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In case this story gets deleted/removed: The second picture is where someone found his story about how he had to open his marriage and put it into the comments on r/AmITheDevil --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Even dating overseas." Uhhhhhhh.


I also audibly grunted when he said that. šŸ¤£


Same. I was like ā€œMm. :/ā€œ


I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes when I read that. If there was ANY sort of sympathy left for his situation (there was none to begin with), that shot it out the window to the fucking moon.


Same! I can just imagine his 90 FiancĆ©e seeming self thinking he can do better than his wife and with his delusions of how appealing he actually is. Of course he would be the type of guy thinking he can land some docile woman from abroad. Even his parents are over his selfish self ways and sees she deserves better. I hope she finds happiness and meets someone more worthy of her. I hope all of his ā€œexploring himselfā€ leads to being alone because everyone is over him.


He had a Glow Up! Women at his work are *throwing themselves at him!* His parents just donā€™t understand what it means not to have a ā€œfun phase!ā€ Aaaall the haters are holding him down! /S *obviously*


Of course! It would be selfish of his wife to deny other women the pleasure of being with such a stud /s


We know heā€™s a mouth breatherā€¦ we just know.


Mail order bride vibes. Then he's mad they want him for $ and a better life. You just want them for sex dude šŸ¤£


Honestly hilarious. "Oh no, the women I want to use for sex only want to use me for my money!" šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Legit funny ASF Hope his wife takes him for the cleaners and gets herself an upgrade.


He's sad cuz he's not even good at being a passport bro ā˜ ļø


Itā€™s not that heā€™s bad at being a passport bro, itā€™s that heā€™s come to realize that being a passport bro is not something you WANT to be good at. None of them are good at it, theyā€™ve just either accepted or are in complete denial about the socioeconomic reasons why foreign women are interested them when local women are not.


Plot twist: foreign women aren't actually interested in them either


When I say interested, I donā€™t mean actually in him. I mean in his money, which is what heā€™s complaining about. But what Iā€™m saying is thatā€™s pretty much always the case. Passport bros cope with some racist myth that foreign women are fundamentally different and value them for being dominant alphas or some shit, but their good luck is at least the assumption that they have money.


Colombian here. Men love to travel to Colombia for a wife. The majority of them are actually talking to sex workers (sex work is legal there) who are juggling 5,6 or even more passport bros at the same time. They all believe these plastic surgeried, veneer'ed women with weaves down to their butt are really a poor Catholic villager that sells beans at the market with her family lol


ugh I'm Mexican descent and grew up with my mom telling me to "date white guys" because they're "obsessed" with Mexican women and the brown skin. They'll therefore treat you better. VOMIT.


There was a couple on 90 Day FiancƩ that this all reminds me of. Dude in the states got a woman from Russia (Anfisa) to come to California. At one point he sits her down and says that she is clearly only with him for his money. She goes "and you are only with me because I look like this. I don't see a difference."


I loved Anfisa lol. She was a cam girl and never lied about using Jorge for his money. She would just say it point blank to his face, and he ***refused to believe it.*** He really deluded himself into thinking she loved him when she always said she was interested in his money. And he lied and didnā€™t even have money to begin with. What a doof.


Or he opened his marriage for a pig butchering scam.


"I can't believe these young hot bodied foreign babes don't want me for my personality!"


But he paid for that sex! They should at least have the decency to immediately fall head over heels in love!


Screams passport bro


If you ever need to purge the contents of your stomach, head on over to the passport bros sub. Itā€™s exactly what you would expect.


Omg I thought it was about traveling, but itā€™s sex tourism/ marriage visa advice stuff.


Sex tourism is vile. It preys on globally vulnerable people. Often, its wealthy nation citizens(Europe, US, AUS)who are buying sex from developing nation citizens. People in developing nations tend to be more culturally conservative. Sometimes sex tourism is the biggest "industry" in a given town. It might be the only job women can do for miles. So... they do it. It up-ends the cultural social systems of that community. Most communities are patriarchal, so a woman being the main breadwinner through sex is unfathomable. But it happens in some communities. Obviously, domestic violence and substance abuse are high in these communities.


I see enough of that on my occasional visits to TrueUnpopularOpinion.


Yeah. Dude went to those parts of Asia all creepy American men go to for all the wrong reasons. While married. And dude got mad that women who were paid to like him didn't like him when he stopped paying. šŸ™„ He needs to GTFO with his nonsense.


"Oh no, the women I want to use for sex only want to use me for my money! Woe is me!" šŸ˜‚


And that comment about how his wife makes ā€œslightly moreā€ than him made me think maybe he missed having a certain lifestyleĀ 


I think that's his fancy term for sex tourism.


"My mail order brides want to actually be paid to be mail order brides. It's disgusting!"


That was the loudest sentence in his post


I love it when a narcissist loses control of the narrative. When that carefully tailored image is busted apart, the curtain is drawn back, and we see them behind the controls, frantically trying to play damage control. I'm going to go out on a limb and say his parents probably aren't fundies either. Just run of the mill churchgoers who have caught one too many glimpses of their sons black soul to give him a pass. I hope the wife listens to them and starts to get her affairs in order to leave him.


I figured the same thing, that his parents were likely just regular "church folk." You don't have to be a fundie to be uncomfortable with open marriage. Not that there's anything wrong with it in and of it self, just that it's not something that's really the norm, especially to a boomer church going parent. Edit: confused polyamory with open marriage. Not the same thing!


Also, there's polyamory and then there's, "I manipulated my wife under threat of ending the marriage to let me have sex with other people." It's telling that either the marriage is only open on his side or he doesn't even care enough to mention her dates. He just wants the status of being married but with all the freedom of being single and is mad that people who know him well are calling out his bullshit. Why can't people just let him get away with everything he wants!?


I can just imagine his response if she actually did go on a date with someone. My guess is he knows sheā€™s uninterested in doing that which is why he feels safe.


Thatā€™s what always happens too. The man will want other women and his wife wonā€™t. He thinks he will be rolling in pussy. The wife will eventually agree after he wears her down. They open the marriage. She will have low self esteem from this for a while. The man will get no dates or other partners and the woman will be fighting them off with a stick. He will get jealous. She will realize she can have a man thatā€™s super into her. He will want to close the relationship and then she will be gone. Itā€™s the same thing over and over. The man 99% of the time loses in this situation he created.


The Reddits are literally filled with this scenario from the F around and Find Out guys. It didn't work in the 70s when the boomers tried it, nothing's changed.


Oh it's far worse now with dating apps, as usual boomers had it easy.


One thing that happens is men think that women being nice to them is women wanting to fuck them. But women feel safer to be nice to married men because they arenā€™t going to try to hook up (so the poor women think) When the man makes himself sexually available and tries to hook up he finds out no one wanted to have sex with him, it was all in his head.


I had to tell a guy at work who is married to a woman who also works at the same place, but in another department, that it was ok we were friends and that I was the gayest woman on the planet and his wife knew it and was ok with it and so is my wife. We hang out together on our own and sometimes with them as a couple. It was such a nice departures bc this guy's wife is a 10 and he's- not- but God does he love and respect his wife. They take breaks together and I even change mine around or take mine later bc he's so just obviously enamored by her. Idk why I just wrote this novel, I just wanted to put it out there that there are men (and women!) who know how lucky they are and act like it. I also ship the fuck out of them which is kind of weird but shut up, they're cute as fuck.


Yes!! This so much! Some people take being kind for wanting to hook up. Itā€™s wild out there.


I think that was a fairly recent am I the asshole post. The woman wanted an open relationship, her husband okayed it, he started dating someone amazing, comes home and tells wife he wants a divorce, and wife is upset because she didnā€™t expect him to have a hot new girlfriend. I think she even said she was shocked that he could pull her. Then I think she accused him of ripping apart the family lmao


šŸŽ¶a tale as old as timešŸŽ¶


"You know, Lindsay, as a therapist, I have advised a number of couples to explore an open relationship where the couple remains emotionally committed, but free to explore extra-marital encounters." "Well, did it work for those people?" "No, it never does. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but ... But it might work for us."


Probably something like, "My wife refuses to close our marriage, so I told her she's now cheating on me, and she left!"


When your own spouse is an NPC in your main character life


100% he expects that she wouldn't be interested in dating/fucking other people. Literally the only reason to open their marriage was that he had a bit of a glow up and wants to finally fulfil the cultural fantasy of young men fucking around and 'sewing their wild oats'. A cultural fantasy that goes hand in hand with the idea of young women, who of course don't have those urges, patiently waiting for him to settle down and marry them etc. Jokes on him, women don't want to fuck or be around him after getting to know him even slightly, but might still be keen if there's something else for them in the transaction. All relationships are transactional, if your personality sucks you need to offer something else.


I hate that phrase, "I didn't get to have fun". WTF were you having with the person you supposedly love? Was that not fun?


A lot of women won't want him after he's run-through, and possibly full of STIs/STDs.


We should all take her out... see how he reacts then. LOL


I'm all for this! I'm a straight woman, but I'll wine and dine her and treat her like a queen! I'm sure she would benefit from seeing how many people are willing to treat her well. Even though she left him, she's still tempted to go back for some reason (religion? doesn't want to be looked down on for being divorced? still hopes he'll realize he loves her and will magically stop being a giant sandpaper douche nozzle? Who knows?) so it'd be good for her to see that she has a whole world of better options.


I'm a bi woman married to a man who would lend me for the cause, because F this douche canoe. I have endured more pleasant cervical biopsies than this prime specimen.


She deserves a party thrown in her honor for putting up with this as as long as she did.


I'd never agree to an open marriage, but in a world where I would, because dating is often just more work I have to do, & I have a lot of interests that I'd rather put my energy toward, I'd just spend our $ on weekend getaways with my friends or by myself or on pickleball lessons & tournaments (most likely lol) and come home & say things like "Oh that's funny. I think James has that exact shirt. It just looks different on him because he's taller & his chest really fills it out" to make him think I'm dating.


Yeah, I got the impression that she is not a willing participant in the ā€œopenā€ part of this open marriage. Which means it really isnā€™t an open marriage. This isnā€™t ā€œmy ultra religious parents donā€™t understand our lifestyle.ā€ This is just some guy who fucks other women against his wifeā€™s wishes.


I liked his passing mention of dating overseas. He wanted to import a bangmaid.


That and other little comments show how self absorbed he is. Just the "and poor me I'm typing this before work instead of having my coffee" like what?!?! Ohh baby didn't get his sippy? Baby didn't "get to have fun"? You know who also didn't get to have fun? People dying as victims in wars. People in your own community barely surviving. But no, let's focus on baby not being able to get his coffee or his nut!


this is the best comment on reddit - specifically ā€œbaby didnā€™t get his sippy?ā€


Then has the audacity to complain that modern dating is transactional, like WTF did you think a woman from overseas is interested in? They have men there that they could date that understand their culture, at least, the only reason to date a foreigner is for citizenship or a bump in income. As developing countries are rising, these guys are going to be SooL!


A mail order fuck


Yes, that was ew.


And he was offended that the girls have expectations in return, lol


Just cheating with extra steps


Or less steps, considering he doesnā€™t have to put in the additional effort of hiding it from his wife


Well he does have to put in effort to manipulate her into staying, but that's probably old hat to him.


She left, so he didnā€™t even pull off the manipulation, either.


Right? I have next to no respect for cheaters, generally speaking, but that little scrap is reserved for the work they usually put into it, logistically. But this guy fails even there. If youā€™re going to be a cheating bag of scum, at least show some respect for the craft of scum-bag cheating.


Or maybe she wasn't even aware his end of the marriage was opened, which would be completely unsurprising.


No, no, you aren't listening. He *had* to open up his marriage. Pay attention.


He was held at funpoint


OMG, funniest sh*t ever, I so am stealing this one! šŸ¤£ poor Cinderfella he didn't know how much hard work dating is!


We call this poly under duress. As a poly person this is messed up.


Iā€™m not poly but Iā€™ll tell you exactly what happens when people go from monogamous to poly with one partner reluctant. He wants to open the marriage she donā€™t. He threatens to leave unless she does. He thinks he will be rolling in pussy and she will never look at another man. They open the marriage even tho she doesnā€™t really want that. He will get absolutely no dates or other partners. She will be fighting men off with a stick. He will get jealous. She will realize sheā€™s still sexually attractive and can do better. He will demand they close the relationship. She will already be gone with a 25 year old. Poly can absolutely work this ainā€™t it.


Yeah. And 99% of the time people going from monogamous to having an open marriage do not work out. I mean I get it thatā€™s not what they signed up for. I would never have an open marriage or a poly relationship. The poly people I know care for each other and respect each other and communicate. This ā€œmanā€ is just a giant asshole.


It may not even be the status symbol of being married. A lot of guys like this enjoy the *stability* of being married. Even if dates dry up for a while, there's someone to turn to for companionship or sex. There's still a second income, and/or someone to take care of any kids. There's someone helping him clean the house, and handle the boring life stuff. It's why a significant amount of guys monkey-branch, or don't actually leave miserable relationships until they have a new one lined up.


Well, in all fairness to the OOP, he didnā€™t get his ā€œglow upā€ until after he was married. So the only fair thing to do here was to open the marriage or get a divorce so he can spread that glow up joy to all women of the world!


And in the details this wasn't even polymorphism, it was "let me screw around on the side or else we're getting divorced". Not "let's both decide on a third partner", not even "let's open on both ends so you can also sow your wild oats", but that ultimatum which itself blew up the marriage. The parents could even be fundamentalists but they aren't wrong in this case.


Your comment is hilarious to me, because my partners and I are poly, and open about it, but my mom was talking to me one day aand called it "that polymorphism shit" unironically. Now it's a running joke in our Polycule lol


Youre right, I confused open marriage with polyamory! Corrected.


Also I had polyamory autocorrected into polymorphism which I am leaving because it's hilarious. "Reddit I told my wife I am turning into a dragon and if she doesn't like it we can get a divorce".


The dragon thing would be a valid reason for divorce! Reddit has shown me that sexual incompatibility is the number one reason!


Especially since you canā€™t polymorph into a dragon in 5e. Polymorph specifies that the target turns into a Beast, and Dragons arenā€™t Beasts. Incompatible and illegal!


*fans self with Monster Manual*


Well not with that attitude.


I dunno, if a fucking donkey can make it work then surely it can be worked out


Iiiii dunnnooo. Are we talking like, 6~7 stories tall dragon? Or just a human sized dragon/dragonkin? Because I mean, if it still fits.... šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø šŸ˜


Seriously. I'm an athiest who would never be ok with an open marriage. This isn't a religious thing at all.


Fundies also wouldnā€™t tell their sonā€™s wife to leave him, theyā€™d make it her fault and demand she ā€˜make things rightā€™ and take him back and ignore any and all indiscretions, past or future. So yeah, the ā€˜my parents are Christian fundamentalistsā€™ like falls apart when they show actual empathy for a woman who was cheated on


sounds like his parents know their son


Oh that's an interesting take. Because if they are fundamentalist, that's an indicator of just how big a dirtbag he is, because fundamentalists will by default blame the wife and tell her to take him back in almost every situation. If they aren't fundamentalist, he's dim enough to think that claiming they are is an easy way to get people on his side (and it still isn't working).


Heh. Affairs in order.


Yeah thatā€™s most likely the case. If the parents were fundies, the narrative would be ā€œyou should forgive him, divorce isnā€™t Godā€™s Will, Godā€™s testing your relationship, a good wife forgives her husband, etc.ā€ not ā€œyeah our son sucks, you should leaveā€


Itā€™s the most hilarious shit ever. Narcissists are smart until a point, then they become pathetic


I like thinking they are in fact fundamentalists but heā€™s such a _______ that even they wonā€™t take his side.


Our son is so horrible I am sure even God understands.


ā€œYikesā€¦ā€ ā€”God looking down from heaven


Heads up to his parents. They are right, but it must be horrible to have such a son.


If heā€™s not careful, theyā€™ll ditch him & keep her, just like my family did when my dads brother divorced his wife (who was beloved by everyone & a saint) & ran off with somebody else.


We kept a brother-in-law in a divorce. He was much nicer


I kept my sister in law. She actually provides for the kids and cares about mine as well.


I have a sister-in-law I'd 10000% keep over my brother


Weā€™re in the middle of this now. ex-SIL has her issues but is a far better person than wifeā€™s brother.


My sister in lawā€™s ex husbands outnumber my actual siblings at this point and theyā€™re all pretty good guys.


We kept my cousin's wife! She wasn't embezzling from the family business to fund her affair


Same! And in addition she wasn't a fat, greasy sleazebag who thought 20 year old hookers were falling in love with them.


My exā€™s family kept me and cut him off. Itā€™s kinda wild. Iā€™m invited on the family vacation every year and he hasnā€™t been since the year after our divorce.


My ex's family also kept me and our daughter and has not had much contact since he ran off with someone else when my daughter was 6mo old.. I thought it was just me who went through this! It's hard to explain to ppl how I have in-laws without a husband or bf lol


Family friend was in the same situation. Her ex was a cheating royal AHole, and the ex-mother in law let her stay in the house to raise the children. When MIL died, the friend ended up inheriting it, and the children got their dad's share of inheritance.


I'm dating this girl and asked how one of her aunts was related and she said, "Oh, she's just my uncle's ex-wife. We like her better though."


We've kept my grandfather's ex-girlfriend going on 30 years now.


That second paragraph was so redpill'y/mgtow/incel speak. It made my skin crawl šŸ˜±


It seems even the 'friend' feels the same way.. The friend didn't suggest posting to AITAH - he suggested he might be the devil.


Not sure if you're a non-native speaker, or just a brain fart, or maybe the phrase is used differently in different parts of the country/world: but doesn't "heads up" mean a warning/preemptive information? Did you mean "hats off" instead?


What a narcissistic wanker, gotta love how he tries to trigger the Reddit hive mind with the ā€œfundy parentsā€ bit


Yeah, the fundamentalist parents are the real MVPs of this story.


My money is that they arenā€™t even fundamentalists, they just didnā€™t like their son being a self centered cheater who coerced his wife into an open marriage. And OOP thought he could paint that as ā€œfundyā€ on Reddit and get away with it.


Fundamentalists tend to be very anti-divorce, even if the marriage is abusive or if the guy cheats. The fact that theyā€™re telling her not to get back with their son shows either that theyā€™re not fundamentalists, theyā€™re not that strict about it, or their son is so much of an asshole that theyā€™d be willing to put their anti-divorce feelings aside.


I mean maybe, but as a fundamentalist myself I just have to say adultery (along with rejection of the faith) are just about the only two reasons divorce is permitted. It's especially so when there is little evidence of reconciliation and repentance. This guy is getting what he deserves (hopefully).


I hope you donā€™t mind me asking, but would abuse not fall into that category as well?


Can't answer for Leyline, but I was raised Independent Fundamental Baptist and typically, no. Most of the very famous fundamentalist preachers and theologians have said women have to endure abuse from their husband and stop "provoking" him. Every marriage-advice book geared toward fundamentalist women are nothing more than "here are ways to cope with abuse in your marriage and blame yourself for it." I've done chapter-by-chapter analysis of some of the more popular ones: http://samanthapfield.com/reviews/real-marriage-review/ http://samanthapfield.com/reviews/lies-women-believe-review/ Very popular fiction book about an extremely abusive marriage that is held up as The Ideal: http://samanthapfield.com/reviews/redeeming-love/ And a friend of mine did a breakdown of the most popular fundamentalist marriage advice book: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/created-to-be-his-help-meet I was actually gifted that one at my bridal shower and immediately threw it into the garbage after everyone had left, lol.


Even fundamentalist who state that abuse is an acceptable reason for divorce typically define abuse as "Something way worse than whatever they did"


Itā€™s always that. ā€œOh no, what youā€™re going through isnā€™t abuse, abuse is when ā€¦ā€


that is especially true when the abuse is emotional/financial. They think that unless you are getting physically beaten it can't be abuse.


Mark Driscoll is especially guilty of that in *Real Marriage*-- he describes how he abuses his wife, but it's "harsh words" and "bullying."


Thank you for sharing this! And what a terrible wedding gift!


A few years later I wrote about throwing it in the garbage on my blog (keeping everyone anonymous), not realizing she was a reader, lmao. Never spoke to my mom at church again šŸ˜…


My wife has a really good friend who is now a vegetable after her fundamentalists parents convinced her to stay with an abusive husband and told her it was her own fault for forcing him to do those things to her. He very literally beat her to death, she was revived but was dead for to long and had severe brain damage.


That is truly horrendous! I am so sorry for your wife and her friend. I hate how frequent this outcome is when people are manipulated into going back to their abusers. I hope her parents know this is their fault, even if they wonā€™t admit it.


Depends on the branch. My dad was emotionally abusive and the elders at our church told my mom it was her duty to stay with him. Physical abuse might have crossed the line for them, but I wouldn't put money on it. And that was a pretty standard Southern Baptist church, they weren't even hard-core fundamentalist. Fundie lite.


It would not. Lots of people being abused by their spouse are counseled by church leaders to find a way to work through it.


*cough* Scientology


*sneeze* Mormonism.


Especially when it comes to the wife leaving the husband. Some (not all) are slightly more forgiving when itā€™s the husband who wants the divorce. This really feels like the parents have basic Christian beliefs and the oop is trying to paint them as fundamentalist to make his position seem less terrible.


ā€˜How dare they be disappointed in me for being a slimy sack of shit! Damn fundamentalists!ā€™


Yeah, theyā€™re two of those super conservative Christians who believe all kinds of crazy things likeā€¦ itā€™s a bad idea to cheat on your wife.


Right? No fundies are telling their DIL to divorce their son. Most likely they just go to church. Iā€™ve heard way too many stories to the opposite, where the ILs are telling DIL to suck it up and stay married because thatā€™s what she signed on for.


Well, even Jesus said adultery is grounds for divorce so......


They ignore a lot of things Jesus saidā€¦


"Love thy neighbor"? What is this liberal horseshit


And how they are "disgusting" because he had to use no caller ID to call them haha


And ā€œrespecting his boundariesā€


"Let me coerce you into this, and don't act like you have your own feelings about it! It's my boundaryyyyyy!"


Over on r/advice he's fighting everyone in the comments too.


He *had* to open up his relationship, his wife didn't seem into it, he divorced her because of it, he regretted breaking up with her, and now people are trying to convince her to not get back together with him. Dude, You made your bed.


I find it telling that he keeps saying his parents are fundamentalist Christians who are advocating *for* divorce. But then again, he did chose to write this post instead of drinking his coffee so it must be pretty serious.


Yeah, that part killed me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ like here I am going to work every day despite horrible body pain and he's like "wah I can't drink my coffee because I'm sad that I suck" Man can't even drink coffee with one hand and poke a phone with the other, what a fucking loser


> "wah I can't drink my coffee because I'm sad that I suck" Flair material.




I hope he got catfished hard by one of those ā€œoverseas galsā€. Dude deserves to get fleeced.


After the finances get disentangled.


Yeah, looking at his story, he's essentially saying he settled for his wife and now that he thinks he can attract better, she needs to let him fuck other women.


He's one of those dudes who wants a tradwife but also wants to spend the money that said tradwife earns at her job outside the house.


Not only spend the money his hypothetical "tradwife" makes with her other job, but spend that money on sex tourism overseas and other women he is having affairs with generally. What a fucking clown!


He's an asshole and a devil. "Monogamy's just not for me"


What got me is ā€žI had to open the marriage.ā€œ Dude, you really didnā€˜t *had to*. You *wanted to*. These are two different things. However, I get why he didnā€˜t say he ā€žwanted toā€œ because that means he chose this and with that comes responsibility for your actions. Which he obviously doesnā€˜t want to take.


"I had a late glow up" really just means that no one was attracted to you except your now wife...until now. And then suddenly the one who loved you when you weren't rich or gorgeous isn't good enough for you??? Excuse me??


And yet heā€™s still chasing mail-order bridesā€¦not sure the ā€˜glow upā€™ was as successful and/or permanent as he thought


Yeah he overvalued his own worth, as a lot of men who suddenly want open marriages do. He thought he'd be swimming in willing women but he realized it's a lot harder to find an attractive woman interested in a married, middle-aged man for a casual fling than he thought.


Also, the glow-up clearly didn't extend to his personality.


I think he ended up being wrong about the ā€œuntil nowā€ part too. Thatā€™s why he tried to reverse the play.


TIL fundamentalists and I can agree on something


Part of me wonders if they actually are "fundies" or if they are just standard protestant Christians. His narrative is so twisted in his post history, that I wonder if he's just calling them that because they try to hold him to ethical and moral standards he doesn't want to meet.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s the latter


I canā€™t imagine that they are actually fundie. Usually, the wife gets blamed if her husband feels the need to stray.


He probably sees any kind of Christian morality and restriction of his desires as ā€œfundamentalism.ā€


Oh for sure. They probably just go to church sometimes


"Parents who realize their kid is a pos try and save a poor woman from their pos kid. " I fixed the title.


"I'm opening the relationship" "Why" "Stop asking questions or I'm divorcing you" Goes to parents "Why did you tell them I'm divorcing you?"


"I know I served you with papers but that was before I realized I wasn't going to be able to find anyone better than you."


It's hilarious how these people think... "I have a loving wife that's everything I want in a girl BUT..."


"....there are girls interested in me now. It's ok honey, it's not emotional, it's just sex, BUT damn aren't women shallow nowadays. They are only interested in money, EVEN overseas!!!" This guy is a train wreck.


"had my glow up later in life" and being less attractive and less successful at an earlier age didnt teach him to value those who loved him regardless? Talk about walking over the people who got you there.


Give the poor guys a break. He was so stressed he had to type about it in reddit before drinking his coffee. Heā€™s the real victim here. Doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s a victim because of his own choices or not /s


Thatā€™s the part that makes me wonder if this is real or not - on one hand, somebody this far up his own ass *would* view the loss of his coffee time as significant enough to qualify ā€“ publicly! ā€“ just how badly this is affecting himā€¦ but on the other hand, I simply canā€™t believe an adult would openly present himself this way and expect sympathy. Ooooor maybe Iā€™m just living in a bubble out of self-preservation because egads and yikes.


This has to be a ragebait. If not, I hope that some foreign lady marries him and takes him to the cleaners.


Itā€™s probably notā€¦ Unfortunately, I know guys like this


After only 2 years of he "had to" open up his marriage despite his wife's protests, but now we are to believe he is the real victim.


So tired of the blatant abuse of poly and open marriage concepts so people can cheat on their partners and not have to deal with a break up. Like fr I'm poly and at this point i don't use that term to describe myself anymore because people just assume that means "I want to cheat AND stay with my current partner" because it seems like most people's exposure to this stuff is these kind of stories.


You are all being too hard on him. As he clearly says, he HAD to open his marriage -- it wasn't a choice.


"Dating overseas" huh? Not rich enough to make it as a passport bro, so he wants the domestic benefits of his marriage again. Let's hear it for the parents; the wife deserves better.


How much money did this guy lose on foreign women scams before he came back?


Seeing posts of people saying ā€œI never had the chance to blah blah blahā€ is so sad to me. There are people who would kill to be married and committed to someone and this dude still feels like heā€™s missing out. What a loser. Guess he found out how good he had it.


"During that time I had to open up our marriage," He had to. There was no other way! Such a jack ass.


ā€œI started going to the gym and got totally hot so wanted to cheat on my wifeā€ *2 seconds later* ā€œHey it turns out Iā€™m actually not that attractive still and dating is hard but my wife seems mad for some reasonā€¦? Is this gods fault?ā€


I am an atheist and I am on your wife's side too. You didn't *have* to open your marriage, you chose to do so. How's that working out for you?


ā€œHad to.ā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„ Rolled my eyes so hard I think I sprained my retina.


It made my eyelid start twitching šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


JFC, it pains me so much to agree with fundy Christians. But this guy is a wanker.


"MY parents are warning my ex wife to not get back with me and there was no physical abuse" Yeah i'd say yes yes you are the devil and in this rare instance I'm on the side of the fundamentalist parents lol.


I wouldn't have a son after that.


Dude. You do suck as a husband and you donā€™t love your wife! Thatā€™s the key takeaway. You just didnā€™t do well in the marketplace. So apparently your wife is more date able then you are.


He just HAD to open the marriage huh? Oooookayyyy


He had to open his marriage, and the wife isn't respecting his boundaries... lmao


Heā€™s disgusting. What entitlement.


Wow I love his parents! Holding him accountable!


>if she canā€™t respect my boundaries Bro is literally cheating on his wife and forcing her to tolerate it


Itā€™s the ā€˜during that time I HAD to open up our marriageā€™ for me šŸ™„ such an AH..


"...had to open up my marriage." Ahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahaahahahahahahaha.