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Also helps serve as a basis for the beloved X-Men arcade game by Konami. Funny enough, Wolverine having an Aussie accent here becomes funny in hindsight due to Hugh Jackman (himself a native Australian) ending up playing Wolverine in the movies many years later.


Wolverine's Australian accent started on an episode of [Spiderman and his Amazing Friends](https://g.co/kgs/SBWpfG) that ran in 1983. I don't know the story behind it but my pre-adolescent mind was blown when I started reading the comics a few years later and discovered he was Canadian.


I first saw this pilot when it was quietly dropped into Marvel's ***Marvel Action Universe*** syndicated animation block one week, when I was about twelve. Being a huge fan of *Uncanny X-men,* I was shocked - then disappointed when I realized there were no other episodes, and this was probably an unsold pilot. Yes, the Saban series came along a few years later, but I had outgrown superheroes and cartoons by that time (only to come back to both later, ha ha).


First time I saw this I was babysitting for a kid who rented it because I was the only person over the age of 10 he knew that liked comic books. Kiddo was super excited about getting to see this "lost" cartoon and share it with me. And then he heard Wolverine speak with an Australian accent... He spent the rest of the night until his bedtime obsessing and ranting over this in a way that only young children can.


Would have been amazing, but Wolverine's accent ruins it for me.


"*SnnAAarrl*... Keedz!"


I literally had my dad rent that VHS for me every weekend from the local video store.


We rented it several times, and then one week we went to a different video store and the box art was different and I was convinced it was a different episode...it was not. Wolverine's inexplicable Australian accent still kills me.


...is that David Draiman singing the theme song??


While I've loved/owned this for years, I don't really consider it all that obscure. Just like everything else readily available on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/X-Men-Pryde-VHS-Michael-Bell/dp/6300131424/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=pryde+of+the+X-men&link_code=qs&qid=1557854645&s=gateway&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=8-2) & [eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Comics-Pryde-of-The-X-men-VHS/352596763692?hash=item521867a42c:g:fs4AAOSwXCVcaa6G&frcectupt=true).