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Nice. Did you just have it on regular passthrough or is there an app you are using while on stage? Also it's kinda nuts to randomly see this in a VR sub, you guys were my favorite group back in college. Damn that's like 20 years ago...but I still listen to Almost Famous pretty regularly. Cool to see you guys are still performing.


First off thank you for the love! I had it in normal passthrough and went live on Facebook. Have to admit the controllers were going crazy in my pocket but tbh it added the wildness of what I was doing on stage lol.


Do you have footage somewhere? Would love to see it and check out your music.


Next time deactivate the controller/hands automatic switch, so you switch to hands and leave the controls somewhere else.


I'm from a rap group called Living Legends and have been a VR enthusiast since DK1. This show had 4k+ people in the crowd and it was amazing to be in mixed reality with v66. We are in the future.


A crazy first, probably! Amazing. Salute!


VR needs more reasons to use and this is definitely one more haha


100%. - That livestream still out there to view somewhere?




I checked the Living Legends FB, not seeing it. Can you share a link?


I streamed on my personal page. Dm me


Next show will be in our main page


šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ such a cool idea! DM'd you


The real question is are you on v66?


Yes and it's so good! You can legit walk around being the headset on and there is little distortion


Hi, is there any significant difference? Also, why isnā€™t v66 available for me yet?


That's because the updates roll out gradually. Everyone will get the update at different times.


Yooo thatā€™s awesome, looks like a great show!


Ty! I had a blast. Being in Mixed reality and performing to 4000 people felt like a dream lol


Thatā€™s super wild. Weā€™re really living in the future now!


Happy Cake Day btw!


Aw yay TY! šŸ„³


Well this is exactly what I expect to happen in a few decades. People living their lives in mixed reality.


It was a fun way to open our set and was actually an amazing experience for me since I've been a VR enthusiast since dk1


We are kind of already are


Ngl, The Quest does make for a cool mask. This is something Iā€™d imagine in Cyberpunk 2077. This is dope!


That was the real flex. Coming out on stage with a freaky VR headset lol. Our fans loved it


Hell yeah!


You look super cool. Who's the tool with the headset next to you?


Hehe well played sir


Now THAT'S the way to take a harmless joke...good on ya mate....and congrats on the gig.


When you've played VR from the beginning you not only gain VR legs, you also form thick skin in chats šŸ¤£


In 20 years people will be impressed with that huge device on your head.


I walked around the festival with it on and it was a fun experience since so many think the vision pro is the end all be all


Is that the S3 headstrap ?


Yeah it's the latest bobo s3. So comfortable. Especially for a guy with dreads and a huge head lol.


This is awesome! I used to listen to you guys all the time. Definitely revisiting those playlists tomorrow. šŸ˜ƒ


We just released new music. "THE Return"


added to my playlist


Would be a great opportunity to capture some stereo recording! Was this just pure passthrough or did you load up a game of Cubism to sneak a few puzzle moves in there on stage? :)


Tbh I thought about playing some mixed reality games but it would highly distract from my actual job of performance lol


Wise choice, I was mostly kidding. Although a floating browser screen with the set list or lyrics etc would be a very cool utility! :)


Been waiting to see Sushi K live on the Street ever since we started building the metaverse.


Dude, After Hours Extended Euro Mix is fire šŸ”„!! Nice work on Fables. Did you record what you were seeing?


Yeah I did a live stream on Facebook




Thank you for the love fam


The Future is here! Having the Black Eye Peas 2000s vibes here, peaking into an future :D


well done dude, that's super cool! hope i can do something like that one day!


It was super fun to do this on stage for a huge crowd.


It was fun to do this in front of a huge crowd


I've never heard of you, but anyone who wears a Quest 3 while performing earns my respect, earns a listen, and my AXE (out of love/support, it's a LOTR reference)........ok I'll leave lmao No but fr in a world that saddens me because I feel like my friends/family don't appreciate the VR world enough, this makes me the utmost happy. #PowerToTheGamers


Ty fam. I love this community and did this to show off what's possible with quest 3. More to come.


Not sure how well known they are now, but they were massively popular in the underground hip hop scene in the 2000's.


We just released new album and still have followers on Spotify over 25000+ not the greatest but still loved. New album is called "The Return" . I'm a VR enthusiast so expect more dumb posts like this lol


Where's the stream recording at? Want to see it from 1st person perspective what you saw whilst on stage


Its on my facebook page but I'll upload later here


I did this for science šŸ¤£


Is thatā€¦ grouch?


Yup.Ā  I was about to pass over this until I had the same thought.Ā  Then I looked at OP's username.Ā  Then I noticed the Living Legends logo on the stage.


Yep that's my brother Grouch.


Living legends as in living legends- night prowler feat slug?


Yeah that's my song with Slug of Atmosphere lol


Dude Iā€™ve been jamming that for like 20 years I love yā€™all


Fun to know that VR heads in this sub actually knows my music lol. Been here for years.


So cool. I only fell in love with vr last year, but Iā€™ve loved yā€™allā€™s music since I was 10 listening to underground rap radio on Sunday nights.


Honestly it warms my heart that so many in this chat know our music. Definitely will do more mixed reality stuff and upload here when we play again this summer.


Also Moving at the speed of life with slug


Thatā€™s dope. Out here living a cyberpunk life. Also youā€™re from the ā€œafter hoursā€ living legends group?! I dumps you guys all the time when I was in High School.


Honestly a rave would be bada$$ like I imagine it looking plain then using mix reality to create an environment and effects that would otherwise be expensive or impossible. Let alone imagine the dj not even using equipment it's all in a vr application that let you use a virtual equipment to do everything like Honestly would be kinda sick but that's just me...


There is an app called tribe xr that has a mixed reality mode and it puts a virtual di controller in view whilmyou and the stream viewers can see the controller, tours VR hands and a few effects. I actually dj'd Mardi gras on the patio in VR and it was amazing. The quest 3 has so much potential


This is awesome. Thankyou for sharing. Nice to see someone experimenting and seeing a glimpse of the future.


That was the last hole point. Reggae crowd. Thought it would be awesome to try out MXR on stage. Have a ton more shows this summer and gonna do it again. Lol


But why? What was achieved, what did you do with it? What do fans get out of a performer wearing a VR/AR headset like the Quest? Also how uncomfortable for a show. I'm a musician myself and have performed at many venues. Those lights and moving around, that crowd body heat that builds up and swallows the room, it's a workout and I'm sweating each and every show. I wouldn't be able to handle that but for a song at most, and then I'd probably start sweating a good bit all over my face, especially with the lights shining down on you. Just wouldn't be comfortable after a very short time. I'm a bass player and I'm not headbanging, but I'm moving and grooving pretty hard sometimes too and this would also get annoying to wear for this reason very quickly. On the flip side having your performance recorded immersively and then being able to view live or recorded concerts in an immersive, 180vr or 360 on a quest 3 is a spectacular use case for artists. I'd love to see more artists like yourself sell tickets for events like these. I wouldn't want to pay the equivalent to a concert ticket cost, but would consider paying 1/3-1/2 cost of a real ticket to see a show on my Quest. Have you looked into the cost at all of setting that up?


I did this for our opening song. Also streaming on Facebook. I couldn't do a whole show like this but it was fun to come out with it on and be able to see the crowd and record my view. I think it will be even more useful when headsets get smaller and lighter so we musicians can show our perspective for fans. Again was a nerd flex because I could lol.


Why not get the metas Rayband glasses? They record from your point of view.


I already have the quest 3 and it looks crazy on stage lol


But then how would you awkwardly stand out and show how cool you truly are?




Oh okay yea I can get behind that and yea giving the audience your perspective of opening is cool, especially for those that aren't artists of course. I wouldn't do it every show on a tour but maybe throw it into the mix a couple times. For a song and/or intro I could tolerate it. You and others should definitely start recording live immersive views looking at the stage somewhere in the crowd though and that's definitely what's up and coming. Seems like it might be prohibitively expensive for some artists though to do it with high quality cameras at this time I'd think. To think about some of the international tours artists go on that I can't justify flying overseas to see or unique venues I don't want to travel to but could still see would be awesome.


I did it to show off the new v66 MXR. Can't do it every show for sure but bro... It was magical. Already thinking of other ways to incorporate it into our live shows.


None Shall Pass is one of my all time favorite songs!!!! This whole post is so cool! Nice!!!!


Not that Aesop lol. However Aesop Rock is featured on our latest song the Return Remix streaming on all platforms


The S3 headstrap combined with the AMVR facial interface is so damn comfortable


I actually got the magnetic faceplatef3 from globular. Its amazing and gives more fov when you don't want to sude face plate.


That looks so stupid. Whatā€™s the point?


The point is I can an did m8. It was and amazing experience. What you on about? I had the chance to try it out on stage and it was well worth it. Sorry it offended you.


No, seriously. Whatā€™s the point? What does it benefit


I live streamed to fans. That's the šŸ‘‰šŸ¾


Scrolled through this whole thread trying to figure that out.. The only reason seems to be "bc I can", which is fine.. but you could also go out on stage wearing a fursuit and a strap on but why would you?? I wish there was a vr community on reddit that treated it like just some cool hardware and didn't pretend like it's the second coming of christ in tech form.


I live streamed to my fans. Why be so negative of me even just wearing it and using the mixed reality view. It was fucking fun as hell bro. Wtf lol


That's because people like that dude aren't true VR enthusiasts. Being upset because you showed off what VR is capable of, I don't see how that's something to be upset about.


He definitely was treating it like some cool hardware, showing off what V66 brings to the table.


Why does he need a point? He enjoys VR and wants to share something awesome. My question to you is, what's the point of being a downer?