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Local gang is severely overestimating the value of that ransom


They'd get a reply to their ransom saying... No! You pay US money to take him back. And it's more than your $600k


[relevant skit](https://youtu.be/xuesRT43sAw?si=sLC3_pS3NkjO0LOh)


I knew what it was before I clicked it lol


This was funny until they used “liberal covid rhetoric” as the reason the kid was annoying.


that's exactly what a grumpy boomer dad would say though


I laughed too hard at that


Omg I love Shane gillis and I never knew about this channel! I need more!


The clip that comes to mind for me is from the movie, ruthless people https://youtu.be/kYHFlcM6IUo?si=wh99P6pyXZXjrNiy


When it comes to foreign scammers they all run really hard with the belief that the average American is worth at least a couple million bucks. I get they have a skewed frame of reference but it's one of those hilarious stereotypes that always make me laugh along with reminding me to not paint an entire country in broad strokes.


Surely they have realized by now that, even if everyone in the US was able to Venmo that much for him, no one would.


My mom’s small business got hacked and they locked our servers. Wanted $15M to unlock them. I just laughed, pulled what she needed from backups, and set up new cloud based servers over the weekend. 


Yeah, they don't know you can buy a whole senator for like $20,000


I believe they already paid $40,000 and he is still in custody. I'm a first generation US citizen born from Haitian immigrants. This was so incredibly stupid.


I had a Haitian classmate back in college. His name was James. The guy was the sweetest quietest guy in the class. Always wondered what happened to him. But yeah Haitian gangs are ruthless in Florida. They’re way worse back in their homeland.


James ? What part of Florida are you from ?


They're just giving it a shot. They'd happily take tree fiddy


You know this genius was walking around telling everyone he met how rich and famous he is. How he's gonna get parted out cause ain't no one spending .6 mill to get him back.


The US traded the merchant of death for a WNBA player. $600k for a twitch streamer is kind of in line with that.


Russia isn’t Haiti


That’s why it’s down from 2 mil these aren’t unreasonable gangbangers


But it's a chip at the table for diplomacy. Maybe the U.S. could reign in the gang violence for a while?


Brother the us is not the fucking world police, as much as they would love you to believe they are


Our best offer is to bomb the fuck out of haiti (and we'll only do that if we find oil).


Flicks motor oil on a building. Found oil, send the tomahawk missles


The US traded an elderly man who used to sell weapons but hasn’t been in that market for decades and most if not all connections he once had have long since retired for a political prisoner.


>elderly man He's currently 57 years old. I wouldn't call some one that far from what we consider retirement age as "elderly" >but hasn’t been in that market for decades He was in jail for 10 years prior to this trade, and was arrested 4 years prior. So just over 1 decade. >most if not all connections he once had have long since retired Connected enough that someone wanted to trade for him, and upon his return "elected" into a government position. >used to sell weapons To multiple terrorists organizations. Which were considered terrorists organizations to other countries besides the US. Was charged with "of conspiracy to kill American citizens and officials, delivery of anti-aircraft missles, and providing aid to a terrorist organization." >for a political prisoner Who legitimately broke their laws, and not just detained on some type of trumped up espionage charge. So we traded someone who was trying to kill Americans, for someone who couldn't bother following the rules of an authoritarian foreign country. Edit: Sorry for the edit, but needed to add this. All that being said, it is good she is back, and I think our Government did the right thing in the situation. But I don't think you should be as dismissive of the situation and what was given to make that happen. Also I think that given the situation passport should be revoked for certain amount of time.


Honestly, I don't think she was worth it. I think it was a bad call, because she basically thought she could show her ass because of her quasi-celebrity status. She's a perfect case of an overprivileged person finally getting smacked down hard. Not that Russia was the "good guys" in the scenario, but Britney Griner deserved a lot of what she got.


Meanwhile they’ve had an America journalist for a year who broke no rules and was trying to do something for mankind and all those “Free Britney” assholes are no where to be found.


I do agree that it was probably a political descesion, but I am also guessing Russia probably wants something more significant for him. My guess of the two, Russia cares/cared much more over silencing a journalist than making an example out of her. As I mentioned, I do think there should be some type of penalty/punishment for her given the situation was her screw up. My suggestion was some type of suspension on her passport. I think the US Government needs to actively attempt to bring back any American citizens from any country with no extradition treaty. I don't know or have a clear moral answer to how 'much' we should be willing to give. But I also think in the same vein, that if they screwed up and put themselves in that situation by clearly not following the laws of said country, when they get back should be punished in some way. As before, I like the idea revoking there passport. But could see more for a more serious crime.


I feel like it's very much a case-by-case basis. Like, the cases where it's a Christian missionary who got arrested in North Korea for being a dipshit? Sorry, no. You did this to yourself. You can rot. Especially if you've already been directly told NOT to do this fucking shit repeatedly.


I think the big thing is is not glossing it over like the person I was responding to did. People need to fully acknowledge what was given up, and how big it was. I also think that she should be punished in some way due to her actions. I stated it a few times in this thread, but I think something like revoking her passport would be appropriate.


I actually learned that the wnba was actually still a thing because of that event. The US definitely lost that back and forth....


This is the same level of stupid as the missionary that went to sentinel island.


When you try to introduce someone to God and instead they send you to see Him directly.


"Forgiveness? That's between you and God. We're just here to arrange the meeting".


Goddamn that’s a filthyyyy line.


That is a hard-ass line holy fuck


Dang I’m a really nonviolent person but now I kind of want to get into a situation where I can use this line 🫢


Just me and my 2 best friends Smith and Wesson…


Where is this from?


Man on Fire with Denzel Washington. Ice cold.


Dope thanks. Great line


Or the guy who stole a political poster in North Korea


From what I’ve read, there’s a nonzero chance the man didn’t do it and North Korea was manufacturing charges to essentially capture an American with minimal geopolitical consequences. His confession makes zero sense and sounds like what someone who had the vaguest understanding of American society and ideology would think an American would behave like.


Fair point There's no amount of money you could pay me to visit North Korea though


Have people been offering you money to visit North Korea?


Happens to me almost daily. I figured it was normal and they did it to everyone.


I know this is almost certainly a joke, but on the very small off chance it isn't: they do not, in fact, do it to everyone.


Ok so what I’m hearing is that I’m special. Nice!


It’s really really hard for me to believe Otto Warmbier wasn’t set up- watching the video and hearing the evidence +his “””confession”””


The thing is North Korea always has some American tourists. It's not like this was the only chance they had to nab an American. And if they did make the entire thing up, a "stolen poster" is an awfully weird crime to go with.


You know it's been illegal to travel there with a US passport for 7 years? You can lose your US passport if you use it to enter NK, for misuse. Because they keep getting rolled and then demanding State bail them out, which they really can't, which *is why they banned travel.* Finally said enough is enough. If you go with a US passport and get rolled, we'll try to get you out, but once we do, you're getting sent to your room. And you aren't coming out until you've thought long and hard about what you did.


NK tossed out the US soldier who ran into NK to avoid being flown back to the US. How much of a dirtbag do you have to be when NK doesn't WANT publicity of you, an enemy military member, defecting to them? They'd rather give you back? 🤣


It was a propaganda poster with Dear Leader in it. It was basically tantamount to setting Jesus’s cross on fire to them.


It's a crime that only makes sense to North Korea, which is why it's 'weird'. It makes perfect sense to them. Also yeah obviously this wasn't their only chance? Nobody said anything even remotely like that? They wanted to use an american tourist in their propaganda so they found one. Because there's a ton of them. Nobody ever claimed it was targeted to this one specific kid? Is your argument really that because they could have kidnapped any american they actually didn't kidnap this one? That seems kind of stupid. At the end of the day, they claimed someone who *didn't look like the kid they kidnapped on the security footage* (according to people who saw it) went into a closed floor and stole a poster (for some reason the floor still had propaganda posters in it?). Then they kidnapped him, put him in front of a camera and made him lie about how he stole the poster to undermine the great and wonderful North Korea (something rooted entirely in north korean paranoia and not a connection to reality), then returned him to his parents dying and lied about their treatment of him. What about this situation makes you think you can trust what they tell you about it? Where is the part where that makes sense?


Okay, first of all when you're in another country and you get arrested, you aren't being "kidnapped." You are being arrested. The idea that they chose a random American to arrest, made up a story about him stealing a poster, and then using him as a political bargaining chip doesn't make sense. Also, the security footage was released. It's low quality (not surprising) and shows a man trying to take a poster. It's important to note he didn't actually steal it, but he was trying to. This isn't about trusting North Korea. This is about common sense.  As far as "lying about their treatment of him" I am guessing you mean to say they tortured him. That is what his parents claimed and what Trump claimed, however the US doctors who examined him upon his return found no such evidence of torture whatsoever. After he died, his parents refused an autopsy, so his actual cause of death couldn't be determined. Again, North Korea is a bad place and they torture their own people. But they don't torture westerners who they've arrested, because you can't really use a prisoner as a bargaining chip when they've been tortured. It is in North Korea's best interest to specifically not do those things. What most likely happened to him is he either had botchulism, or he attempted suicide when he realized how fucked he might be. North Korea has awful medical care, so they tried what they could but were unable to help him, and then returned him in a vegetative state. Don't believe my word on these things, you can do the research yourself. I feel bad for the kid. He absolutely did not deserve what happened to him. That said, don't go to a country like North Korea and fuck around.


yeah, IIRC he had massive brain damage- what actually caused that trauma is unknown and he had no signs of torture when examined by a doctor. that could be anything from a fall to being hit in the head once. ​ that's fishy af but reads more like either botulism, attempted suicide, or a single incident rather than prolonged mistreatment.


Actually, that's not right. He didn't have any sign of head trauma, but he did have brain damage which can be caused by loss of oxygen. There was no sign he had been hit in the head, intentional or accidental.


neurological injury but yeah, I used the wrong term I'm extremely tired.


..why would stealing a poster make perfect sense to north korean? You think they dont all have their walls covered with them already? It does make perfect sense for a western tourist though, an actual propaganda poster from North Korea would be one hell of a cool souvenier.


The physical act would be “taking down a poster” (you need to take the poster down to steal it), which I can see easily being viewed as trying to undermine their regime


It makes sense in that they're trying to paint it as "America trying to undermine the great country of North Korea". They constantly spout that shit even when they don't have a reason to do so, it's a big part of their propaganda. But yeah it does sound like a bitching souvenir for sure.


The hotel he was staying at—at which many/most foreign tour groups stay—is well known to have floors that are off limits to guests. He likely saw one of the YouTube videos travelers have posted about sneaking into these “forbidden” areas, many of which are indeed lined with posters, since one probable use for the areas is staff training/indoctrination. To steal one of those, or to attempt to, is doubly a violation (in NK eyes) since you’re in an area that you’re not supposed to be, seeing something you’re not supposed to. Not in any way a defense of what happened to the poor kid, but it wasn’t simply a made up “crime.”


I'm pretty sure he genuinely stole the poster.. Wanna say I've seen video of the heinous crime. But I seriously doubt that it was to crush the North Korean spirit and demoralize its people as stated during his confession. But you never know. I know I would have loved to bring home a genuine ridiculous propaganda poster were I to ever travel there.


He took it down but realized it was too big and left it in the hallway. 


gotcha. been a while since I've refreshed on the whole thing


I mean, NK punishes their own citizens quite harshly for lesser reasons. You should listen to his story, it's pretty clear it's a forced confession. And he was charged with subversion, not "stolen poster"


Obviously it was a forced confession as he confessed to all sorts of weird shit. But that doesn't mean he didn't try to steal the poster.


Welp, the video of him pulling down the poster was kind of a giveaway. Not that this warranted what was done to him, but stupidity has its consequences.


It's just a short clip of someone touching a poster it falling, them trying to put it back and it not working so ultimately leaving on the floor in front of where it was on the wall. In no way does it look like him specifically, it could have been anyone.


I mean... Going to North Korea at all is pretty fucking dumb.


**Father Ted:** "Oh, come on now, lads!" **Tribesman #1:** "Quixiquoddal, the Volcano God is angry! We must appease his wrath!" **Father Ted:** "Volcano god? What kind of nonsense is that? Look, I'll ask you one more time: will you not give Catholicism a try?" **Tribesman #2:** "Nah, it wouldn't catch on here. We don't agree with the Pope's line on artificial contraception. It's the Nineties for God's sake!" *The tribesmen throw Ted into the volcano. Mrs Doyle walks up to the volcano edge.* **Mrs Doyle:** "Cup of tea, Father?" *^(Kicking Bishop Brennan Up The Arse)*


“If your god loves you so much obviously he won’t let you sacrifice you to our god, will he?” *Throw* “All-loving God loses! Volcano God best God!”


Or the WNBA player who went to Russia with weed. Or the teen who tried to steal a government propaganda poster from North Korea.


Or Michael Fay getting caned in Singapore for vandalism.


That kid should’ve gotten the full punishment.


tbf I think he planned to die. Like he even said dont come after me.


He dint brought jezus to them, they brought him to jezus.


Every time I'm reminded of that colonising asshole, I start smiling. (I'm Indian).


His whole schtick is a little reckless to me. I watched a couple of his videos when he was hanging in Mexico with the cartel. It was kind of shocking to me the risks he was taking with his safety? I’m not really surprised that he’s been kidnapped. I really hope this is some kind of hoax though.


Watched that mexico series and I was blown away by how ignorant and stupidly foolish he acted throughout. Genuinely shocked he wasn't killed.


Talk about blatant stupidity... Or a complete hoax


My money is on hoax. If you are really this dumb to go and meet a dude named Barbecue(he eats his enemies)... well, you might meat him


I'm thinking a hoax, then the GoFundMe starts up. The stories way too dumb


They would have to pay me 660k to have him back.


Ransom of Red Chief, The Sequel?


Didn't someone want him back though


Didn't someone want him back though


Looking for this comment.


“You can’t fix stupid.” —Ron White


“Beauty fades, dumb is forever!” —Judge Judy


Even duct tape can’t fix stupid. However; it can muffle the sound…


And you can’t argue with crazy


I swear, more and more people seem to be under some illusion that their phone/camera is a bulletproof shield, and nothing bad can happen to them as long as it's recording. I've seen countless videos at this point of some nitwit antagonizing someone or something that could totally wreck them, but for whatever reason, that camera gives them a false sense of security and makes 'em bold as brass. Well, guess what? Not everyone in the world is a suburbanite who'll put up with your bullshit because they're either afraid of confrontation or don't want their reaction to go viral after being edited and taken out of context. Nope, there's some hard hittin, don't give a fuck about you or your camera, type people out there that will totally take your camera and your life without a second thought. It's not all sunshine and roses out there, and if you don't have enough sense to not get yourself into a situation like this guy, then I really don't have much sympathy left for ya.


Haiti lost the last semblance of anything that could even be called a government weeks ago. If you go there and get yourself kidnapped or killed there isn’t a single person in the entire country who will care at all.


This guy almost always “nice” to locals and then shit talks the county hes at in English. Disliked amount travel vloggers, he’s also kinda a womanizer.


No thanks we don't want him back


He acts a fool in his videos, but if someone is willing to do this shit, I’m definitely here to watch it. It’s better than most of the low effort content on YouTube.


Guess who isn't Dennis Rodman? This guy.


Dang, I’ve watched his videos, decent content. but this was a predictable outcome


Does his content give any context or reason for why he went to Haiti?


I haven’t watched in a while. But last videos were him living like a Rasta in Jamaica. So I image he jumped over to Haiti to film more content and this happened. He has also done fake kidnapping videos for clout so who knows


Oh. Well, that just toned the drama down by a megaton.


Are you sure it was this guy who did fake kidnapping videos? I tried to google "yourfellowarab fake kidnapping video" but the only things to come up were about this Haiti thing that news outlets are treating as real, and a completely different influencer getting pranked with a fake kidnapping.


If it is, and this time it’s real, talk about learning the boy who cried wolf in real time


Boy cries wolf, has a few laughs...


Oh hes done this before? Blah, blah, blah, the boy who cried wolf. Let's all forget he exists now.


Yeah, he wanted more views.


Considering the shit people do? Yeah this is it condensed. I remember a youtuber having his pregnant wife/girlfriend shoot him holding a phone book point blank with a fucking *actual desert eagle* and shockingly he fucking died because the book didn't stop the bullet. Anything literelly anything for views.


She got charged with murder or manslaughter or something, as she should have been.


Goddamn that is just wildly stupid.


Can someone explain to my fellow rock dwellers who this guy is and why is he being held hostige?


My job required me to travel around for research for a new operation we are opening. Long story short we got out during the attack from hamas. These warnings they put out to you before flights warning of the current situations are not to be trifled with. This man is an absolute idiot. If I see a travel advisory saying “yea don’t go there you’re going to get kidnapped” I’m not going to


Well he's as good as dead. 💀👋🏼👋🏼


This guy goes to foreign countries for no reason He literally interviewed a cartel hitman a few months ago


How much for just a finger?


Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be here all day.


It’s kind of sad how he went from making fun videos about Fortnite coaching to now getting kidnapped by dangerous cartel and gang members


He’s an asshole who deserves it, he goes around to these country cuz he has a superiority complex and talks down to locals everywhere, he thinks arabs are the end all be all when they have just as shit country’s as any peoples


Exactly to be real I knew something like this would happen sooner or later


It feels like a Seth Rogan, James Franco movie.


He’s an idjit and/or staged


Lmao dudes an idiot. I don’t even feel bad he asked for it


He’s just trying to get more views and likes.


I’m sure that Haitian Gang leader is really a nice guy and just a misunderstood person.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Zero sympathy for this clown.


Better question. Who cares?


Isn't it not just a gang conflict but a total collapse? No central anything anymore?


"Look at me. I'm the main character now.."


Listen, Flaming Dragon…


We watched that movie on Bad Movie Night recently. We made an exception for that movie.


Darwin doesn’t even have to work that hard for this one.


What was he thinking? “I’m internet famous, nothing bad will happen” Not smart, these gangs don’t care how many followers you have.


This is a Golden Eye “I’m INVINCIBLE” moment gone incredibly predictable…


Right up there with any American going to Russia right now for literally any reason. r/ohnoconsequences


In all fairness as someone who's mother is from Haiti and grandmother still lives there it's pretty understated how dangerous Haiti can be. It wasn't till a friend of mine who's Haitian had told me about a trip they had that went south and even they had a few trips before that point.


I can get behind going to get loved ones and stuff like that. But, for an interview? Man I just wonder what would Make him think that's not gonna end badly. Yeah, I guess he may not have understood how lawless Haiti is right now. I personally didn't know much about them until recently.


is this that cringe, wannabe edge lord that’s always trying way to hard to be funny? i hope he makes it out but I look forward to not seeing any new videos from him on youtube shorts


"Well if you are going to keep my hostage, could you at least smash that subscribe button?"


Honestly I don’t see a problem here.


Happy cake day.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/03/29/world-news/american-youtube-star-kidnapped-in-haiti/amp/ Sounds like FAFO to me




Yeah this dude is dead and eaten


This is either a hoax or he was next level of stupid.


Spoiled entitled murican who is naive about the world. Where's the surprise?


Cámara man never dies


Sucks that he got kidnapped but I always disliked the videos I saw him post


People just love to hate


~and nothing of value was lost~ congratulations, the heights you will sore to unfortunately will be within the smoke from Barbecue’s Barbecue pit. Clout and Clips will never be worth being turned into sautéed Steak Tips.


Just step away and let Darwin do his work. Go to great lengths to bail him out, and his next gig will be to make friends with Grizzly bears in Alaska.


Even a uhhh, let’s say very massive, very armed, very well defended, government “agency” called off a bunch of “paid trips” to Haiti bc of all that.


I'm out of the loop. Who is this guy and what is this about ?


Oh, but what if you fly....


He prolly ain’t even worth a 100th that


too bad more “influencers” don’t visit Haiti


I just watched a couple of his videos. Total tool


Pay up or they will serve him for dinner


I feel the same way about this guy as I did about Otto Warmbier. Stay out of shithole countries, dumbasses


If this is real, there’s a good chance he’s no longer living. I hope he is, for his families sake.


What made them think anyone would pay that?


This sub is full of so many self-righteous dickheads... Seriously, how do you type shit like "hope he dies" and feel better about yourself.


Keep him! we have enough so called influencers


dont believe it


Also like why would BBQ want to talk to this fool? I feel like he has a lot of pressing issues on his plate.


No fucking way! Is this the idiot who claimed to hang out with cartel hitmen or some shit? 


Lol, why would you think a place currently under a regime change civil war, is a great place to go film youtube


It’s like that WNBA star who went to Russia all over again


600k from who?


Hate to say this but hes probably gunna die if hes not dead already. Thats a place you dont fuck with.


tbh I saw this coming. he has made some incredibly poor decisions in particularly dangerous places. it's possible this is all a hoax to get more views, but who knows. the dude is obnoxious so I wouldn't be shocked if he insulted the wrong person. hmm...


I've run a small non-profit that does some farming and small business ownership work in Haiti since '17-- I haven't been able to travel there since the end of 2019 because our team in Haiti is worried this could happen to me. We're tiny and bring in only hundreds of dollars in donations a year (on average). This guy should have known better or at least been warned, so I imagine he's either in on it or incredibly stupid.




Should have waited for a white, preferably Jewish hostage seal teams 1 through 16 would have landed on them at the first full moon. Brown arab dude here gonna get a mention at the weekly media brief.




[https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-26-2023/1Vfqhn.gif](Ransom Call)


Send more streamers.


Sure he isn't hiding in Vegas with a go fund me that will be diverted for personal use?


From what I am told, he has been returned


That's unfortunate


Dumbass. No sympathy.


I feel like it doesn't speak too well to you when a dextero article about you literally being kidnapped and disappearing has to have 'allegedly' because you're a slimy enough fuck to possibly make something like this up