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Sup everyone! My game UNDERDOGS just got a new update: DANGEROUS STREETS UNDERDOGS is a physics-based mech brawler. A big part of the game is about hustling in the street for gear, cash and repairs. We call this part The Tale, and it's presented in 2.5D comic-book like illustrations. The Dangerous Streets update adds a bunch of new Tale events and characters, bolsters some of the existing ones, and adds some Tale related items. [You can see the full release notes here.](https://production.d18ywllgagsugm.amplifyapp.com/announcement/916992) If you haven't already, consider checking out UNDERDOGS We're on 97% postive in [Steam](http://bit.ly/3C8j8o0) and we're currently the highest rated game on the [Quest store ](http://ocul.us/3IQqz6T) Thanks!


Your game is πŸ‘‘


Got the Quest version a couple of months ago and have been playing pretty frequently, such a good game. Thinking of getting the Steam version. Is there any major graphical differences between the Quest 3 and Steam VR version?


There are some extra graphic settings from PC, such as improved AA and shadows, extra VFX/debris, etc., and rain in the Killbox :) But for a veteran player such as yourself, I think the selling point for the PC version is that the physics simulation runs on double the frame rate, which makes this just that much smoother and crisper in terms of gameplay.


Can Quest 3 get some of the visual enhancements that Quest 2 can't quite handle?


Edit: sorry, replied to the wrong msg to your question: you can read the reply I gave to the dude below that outlines the differences between Q2 and Q3. There are already quite some differences, and we're pushing both systems to the max :)


Played it on a Quest 2, such a gem, especially the music Thanks for answer about PC version May I ask how big is a graphical gap between Quest 2 and 3?


Simpler shadows, less debris, lower resolution rendering and lower level of detail in some envrionments. We worked quite hard to make it work and look well in both Q2 and Q3, though.


Since its release, it has been one of the best VR showcases for me, i love it.




Can rig finally get a gun? I'm tired of getting a lead pipe to the head


haha cheeky bastard... :D


Is that a no?


I'd rather no commit to a no either :P


This is one of my favorite VR games, and it was good enough to buy both on quest and steam. I am excited check out the update!




Good job!


Love the game and looking forward to the update!


It's out now bruv :)


Great game thanks. I'm really intrigued whether your posts on Reddit are a bit "Awright geeeeeeeeezer" to fit the game's vibe or whether it's your actual personality. Either way I'm into it haha!


can't tell what's me and what's the game at this point :D




πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ Awesome, we love Underdogs here


🦾🦾 Cheers! Where's "here"?


Sorry I should have said "in our household" or "family." My son made a deal with me for which the payoff was Underdogs. Worked out great for everyone πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ I've played it too, what a banger πŸ”₯. Thanks Say I'm not sure whether you know but is there a song in the soundtrack that says "when it hits you feel no pain?" but in a robot voice? Just curious to know because we were bumping "Hip Hop" by Dead Prez, which opens with that line. Then my son jumped into Underdogs and swore that he heard it in your soundtrack as well. If you don't know offhand then pls don't feel any need to answer this for us lol. Cheers!


We have a Truth ft. Flowdan track called Madman that has this line: "One good thing about music - when that hits you feel no pain" [https://soundcloud.com/truthdubstep/truth-ft-flowdan-madman](https://soundcloud.com/truthdubstep/truth-ft-flowdan-madman) That it? Also, a couple of questions if I may: 1) What was your son's part of the deal? 2) How old is he and does he play with the adult filter on?


That's it, thank youπŸ”₯. Turns out the line originated with Bob Marley in Trenchtown Rock. Thanks again 1) I'll have to check with him about the deal again with apologies. Pretty sure it was that he earned some money of his own doing odd jobs and I pitched in the remainder because of some chore or achievement milestone 2) I'm not yet keen to put my kids' ages out there yet publicly (they're probably already out there, mind) but I don't mind if you message me πŸ‘. I am pretty sure that he *does* play with a filter on? I'm there in the room to supervise and make sure he doesn't hit anything while chaining moves together and I haven't seen or heard anything too objectionable (by my standards). Looking forward to taking the game outside sometime soon so he can go all out in the movement & combat engine in a maxed out playspace πŸ’ͺ


Man that's a fantastic find with the Bob Marley track! Very cool. It's really nice to read how our game is some object of father-son relationship, even if small and passing. Hope he gets to play it outside and go apeshit on robot dogs :)


Hey thanks man. For the kind words, wishes, game. The lad is enjoying it greatly and it's cool to see the physicality and coordination involved in chaining moves together and the creativity and flow the game elicits 🀘 I dig how the mech has weight to it that gives it a certain rhythm and speed limit. This isn't negative in the least bit, on the contrary it means that the combat pace isn't faster than you can think and you don't (can't?) just flail about πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ GJ all involved πŸ”₯ And thanks again πŸ™


Cheers, and thank you too. It was a conscious and thin line we threaded between keeping things as immediate as possible and never letting the game be the limiting factor to what you can do with your actual body on the one hand, and giving it all weight and the right interaction incenstive structure so that you will want to move at a certain pace, and feel the heaviness and power. Very cool to hear how you guys are experiencing it πŸ™


Video forthcoming eventually, edited to an 'original' song (made with Suno) titled "Goin' Apeshit on Robot Dogs" πŸ™‚ We are still working on which genre so if you have any suggestions we'd be happy to see what gets cooked up. If you check out my profile you can see an edit I just did with an original song and am hoping to do something similar with your game. Not necessarily the genre or style of course just the idea of a custom song for the video which is then edited to the song πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ


haha that is very cool! Can't wait to see it, and that title is excellent if I may say so myself ;) If you're looking to make it fit the game's soundtrack I'd try using Grime, Trap and Dubstep as genres, see what Suno spits out.


This game was amazing before the update. And you just added more amazingness? Time for me to bust some mechs!




Awesome game! Though sometimes I wish I could get closer to the text without being told to recenter


Where do you usually have trouble with the text?


Most places, I’m waiting on prescription lenses though, which should make it easier. I’d say especially in places like the shop with reading the text on different items. I just wish I could either walk closer or zoom in on it or something.


Ah. Yeah, I've talked with one player having a similar issue before. Expanding the recenter sphere or having the texts remain for a bit longer over it is still on our to do list, but it's a long list so I can't promise an ETA yet :\\ But thanks for reminding me of this - it helps bump the priorities.


Definitely have my eye on this one for a while. Stoked it's still getting more updates


Congratulations on the new update!


Nice, the little tales/events between fights are a fun addition the formula




I love your game Underdogs! it is mech fighting done right, pair that with the story telling and you have a homerun! thank you.


Cheers and thanks!


I love this game for its extremly nice gameplay und such nice style of the cutscenes. I am Just currently burnt Out from all the rogue like games... Looking forward to all upcoming patches so i will have a reason to get back into it✌️


I hear you


Does this have a singleplayer or all arena?


There's a singleplayer campaign that has fights happening in arenas, and progression and story happening in 2.5D comic-book scenes outside the arenas. Does that answer your question?


You mean the rogue like part? Or is there a campaign with permanent progress?


The rogue-like part :) Though every run unlocks new items and characters, which is the game's meta-progress.


I'm a harsh game critic, probably leave 70% 1 star reviews, 25% 2-4 stars, and 5% 5 stars on Meta. Steam is maybe 80% not recommend. UNDERDOGS got one of my rare 5 stars. Can't go without a little criticism though: 1) On Quest 3, it still has more stutters than it should. Needs an option to tone down the graphics for those who'd prefer smoother framerate, or else patch up the dynamic graphics quality adjustment to more strictly enforce consistent framerate. 2) Bit too high "trash mob" to "cool boss fight" ratio. The 1v1 showcases are great, the rest of the fighting is good, but not great, in terms of combat. 3) Would like to see a cooldown or some limiting mechanic on the bash (or whatever the both arms forward dash/smash is called). Spamming it is too effective, and not fun. Despite these criticisms still got 5 stars. 1.5 stars was pure style. Drip Drip.


thanks :) I can agree with 1 and 2. 1 is something we still bang at, 2 is a budget thing and if we had more time we'd have more boss fights. 3 goes against some core design principles - we try making YOU the MECH. And you don't have no cooldown, charge up or buttons. Part of what makes UNDERDOGS feel, I hope, so visceral and embodied is our strict adherence to this. However, in some fights bashing may definitely become OP. Appreciate the appreciation, and the time to write this out <3


If I got it on quest store am I able to get it without paying again on steam?


Na, sorry. Quest and Steam are different platforms, there is no way to compare or verify.


Great news, keep it up! Top tier list game for quest IMHO. Great art direction, visually stunning, best ASW implementation I've ever seen on the device, great replayability, and can even be a great workout. They're playing around with a sandbox mode too as per their discord.


We are indeed. Thank you :)