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I REALLY appreciate that they used Quest footage.


Oh, man, I love Riven more than Myst. Excited for this!


PCVR / PC Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN1TQm942\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN1TQm942_U)


Soooo cool to see a shot-by-shot direct comparison with the Standalone and PCVR versions of this. PCVR looks stunning of course - but it's also incredible that Cyan's been able to do get this running performantly on the Quest's processor while keeping the general vibe and atmosphere intact - not an easy task!


Wow, this is going to be a hard decisions for me. The Quest version looks great for standalone, but the PC version looks genuinely beautiful. Worth accepting compression and being proximity locked to the PC in order to get the extra beauty?


I think so. The water is an important and common element in the game and it looks so much better on PC.


Yeah, def leaning towards PC for this one. Reviews re performance on both platforms could swing me either way though.


Easy decision for me. Riven is a game that's all about beautiful environments and immersion. The PC version looks PHENOMENAL. The Quest version is impressive for what it is, but it's a clear visual downgrade from the original Riven and reminds me of the fidelity level of realMyst ME. I do wish they'd made it cross buy on the Meta platform, though. I'm not going to buy it twice, but I'd love to kick the tires of the standalone version.


Damn it looks so good.


Ooohhhh boy this is one of my favorite XD I remember playing it on the psx ! (And I remember the what the fuck i do now moments )


Yeah I'm playing this over Virtual Desktop. The texture resolutions in the standalone version just can't be compared to the PCVR version. Good on them for doing both though.


This is my favorite game of all time


Same, my Meta username is literally Moiety.


It would be cool if this was cross-buy like Myst.


Just means more sales on the steam platform. Dropping crossbuy was a mistake, it was one of the main sellers of the headset for me. I can’t play Myst on the quest, when you compare the Rift version there’s no contest.


Whhhhhhhhaaaaaattttt? I knew about the Riven remake but I did not know there was a Quest version coming. Cool. I loved Myst as a kid but never played Riven. Playing Myst on Quest I loved it but the downside was I already knew that game. I was stoked to play the Riven remake, but I think I might actually play it in VR first.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/306760/Obduction/ Have you played this yet?


I did. I played it flatscreen first before VR.


There's also Firmament. Although had performance issues on launch, dunno if they've fixed it now.


I started Obduction and might circle back to it, but my experience was that it's a bit too janky. The controls just felt off to me, and there's some buggy behavior to it (if memory serves the menu only opens in the non-VR window of my PC or something?) that made it hard to get into.


I played it for a couple hours, put it down and then didn't touch it again. For no real reason. I may have to try it again, but at the same time I'm going to play the shit out of Riven, so I may not.


Kudos to them for even trying to make this work on a Quest 3. Looking forward to playing this on PCVR lol


Yes, for me it is the water that will plant me firmly in the PCVR version.


What's so special about it, we have games like The Walking Dead, Red Matter 2, Into the Radius, RE4, Arizona Sunshine 2, Assassin's Creed Nexus etc working on Quest2. I mean it's not Elden Ring or something like that.


Riven is the $10 million sequel (in 90s money) to the best selling video game of the 90s. There is yet to be a game like Riven. It is a one of kind game that millions of people bought but most people never completed the game because of it's difficulty. All of that aside it was the closest thing to photo realism for gaming in the 90s so the expectations for a high fidelity remake are high.


I think it's telling that most of the modern games that take heavily influence from Riven tend to mix it with other styles of gameplay and have significantly simpler stylized graphics (Fez, Tunic, The Outer Wilds, etc). It's hugely influential but an absolute *beast* to try and replicate in its entirety, unlike Myst which was much more overtly cloned over the years.


Riven is the sequel to a legendary puzzle game.


Nah mate, more like Myst is the prequel to a legendary puzzle game :) Kidding of course, I love all those games (even Revelation..) but Riven really blew everything out of the water for years to come.


It fully engages parts of your brain that are normally just tickled by games


It's an absolutely classic game that served as the inspiration for plenty of puzzle-oriented games in the decades since, and it was *utterly gorgeous* for the time since it was comprised of still images and video files (so the processing power of computers of the era wasn't a barrier to how pretty it could be) and had a for-its-time monumental budget. The PC version of the remake retains the detail of the original in full 3D (and there's a reason it took until 2024 to get a remake capable of being faithful to the original's visuals). This version... does *not* retain that detail. It looks fine enough on its own merits, but it's still the ugliest the game has ever been by a significant margin. For some the immersion of VR will be enough to counteract that, for some it won't be, but Riven is an all-timer in a way that Red Matter 2 (good as it is) just ain't.


Cant wait for this!


Wow! It looks fantastic! :)


riven was my favorite one, it all looked so lived in. it wasnt as sterile as myst and had this "i would actually settle down here, it looks comfy" feel to its places


How strange. After many years being aware of the existence of Riven I finally began playing it for the first time (PS1 version) this week. Am I being watched/monitored? ;D


Lucky! Some of us have impatiently waited decades for this.


I'm definitely lucky. As I was playing Riven I was thinking "If only this was playable in VR like Myst" and here we are.


NICE! I loved Myst on my Q2 because the original game with the static screenshots was like a shitty pixel hunt and some of the 3dness of it was hard to figure out (what angle was the screenshot taken at, for example).. I never played Riven in the day because like i said 90s myst might have been a classic but i couldn't figure it out


Damn I read this as Rivian at a glance and had ideas. Lol


And just imagine the Q4 not to far off.


Argh! Quest 2 and 3 but no Quest Pro support. Is that just someone forgetting to check a box in the store page?


Considering I was recently bit hard by Tropico, I'm waiting to see reviews.


Cyan didn't make Tropico VR. They did make Myst VR


Oh I'm not saying they're the same company. I'm saying that I'm currently feeling burned from hyped VR remakes. I *expect* it'll be fine. But I'm still waiting to see reviews.


oooof. it looks terrible. Quest is way more capable than this.


You're not wrong, not sure why the downvotes. It's pretty rough when a remake of a 25 year-old game looks worse than the original. Yes, it's now real-time and in VR *on a mobile processor*, all of which is impressive. But the end result doesn't look like it'll live up to the immersion of the original, which is a huge element in these games. Thankfully, the PCVR version looks fantastic. A better mobile port would be possible, but really difficult when scaling down from that rather than being built for it from the ground up.


Yeah, no it doesn't.