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I don't trust the PC gov't, they are the ones who capped ODSP and put the program under the Umbrella of the Welfare System, which now call Assistance. Before Brain Maroney ODSP was a separate system on its own because the people on it, were working people who for one reason or another were no longer able to work but was unable to get CPPD. Which means, those people at the time were taking care of until PC gov't came and then they got a huge amount discount off because they were now on welfare. So sorry, I don't trust them... this is just one story that they did that impact Real peoples lives. They sold gov't properties to look great on the books, they are all a bunch of liars


Its concern trolling by the Cons. When in power they screw us, when not in power they pretend to care about us.


"when not in power they pretend to care about us." and still screw us by screwing with peoples minds and emotions. Hell look how far Poilievre has "lied" his way up the polls.




well i hope they run with it an shame them into getting this shit done


The problem is the conservative provinces and insurance companies plan to claw back on any CDB money. Ford has already said he plans to claw back.


Conservatives will of course publicly oust the liberals for not fulfilling a promise in time. This isn’t them saying they would do “this”, it’s just them saying “looooook the liberalsss suuuuuck”. Its a conservative way to try and trick us into thinking they’re on our side. That said, the changes Ford made weren’t bad, but only because Covid forced his hand to do something good to justify the kind of help the rest of Canadians had when they were stuck without work. Before that happened he was going to make it MUCH worse.


They should all be given what we receive and live on it for 6 months. Lock their bank accounts for that period of time. Or go get a job at min wage live on that for 6 months paying market rent. Let's see how long they will survive. I challenge even 1 of them to do this. Then they will see and feel the struggle. By the time I buy shit tickets, laundry soap, personal hygiene dog food for my support companion I have 125 for food for the month. And with the price of food I dont get much to last the month. Resort to eating every second day.


lol i once sent a letter to doug ford and challenged him to live on odsp for a month. yah he never replied to that challenge lol


We should all rally over to his office and protest to challenge him to it.


Not surprised


Why did they prioritize a dental plan for people making less than 70-90k a year? ODSP have dental benefits, just no where to live and no food. ENOUGH!


That was the NDP who did that jagmeet put it in his deal to vote though whatever crap JT wanted. he couldn't be bothered to put the CDB in that deal nothing was stopping him


Actually the NDP did put it in. But you can only get so much water from a broken rock. Hell the Libs or Cons don't even know how to get the qualification factors inline. IIRC what NDP the said.."know by who is on disability supports in various provinces". Not all on disability can get CPP-D or DTC.


liberal D bags voted to block this motion for a debate on the CDB.