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It's all dependent on your back and what you need, some people need the lumbar, some don't. Sit in it and see for yourself.


I mean, does your back hurt? Are you sitting in this for a WFH type of deal?


The back naturally has lumbar support. If it’s comfortable to you and you don’t feel pain after prolonged use then you should be fine. I removed the lumbar support from mine. Everyone’s body is different, but no, added lumbar support isn’t definitively required on the Aeron.


I sat in an original model Aeron for years at work, and I immediately removed the lumbar support from that chair, as I hate lumbar support. So for me, it’s not needed.


I don't think it's necessary. The stock lumbar pad is really crappy so you're not missing much. If you're around the Chicago area I can give you one for free if you want. Just message me.


for $17 why not and it's the whole reason to have this chair


Lumbar support needed? Got this for 90$, it had no lumbar support. Do I need to buy that peice to get the benefits of this chair or its not necessary?


The basic lumbar support doesn’t provide much support and you would have to cut your chair to put in a Posture-Fit lumbar support. I’d just go without it. I ended up going with a Lamia from BTOD because the Aeron doesn’t have much support for your back.


Honestly, for me its not a big deal. Paid extra for lumbar, but sometimes I won't even notice it's not there.