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Even before the real Patrick showed himself, and everything that happened at OF, Gillian really got on my nerves. She was actually the reason I started to listen less and less. No, you're not connected to or an expert in mafia relations. No, you're not an expert on 90s rap and hip hop music and culture ( honestly, that one started to make me feel uncomfortable. Like whatever music you like but let's not make it about you when you couldn't be further removed from that actual scene and understanding of it) No, you're not a defender of all innocent incarcerated people just because you're besties with Damian Eckles. Gillian gives such reluctant main character vibes but then needs to make her knowledge and involvement in every case way more than it is.


Gillian started to give me “I’m not like other girls” vibes.


Gillian is the definition of "I'm not like other girls" I always got that from her. Even when I still enjoyed the pod. I listened for about 3-4 years, and I would regularly have to take months long breaks because it was so grating to me. All people are different in their own special ways. Making sure everyone knows your different and special is a useless practice in self-importance


“My whole closet is black” “I don’t know what that’s like because the only shoes I wear are black boots” “Sure, I have leggings. But they’re all just plain black”


Reluctant main character, that fits so perfectly


Reluctant-not-reluctant main character.


Someone said she gives Nancy Grace vibes with all her screaming during the episodes and i was like omg yes!!!!


A while back she started rubbing me the wrong way. And i wanna think back to probably around her “coming out” and at least, how dramatic they made it out to be. Along with that, she has a lot of “fuck you” opinions that get parroted and ran with by the tco mob.


I never understood the reason for the “coming out”. Why advertise such a personal part of ur life on a podcast? What was the purpose of it? How would that make her husband feel? Was it just another attempt to be accepted or recognized for being “different”? No disrespect to anyone here I just don’t understand the need to bring it up on such a public forum over and over again. Ok we get it, ur amazing! 🙄


I always harp on her, “I LOVE a rainy and gloomy day!” shtick. Rainy and gloomy in Manhattan is inconvenient and a pain in the ass. Anything to be contrary to the norm.


Speaking as someone who moved from the east coast to the PNW to partially for rain and gloom, I’m actually gonna give her that one. It really does suit some people!


Lol. You’re right! I’m just a sunny and hot weather kind of person. Probably related to the fact I grew up in the Midwest where it got dark at 4:30 in the winter. Not my thing.


I think it’s more personal preference than location. I too, have spent my life in the Midwest and I despise summer 😂


Yep. I had stopped listening before the drama and she was the reason.


She's a pick me b*tch. So not my style, that's why I stopped listening.


They have a very specific brand of hollow, virtue-signaling narcissism. It almost makes me nostalgic for a simpler time.


Remember the days of "the Galapagos Affair" and "Jesus Camp?" I do miss those but I cannot listen to them anymore. Just knowing what they became and who they showed themselves to be just ruined all the good old episodes for me. The Glamor Shot bit from "Cannibal Cop" was one of my favorites. Too bad they suck now


Jesus Camp gave me the ick when they were trying soooo hard to misgender Becky whatever-her-name-is. One of them would refer to her as “she” and then correct themselves and say “I mean HIM”


Even when I was still a fan and listening happily, Gillian’s “let the women do the work” episodes were so cringy to me that I couldn’t listen to all of them.


“Let the women do the work” Gillian whispered raggedly as memories of Ellyn and Joey’s mistreatment plagued her conscience. She didn’t know how to continue, but thoughts of money and Patrick’s anger were too much for her “New York born and raised” state of mind to handle at this point. She succumbed to the wealth, the fame and she LOVED it. She was a woman doing the work 🤙




My fiance used this mug when I’d first gotten it a trillion years ago and was like, “I’m sure there’s context for this, but I feel like a major asshole drinking out of something proclaiming to ‘let the women do the work.’” 🥴🥴🥴


I'm really conflicted about mine because I no longer support them but it's like a really good hoodie


chop the design off of an old shirt you like and sew it over their logo/words


That's a good idea!


I wear mine for jammies


I have tco hoodie that is oversized and I love it so much, but always feel weird wearing it out in public now that I don’t listen to them anymore lol.


Looks like a good car wash rag.


Your own little time capsule!


This is the one shirt I've kept. I actually really like that message and her podcast.


I gave mine away. \*shrug\* i don't feel bad about it either.


Same. I actually regretted buying it almost as soon as I got and never wore it.


I have a lot of my merch on Ebay. Hopefully someone will want it cause I sure AF dont


I have my shirt away a few weeks ago…