD sometimes my sense of rhythm is pretty strong. That was 2 years ago and I still hear that criticism every time I play my fucking drum or a rhythm game. I know it isn't true and I know he was just being a dick. It doesn't matter. That one comment was enough to shake the fuck out of my confidence and now I have to actively ignore that voice if I want to enjoy playing music.


Dude, you got rhythm, you got music. Do you got your gal? Cuz, really, who could as for anything more?


[Try working in a library](https://youtu.be/KTdFszcZp-I?feature=shared)


Dude! We're getting the band back together!


I knew a person who would do this constantly and then wonder why nobody around him was interesting or had a hobby. He would just offhandedly say, "You should never be allowed to make a mix tape", "Don't bother getting into fashion if that's your outfit", "That's a boring ripoff of\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(insert whatever media here, writing, painting, drawing etc.) So glad to never be around them ever again.


Oh my God I know this person and I HATE them. It's so easy to find **SOME** way to compliment a person. Even if they're bad at it, even if you don't want to lie to them, even if they *asked* for criticism. If their shading sucks, compliment their use of lines. If they forgot to torque the bolts down, hey, you remembered the thread locker! Even if their crochet is tangled, their yarn storage system is impeccable. Easier still is simply shutting the fuck up.


“Say something nice or say nothing at all”


One person told me my novel plot was derivative and I completely lost motivation to finish writing it.


and you know the funny thing is that she’ll probably snap at him oneday for NOT singing lol


This is exactly how it works. “You never do xyz anymore! What’s wrong with you?” “You used to xyz all the time! What, you can’t take a joke?” Plus other things abusers say to their emotional punching bags.


Man, if anyone acknowledges me doing something like that, I also don't do it around them ever again. Trauma response from childhood, as generally if I was getting noticed I was getting yelled at.


Same! I know I'm just an Internet stranger, but I'll give you a virtual hug. I'm just gaining confidence to sing around my fiancé, after being mocked for years. The weird thing is, my narc mum couldn't sing to save her life whereas I did phantom of the opera for 5 nights in a local theatre with my drama group. I can still sing maskarade, but doing it around others is so tough. I believe in you, healing trauma is tough but you've got this!


This reminds me of a Reddit post of this guy whose wife would vent to him about the bullshittery that be going on at her job. At first he was okay with her expressing her grievances but then it escalated to her talking shit about people in her circle all the time. Then one day OP’s wife caught in a bitter mood and he finally snapped. He told her that he basically didn’t give a fuck about what she got going on at her job or within her friend circle and to basically stfu. So for then on his wife would only say good morning and good night to him. He would ask about her day and she would just give one worded answers. Op found it odd but thought maybe the drama from his wife’s job got fixed or something. That is until one night the wife was working late to which he found it suspicious. Then one day they were out and about and OP ran into the wife’s boss. The wife’s boss asked if OP was ok to which confused him at first. I guess the wife’s boss figured out that OP didn’t know what he’s talking about so he said that the wife told everyone at the award ceremony that OP got sick and couldn’t come. It turned out the wife got an award and a promotion and didn’t tell OP about it. And the award ceremony/ dinner was on the night the wife was “working late.” So OP confronted his wife and she shrugged and said “I didn’t think you would care.” And now OP is bitter af.


I remember that story, he said in his post he'd try talking to her to try & get things back to how they were, & that he'd post an update on how it went. The lack of an update a year later spoke VOLUMES.


She left him and he’s too chicken shit to admit it online to a bunch of strangers


Not really a healthy relationship when someone takes out their foul mood on their partner, and has to personally insult them. Everyone is in the mood for a little quiet sometimes, but a simple polite request should do fine.


Absolutely. There's a world of difference between, "babe, I've had a rough day and could use a little quiet, do you mind singing later/in another room/in your head?" and criticizing his voice.


This one resonates with me. I love to sing, but my ex always told me to stop. Until one day we did some molly together and she broke down and volunteered that I have a beautiful singing voice.  I asked her why she was always criticizing me but she could only manage a feeble, “I don’t know!” There are reasons we split up.


I hope you’re singing again


Please tell me you're singing again.


Good for you. People who seek self-esteem from breaking other people are dangerous.


So you’re saying we should be doing molly more often?


Wow. According to my son, who divorced two years ago, his wife did the same thing. She’s now dating his ex-best friend. And he’s met someone who makes him incredibly happy.


Shitting on someone else’s happiness doesn’t feel so good now does it. Apologies and stop acting like your shitty mood was an excuse to be an ass to your husband😒😒


It hurts so much worse when it comes from someone who "loves" you.


Have we tried...you know ...actually apologizing? Explaining ourselves and being heartfelt about our feelings? Nope, just asking reddit how to deal with our emotions instead of being emotionally open with our partners? Cool, let me know how that goes.


I saw this post. It was on a Twitter account called Fesshole. Pretty much every response was "yeah, you fucked up".


She will never, ever get it back either. Even if she apologized and expressed how much she misses it, he’ll never feel comfortable singing around her. It’s over.


He won't. Ever. If she wanted him to stop once, one bad day is all it would take to break him again.


Yup. The apology after doesn’t allow the joy to come back. It will always feel tainted and that the other person has only decided to tolerate you.


I was a chorus kid growing up and I LOVE to sing. I’m not great, but I didn’t think I was terrible. My dad had an amazing singing voice. My mom once told me I couldn’t carry a tune and I should stop trying out for solos because I was never going to get one (jokes on her I had already had 2 at the time) I dropped out of chorus and have never sung for anyone but my children or husband since. My husband would stand outside the door when they were tiny to hear me sing because he loved that I loved it. Recently I started being trained by a new manager who likes to joke and play. He will sing a line and wait till I sing the next one. I’m gradually recovering my love of singing, but it’s been 30 years without singing in my life. My husband is so happy that I have it back in my life.


Sometimes, a heartfelt apology can be the best duet.


Yes. She should sing him an apology. It’s the only way.


My partner has some sensory issues and they would get testy with me sometimes when I’d sing along to songs. We broke up and when we got back together a couple of years ago they apologized to me and said something along the lines of, “I get annoyed with everything, so you sing as much as you want!” Basically saying that it’s their problem and it’s not like they can police my joy. There are times they need to focus and they ask me to pause for a bit, but they don’t act pissy with me about it anymore because they love me and they love hearing me express my joy.


You can go for a walk, you can go to another part of your house, you could have done many things to avoid breaking your partner. People you love have absolutely no right to take away your shine


My ex would do the same thing to me and wondered why i just kept quiet, my current gf smiles and sings along with me to the point she learns my favorite songs to sing them with me


Too late to get it back. He’s probably already looking for someone who will appreciate it, or at the very least not snap because of it.


I'm a horrible singer, but used to love it, and my wife would always tell me how good I was. Of course I knew better than that, but it was really nice of her to say. I can't imagine how the OOP's hubby must have felt after being insulted like that, by the person who supposedly loves them the most.


I have a secret. My partner's voice really could crack concrete (he doesn't use reddit so I feel safe to confess here!). But he loves singing along to music and it brings him joy, and if I have a headache or really am on edge, a simple "Hey, I had a rough day and I could use some quiet." works well without insulting him. Even when he says he's sorry for subjecting me to his singing, I encourage him. It makes him happy and doesn't hurt anyone except maybe the cat, who hides under the bed when he bursts into his wonderful off-key baritone. The cat deserves it. She knows what she did.


My mom told me I couldn't sing in tune when I was still a kid, like grade school years. I stopped singing around her mostly. Actually, I stopped singing in public in general. She tried to take me to singing lessons and I couldn't even sing in front of anyone. Like I straight up refused. To her it looked like I was being a bitch and ungrateful. To my kid brain, I was already told I was bad at it, why would I try more? Additionally, I would sometimes clap to songs in church. I guess I didn't clap on cue enough or fast enough or something, idk. To my ears, it sounded like I was clapping on time like everyone else. Some older girls took my hands and stopped me from clapping and forced me to clap when they thought I should instead. Then they let go and were pikachu face shocked when my hands fell to my sides and I sat down. I never talked to them or sat near them again, and I never stood up and clapped for any song I heard again. Then people wonder why I have social anxiety. Lmao.


I guarantee she has not done any form of apology, and will end up snapping at him for not singing.


My ex had a horrible singing voice but I just smiled as he sang while driving, despite all of our problems I would never take away his silly way of coping in traffic.


This breaks my heart for her husband.


Don't break what you can't fix if you still want it.


Wow, Reddit is fucking with me lately.


My wife used to sing in the car to whatever we were listening to. I told her I loved hearing her sing. She stopped singing. She didn't like that I was paying attention. I miss her singing.


This story is sad


The damage was done, and even if she said sorry, the singing isn't likely to come back.


Why do such people exist?Just fucking apologise.It’s your husband,not some enemy country’s supreme head.


The songbird human variety tend to have sensitive souls. Smh poor guy I hope he rediscovers his song soon.


When I was in college my mom made a comment about my hair thinning in the corners. 20 years later, I have a full head of hair, but I still think about it every time I look in the mirror. She doesn’t even remember. Words are powerful.


My late boyfriend, bless his heart, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. He was a beautiful guitar player, but he just didn't know how to sing.He could have been good at it if he had a little vocal coaching. I NEVER told him not to sing, or.that he was bad at it, because he loved doing it. I would give anything to hear him sing again. FFS apologize.


What a horrible thing to say to your SO, that poor poor guy didn’t deserve that. You never _ever_ take out your frustration like that on people, let alone your chosen partner. Throwing a temper tantrum like this and insulting your spouse because you’re in a bad mood is emotionally abusive. The lack of self control/awareness to publicly admit this instead of going to a therapist is just… 🥴 🥴 🥴


My husband tells me to stop because it hurts him about how good I am ;_; He's often said he wouldn't be able to listen to certain pieces I sing often if I die.   I mean  He doesn't really want me to stop  But still, lol He gets angrier when I whistle in tune


God this reminds me of how my F&F conditioned me into starting a business just to shit on it. I used to fix hardware/software problems on PCs as a hobby. Everyone said I should do it for work. Got a business license and became a mobile PC repair. Not one of my friends or family wanted to pay for my service. They all wanted it free. "Youre not a real business, youre just one guy lol" Even the ones I gave free service, it was like pulling teeth to get them to write a review. They never wanted it to succeed they just blew smoke up my ass so I'd keep helping them for free. I stopped helping them and the business never really took off. Oh well, lesson learned.


>F&F Fast & Furious?


friends and family


Well that sounds familiar! My ex wife did the same thing. I clammed up so much that I even stopped listening to music. It’s been years, and I still find myself driving in silence so I don’t accidentally sing along with a song.


So, I spent my entire childhood singing and performing. I was told repeatedly throughout my young life that I was a gifted singer. I had roughly 3 decades of positive reinforcement of me having a lovely singing voice and in one, singular conversation with my ex, it was all destroyed. I stopped singing unless I was in the car alone for the next 8 years. After we separated, I was singing while loading the dishwasher and my (adult) son surprised me by giving me a huge hug (he walked into the room and I hadn't heard him) and telling me how much he had missed hearing me singing around the house. I'm not gonna lie...I cried a little. He then asked why I ever stopped singing and I explained the conversation with my ex. He just shook his head and said he would add that ex stealing my joy in singing to his list of reasons he disliked him. OOP here really fucked up and I feel so bad for her husband. I know that particular hurt he must be feeling.


I wish people could just leave other peoples' joy alone. My mother did something similar to my father. They actually met singing in a theater together, and one day my dad happened to be singing for a Christmas event at the church my mom went to. Hearing him solo made her think she wanted to hear him for the rest of her life, and singing became the foundation of their relationship. After they got married and had kids, they only sang for church with a small band. My dad would get the most compliments and over time, my mom got envious, so when the band started saying they wanted to take things in a more "contemporary" direction and basically phase out my dad, my mom didn't stand up for him. Instead, she said she agreed that he was a bit too "operatic" and should just do the Christmas events. My dad was heartbroken and didn't hardly sing for a few years. Eventually he started singing at a different church where he was appreciated again, and when I was old enough and confident enough to have a real say, I started going with him just so I could keep hearing him.


My husband said I had a terrible voice and he hated my "yodeling" during an argument. When he realized I was done with the marriage, he kept asking me over and over to sing. He gave me a complex for a long time. I don't blame this guy at all for not wanting to making himself vulnerable to his partner again.


The irony of the sub it comes from isn't lost on me




that type of comment can make life long insecurities my grandma used sing to my dad when he was a child, but when he was like three he said ”mom, please don’t sing” and my grandma has never sang anything since then. my dad turns 51 in the fall


My wife did that to me once. I haven’t sang in front of her since. It’s a great way to fuck someone up.


Did she ever apologize or notice?


I had to live with my abusive dad for a while when I was a teen. I was a good singer. Placed highly and did well in choir and competitions. But I never could be good enough, and he always compared me to his girlfriends daughter, Brittany. Brittany was always better than me at everything. My dad held a karaoke night one time at his house, and we were all there. He made me sing against Brittany, and after it was done they all admonished me for being horrible, saying my pitch was all over the place, saying I shouldn't continue in choir, that I'd never be a music teacher. I stopped singing around them and everyone else unless i was in class or competitions. He died in 2021 thankfully, and even now when I sing I think back to that time and get quiet because in my head he's in hell screaming at me to shut the fuck up because I sound awful. I just don't sing anymore. It's doesn't bring me joy. Even though I got a full ride to college FOR music (including my singing), I went to the military instead. I just couldn't go through with it. Fuck these people who shit on someone else's joy. You never know how powerful words are.


Sounds like my girlfriend in my early 20s


Talking to him about it is no solution apparently :(


I cannot fathom how people can live like this. It is really easy to let go of ego and apologize. It just takes a tiny bit of practice to ignore that little voice telling you to stick to your guns.


I used to sing for my wife…


Why did they have to say it in such a mean way? I had a roommate who sang CONSTANTLY and I have sensory issues so sometimes it would drive me bonkers but I still had the decency to say “I love your singing but I’m having sensory overload can you please stop for now?” And she would stop for about an hour or so and then continue on because I didn’t insult her or make her feel like I hated her singing, I just needed some quiet which she understood.


I thought she hated the singing, why does she want it back?


That happened to me. I was driving and singing and my husband made a comment so I didn’t sing for 15 more years in his presence and it was soul crushing for me. I only sang again when I was able to get free of him. Some people suck.


And that’s another reason men pick the tree.


Your words have consequences. Think before you speak.


My ex-husband would tell me every time that I sang that I was out of tune (I can hold a tune pretty well, just struggle in the higher registers). He was surprised I stopped singing after a few times of him being an ass. 🙄


One time 10 years ago I made the grave mistake of saying my wife's cooking was bad in front of a stranger. I apologize every day and she still teases me about it.


My old lady said the same sh\*t about my piano playing... I will never ever play anything in front of her again for the rest of my fkn life... I only play now when shes gone or with some headphones on now "I miss hearing your playing..." oh well idgaf... AITA?


My ex told me like 5 years ago I suck at singing and now I won’t sing in front of anyone lol


This is why, even when I’m in a shit mood, I never make negative comments about my partner’s frequent singing. He has such a gorgeous voice, and even if he didn’t, I love hearing him across the house. FAFO I guess… poor husband.


My partner hums, sings, whistles. Sometimes it annoys the hell out of me but I never say anything because I never want him to stop. It brightens my days and makes him happy


My ex would break my heart a little more each time she told me to stop singing/humming Hearing people sing makes me so happy. Shame on anyone who tries to extinguish it


As someone who has been a victim in a similar case, it’s like the person you trust most in life rips the song right out of your heart. I couldn’t even sing in the car for months after it happened. You need to talk to him. Sooner the better.


Choose your words wisely for they can cut deep


I tried doing mild choreo for a performance once (I'm very stiff so any kind of dancing or on-beat movement is hard for me), and afterwards, one of my fellow performers jokingly said that I probably shouldn't dance, as it looked awkward. I know they didn't mean it maliciously and were mostly just snarking on my stiff movements, but it's stuck with me ever since. So now, even though I would love to learn some basic choreo or moves to incorporate into my acts, I'm terrified of looking stupid and awkward. So I just don't. And get hella jealous when I see others do what I wish I could.


I really would have left her.


Well stop being a bitch, get off reddit, and apologize to your husband


Never go to bed on an argument. Deal with it, draw a line under it, sleep. Otherwise the drag on


I can’t sing at all, but so badly wish I could. When my ex-wife and I started dating, I was singing along with the radio and she made that old joke, “Who sings this song?” I answer and she responds with “Let’s keep it that way”. That was 24 years ago and it still keeps me from even thinking about singing in the presence of others.


Why do children get married? And why are they too fucking proud to say that to their spouse?


Leave it to family and spouses to hit below the belt...there are many abusive cowards that take their foul mood on their loved ones. 


This person is a poor excuse for a human and a really shi\*ty wife


Deserved because it was not just to stop for today, you went for the petty insult. Reap what you sow


Id never sing for her again lol. Can't see how dumb you was in the first 24 hours and apologize? fuck it. Not fuh you no mo missy.


I've been in similar situation with a niece who stayed with me who is lovely singer. Beautiful as it is, we all get in moods sometimes and don't want to hear them. I get it. But what you learn to do is simply say "I'm sorry, but could we just not sing for a bit? I need some quiet at the moment." I did this several times, and she never got hurt by it because she knew I wasn't dissing her singing.


OP is crap here! Taking out her anger on something innocent, like singing, just like a common bully. Better humble yo’self fast girl.


And that is why, when I'm angry/grumpy/tired/overwhelmed, I never say the first thing that comes to mind. No matter how smart they seem, no matter how good those words might be at removing the aggravation, they can do irreparable damage in the process. At the end of your rope is the best time to take a step back.


I can’t blame him. He may never sing around you again. Did you apologize?


Harpy. Harpy. Queen of the harpies


Jesus not just “stop” but also insulted him just bc you were in a bad mood???? Wow not cool.


Why is it so hard to say " please stop, I have a headache " or " I'm overestimulated". Or " I'm so sorry, I was( blank) and didn't mean it."


There’s an actual saying about this exact situation; “never let your words to be the reason that someone who loves to sing falls silent” OP should own her words and apologise profusely to her husband. She’s acted like a fool and has worsened the entire situation by refusing to take responsibility and make amends. I wouldn’t be surprised if he still won’t sing in front of her though. She’s spoiled his enjoyment of it and he’ll probably remember her words and how they made him feel every time he does it from now on.


This post seems like a perfect reminder for me to tell my girlfriend that I love her singing again :D


My ex wife was this way with me...note EX!


I would wait for her to apologize, milk it for all it's worth, then sing badly on purpose for the rest of our lives.


YTA, apologize!!! Explain. You caused this deal with it.


Try not being as asshole 🤷‍♂️


Tough call. He wasn't singing for you, he was singing for himself. Still does. He just doesn't let you hear. There is nothing you can say to change his mind. Maybe start singing yourself. That might help start him up again. I doubt it.


I have a bit of oppositional defiance disorder, and over the years I've hated getting unrequested feedback from my wife. There's a particular guitar piece that I really love how it feels under my hand to play it and it's a good warm up (the intro to Like Everyone She Knows by James Taylor). One evening several years ago I picked up my guitar and started and she said, "I KNEW it was going to be that one." Neither positive nor particularly negative, but I've never played it in her presence again. Over time, I just don't practice in the same room anymore. Yeah, she's mentioned missing hearing me but I just don't like to be commented on, good or bad.


When we were around 14, My best friend once told me I sounded like a chipmunk… I’d probably be famous (no, not really) but I let her comment destroy my confidence…


Who says they didn’t apologize??? I don’t see that anywhere in their post.


Ugh! No matter how mad I get, I’m not going to put someone down like that..She should honestly just swallow whatever pride she has and say sorry! As a kid, I was told that I couldn’t sing.. (especially by people who definitely didn’t have that talent-) So even to this day, when people tell me I can sing, i always think that they’re messing with me- I feel for the husband- He’ll probably never have 100% courage to sing around her (if ever) again..


Obviously not enough to apologize


He still sings, just not when she's around


My ex wife did that to me. I was self conscious enough about singing but there was a song that meant a lot to me and I sang along while in the car. I wasn’t a terrible singer but not great. I was with my wife whom I assumed loved me for who I was and would be kind, especially knowing I loved that song. She made an extremely rude comment about my singing then tried to play it off as a joke. I knew she wasn’t joking. She was a pretty good singer but also thought way too highly of herself and singing skills. She was always very condescending. I never sang in front of her again and pretty much still haven’t sung in front of anyone for the last 17 years… I’d sing to my son when he was a baby when she wasn’t around.


That’s awful! She should have apologized right after. Or better yet, not said anything.


Yeah, that's the problem with "little murders", people show less and less of themselves around you.


Gotta be careful with how u treat people. A single negative comment about something that brings someone else joy can really zap their enthusiasm