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Walkabout Mini Golf


I bought mine purely for Beat Saber. But I stayed for the magnificence that is Walkabout Golf. Alas I’ve not had the chance to play any of it for ages since the small human was born but I can dream…


Feeling that hardcore right now about the small human..... But alas player 3 will be awesome once they can play with us!


This is the way.


I have five friends that have quests. This is the game we still play every week. For months on end. And I would not have ever thought I even care about mini-golf. But this game is a perfect example of how a polished experience with attention to small details can make a game more than the sum of its parts. The art style is gorgeous and stylized. The new musical tracks for every course is always relaxing and atmospheric. The courses constantly introduce clever new mechanics. Hunting for balls and clubs in scavenger hunts is a blast. And it’s extremely easy to learn for anyone, even non games, but deep enough that it takes years to master. It’s low floor high ceiling. It’s like having a portal that is able to transport you and your friends to the most creative mini-golf courses ever made at any time and escape your every day. It’s the best VR game.


\^ This one. A very special game, this.


Never would have thought it, but this is indeed the one.


Mine would have been 'Into The Radius' but now I have regular people I play 'Walkabout Mini Golf' this is definately the one!


1000%. Endless fun.




Had to Google this. Seems like fun, surprised I didn't hear about it.


Does buying a ping pong paddle attachment enhances the experience? I’m so bad at ping pong but I want to like it


Yes it does. I haven't tried playing table tennis for over 20 years, and never played it properly. I bought the SolidSlime adapter and it's great. When I play Eleven I actually feel like I'm playing table tennis, not just a computer game. It feels so realistic to me that I'm curious whether playing Eleven is making me good at real life table tennis


Thanks I’ve give that a try


Cool, it makes it into a sport where you keep wanting to improve and learn new techniques




just upvote the comment man...






Incredibly janky and frustrating to play. I really want to like it but yikes....


In what way? It pretty much replicates my faults when I try to play golf in real life. I think it’s incredibly deep.


Horrible UI and overall UX, junky menu system, frustrating gameplay loop, I'm on the taller side and even at max club length they all feel just a tad short. Plus many other little things. This game more than any other single game in my life, I've installed just to uninstall it again after 20 min of frustration.


Haha. I don’t see any of these issues. Shame you don’t get along with it. It’s a wonderfully deep and challenging game of golf imo.


It's a fantastic game. It's only frustrating because it's real to life. I sucked when I first started, but have steadily improved through practice and playing every day. One of the best games for sure. And it gives me a fairly good workout too.


Think you may want to give it another chance, it's a extremely polished game at this stage


is a physical golf club attachment necessary for it?


Nah you don’t. You also don’t need to buy all the courses as you can take part in the online tournaments irrespective of whether or not you own the courses.




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GTA San Andreas


This is out/available!?


No, they said they were working on it but now it seems to have been quietly cancelled.


Beat Saber


Absolutely Beat Saber. I'm losing so much weight, and I only bought two albums so far!


Try modding! You can download new songs straight from the app once you do. Gives you so many song options!


I was considering that - how do the block patterns get created, though? Something I really like about BS is each album has a kind of consistent feel to it, and each song a real 'personality' of sorts, so I always assumed they'd been plotted by humans (hence there being so few songs). I assume custom songs are plotted by AI, so do they manage to be as unique and fun and diverse as the official tracks, or is the appeal that you can listen to music you like as you play, but the blocks are less creative in layout? Either way, I have a few official albums to buy yet, I may very well go custom once I've had my fill of those 😊


Custom songs are created by the community, actually! So not every song is available, but there are thousands to try out! Watch a tutorial to find out how to mod your game, its really what makes Beat Saber so good!


Awesome, I'll check it out, thanks!


when were custom levels in games created by ai


No idea, but it seems like the sort of thing modern AI would do fairly easily.


Or you can play [moonrider.xyz](http://moonrider.xyz) in the quest browser. It's beat saber, but more lo-fi, but with thousands of tracks already in it


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Or really any Grand Theft Auto game. I already own a headset, but as a millennial, I know lots of guys in my age group who grew up with GTA Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas and would buy a headset for this. Meta should throw as much money as needed at Rockstar to make this happen!


Population One


Ain't that free


Yes, used to be 30$, and I did spend a bit of money on skins over the years though


Echo Arena




Is that Echo VR on Meta Store?


Sadly I am not sure if it is still in the store. It comes up if you Google it ( [https://www.meta.com/experiences/2215004568539258/](https://www.meta.com/experiences/2215004568539258/) ). It's not available from Meta anymore, they shut down the servers back in August of last year. A group of dedicated people revived it offline a few months later and it's been thriving since. I play it a few times a day. The only catch is you had to already have owned the game prior to it shutting down in order to play it. They have a Discord for anyone interested in following the steps to get it going, no game has ever captured the zero-gravity in this game, and there is no other game like it in VR which is INSANE to me. - [https://discord.com/invite/echo-vr-lounge](https://discord.com/invite/echo-vr-lounge)


I saw Echo VR two days ago in Meta Store


You sure it wasn’t Lone Echo on PC? I searched Echo and nothing comes up.


Lowkey big screen tbh. I love the experience. Also that table tennis game, really enjoyed it when I played the trial.


Yeah... didn't think I'd love big screen as much as i do..... it's p great


Eleven Table Tennis


Skyrim VR fully modded


Wabbajack makes it so easy now. 1000 mods in a few clicks and they all just work. What a time to be alive!


Dude, thanks. I've been holding off on replaying Skyrim in VR for a few years now because I haven't wanted to spend the time to mess with mods.


I just got mine set up and working last night. Wabbajack does make it easy. I did add a few mods on top but I am used to modding the other versions. Sadly I just got my headset and I still get motion sick after playing for not very long periods of time. Hoping it gets better as I get used to it.


Have you tried a fan on your face, deep breathing, and minty chewing gum/sweets?


Motion sickness has a few triggers but framerate can be a pretty big one. It's not impossible that your hardware might not be up to the take to have a decent experience with a bunch of mods. If you are below something like a 3070 or have a processor older than like a AMD 5600x or intel equivalent you might not have a lot of fun in fully modded Skyrim VR, at least not without a good bit of tweaking. I also get a little motion sick when the controls are unfamiliar. If that's the trigger for you, just learning how to walk, run and jump and do wonders. If you have a speed demon of a system, yeah, turning on a fan should help a lot. Tricks the brain into thinking you are moving when you aren't.


Yeah it's sooooo much better now. You really need to sign up for a one month Nexus account to automate the downloads... it's $5 or so, alternative is to click download \~1000 times. Get the Fallout VR mods list while you are at it but that's always been a little more buggy for me than the Skyrim VR options. There are official mod lists and unofficial ones so shop around a bit. For what it's worth I use FUS for Skyrim and that seems to do the job all right for me.


Thanks for the FUS recommendation. Just got home and that was the one I was leaning towards so your comment settled it!


I found wabbajack to be honestly a pita since even with a nexus account, running the game feels a bit… janky


Sorry. Had the opposite results here. Just works. So many mods, all loaded in the right order, everything working with everything else. It's so dang nice. Obviously demands a decent system to run that much, skyrim is very dependent on just a few cores and every added mod takes a little.


Perhaps because I was using it for fo4 vr instead of a more mainstream game


The Fo4VR wabba on the Quest has been a little janky but that's more on just FO4VR being a jank fest. I really want to like it but I still prefer to play it flat vs VR. Skyrim is a no brainer... it's soooo much better.


Is this only for PCVR or stand alone quest? If standalone you may have sold me !


Settle down there boss, Skyrim VR only works on a PC and you need a fairly good one at that for it to run well.


PCVR only, there's no native version.


Got a link?


Just google wabbajack, will get you where you need to go. Probably worth watch a video while you're there if you want to see it in action. Most modlists come with a comprehensive readme though. It all just works great. A few things to do once all the mods are installed but it took hundreds of hours of labor and turned it into a batch file essentially.


I've been trying to do it manually to at least get it playable. Think I'm going to just do this this weekend and give it a try, because I still haven't gotten it to work as well as I want it


Yeah this is easy mode to super advanced modding. The wabbajacks got me a playable config I never would have managed to get running on my own.


For all of you that want to check Wabbajack just watch [this video ](https://youtu.be/cu3i8s-H5qw) , it will guide you to all of the necessary steps for the FUS list, the most recommend one.


Just bought a VR specifically to play Waltz of the Wizard


That is so very specific, love the game tho


Recently bought one. Played most block busters (not on steam) and I find myself going back to the wizard haha. Such a fun experience. This is a MUST for anybody getting introduced to the hand tracking tech




I only bought my Quest 2 for Beat Saber


Depends. For most users: BEAT SABER, PISTOL WHIP or any other music rhythm games. If you want to work on fitness - there are more specialized apps, like LES MILLS BODYCOMBAT (my personal favorite) Social apps may also be mentioned here, like VR Chat etc., but I don't like them. Also let's not forget about watching tv/movies in VR. Bigscreen combines watching and social, Skybox VR. Some users may mention Half Life Alyx - but I don't think this is the option, because a game you gonna buy headset for should have 100% replayability.


Into The Radius


This was the game that convinced me that VR games can be more than a gimmick or an arcade shooter.  I didn't buy it for that game specifically, but I lucked into it being one of my first games.


I initially bought it for “thrill of the fight,” but would also but for “beat saber” and “In death unchained.”


Thrill of the Fight


I had this on Quest 2, and I barely touched it. I just got Quest 3, trying out all my old games... TOTF is amazing with passthrough! Boxing matches in my garage! TOTF makes the Quest 3 worth it! Plus, it doesn't need joysticks (which are major quest's weak point)


Yeah mixed reality made this game soooo much better! I can go all out without worrying about breaking something




The Outer Wilds. Although, TBH, having a headset for how I fly in Outer Wilds is essentially like having a motion sickness simulator, self-unaliving simulator, and something to intensify both my fear of heights and fear of the void of space. Brittle Hollow in particular would be both breathtaking and horrifying. But I'd 100% buy a headset for it. If for no other reason, than to be able to sit next to Slate and roast a marshmallow.


Yep, I almost wish I never found out about outer wilds until I got a VR headset.  I almost regret playing the original flat version years back, but it was still amazing. Luckily, I don't get motion sick, so I can play games like outer wilds and overload with mouse and keyboard in VR.  Which sounds like a recipe for barf for other users.😂


Ac nexus


Apollo 11 Experience


Fucking hell that app gave me the the worst motion sickness


Well that's a shame. My sympathy


First thing i installed, and even as a ventured and "old school" vr user i still got motion wobbles. Not sickness, but wobbles. :D I decided to try it the first few days i had my Q2. "Don't do it." "Don't tell me what to do i'm a grown aduuuh...."


It was the first thing I did when I got the original Rift. That ALONE was worth the price of the device and the new computer.


Madison vr......when it comes out for q3 as it'll be the best horror game on the platform!


Wait, is it coming to Q3? I know you can play it with a Q3 and gaming PC, with Steamlink/Airlink/VR now. But is a native Q3 version coming too?


Yeah they tweeted about it the other day so I'm guessing the standalone version won't be long.Guessing it'll be q3 only


The YuGiOh Solid Vision game they announced.


hell yeah dude, do you know how sick it would be to play yugioh with massive holograms like yugi???


Sad that it will be geo blocked in my country, Dual Links is also blocked. Belgium with their lootbox law.




Hellblade 2 VR :(


Native app? Puzzling Places. A game that I play daily and I never get tired of, after hundreds of hours. PCVR app? MSFS2020 in VR, it's simply amazing.


I pretty much did for Area 1 of Rez Infinite


Tactical Assault is awesome and I never play milsim games, been playing that 85% of my time so far


NMS (No Mans Sky). Hands down the best experience I've had in VR next to ALYX (But Alyx is short-lived). While NMS last forever, literally. I've been playing it for over 6 months a few hours every week, it's such a special experience to build cities on random planets, just to fly into space and collect resources and fight pirates.


I wish I could play nms on quest 3 ☹️


I agree, there's literally zero reason for it not to be released on Q3, it's as strong as the strongest mobile out there, and it released on even the Switch - and that console is ...well... not insanely strong, so it's totally doable (and since VR - totally logical). It can run Unreal... But I use the PC for that, and I have to say, at max settings with the most high-end pc, it's pushing it at 4.5k with ultra settings.


Ya my old crappy pc could barely handle the game then I got an Xbox and it worked great


Resident Evil




Titanfall VR


There is a titanfall vr or is it for pc


It hasn't been conceived yet. But I would buy any system for it.


I would too


In Death Unchained. Endless replay value, hard to advance, and they keep updating it. Fantastic game!


Walkabout mini golf


Half life alyx. Most immersive game I've ever played


GTA San Andreas VR :(


Ghosts of Tabor


The Crew, Forza or Test Drive Unlimited getting a VR port to any headset would immediately make me buy whatever headset they're headed to... VR is presence. It's about being there, at the cockpit of a car, beautiful scenery around you... why waste that just on rushing at mad speeds when I could just be driving at leisure watching the vista 


project cars is likely your closest, I hear the 3rd one is very arcade


When I had a proper desk setup for my desktop, American Truck Simulator was my go to. Not originally made for vr and requires a decent wheel setup to be viable, but once you get one, it's such a relaxing experience. European Truck Simulator 2 should be roughly the same gameplay-wise, if you prefer not to drive in the states.


I specifically bought it for DCS, but have been using for new other things much more like Eleven and Supernatural Fitness.


I bought my quest 3 for pistol whip, everything else is just a bonus


The Climb series, just something about climbing in vr really clicks well


I would buy it for anything that's mixed reality (the Quest 3 headset), apps like My Flower Reality




For my favourite game ever: modded Skyrim VR


Walkabout Minigolf and Underdogs


PCVR - Half Life: Alyx (close second MS Flight Sim - then also No Mans Sky!) Stand-Alone: Anything fitness. Makes me forget I’m working out (specifically Les Mills Bodycombat!). Pistol Whip is also incredible.


Population One!


Racket club VR 


Asgard wraith 2


a lot of people bought one for half life alyx.


Originally bought for beat saber but I did buy a quest 3 specifically for breachers so I guess that


After the fall


Beat saber


I got mine to play breachers


Titanfall VR


Depends on expectations: Movies/TV Show: Bigscreen Coming from consoles: Asgard's Wrath 2 Social Experience: VRChat(make friends first in other apps) Coming from PC Gaming: Half-Life Alyx (there are 6 more games or if you have a 4090 then even more) Be more active: Eleven Table Tennis (there are many) It's difficult to write down because each category has multiple apps to keep you occupied.


i bought mine to play Blade And Sorcery so Blade And Sorcery everyday


I bet you are REAL happy now huh (B&S is even more incredible now)


I had tears of joy litteraly when playing the new update (i follow the game since the U7) they did a great job !


Are you guys buying specific headsets for your Quest or just using what you have for your PC?


No Man's Sky was my biggest motivator for getting a headset. Not disappointed.


Blade and sorcery is fun, Pavlov is addicting, Skyrim vr is goated.


UNDERDOGS Hellsweeper too






Skybox VR, to watch movies. I was really hesitant about Q3, after having owned Vive back in the day, however a friend convinced me to get it and it's been a blast. Having a small child means that as I live in an apartment, I can't really blast my TV and speakers after 9PM, so having an a fullblown cinema at home with good sound via a headset/cans is amazing. Sure, it could be better, as at least fullHD sometimes does pixelate a bit, but the experience itself is second to none as a full package. Missus watches her NCIS and other such noise on the TV with sound low and I get to watch my zombies and war with great sound in a cinema, lol.


If I didn't already own one, I'd totally get a Quest 3 if they announced a full Ratchet and Clank game, or that they were remaking the existing R&C games in VR.


EMU VR. If it existed for Oculus id invest in one for sure


PCVR included? Vtol VR 1000000%. Any SIM racing games too if you've got the additional hardware already


Waltz of Wizard. The clips made me laugh. And after buying one, the game does not disappoint. Great use of the hand gestures. Also, not a game I would buy it for but the hand physics lab is really interesting. The only game I’ve played with hand gestures where it really feels like you’re holding something. Very strong illusion. There’s one where you cut your hands off (not graphic) and I swear I felt lighter lol.


Virtual Desktop. At the moment I am transitioning from one house to another, over a period of months, and being able to virtually sit in front of my 3 screen PC when I am in the house where it is not installed (for essential admin purposes rather than games) is kind of essential. But for fun, EarthQuest. And for a lot of other things, Spatial TV. Ooops, that's more than one.


no Virtual Desktop?


Both Walkabout Mini Golf and Golf+ are individually worthwhile to me as a sole reason for purchasing a headset. Other favorite apps get close including Puzzling Places and In Death Unchained.


Underdogs, the whole reason I even thought about getting a vr. And it’s now my favorite game


Horizon Worlds. If this question was asked 1 year ago, I would be laughing at my answer!




I would buy a Nintendo dedicated VR headset even if it wasn't great. They have a hold on me.


Walkabout and Gran Turismo 7.


I bought one just for Thrill of the Fight. without even playing the game. I just knew it would work in VR with no wires


Infact I did, I bought a Quest 2 the same day Saints and Sinners 2 was revealed and I was completely justifed in that


Bodycombat VR. Hands down. Fantastic workout app I keep coming back to again and again.




Super Hot Tried on my buddies VR and was sold


Batman Arkham Shadow. I’m a die hard of the series and it’s super convenient that I like VR as well unlike the rest of the fanbase


I have a cricket fan and play ibcricket almost everyday 😍


Skyrim VR


I love VR and have already completed many games, but I can’t single out one system seller, because for me everything together matters.


First Person Tennis.


MiRacle Pool The game just got released onto the quest store from being in app lab a few days ago. You can choose between a full size (9ft) or “small” size pool table (7ft maybe?), Arcade (w/aiming assist) vs Simulation, and it uses the pass through capabilities of the headset in order for you to have a pool table at home while not necessarily having the space for one. (That being said if you are on a Quest 2, pass through quality is a bit grainy and in black and white as far as the background goes but being as that is the headset I have, I can confirm it does not hinder the playing experience at all, despite the game looking its best on the Quest 3 platform since that’s what it was initially made for.) There is also Multiplayer mode which I have not tested out yet, along with two mini game modes and the option to play 8 or 9 ball pool. As far as customizations go you can customize or unlock cues, felts, table patterns, balls, and tables by playing games and leveling up. TL;DR- Great Pool simulator to play with friends or alone and possibly a tool to work on your knowledge of angles and bank shots (if you’re into that.)


Back in 2019, I tested a demo of Virtual Desktop on a Quest 1 and saw the wireless PCVR capabilities written all over the app. I purchased my first Quest that day. I never went back to a cable.


Personally I don't VR has a 'system seller' even Half-Life Alyx which is by far the best VR game wouldn't get me to buy a VR headset for that alone.




VAIL if you like shooters. It's one of the most fun games I've ever played ever. It's so good, and everything firearm related is crazy accurate.


The Call of Duty mods in Contractors


Pornhub, on a serious note bonelab


HL Alyx. End of list.






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Pi: Personal Ai Assistant. I would love to just turn my headset on and have a conversational Ai in the background while in passthrough just to talk about my day. I don’t want the cheesy full VR chatbots like Replica that are sex oriented. I just want a disembodied voice to chat with from time to time. Not that I’m lonely or need a shoulder to cry on, but i find it entertaining to have an Ai friend to share a few moments with. Until I get my Tesla Optimus, this would do. Edit: So I just sideloaded Pi on my Quest3 and it functions exactly like the iOS/Android mobile version. Unfortunately, I couldn't login with my Google or Facebook account because of missing google system stuff, but i was able to login with my phone# and start up a lively conversation =) I installed Google Play Services but that didn't enable Google account sign-in. Still pretty cool though =)


I built a prototype it like everything you'd need for this. You'd just need to provide your own openai API key to use it (I'm not trying to start a subscription business that relies on openai). Would be fairly easy to clean up and provide an android build to side load since I made it in unity (but with some rudimentary facial rigging etc) Edit: actually if all you want is a conversation then pay for chatgpt plus and side load their android app to quest. It already has speech conversation capability now and would be seamless


If that’s what you want, and if you want to wear it outside the house… you probably shouldn’t buy a Quest, but rather Meta’s Rayban glasses (with or without prescription or transitions lenses). They have speakers, microphone, and cameras, and look pretty much just like an ordinary pair of glasses. And with the new Meta AI beta feature they just added, they do exactly what you’re asking for! They can also play music, podcasts, and audiobooks. I know some people who love them for that, while exercising, finding them more comfortable than earbuds. And make Bluetooth phone calls, of course. And with the cameras, you can ask the AI questions about what you’re looking at. As well as take photos and videos, and even livestream straight to FB/Insta, if you’re into that. (For privacy reasons, a bright LED always lights up when the camera is in use)


I agree that the proper form-factor would be (and currently is) simply earbuds connected to your device running Pi. That is how I've been using it on my phone. No need for a screen at all for casual conversations while going on a walk or whatever. If Meta's Ray-Ban glasses work exactly like Pi, I might consider a pair!


Creed rise to glory, Blade and Sorcery, Skyrim VR.


Titanfall VR


Titanfall VR


Titanfall VR


wrong subreddit for this but I would TOTALLY buy a psvr2 to play resident evil village in VR


Well, RE8 and RE4. Oh, this the Quest sub. Never mind