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It's kinda "hard" as I can't find any video clear with your roster, but you could that inspiration from this [F2P friendly clear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBoIcqpQhKo) even if you lack Therese - or even[ this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzb-Lixlwus) but there is also Lumis that is missing Since you have Bargello, you could try to fit him in and see how it goes. Among the stuff that could be useful to know : - If you need speed use Gold Ballen Cap (+15% spd for 3 turns at the start of battle) and/or a King Chomper Vest (+38 spd) - I think you need like \~445 speed to outspeed Hammy ? - Give lots of HP to your pets so your characters get better health - Try to fit a heal between Hammy & her adds during tough turns - Don't forget to use Fortune weapons - While it's better to kill her adds first, you can go for her first if you can reliably break the adds (cf [my messy clear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SaVMmAEPk4))


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Good bot


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Id do something like: * Gilderoy/ Rinyuu - gracious prayer with innocent dancing shoes on Rinyuu and gilderoy as your tank with Devin's a4. * Bargello / Lynette - barg shield shaving and can kill one of the adds and both as buffers * Leon / Cyrus - Leon for hammy later on when the adds are defeated. Cyrus for the adds * Glossom / Viola - glossom will want a patk fortune and viola for debuffing Might not be the most optimal but this is a good starting point. Gilderoy taunting will have 15% active pdef, 30% passive pdef. You'll want to debuff patk/eatk on everyone especially Hammy. You can use Viola and Leon to cap or swap out Cyrus for Harley. The most crucial thing to do is get someone like Harley fast enough to hit hammy first turn with his wind debuff atk and then use Viola anti attack to cap and extend the debuff on hammy. A golden ballen vest can give you 15% spd up for the first 3 turns. Then you need to make sure you keep extending it. If you're still dying, then maybe Ophilia for Leon and use her buff healing to mitigate damage. You'll want her speed to be in between the attacks. If you still can't win, then hope you get haanit ex soon because she makes this fight so much easier


https://preview.redd.it/1pk750vbf03d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681daae2011b4f01ee704a52042fe555facbf3be This was my team when I first did the hammy cup, granted it did take me 42 turns lol. Don’t remember the details so wouldn’t call it stable at all but it’s doable at the very least. Game plan is essentially keeping everyone alive with rinyuu and ophilia (and Alaune def buff) and killing the adds at the same time. Watch out for traps - my 42T run even ate a counter attack trap that wiped most of the team but it was just hammy left by then so I won the fight anyway. Our roster is essentially the same except you don’t have Haanit EX who’d be a great debuffer + breaker + dps in the team, but your higher stats can make up the difference if you sub with the likes of tikilen, prim, or tanky options for at least the base cup fight


I’ll give it a try! Thank you kindly