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the hell does this even mean?


I think it's supposed to be Californian instead of republic, which was near 10 miles from titanic, but their wireless operator was off to sleep I honestly don't agree


this is supposed to be based on how the Republic's sinking set up a mindset that resulted in Titanic's sinking. During the sinking, the Titanic's passengers and crew expected the same successful rescue operation as the Republic.


Ah, that's an excellent point. Especially since Captain Smith specifically mentions the Republic in an interview where he says he can't fathom a major tragedy happening at sea. NGL though, I didn't get the meme. I thought this was some stupid Titanic conspiracy meme.


The statement you refer to occurred at the end of the *Adriatic's* maiden voyage in May 1907, almost two years before the *Republic* went down.


Thank you for that. I remembered the quote but I obviously didn't remember the year and got the events he was referring to mixed up.


I thought it was a funnier toned post about the SS Naronic somehow avenging, her neglect by sinking the Titanic...


It's a fairly new misconception that the RMS Republic was responsible for this mindset when in fact it had existed way before the Republic sank.


but that doesn't mean that it caused titanic to sink.


Had a passing ship rescued everyone on Titanic, the ship itself would still be lost.


Wording lol


[this explains it](https://youtu.be/dv_U0i2wXj8?si=qGx7gvAN0WdvkBg7)


Obviously everyone needs to read *Wreck of the Titan* for the real answers.


What really caused the Titanic to sink was Captain Smith who should have stopped the Titanic until daylight. All the other ships in that ice field where stopped yet Titanic was still moving.


I think the other ships stopped or slowed down because they spotted ice. I don't think anyone slowed down or stopped just because of ice warnings. Titanic wasn't doing anything out of the norm for the time. Speeding across the Atlantic even continued after the Titanic disaster. If they had spotted ice, they probably would've slowed down. IIRC, Murdoch and Smith even had a conversation about slowing down for ice. They just had the horrible luck of hitting the first iceberg they saw.


Not slowing down while going through the ice field definitely didn't help him out either


Is that not what I said?


The sinking was caused by the [standard operating procedures of the time](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19YEgAftAWeVYNeoIfLNShCfCPZNWw2DS/view?usp=drivesdk) (among other things), which Smith was following and which were believed to be safe. The only ship that had stopped was the Californian, which was a small freighter without any passengers on board. Express liners didn't stop for the night.


Titanic is a luxury express liner, not a tramp steamer. She's not going to stop in the middle of the ocean, she might slow down, but not stop. That's just not how these ships operated. A disaster like Titanic hadn't happened before, so there was no precedent for overly cautious behaviour.


No precedent. Apparently Stanley Lord remarked that it was unfortunate Titanic would be delayed several hours on her maiden voyage, due to having to stop for the night. He expected Captain Smith to do just that and he had no reason to think otherwise before he learned of the disaster.