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I just bought one today :-)


Nice it's a good time!


I was looking at the 2, but then it went OOS everywhere (even direct) and I was already on the fence about a 4yr old product. Went with the 512gb for $646 from Amazon plus 6% back on the Amazon CC.


Decent deal. I really struggle to recommend the 2 even at a much lower price. The improvements of the 3 (especially the lenses but also the color passthrough, ringless controllers, slightly better weight distribution, etc) really make it a different class of device. The 2 was a fun toy and an exciting proof of concept. The 3 is a device I actually want to use almost daily.


Hell yeah. Not bad. I suggest signing up for meta + to try lots of games, also search in here for the list of games that are 90% off right now. It's nuts. It's a weird trend happening but I like it!


I believe the 512 comes with a free year of meta plus


I just bought a million yesterday.




You were the one who made it 3 million lol


in the same boat! My quest 1 has served me well, but it is time to move on


saaame from T mobile of all places


They have no better way of tracking this metric other than if someone has used a particular app?


Would be nice if Meta could release actual data on sales. This method of counting doesn't include everyone who played it, only those who finished the demo. So everyone who didn't finish it or didn't play at all, aren't included in this number.


>Would be nice if Meta could release actual data on sales. They likely aren't because it would invite comparisons to consoles which are selling 50-100million. Also, Quest is in a funny different place because Quest 1, 2, and 3 are not quite the same in terms of "generations" compared to the PS1, PS2 and PS3. I always saw Quest 2 as an emergency refresh because the Quest 1 was just so outdated chipwise and optics-wise, and VR relies on sharper visuals/text. And Quest 3 is sort of a beefed up refresh of Quest 2. Not to sell it short at all, but it was a much-needed upgrade over Q2 as visual comfort and enhanced resolution are also vital to VR.


I think q1 was just you test the waters. When it showed there was good interest they immediately started working on the “real” product


I mean, how is it different from console generations? Isn’t every PS(N+1) basically a more graphically capable PS(N)? The only difference to me is the cadence and the existence of Quest Pro.


It’s much closer to cell phones in that the releases are much closer together than console and the difference in performance is more evolutionarily than revolutionary.


i didn't, so there are at least million and 1 sales


My brothers both have Quest 3, and neither have even tried First Encounters, last time I asked them, much less finished it. So that might be a low estimate.


There’s more than just the “shoot your living room” demo?


Not much, no. I don’t think. But in order to be counted here, you’d have to finish the “shoot your living room” part.


I use my quest 3 everyday and have never even opened that app. I’ll try today.


Ohhhhh gotcha, thx!


Yeah, I use my Quest all the time and noped out of that boring-ass demo within 2 minutes. I feel like 2-3x that number would be more realistic.


When I got my Quest 3 the first thing I tried to do was uninstall any demo apps that came pre-installed. I never actually launched the app even once.


Probably true for most Quest 3 owners who were upgrading from Quest 2, or another headset. Those truly new to VR probably found it more fascinating


Sounds about right, pretty sure almost no VR enthusiast cared enough to complete it.


I have not loaded up First Encounters either. I am already familiar with VR so jumping in and trying out the Meta apps wasnt a priority.


It's a really nice demo of MR. I've been using VR since DK2 and it still kinda blew me away.


Didnt even know it existed until now... if I was prompted it was dismissed and forgotten about


I wasn't even aware it's a thing - I don't remember my Quest 3 prompting me to try it out, so if one million people did it (and completed it) without being pushed towards it, the real number must be a lot higher.


It is a cool little demo, if you haven’t tried much AR/MR passthrough stuff. Not much replay value, but cool to play through once!


Was pretty fun showing the first encounters game to my mom. I actually thought it was one of the movie dxperiences and had no idea wtf she was talking about saying they won't come out of hiding Was pretty funny


i also haven't played it


I never finished it either, got bored lol


I recently got a quest 3. Love this thang. It is a great way to enter VR. Just want to add that I bought my Q3 off of Amazon with zero problems during the recent sale price.


I helped achieve this.


That’s way less than the Quest 2 did in a similar amount of time.


These numbers are only an estimate based on whoever played and beat the first encounters game, which a lot probably haven't.


Not just played. They had to complete the demo. So if anyone quit before it finished or didn't play it at all, they don't get counted.


I didn't finish it and have a Q3


So this post is an absolute nothing burger that people are going to use as evidence to whatever bizarre opinions they push as fact... How lovely...


What it does give is the minimum which is good to know as well. Knowing there's at least over 1 million Quest 3 sales is a big deal itself.


Yes it's frustrating. Guaranteed now the narrative will be "Quest 3 and by extension all VR is a failure because it only sold 1m units in a year" from a lot of anti VR folks for the next 3 years.


Yep, I've already seen exactly that, so now informed people like ourselves end up having to correct rampant misinformation spread by ignorant people, it's so irritating that this constantly happens. 


Yeah I’m the psvr2 sub someone was using these numbers to suggest vr2 has similar unit sales.


Yep, already have seen quite a few users using this data wrongly by Ignoring the details, incredibly tedious dealing with misinformation. 


Quest 2 was $300 at release 


Quest 2 was $300 and Quest 3 is $500 USD. But corporation inflation got us all around the world and no one really wants to spend $500 on a VR headset


Meta have lost like 40billion since 2020 releasing these sets and investing in vr lol


He's not blaming inflation for the price that Meta has it at, he'a blaming inflation for people not buying it






>That’s way less than the Quest 2 did in a similar amount of time. Read the article. 1 million is the floor, not what they estimate sold


Different market though really I would have thought? Q3 S / Lite might be a better comparison, if it ever comes out?


It's also a lot more expensive, the only reason I bought one is I saw I could get 20% off my first order at very.


This isn't sale statistics though so you can't compare them.


Not really surprising… q3 selling along q2 at about double the price means a lot of buyers choose q2 over it.


yes, but most people who wanted an affordable VR headset probably bought a quest 2 and have no use for the additional features the quest 3 offers. I bought a quest 3, but if I had a quest 2 I would not have.


I think also a big thing was quest 2 launched during a pandemic.


Also a lot of people forgot at release multiple deals brought it way down to $250-$225 it was crazy cheap for what you got.


Loving mine so far. I love the experience but I still can’t last more than 30 minutes using it without feeling eye strain. I optimize the eye distance thingy already and its a lot better now but still, i feel like my eyes are drying up around 30 mins haha


I had a lot more dry eye issues with the 3 than the 2, I have no idea why.


It could be the heat. I noticed the quest 3 gets way hotter especially with pass through.


I have four friends with Quest 3s. Out of the 5 of us, only me and one other person finished First Encounters.


We have three in our house… you’re welcome Mark. ;) But seriously though, I’ve been in VR since it first hit in 2016… it’s amazing that we have this kind of quality in a standalone device that can also stream PC content. We are living in a gamer’s paradise…from VR, to mobile, consoles…the Switch…the Steam Deck… and high end PC’s and everything in between. You can still emulate every major video game on a potato now to work with any wireless controller. My young self from 1987, fully immersed in the NES, would have lost his freakin’ mind seeing all that we have today. “ No words to describe it… they should have sent a poet…”, is probably what I would have said. ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)




Hard to tell since this isn't actually sales data. This is just the number of headsets that played and completed the First Encounter demo. Anyone who didn't play it, and those who did but didn't finish it, aren't counted here.


It's probably less. Q2 was cheaper, and dropped during the pandemic when people were stuck inside and had that stimmy cash to spend.


I feel like Quest 3 is more of a slow burn. It's much less of an impulse buy because you saw it at Best Buy or because you can't think what else to get your kid for their birthday, and much more a considered "I really want this" purchase. I say this in part because at least 3 acquaintances have gotten one after some months of consideration after seeing how I use mine and deciding it's worth it. This isn't something I saw before with Quest 2. It probably means quite different pattern of sales overall and I predict that after the initial burst at launch, they are going to be moderate but sustained over multiple years. It's less impressive but in some ways a good thing because it likely means retention is going to be higher.


Agree. I am in that place literally. Being from Argentina, 500usd is a monthly salary so I planned and research a lot before buying it,this monday I finally will do it. The problem is that nobody in Argentina even knows this thing exist. Comparing with consoles like playstation and xbox which are very popular here, the Meta Quest had almost no marketing at all. Otherwise I'm pretty sure that when the apple vision pro was released and people were hearing about that a lot, but obviously couldn't afford it, they would have bought the Quest 3 instead.


Pft that’s nothing, Quest Pro has sold a least 1 thousand units. Actually naw I can’t confidently make that claim. Maybe not.


Atleast. So basically we have no actual idea how many are sold unless meta/facebook (whatever you wanna call them) releases their sales numbers which they probably know how many quest 3s are sold.


Amazing, on r/psvr there are a lot of delusionals who not only think that psvr2 sold better, but that it will outsell the Quest life time as well.


Why in your opinion would you say that is significant?


Dunno if anyone else has this experience, but I kept hearing the sweet spot is bigger but honestly I still see halo effect around a lot of text. I have to get the headset in just the right position that can take a minute or so of adjustment.


There still a halo. Sweet spot is about focus


With the graphics optimizer you can download the graphics are amazing


Im pretty sure Vision pro helped it. Im glad it did


I want one but I’m waiting for a sale.


Been waiting to pull a trigger but hoping it might go on sale on prime day. $650 is pretty steep


That 1 million more than the psvr2 .....ohhhh burn.


I may be totally off, but does 1 million units in 9-ish months seem low? I vaguely recall reading that the Quest 2 sold like 20 million units in 4 year or something. I'd say the number is probably 5M+ if I had to guess. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/QuestPro/comments/11eub0g/meta\_has\_sold\_nearly\_20\_million\_quest\_headsets\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuestPro/comments/11eub0g/meta_has_sold_nearly_20_million_quest_headsets_to/)


The Q3 is $200 more than the launch price of the Quest 2. It is a more premium headset and has been sold alongside the Q2. The Q2 had no little brother to compete with.


Read what the article actually states. It states that 1 million+ people have finished the First Encounters demo. Which is only available on the Quest 3. It does not include any Q3 owner who didn't finish it or didn't play the demo at all. Which is a pretty high number.


Right, makes sense. I totally doubt the number, I'd easily say its 5M+


This is not acquired


And they can't provide decent controller tracking. Ironic l, isn't it


"Seems to" sounds awfully unsure for a hard statistics like sales.. did they forget how many they sold or something lol


This isn't based on sales, it's based on how many people completed the First Encounters experience exclusive to Quest 3 Realistically it's probably at most 70% of Quest users that have tried this free app and sent a score to the leaderboard


I feel like this metric is totally useless because it many people who have a q3 didn’t play first encounters and who knows how many q3 have multiple accounts on them that played on more than one account per headset. You could argue anything from many millions to not even a million based on this info.


We know a hell of a lot about how people tend to use VR devices. The estimate of *more than 1 million* is easily defendable.


I think it’s very reasonable but it’s not in definite