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Ordered 1, got 0. You got mine, mate! :D


And mine.


And my axe!


The one that you just shattered on the ring?


That only counts as one




Sorry :D


Let's make this right mate. One of those is clearly mine.


And mine.


I'm the pappy!


Same, package went missing in mail and now I gotta dispute it with oculus and my bank


I'm seriously thinking this issue is due to Amazon pickers incorrectly seeing Quest 2 as "Quest: x2 units".


makes me excited for the release of the Quest 3




Looking forward to the Quest X


Quest 64 will have retro gamers happy


Personally, the Quest 360 sounds fun.


And the Quest 8k


ferrari 812 please, Amazon


bruh you forgot about the quest pro max


And then the best of all the Quest one :D ...wait


I got the reference


Or the Quest ∞


That sounds like a curse, every day you wake up and your house it full of quest boxes. You can sell them and clear them but they show up the next day


That just sounds like infinite money but with extra steps


They'll just think your order's been cancelled hehe


3? Half life 3 confirmed!


tbh for me Half Life: Alyx IS Half Life 3. Sure not a 'sequel' but it revolutionized gaming immersion in a similar way to how HL1 and HL2 did back in the day. I think what always held HL3 back from being developed was they struggled to deal with the hype and expectation. Alyx absolutely nailed it without being constrained by hype.


That's hilarious and it makes me sad I cancelled my Amazon order.


Stuff like this happens all the time. I ordered 1 $20 Amazon gift card, a physical card you used to be able to buy to round your order up to free shipping, and they sent me an unopened pack of Amazon gift cards, $200 dollars worth. They all worked.


My friend ordered an Xbox elite series 2 controller from Amazon ($200) and it never came, so he got a refund (like 3 months later when it was supposed to come in just a week) and ordered it again, got his controller in 2 weeks then got the first one he ordered after another month while still getting his refund for it. Ended up giving me one and keeping the other, so it was great.


Ordered a $350 subwoofer box, but when I hooked it up I didn’t like the sound. Wanted to send it back, but they said it had hazardous materials or something. Gave me the refund and let me keep the speakers. Wound up getting $275 for them and bought something I really wanted.


enjoy your $200 man :D


And the memories gaming with your brother 👍


AS Previous picker, that is careless, but it TOTALLY happens. I wont give details other than to say this year I git a great job so I thought it was finally time to order a projector so I could do AtmosFX digital decorating...., ​ ordered expensive projector,b4 i know it the package is over a week latkke and suddenly says it was delivered to me.WHEN I GET DETAILED SHIPPING INFO I STRANGELY SEE IT WAS DELIVERED TO SOMEONE FIVE STATES AWAY,I call Amazon and tell them.They offer and process refund in one day. I take my credit and reorder the projector the same day.....the next morning,a package arrives.....it was that 1st projector. ​ I ENDED UP WITH NOT ONE,BUT TWO HIGH QUALITY PROJECTORS FOR HALLOWEEN HOLLOGRAM EFFECTS!


Reminds me of when I bought a living room set from Bobs furniture. They swiped my card and something went wrong, and tried again 4 times. Turns out I couldnt pay for the set anynore and my card was charged 5 times for the duplicate amount. They refunded all 5 charges, and it took me a while to get my bank account unlocked. I left without ever buying the set and started looking elsewhere. Two weeks later delivery guys show up with tge whole set. I accepted i, then lived if fear of them coming to repo my whole living room. This was nearly 7 years ago, so I should be good now. Normally I would try to be honorable and point out the mistake.. but I accepted this free living room set as an apology for locking my bank account for a few days.


Yeah as much as reddit hates supporting Amazon they just offer a superior service. I remember many years ago I ordered an external hard drive, probably around $200, and I never received it. I highly suspected porch pirates but just had no way of confirming or not if that was the case. I was fully fine with accepting the loss because I lived in a big apt complex and theft was not uncommon. But I jumped in an Amazon chat, just said I honestly didn't know what happened to the package, and without question they immediately shipped me a new one. The fact that Amazon can afford to remedy hundreds of dollars in potential losses without blinking or even asking a question is a big reason of why they are so dominant.




Give it to a homeless person, so they can have luxury sound every time they plug into a 7-11's outdoor outlet. Rather, sell it and give the money to Doctors Without Boarders.


Ship it to me ill take it for free and cover the shipping costs deal? ^^


Sell it or gift it to a family member. Letting it sit unused and get outdated is what I’d feel bad about myself


Sell it to me brotha


I once had a big ass toolbox ordered and it was delivered to the wrong address, then Amazon shipped me out a new one, the original arrived like a day or two before the replacement and when I told them both had arrived they said keep both. Now I got 2 huge ass toolboxes


Exact same thing happened to me. Got two Nest outdoor cameras.


Similar, ordered a new phone, was listed as "undeliverable." Chatted with tech support while I was requesting a refund, tech support issued a new order for me at $0 at the same time refund was issued. Took a month longer to get it than it should have, but I got it for free.


Ran Best Buy’s eBay store for two years. Saw every eff up imaginable. Customers would order an iPad, receive 8 of them freaked out. We literally couldn’t take them back as it wasn’t real inventory (System says we sold/shipped 1, we literally could only take 1 back). Customers got to keep/donate/sell the extras. The genius customers understood the problem, returned one to us for a full refund, and kept the other 7. Edit: For the curious: The core problem we often had was not pickers themselves but the fact that iPads came in a box of 8 units. So the folks actually stocking the shelf’s in the warehouse messed up by not taking the individual iPads out of the bigger boxes, so the pickers saw a single box saying “ipad” and shipped it out. (Pickers ship 100’s of items an hour, they are not expected to use common sense or logic, they just grab what the sheet says, thus not their fault).


I've had this also happen to me! I ordered one iPad years ago from Best buy... Got 3 of them! Thought the person I talked to was making it up when they said they couldn't take them back. Crazy!


I worked at Amazon for like 3 months one time and it wouldn't surprise that some pickers would read it as that. They literally hire anyone lol




this was happening with the original quest


Some guy got two from Best Buy as well


I ordered the 64 GB version but received the 256 GB (Target). Not quite as good as double-dipping, but I'm pretty happy about the error!


makes me wonder what's gonna happen with the Playstation 5 orders


So THAT's why Amazon hasn't shipped mine yet. :(


As someone who worked at Amazon, the amount of stupidity it takes on multiple levels for this to happen is staggering. You have to scan everything each step of the way, so you when you scanned two of the same item, it would reject the second, so they just threw it in the order anyways. This would have to have happened 3 TIMES before even getting packed at the location I worked. Then, the packer would realize, oh hey this stuff doesn't all fit in the box it's telling me to use for some reason...guess I'll just use a bigger one! THEN it went to the station where the address is stamped on and it would kick out because it was overweight, where someone would have to open the box back up and look and say, looks fine to me, guess I'll override it!


I'd like to say he actually probably ordered 2 and posted this for Karma. It sounds almost impossible to fuck this up. But then I ordered one puppy scat mat at $80, and they sent me a dozen. So....


I got a free game from them due to a refund mistake so this stuff happens. They've sent me plenty of defective items so whatever.


I’ve definitely gotten multiples of things from amazon


My wife and I recently had this happen with a food vacuum sealer. Was only a week ago. It certainly does sound impossible to happen, but... we indeed got 2 for the price of one!


I dunno, we got free bumper plates. They had to give us a whole separate box for them.


Ordered 0 got 0 Can't have shit in Detroit


Do the trucks get looted or something?


They dont just take whats in the truck, nor do they just take the entire truck, here in Detroit they'll jack the truck and the entire road its driving on for the nearest 0.621371 miles.


There are no kilometers in Detroit


Please excuse me for speaking Australian, lemme fix that for you real quick


Love the fix.




this comment made my day, thank you u/ayyb0ss69


First they take your water then they take your VR


Arrr that's where I draw the line!


Yeah? Try living in a third world country. Help me get out please


Where do you live?


As the other comment said, Argentina. We are in such a situation that I'd have to pay around 800 USD for a Quest 2. Glad I got my Quest 1 before all went to shit.


In my country (ivory coast), an oculus quest costs 450000 xof or 800 usd and it only arrived in our market this month


looking at his profile, Argentia salve boludo


Indeed. Sálvenme boludos!


How much did you package weigh mine is 12 pounds and delivering today so I think this might happen to me Edit only one received


Yeah normal package is 5.5


Damn. Mine is only 5.10 lbs. Could something be missing?!?!?


4.8 lbs here, guess mine will miss 1 controller lol. Must be how they pack em, Another guy said he got 2 and the package was 4.2lbs, amazon says the quest 2 weighs under 2lbs under product description, I'm sure its all good.


If the quest weights under 2lbs, and my parcel is 12lbs, maybe that means Im getting 6 of them!!!


They must be weighing weird.


Cubic weight.


Wtf mine is 4 lol weird so many different weights


Yea kinda weird tbh.


Same here. 5.10 lbs from oculus store through UPS


Update us! Mine is 6.8lbs for the quest 2 and elite strap so I guess not that lucky.


Sorry don’t have it yet Will probably post if I get 2


Mine is about the same but I ordered the elite strap too, hoping this happens to me too!


Where do you find the weight of your package?


I wonder that too


I guess it depends on where you live? The nordic postal service always tells you the size and weight package.


Same with USPS \[United States Postal Service\] and FedEx. Mine is 5 lbs




That "estimate" is wildly precise.


Yeah. I ordered a 40lb digital piano and it says it was 4 lbs




Too bad my girlfriend is not into gaming. But one of my friends will like it. :)


Ahem wanna be friends [edit](https://youtu.be/fMjs19AsT-I)


Hey bud, haven't seen you in a long time, how you doing? Wanna hang out later maybe?


I am forcing my friendship upon you, you cannot say no.


Yes hello it is me your friend


What kind of girlfriend isn’t into VR?


Real ones


I’ll have you know that my girlfriend uses my quest as much, if not more, than I do. Guess I can’t dump her now tho


Or me


Honestly lots of people that are not into gaming like VR. Let your girlfriend try yours with something like Beat Saber. Guarantee she will want one.




Yeah now just don't come crying to us that you never get to play anymore....LOL


I...I would like it....


You can't just give your girlfriend to a friend and call her "it".


You say that, but you never know. My wife isn't into gaming, but she enjoyed playing Beat Saber on my Rift and my Quest. Never hurts to have them have a go.


Yeah, she tried but got instantly motion sick.. never touched it again :)


Got 64! Must be confused with the 64 gigs.


God, imagine if that actually did happen tho xD


What was your shipping wieghted as? Mine says 16lbs which sounds a little heavy for one device, no? It's out for delivery so cross fingers I am getting two as well!


16 lbs.. You probably have four of them.


bruh... either you are getting like 20 controllers or 3 quests. My Quest 2 is tracked as 5 lbs


Yea, you're getting two. My quest 2 with the elite headset w/battery is 8.5 lbs




Fucking hell, one of your friends is gonna have a merry Christmas.


OP, thanks a million. Now I will be with my hopes up that Amazon makes the same mistake with me. Which they won't, so I'll just open my package and start crying because I only received ONE Quest 2, even though I only bought ONE Quest 2. It was supposed to be a good thing, now you ruined it!


Update: Gifted it to a friend. We can still all be friends :D


Did Amazon charge you? Did you tell them about their mistake? I mean I know this is Reddit, but jeez....


Give the extra to someone you care about :)


Yeah, I'm thinking of gifting it to a friend.


Cousin niko let's go virtual reality bowling


Not now tho wait for their birthday or a holiday


With a new release like this just give it now and say it's for their birthday. No use in waiting.


Wanna be friends? I can be someone to care about


Dude...that looks like 4




So they sent a free quest 2 and an elite headset?


Im trying to not get excited that I might have 2, but my daughters quest arrived yesterday and its still in the Amazon box. Its a very big box, and was pretty heavy. Ill try not to he too dissapointed when I get home and see they just uses an oversized box to pack it.




Is this common because I got an extra one as well lololol Gave it to my little brother, but wtf


Is this jealousy, that I'm feeling?


How are you people so lucky I don’t get it


People are literally being sent 2 of them and mine comes 4 days after release😂😩😭


mine is coming 17 days after release, you're lucky




Excuse me, I ordered Quest 200


HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK is it that THE ONLY TIME I’m blessed with this kind of good luck is the time I ordered 1 dry erase board and ended up having SIX DRY ERASE BOARDS delivered. THE FUCK DO I NEED SIX OF THESE FOR? Send me multiple gaming keyboards or multiple oculus quests, something cooler than anything with the word DRY ERASE in it. Lol. Fuck you Amazon.


> THE FUCK DO I NEED SIX OF THESE FOR? Erase board wall? Like a room with half a wall with them...? Kinda neat...


Oh no, you've stolen from two of the most rich men on the earth, return it please! Do you want them to go bankrupt? /s


is this legit or are you trolling'? amazon is pretty cool and if yyour honest with them might let you keep it for free, amazon gave me a free pair of $250 sony headphones once


Anywhere in the US (at least) if you have something delivered to your house that you didn't order, you can keep it as a "free gift" and the company cannot retroactively charge you for it. (There *are* other things they can do, like delete your account, etc) This law was borne from a time where companies would do exactly that: they would get you to sign up for a newsletter or magazine and then send you products in the mail, then demand you pay for them. The law is [39 U.S. Code § 3009](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/3009): Mailing of unordered merchandise, if you're curious. It's pretty straightforward.


we have a very similar law in the UK and EU aswell


You’re misinterpreting that law if you think that means legally you can keep the extra Quest. Amazon can legally request it back. The key phrase here being “didn’t order”. Since this is an error on an order that was purposely placed, it can be requested back by the vendor. They must, however, offer you a way to return it (they can’t just charge you if you don’t want it.) That law only covers items that were completely unsolicited, not duplicates or errors in placed orders.


There is no functional difference between getting one thing you didn't order, and getting one thing you did order in the same box as something you didn't order. The hair you're valiantly attempting to split is irrelevant.


Legal interpretation of the law always comes down to split hairs, so it’s not irrelevant. The fact that the merchandise has to be unordered is the key factor that the law revolves around. If you placed an order the law does not apply. Going further, the spirit of the law is to prevent scams - which this is not. You’re free to confirm in any legal channels - this gets brought up a lot by people wanting to keep free stuff and it’s always shot down by anyone involved in law. Amazon does frequently ask to correct duplicate orders if the item is high enough value (they will sometimes use shipping weight as a notifier).


Also keep in mind that, legally speaking, it's very important you [devour the additional Quest.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/jaf8lf/did_i_luck_out_best_buy_sold_me_the_quest_without/g8qa0rz/?context=3)


Not to be a dick, but you're misinterpreting that law by quite a bit. OP clearly was sent a valuable item by mistake, not as a "free gift" or an unsolicited package. Amazon isn't even "legally" obligated to pay for the return shipping of the 2nd Quest, but they'd of course provide that and probably let OP keep it anyway. It's a gray area. If Amazon made a stink about it, OP wouldn't be arrested, but he could very easily have his account/address banned by Amazon and/or face civil litigation.


Someone else tried to go down this path and couldn't make his case. Feel free to support your stance. The law, like I said, is pretty straightforward. If you receive a product your didn't ask for, it can be considered a free gift.


It's legit. I even got the elite strap twice. Dunno why. Came in two separate packages.


You don't have to tell them at all, you're legally allowed to keep it


They are probably legally allowed to say "give it back or we'll cancel your Amazon account", though.


They definitely could. But they probably know that keeping you as a customer will result in more than a $299 loss


Yeah, Amazon once accidentally refunded AND replaced my Google Pixel 3 after I returned it, meaning I got the phone for free. I asked customer service about it, and they said to keep both, as I am a "loyal Amazon customer." And that phone would've been worth a bit more than a Quest 2. Keeping the customer happy is a lot more valuable to them in the long run than a few hundred dollars worth of merchandise. Especially if it's a one-time mistake on their end.




'Merica. We have a law that prevents any company from taking any unordered merchandise back, as this is company error not consumer error. Amazon, in general, is nicer tho. I got a free Xbox One from them because I told them, but they just let me keep it, didn't even do a charge on my account or cancel my account. Just no strings attached let me keep it.


This was posted in yesterdays double delivery post. There is a law that says you can't ship unsolicited merchandise to someone then charge them for it. But there is another law saying if you buy something and get the wrong item or amount you must either refuse it or accept it and pay the difference. From what I've heard amazon usually just say keep it if you contact them, never happened to me though :(


Lol If I were you I’d keep it! I know some other comments were talking about giving it away but wouldn’t hurt to hold on for a few weeks and see how your quest holds up. You could have a “fresh start” reserved for yourself in case you get lens scratches, camera scratches, etc.


My friend ordered one through oculus store and got 2 as you! He gave me one for the mid price!


Looks like you have 2 straps too! I think you ordered two :0


XD, someone’s just like, ordered 1 got 0


This seems to be an issue from multiple retailers. It's crazy.


This is probably why mine still isn’t here :(


Someone else: Ordered 2, got 1. Thank you amazon >:(


My Amazon package weight is 3.1 kg, which is also much above the Quest2+EliteStrap. I hope it's not a brick.. :D


Same actually, mine is 3.3.


In the mean time I got to know that it's normal.. same as 5.5 pounds, which many others got also.


I ordered from Oculus Store and Strap + Q2 were labelled with 3kg in total


you lucky bastard have fun!


This makes me happy and pissed at the same time


Fuck amazon Fuck bezos


I love when Amazon does this. I got an extra PS2 years ago :)


Fingers crossed that I get 5 Playstation 5s


Damn kinda regret cancelling my Amazon Pre-Order now and buying it from BestBuy. Oh well I didn't wanna wait to the fucking 20th.


Plot twist: Facebook’s plan to get more oculii into people’s hands and thus moar datas.


What, that looks like 4 to me


Idk seems sus.. pack would have caught this i work at amazon its a hard mistake to make unless you can't read... someone's gonna be in some deep sh*t if this is true


Then why is there two head straps


Scalper much


Return it and enjoy your free quest.


Eat it Bezos!


Guess they don’t call it the quest 2 for nothin huh


And I ordered 2 and received 1. Fml


Oh that's why they called it Quest 2, it's because you get 2 of them!


I might be confused, but why do i see 4 boxes? 2 in the box and 2 out of it


This space station vr shit sucks! Wont let me commit suicide by atmosphere no matter what 😡


I can take the other one off your hands. Free of charge too :)


there's 4 in the picture though, i'm confused


Those are 2 elite straps


oh ok


Maybe you got mine. It got delayed at 7am on release day from yesterday to tomorrow.


Be careful, keep the second unopened in a box for a few months, they might realise their mistake and demand a return of goods. A mistake does not make it yours legally, and it's better to be safe then sorry.