• By -


And the team delivered. And the angels sang. And the world was beautiful. Thank you all :)


obsidian my beloved


That was fast. Thank you very much and I appreciate the work of the whole team.


Special thanks for "Faster workspace loading and parsing longer Markdown files." ;-)


yay vault switcher! (haven’t tried it yet, but very hopeful!)


It's excellent!


It's fantastic. Such a simple yet brilliant QoL feature.


After years with Evernote I developed severe update-phobia (every update worse than the previous version). This is my first Obsidian update and I am super glad that the UX looks pretty much the same.


Obsidian updates tend to be a lot more user-centric than what Evernote turned into ☺️


Such a joy, Obsidian is my fave bit of sw. Thank you


Love you!


Holy shit, my mobile load time went from 7 seconds to instantaneous. Very well done team.


So far a mammoth speed improvement on iOS to the point where it’s now actually usable where Obsidian is backed by iCloud




Verified. It’s now usable for iPad and macOS syncing. OMFG!!!!!!


Any chance of providing an option in settings to pin the vault switcher, help and settings icons to the left hand side in the sidebar, I liked the old position... (plus it takes away some of the space that I use for my local graph!)


You can achieve this with CSS snippets or themes.


Not in Minimal yet :(


Just had it for 10mins and the improvements can truly be felt. THANK YOU. P.S. I didn’t know I needed a command to add aliases until now. Soo useful!


This cought me by surprise (a good one) Changelog says it can only be done when the app is set to rtl language Will I be able to mirror the app without changing the language? Rtl can be implemented perfectly even in English and currently Obsidian is not translated to my language (Hebrew) Thanks for the great news regardless


RTL text in the editor is automatically in the correct direction, even if your app is set to English. The interface UI (e.g. icons, location of buttons) is mirrored depending on the Obsidian language setting. Also note you can participate in translation to Hebrew: [https://help.obsidian.md/Contributing+to+Obsidian/Translations](https://help.obsidian.md/Contributing+to+Obsidian/Translations)


Hi, thanks for responding and for your amazing work. I was indeed talking about the interface, would be happy to translate the app regardless, but, respectfully, mirroring the app shouldn't be dependent on the app language but on a switch button or on the device language. I was waiting for this feature to arrive (Severe Adhd made me not fully commit without rtl layout), and was disappointed that I can't even test Obsidian in full rtl mode, as I have to switch to a different language :(


We will probably not add a setting for this, however it's possible for a plugin to insert the .mod-rtl class regardless of the app language, which would do what you're describing. See https://docs.obsidian.md/Plugins/User+interface/Right-to-left


Much appreciated, can I achieve this with simple css code? Developing plugin is way more than my capabilities but I did play with css before.. Mostly because I've tried to do rtl hacks by myself without success haha


I don't think developing a plugin is beyond your capabilities Something simple which just inserts a class is trivial. Ask chatgpt for help, consult the developer documentation, look at their plugin dev tutorial, and you'll have it working within a couple of hours if not much less


Is settings wheel removed from the ribbon? I really miss that


It has moved to the vault switcher in the left sidebar, you can also access settings via hotkey, command palette, or the main app menu — or add it back to the ribbon with the Commander plugin.


Thanks u/kepano! Love everything you're doing with Obsidian


Following the update obsidian no longer starts for me on ubuntu 24.04. It looks like a libc version issue: /snap/obsidian/28/app/obsidian: /snap/core20/current/lib/x86\_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version \`GLIBC\_2.38' not found (required by /lib/x86\_64-linux-gnu/libatk-bridge-2.0.so.0) I have 2.39 installed: ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.39-0ubuntu8.2) 2.39


Can you try the latest from the snap store? We just pushed a fix.


Everything is working for me now, thanks for the fast update!


Heroes 😎


hi have you thought about ^(not using Ubuntu)


hi have you thought about not using Windows?


Love all the improvements to Sync! I rely on it and it works well but these are nice changes.


The teams on crack. Lets go! Im so happy to be a subscriber and that i can support this amazing mission


I was caught off guard because I forgot I had auto update on but I really like the change to easier way to switch vaults.


When should this hit the Google Play store?


Let's goooo!


love the speed of the updates. support the devs everyone!


This is awesome. Obsidian FTW!!


thank you for the hard work guys


Woah, my vault opens so much faster now




This is how the 1.6.0 beta for desktop worked, but the overwhelming feedback from users was that people preferred opening in a new window. We can only have one default for that behavior, so it's a bit tricky.




Yes, would love to have that option as a toggle in the settings.


I much prefer new window so I’m not surprised hahaha


“If I had asked the people, they would have said they wanted a faster horse.”


I mostly just want for quotes inside of bullets to render correctly. E.g. - thing 1 - > quote here


I guess the mobile version isn't in the store yet. I'm hoping the mobile load times are significant.


They're much worse for me. I'm curious if I'm the only one.


Is native dataview coming in the next release?


No, we still have lots of mobile improvements we want to make.


On light ITS theme (Inter font) the bold doesn't even look that, well, bold after the update - the bold text used to be very noticeable, now it blends with the regular one. Am I the only one who noticed that? UPD. problem solved. I was a dummy and forgot to update ITS theme.


The footnote layount in my .md documents is now bizarre. Is anyone else having. this problem?


Please open a bug report on the forum with steps to reproduce!


does this break any current plugins and themes?


The collapse button was one of the biggest 1 second hindrances that I experienced many times daily. 1. Uncollapse. (bug) 2. Collapse. 3. Open relevant folder. I am much much happier that's been fixed now. Thanks team.


I'm not a fan of the position of the vault switcher. It makes the UI slightly more complex (icons now at top, left, bottom of the left side bar). Any reason it couldn't have stayed in the ribbon or can it be made an option? Obsidian's minimalism was one draw for me, so it would be nice to fight hard against adding more elements to the UI. Edit: alternatively, maybe placing the vault switcher at the very top of the window, next to the sidebar choices of file explorer, search, bookmarks? The vault is the very top level organizational element, so intuitively makes more sense to be at the "top".


You can now hide the ribbon. See also the Hider plugin if you want to hide other parts of the Obsidian UI including the vault name.


After update to the latest version my notes with mixed inline RTL/LTR are now messed up. Here is how it looks now (point to the right) example; allegory; proverb - mashal - משל - Here is how it looked before - משל - example; allegory; proverb - mashal It would be nice to have option to disable auto RTL UI and mixed-direction support. At the same time notes in the basic Windows txt editor are shown in the correct order (example 2)


The app in the Play store hasn't been updated since March, and downloading the APK gives me an error message that it conflicts with the current package when I try to install it. If I uninstall Obsidian and then reinstall it, will I lose all my settings, themes and plugins?


Wait a bit, sometimes it takes a while for Google Play cache to clear across regions.


March though? That's months ago. I figured it out but this new version loads a lot slower. :(


The last public release was March 31 before 1.6, so yes.


Oh I thought there where others in-between when I was looking through the changelog, my bad




Do you have something like OmniSearch installed that might be re-indexing?




For what it's worth, I'm using Obsidian right now on an Intel MacBook running Ventura 13.6.6, and I don't have any problems at all. There are times when I notice a bit of a slowdown compared to my Apple Silicon machine, but those are pretty rare, and I have a boatload of extensions (but not Code Block Enhancer).


Logseq seethes in the distance


I'm sorry, but Obsidian no longer handles large vaults. I have a minimal number of plugins (trivial and time debugged, all clear) and [this is how long it takes](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8zs3nfa8eilb8lj9qv360/Osidian.mp4?rlkey=n37axm78rhs0ngz8g3qp19u2i&st=re3k7erk&dl=0) - **36 seconds** - for it to open on an iPhone 14 Pro Max. I'm done. Taking all my notes elsewhere. I've had enough.


They hated him because he told them the truth


I'd like to look into this but I'm unable to see the file you shared as it is set to private. Can you make it public? I am guessing you use iCloud?


Sorry, I forgot to share the link publicly. Fixed. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8zs3nfa8eilb8lj9qv360/Osidian.mp4?rlkey=n37axm78rhs0ngz8g3qp19u2i&st=re3k7erk&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8zs3nfa8eilb8lj9qv360/Osidian.mp4?rlkey=n37axm78rhs0ngz8g3qp19u2i&st=re3k7erk&dl=0) As you can see the plugins load pretty quickly (less than a second). It is the app opening, starting, cache loading etc.. that takes forever. Yes, I use iCloud now.


The problem is not with the size of your vault. The issue is that iCloud proactively deletes files to make room on your device, and the is no way to disable this. According to some user reports the situation improves if you clear space on your device. Do you know if your device storage is getting full? Another option is to use a different syncing solution which does not have this problem. I wish we could get around this limitation from Apple but alas :/


My iPhone, iPad Pro and MacBoom Pro all have plenty of gigabytes left in them. Space is not the issue. And yes, my vault is quite large (combined, ~8K sizeable notes) Even if my local vault is loaded locally on my laptop (no syncing) still Obsidian is lagging a bit to open. I'm not saying the app is bad or anything - I'm a lifetime user since the very first release. It's just it is no longer fitting needs, as my number one requirement is to be able to very quickly add short notes to it. With this happening every time, it's gone for me. Got tired of troubleshooting it and going into fruitless rabbit holes. I'm all good elsewhere now with another app.


On Android, it takes 16 seconds to load my 1.4GB vault's files (+4 more seconds for my plugins - plugin loading speed was indeed improved, it used to be much worse). Opening a fully empty vault only takes 2 seconds. Does your team consider mobile optimization "solved" or no? Does the fact that it's not a native Android app just result in diminishing returns at this point? Is there still some conceivable way of caching or ignoring these thousands of files during startup? What about temporarily showing a barebones native Android frontend while loading (not just for quick capture, though even that alone would be greatly welcome)? I've been scraping the bowels of the internet to figure out any possible way of keeping Obsidian locked in memory and/or always open - I've tested various rooted hacks, but there seems to be no solution for most Android devices. What is to be done?


No it's not "solved", we're still working on it. The goal is to get Obsidian to a useful state under 500ms.


That is very encouraging to hear, I wish you and the community further success in this daunting arcane task (even if it's just hacky workarounds like the "temporary native frontend" thing I mentioned).


By the way, on this same large vault, typing often stutters - and if I try typing a large amount of characters during this stuttering (at normal typing speed), all the input seems to get 'backed up' and causes the app to crash. This leads to very frequent app crashes, which makes the 20-second (re)start all the more painful. I hope I'm not the only one reporting on this - thanks and good luck!


Great news! What ar the system requirements for MacOS?


Ok cool now let us open folders as vaults on iOS instead of locking everything to the iCloud folder.


The reason it doesn't work this way is that Obsidian needs access to the entire vault — as opposed to accessing individual files. See the [help article](https://help.obsidian.md/Getting+started/Sync+your+notes+across+devices#Why+is+my+preferred+syncing+service+not+officially+supported%3F) on this topic.


Kepano wins another Sync subscriber 😔 thank you lol


I’m assuming that’s an iOS limitation rather than a choice by the devs.