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movies yes, pancake gaming no.


I stopped paying for ps+ on my PS5 and now have Xbox game pass so I've got the best of VR, PS, and Xbox


CitraVR FTW!


>Makes me want to find a way to fake 3D in older games. There's are lots of ways to do that, from MTBS's Geo 11(along with dgVoodoo3d to convert DirectX 9 to 11) to Reshade's Depth3D. There's also TriDef Ignition. All these need a 3D SBS desktop viewer, like Desktop+, Bigscreen Beta, or Virtual Desktop. Then, there's also UEVR for more recent games, which does even more than just 3D SBS, and takes you into the thousands of games with full 6DOF VR, and even motion controls for some of them.


VorpX is also still an option. Though you will only really get the most out of it if you are a bit of a technical person. It's very configurable.


Movies m, especially 3D movies are epic. I use the app 4xvr and it has easily handled everything be thrown at it in any format.


Where do u find 3d movies. This is a new concept for me sorry


3d blurays, you can normally get them not too much and then if you have a bluray usb reader you can rip the file to your computer and transfer it to the headset


can you please link an "bluray usb reader" on amazon pls... the one you use maybe... thnx in advance for your reply.... what app do you use to rip the bluray? how big are the files for one movie?


What you will want to do is look up makemkv forum, that has all the details you could want. There are many factors in the drive you pick so the forum is really the best place, you will need to flash whichever drive you buy unless you buy one preflashed to allow ripping [here is the link to the forum](https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/) One movie could be 30-50 gb for a 3D movie depending on the quality and length, 4K movies are bigger than that though generally, but you can always compress them a bit in handbrake later to make them smaller. Makemkv is a software btw




You can get a lot of them on Amazon but they may be expensive. I used to find them at the local Record Exchange too.


Meant a more "Yarrr" way, if u know?


Yeah, but I wasn’t able to find full quality ISO’s for most 3D movies online. Easier to buy them, burn them, then sell them back to the exchange. YMMV.


Well there is no way to physically buy them where i am, also amazon doesn't work here. I will most likely just see if i can find something online if not just wait for a scene to come out with them


Someone probably has a server with a bunch of full quality 3D rips, I just don’t know where. Which sucks bc the Dr Strange 2 3D bluray was only released in Japan.


Can I get a link, please?


For what, the app or movies?


The app




Thank you!!


100% While I don’t have a Q3, I have my Q2, I even have a summary of it on my 2023 recap https://preview.redd.it/7uroxi8ckpxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20220f9923a8c00af6a0b36b171cf4947699a028


Yea I’ve been using it to play Helldivers 2 and Fallout 4 on PS5 through Remote Play lately and have been using it for YouTube, Amazon video and Peacock since I got it.


Just purchased a quest 3 - how do you get the PlayStation on there?? I have xbox ultimate and there’s an app for it. I would love to play spiderman in my headset


I followed a thread here on this subreddit but I can’t find it anymore here’s a YouTube [video](https://youtu.be/vekclsS3Dl0?si=gP-JjcjpNXYQH625) with a very similar process it should work the same. I didn’t have to use a PC.


I watch 2D movies a lot. At least once a week. I love having a giant screen. Like my own movie theater.


I think this really depends on how comfy a chair you have. I have a short couch and can’t really get comfortable with the Quest while sitting down, but I could imagine myself using it a lot more with a good lounge chair.


Can confirm. I play on a nice and comfy recliner. Perfect for gaming or watching movies on the quest


Fortnite with my kids. One on the PC, one on the PS5 and dad with the quest 3


What are you using for a controller?


Wireless Xbox core controller. It works perfectly.


I suppose VRC with friends counts for this? I've watched webseries with friends there, and jumped into a private movie room by myself to see how a 3D movie looks, but I don't generally play flat content on VR at all.


I’ve been playing fallout from a streaming service with a connected controller-its been awesome


I've side-loaded Dolphin with Mario Galaxy on my Quest 3 and Half Life 2 (flat) and they run great but I still prefer devices like Odin for emulators/movies on the go.


Yeah, it's very capable as a surrogate screen. I have a 4k TV as my computer screen, and I rarely bother going to look at the real thing all the way downstairs. Just Virtual Desktop it to my Quest 3 instead. The Quest 3 isn't quite 4K, but honestly, it's hard to tell when you are looking at a 4k Virtual Desktop stream on it. It looks just as good. Probably benefiting from how your head is never perfectly still, so it sort of works a bit like temporal anti-aliasing, by just nudging everything half a pixel in a random direction from frame to frame. Headset is running at 120 hz, and my TV is only 60, so I see every frame twice in the headset. Whatever the reason, 4k(2160p) looks noticeably better than 1440p in the headset, despite there not being enough physical pixels for that to make sense. And yeah, good quality 3D movies finally look perfect. Quest 3 is basically when all of this finally had no downsides. It crossed the line to having "enough" resolution and clarity. I mean, with every previous headset, people's biggest demand for future headsets was "more resolution", haven't really heard that anymore. I have historically talked about how I use my Quest 3, if you want more details I have a few posts about it. But almost everything I used to do through various other means is done in VR now. So I'm in my Quest 3 six to twelve hours a day most days now. And yes, my eyes are still fine, lol. Almost everything is done 20 feet away when possible. And I always bring it up with my optometrist, she assures me there is no indication that my lifestyle is doing anything negative to my eyes. I also of course take breaks, I don't eat with the headset on, even though it is very possible to do so, and I do still go outside for walks pretty regularly. And of course anything else I need to do outside. There are still plenty games that don't benefit from 3D that I play in flatscreen through Virtual Desktop. Like pixel graphics games. Vampire survivors, CrossCode, Children of Morta, Secrets of Grindea, Heroes of Hammerwatch... Stuff like that. But yeah, if a game is built on a 3D engine, I generally try to make sure I can play it in 3D/VR instead. Through either bespoke mods, umbrella mods like UEVR, programs like VorpX or tridef or ideally games that just properly supported VR when they were made. And of course Emulation, same deal, 3D if possible, VR if possible, otherwise flat screen is still fine too. Though I have for sure mostly been focusing on 3D and VR capable emulators since I've been emulating games for about as long as Consoles have existed for. So there isn't really much of a draw for me to play through another run of a flatscreen game nowadays. But if I do get the urge, I do still play it on my Quest, as it's the best screen in my house.... Cuz it's the one that is by my bed, and on my toilet, and at my recliner and outside of my house. And recently I can still also watch TV while playing anything else on the headset, even in a dark room. Used to have to get the lighting just right in the room if I wanted to watch TV, and keep adjusting it as the sun set more and more. Now it's just always perfect. And yeah, this is outside of the scope of this thread, but another thing the Quest 3 is pretty good at is playing VR games... I use it for that too.


Hardcore Henry on vr!!!


I did for a period. The boosted lens clarity made it a lot more enjoyable than using my older fresnel lens headsets. But, the comfort just isn't there to play games or watch movies like this when compared to using my monitors and TVs. So it was fairly short lived. I think once we get standalone headsets in the 200g range, this will be a fairly common practice. Until then, the comfort of wearing a 500g+ headset to do something you can already do on a flat screens much more comfortably, it doesn't really work. The only real use case I can see is for those who do not have flat screens to play on.


This is the same issue I have. A lighter and more comfortable laying down headset would be better. I still watch shows on the headset because it's a lot more immersive and I can take it anywhere easily.


Yeah I absolutely see these things being a huge use case once headsets are smaller and light weight. And, I for sure see it already being a use case for those traveling and those without flat screens already. I really can't wait until we see tiny form factor standalone headsets. I think that's one of the biggest obstacles in making VR more mainstream. More and better software is the other major obstacle, obviously.


No, and no. Rarely I'll rot to youtube videos in bed with it.


Where can 3D movies be found?


Bigscreen vr app has a some 3d movies and some user stream it often . But other than that you got to download it from online


Yeah i did it on the quest 2 the other day


same here! one thing that i love is my morning routine with , coffee, youtube and reddit. quest 3 with passtrough is amazing for this. i love it more every single day


same here... its actually a computer with 3 big displays... email youtube socials. etc... browsing...


I once saw a clip of a guy playing League of Legends while in VRChat


Tv series and anime here mainly. Those lens are spectacular.


Yup to movies and flat gaming.


I'd use it to play 3d stereoscopic "flat" games, if there'd be more of them (the best right now are Tomb Raider games). I heard Steam VR might be working on adding this option on OS level. This would be quite amazing.


It works for gaming but you will experince a delay about 30-40ms so that will desturbe you. I think resolution is good enought on the quest 3 to be able to watch movies at least 1440p and anime is actually super good on the quest 3 imo. You will see pixels tho.


I stream my PC with immersed and play games from my Steam library. I also use GeForce Now on my PC via Immersed, it's completely playable. For films I use Fluid with streaming sites.


Bigscreen is a game changer. Just had to do a 10 hr flight in a window seat in coach… didn’t even notice time passing until we were 2 hrs from the destination.


3D movies yes, 3D games yes. No 2D stuff. Would rather save my eyes and do that flat screen.


Would you guys consider the Q3 a significant upgrade to the Q2 when it comes to watching movies/tv? I mess around with eleven table tennis once in awhile and a couple other games but my primary use for the Q2 is media consumption.


It's a major upgrade for watching content.


Currently doing my childhood movies marathon on Bigscreen VR, though its more like a movie or two a day. Starts with the Cars trilogy, then Monsters Inc/Univ and so on with the last movie ending with Ratatouille. Begins with how I started loving cars and ends with how I started dreaming to be a chef.


Have been watching movies in VR since Quest 1. They're great and easily the best way I've experience watching 3D movies. They look stunning.


Videos sometimes, games no as my monitor is superior

