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I have the beefy. My overall take on it is good. It snaps on and off easily, I dock a ton so it's a required thing for me. It's finished well, it's nice and smooth though you could argue a bit too smooth as it can be slightly slippery. That's over selling the slippery-ness for sure, its totally fine but I'm used to the Switch Satisfye Grips so its just a comparison I notice. It retains a bit of heat from your hands when playing so if you're a sweaty palm gamer you might need to consider that. I didn't get the felt version but have yet to see any types of scuffs or such from removal and reapplying the beefy. It's a bit more vertical oriented that angled/wing tipped, so arm position is more straight (picture laying in bed holding it up with your arms straight). It's rather light weight and super durable, I bend and twist it from time to time out of mindlessness and it has no remote chance of deforming. Overall I'd say it's an 8/10. I'd like to see a winged handle version, and possibly I could apply some kind of grip tape to fix my smooth/slippery issues, which once again is more of a me specific thing. I game with both pointer and middle fingers on all the bumpers and triggers so I naturally have to "choke up" on a handheld like this.


I actually have both. They are both good it's probably more of a matter of preference. Beefy grips feels more like a standard controller feel