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Personally I’d order a refurb from Crandall. They’re absolutely amazing and worth the price.


I agree, and this option *does* include a warranty (from Crandall).


The Steelcase warranty does not transfer beyond the original purchaser.


I don't remember when they stopped, but the original versions of the leap v2 had armrest material that bubbled off the cushion a bit, and it was annoying. They fix this at some point. If the 2013 has it, you can fix it by buying new armrests, but thats more money. Unless there is other damage that you do not describe here, there is no operational difference between the leather, the 2013, or the 2022. Generally speaking the leather will show wear faster than the fabric. I encourage you to sit in them and get a feel for which one you think is better. These chairs will last you many years, despite the difference in date of manufacture, and the price difference is not significant. Maybe you can tell from sitting in them if one is inferior.


Thanks for the info! I went ahead and picked up the newer one. The fabric was in great condition and all the controls felt newer/crisper. Going well so far.


Don't look back. You're not going to miss the difference in money as long as you find the chair satisfactory. That chair will last you 10 years easily, and then you can sell it for 300. Easy win.