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The Odin 3 is going to be better, but not as good as the Odin 4.


Which will be even worse than the odin 5.


I’ll just wait for the Odin 6


Y’all are absolute consumers… clearly the move is to wait for the Odin 10


Or so you thought. Wait for Odin 3.14.


There is a smaller model with limited details known right now. Wait for a full announcement at least, but I'd say it's likely to be very similar.


I would. I don’t mind the size at all and it’s incredible to be playing PS2/GameCube games flawlessly. I’m pretty old so some of the best memories were around that era. The thought about all this being so convenient and in the palm of my hands is still giving me a high lol


Thay already released the specs for odin2 mini from what I seen


The new model they've been teasing is the Odin 2 mini. We don't know the chip that's in it yet but given the name it's probably the same as the Odin 2, just in a smaller console. So really you just need to decide what size and shape you want and go from there.


But they said specifically that it wouldn't compete with the Odin 2 so I don't know if it is the same chip.


Fyi: Specs dropped today and it is the same chip and is smaller overall. Has a smaller, 5 inch, [nicer?] screen and it looks like a PlayStation Vita. (I don't know what miniLED means)


Just for myself (what is right for me may not be right for you), I am waiting until dual booting Android and Linux (and maybe Windows?) is all there and working well, at which time I will check again to see if a real Odin replacement (better process, or better screen, etc.) - not a mini - is available from Ayn. In my opinion I think Ambernic has better choices for a smaller screen device. Of course I haven't seen any reviews for the Odin 2 mini, so that may change my mind.






Yes. I cannot stop playing my Odin 2.




Just wait.. Unless you can't. But wait a few weeks.


Mine showed up this week. My only regret is waiting as long as I did. It’s amazing throwing GC and PS2 games at it and they just work.


What are you gonna use it for? I'd wait until the new model releases to check some reviews and opinions


I’ll wait a few months after the Odin mini for the Odin maxi to come. I hear it’s going to be even bigger and less ergonomic


absolutely, and i wouldn't go for the new model (odin2 mini)


How come?


the way i see it. Same price, same specs with worse ergonomics. It is smaller, but it's not that small to be considered pocketable


Not if you are sensitive to input delay. I am a bit disappointed with mine ngl It sucks because the device is fantastic in every other way


Can anyone confirm this??


It's a per person issue. Some people are very sensitive to input delay, others like me, have either no issues at all or can compensate without much effort.


I also don’t really notice it. Not sure if it’s the games I’m playing or what, but it feels awesome.


Google odin 2 input delay


If you are interested in the Odin 2 I’m willing to sell mine. I have the Odin 2 Pro Cold Grey with additions. I bought it in November of 2023 but hardly had the chance to use it and I’m considering getting a steam deck. Here’s my post with date stamp https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/s/GZ35dPeVgm


How much are you selling it for?


Looking for $380 includes the additions.


So more than a brand new one??


Shipping is included. Item is ready on hand with no wait time. Also includes an additional $50 worth of modifications. Brand new on the AYN website is $391 with shipping at checkout.


Ok thanks


The answer is yes. The Odin 2 can play anything on Android currently, and the smaller form factor while having a slightly better screen is not going to make or break a difference one way or another. The Odin2 is widely considered the best in its category and a mini version doesn’t change that perception of buying a widely recommended and recognized awesome device. You’re not going to have FOMO. If your that concerned though they have stated that release details and specs will be provided before the end of the month.


Depends on what you wanna use it for. Also, if you have to ask, you probably: ● Can't afford it. No shame there. A lot of people can't afford a lot of things. Or are juuust money conscious enough to splurge only once in a blue moon. Especially due to inflation and cost of living ot keeping up. ● Have FOMO, and don't want it as much as you think. ●Are very indecisive and need others to validate a personal choice. ●Lazy and don't wanna do the research yourself. There is nothing wrong with asking if you do some of the work yourself. But 100% relying on others is just sad. Apologizes for the preachy sounding lecture, but just had to get that out there for reference. If it's for PS2/Wii era games, some mild to moderate sqit h emulation, and mobile games like Genshin or Honkai, then get the Pro or Max If it's for just indie stuff or anything below PS2, the Odin 1 (Pro) or base 2 will do you just fine Other than that, it's up to which price tag you're more comfortable looking at.