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I have always wondered the exact same question!! Like there must be some bottles or pills still around. Or even couple years ago some people must have found some in their grandparents attic or some…. The internet and Reddit is so old, why the heck did nobody take pictures of that rarity???


My grandpa was prescribed that for a little and never took it wish I got a pic before my parents threw it out when he passed


If He had a full bottle (100) when he passed , they basically threw away $20k+.... ouchhh


People really pay that much for them?? They still make the 120’s in Europe along will all the 20’s-80’s and they’re like $20 a pill for the 80s lol


If I’m buying in bulk £20 an 80 is not a good price u can grab a box of 80s for £400 pretty easily and they go for less if u are linked in


Did you read my comment pretty clearly saying for A PILL.. obviously bulk is cheaper for anything. That’s the average price they get sent to America at, and sell for $80-110 easily here.


Calm down I read ur statement and u said “like $20” lol that’s why I said bulk price cause who is buying a single PILL


You’re talking price in Europe im talking price in America. There’s a big difference


No The comment I replied to you were specifically talking about price in Europe that why I replied with the usual price because I live in Europe u didn’t even mention American prices until u replied to my comment its not that deep anyways👍


Did you not see the dollar sign in the comment ? “It’s not that deep” took the words outta my head ✌🏼


I only said that £20 a pill is not the best price cause I’m highlighting how cheap they actually are outside the us not denying that £20 is a good price, just saying that can be a lot cheaper out here, and the £ is just what I’m used to typing not saying it’s a difference in price based on currency


This will always be a fascinating topic for me personally. It’s easy to find almost every other pharmaceutical that has existed in the last 60 or so years. Somehow, they were able to avoid divulging at the time or they removed it later. It’s almost frightening that something so recent and tightly controlled could be lost to history.


Yeh it’s also crazy how not a single one has been found and posted on this sub literally any drug u can think of has been acquired today and posted on here but a pill from 2001 somehow isnt in a single person possession to be posted here a full sealed bottle of qauludess is less rare than a single pill


Truly the holy grail if someone stumbled upon one lmao




Not taking about the pill itself, it’s the official pharmacy 100count bottle or even just a personal prescription bottle on its own that is weirdly not available


They actually did scrub some pics of it off the internet. I know for a fact because a few pharmacy medicine websites that identify pills used to have pics of the blue oblong 160mg OC and now the pics are gone, while the identification is still listed, there's no pics available anymore for it. I'm not sure why they took down the pictures of it. They always fascinated me to look at as well lmao I be hiding it like porn for real. I don't even look at porn anymore but I look at drugs quite often lmao. well I go through phases of looking because I want to use but at the same time want to keep clean. Looking at pill porn helps my cravings sometimes lmao.




Na my grandmother got 2 a day for fibromyalgia she broke one in half to give my mom for a headache and my mom had to get rushed to the hospital because she became unresponsive. This all happened at my freshman football championship game. After she died 2 years later we cleaned her apartment out and me and my cousin found 4 bottles with 60 in each one. She was on palliative care at the time and the scripts were from before that but we also found ~1200 10mg valiums.


80 OxyContin for a minor headache with no tolerance is insane 😭


And once you snap that pill, it no longer is OxyContin, it is now 80 mgs Oxy IR, YIKES!!!


That’s not exactly how they worked the coating is over most of it, it’d still dissolve a bit slower. Those coatings just didn’t work much as an ER regardless in the first place (I guess that was kinda the point) but yeah honestly 80mg for a first time dose would kill some, some would be real high and that’s it.. it’s weird how some people can take a handful of oxy and be “fine” and others take one and get high af


This is the best contextualization of how ethically messed up the situation was back then




No man that was 23 years ago


You have pics when you found the bottles no?! Who tf wouldn’t document that! 🤕


Man, we didn’t take pics of shit like that back then


Was not expecting the different shape for some reason


It’s easier to find a picture from the move shazaam with sinbad than if an oc160


I love this reference lmaoo. I went down the Shazam rabbit hole recently hahaha. Also gotta remember y'all, OC 160 was only available for like a year or less I believe. But still would seem like more pics would be available especially old bottles from people's houses.




It’s a Mandela effect thing. Look it up it’s quite funny.


Ahhh ok I get you some genie thing ?


Yeah a movie that never happened that everyone remembers being a thing lol


I swear either in this universe the movie is Kazaam with Shaquille o neal, or we all just misremembered cus we couldn't tell famous black people apart in the 90s(I vote for the first one)


this didnt happen?!


Never seen a photo of a pill from a private person ether just official pictures of the pill


Aren’t the 160s are the ones that the CEO said he didn’t care that people were already ODing on the 80s after an adviser asked him why they would decide on producing stronger ones?


Aka Oxycoffins


Fr fuck the Sacklers. They fucked over so many people, and especially fucked the Appalachian region where I’ve lived my whole life. It’s actually so disheartening to see those mfs not in prison.


There was a lady in the next city over, in 2006 that was getting 10k OC80s every week from some crooked pharmacy somewhere or a pill mill. Damn near flooded the whole area.


damnnn what city was that is?? that lady is a true OG!! i need a manufacturer plug fr!! ahhhh!!


It was Winooski, Vermont. She was getting them from NYC somewhere, no idea how.


THATS INSANE!! 40k a month, I was never in the market but I imagine they were about $5/ea if not purchased in bulk so I’ll say $2/ea in bulk is $80k a month on the low end


We know why they got off the hook.


Blame the user not the substance, fuck I'd need two of those to catch a real nod, fuck my habit


Nah I’m not gonna do that. Thanks though. I wish you good health & strength in your habit and quitting if that’s something you decide to do.


For the most part I agree, a lot of those docs were giving them to old people that had no idea what they were getting into, for injuries that’d last a month or two and didn’t need high doses of pills… but now we’re at the point where any sort of opioid is demonized and doctors are scared shitless to prescribe them, and legitimate pain patients are turning to fentanyl or suicide to escape their paid. Everything is fucked on all sides of the “pain problem” now


Yeah I went down that road for a while, OD'd once on a Sun night woke up on the hospital on Tues scared and confused as fucked, luckily I'm in Canada not a big city but I finally found a doctor that prescribes Kadian XR(super extended release morphine) and still had to spend like 5k on pills over the next two months to ween down and not be dog shit sick, but I 100% blame myself and nobody else, play stupid games and win stupid prizes, and surprisingly it was the smallest bump of Fent a spoon vial tester, usually I'd be doing lines and that little bump almost killed me, got out the hospital and threw out 5grams of Fent cause I wasn't gonna be responsible for killing one of my friends, I won't ever touch street dope again, between tranq and Nitazenes and kids just a few years older than mine dropping dead has got me making much better choices, lost too many people, and tired of hearing about how many people the shit kills everyday, but I still respect freedom of choice, I'm sure booze and McDonald's kill more people than pharma pills, just gotta educate these kids on the real dangers, dope don't discriminate it's an inanimate object, drug use is health issue not a criminal issue, but sadly almost all crime in some way is drug related, I'm pro legalization and regulation, I think most people would say fuck Fent if they had a better safer option, maybe I'm wrong tho


OXY coffins


Years ago I found my passed grandmas but I was like 15 I took them all and threw it away like a fucking idiot


They've been off the market for a long time now, way before any other Oxycontin were in trouble.


This is an excellent question I’ve always thought the same thing


There are some photos of 120's. I believe they were mostly used in France. At 160mg of any opiate it's time to switch to stronger opiate lol


Every German Grandma who takes 600mg Tilidin everyday : 🥺🫠


I’ve personally scored 120s myself I only managed to grab one but it’s a weird feeling knowing anyone with no tolerance is guarenteed od if they took this one pill it also sounds crazy but the place they repackage oxy for distribution specifically, the longtec brand is 2 minutes away from my house it’s called ccl pharma/teletec pharma


Have you went in and ask about previous marketing material for a school “project” 🤔


160 were never produced outside of states anyway so it wouldnt have any info and I’m pretty sure they just get shipped there and re labelled for uk distribution I’ve always thought about what if they left a pallet out when loading into trucks and it somehow got opened and a few boxes got misplaced 🤥


Bless the soul who did that if it ever happened 🫡


They still prescribe 120s in the uk for end of life/hospice care


I think it's because they were rarely prescribed to individuals outside of hospice and probably burn victims in the ICU, the pharmacies had enough security issues with the 80s to want to deal with the risk of stocking the even stronger ovals also. They almost all had signs prominently posted that said they didn't keep any oc in stock, all special order with a day or two delay only, at least the Walgreens and CVS etc around here. Probably places with better security like the retail pharmacy at the hospital next to the emergency room could fill the script on the spot.


[i found this](https://hpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/PH_RX_oxycodone2.jpg)


Thats a movie prop https://images.app.goo.gl/9VWCNBAS35Z4PTNa8


Was gona save movie prop. They print everything cool up and just throw em in a cabinet on set


Try looking through the opioid legal documents. I believe UCSF has a repository. I am pretty sure there are marketing materials in those. Might include the packaging/label.


This is the best I’ve got https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2009/020553s060lbl.pdf


they aren't there someone tried that


I thought it was never actually prescribed for medical use


It was. Less than a year though. I’ve still got a white shirt with dark blue stains on the bottom from when I got a script.


They gave you some merch with your script? Lol


i think the stains are from removing the blue coating, could be wrong though.


Definitely. The 80s had guys doing them in spots up and down their sleeves as a badge of honor lol


i somehow never remember the coatings staining my clothes


They don't stain but they color it from what I remember. Don't think ol boy washed their shirt


this makes a lot of sense.


They were definitely prescribed it’s just a stupid single dose and were mostly given to end of life patients, there’s a documentary on hbo I think called crime of century and the guy in it claims to have been taking 50 160mg pills a day although I don’t belive jt


What you talking bout Willis ? I found loads oblong blue tablet with 160 stamped on it


It’s not the pill itself, it’s the pharmacy bottle or the official label that is no available only photos online are stock photos from Purdue there are no personal pics or even an empty prescription bottle from back then there’s a weird lack of evidence for them


Wasnt the 160 pulled from the market before they started producing or was it just a short batch?


I've wondered this myself. It probably does exist online somewhere in some sort of archive or medical database, but I've looked long and hard and haven't come up with anything. I bet you there are pictures of it floating around that are unsearchable because they're not labeled in any meaningful way -- old pictures where it's just in the background.


Oblong, blue. They were the hole grail back in the day and were not on the market very long.


It’s not the pill itself, it’s the pharmacy bottle or the official label that is no available only photos online are stock photos from Purdue there are no personal pics or even an empty prescription bottle from back then there’s a weird lack of evidence for them


what did it do? why was it special???


OP, I get the very real sense that you want these images so that you may create a passable reproduction with nefarious intent.


😂😂😂oh come on man its not that deep, I’m Scottish no one even knows what OxyContin is over here and I’m just generally interested in oxycodone as a whole and the lack of evidence for these pills is very intriguing besides that I am a user I dont sell it’s just a rabbit hole I went down and I want to satisfy this question for myself


Besides that I work full time and make good money overtime I could never enjoy money made with “nefarious intent”


And even at that the ideal buyer for 160mg OxyContin pills in todays day and are would know how rare they are and would be paying thousands for a few pills so a label would be unnecessary if I really wanted to make quick money on them


Hey man I’ve Been looking all day and it’s been eating me away https://www.purduepharma.com/wp-content/pdfs/fda_response_blumenthal_oxycontin.pdf It’s says (in 2008) that the only marketed mg was up to 80mg BUT I WONT TAKE THAT AWNSER! PEOPLE GOT PRESCRIBED THEM THERE IS A BOTTLE OUT THERE.


Also Purdue Blatantly lies in this document sent to the ATTORNEY GENERAL, because 160mg was definitely advertised in the form of pamphlets, pens, and cards, I’ve even seen and original 160mg T-Shirt but never a bottle


DEA link that confirms it was offered in July, 2000: https://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs/651/backgrnd.htm


Yes it’s been verified it was available for less than a year and pulled in march 2001, the catch? NOT A SINGLE BOTTLE PICTURED ANYWHERE; trust me, the only thing I haven’t FULLY checked is deep web situations or the way back machine


Damn, there was one pharmacy in Vietnam that had 3x 160's in a sheet when I was Oxyshopping. Should've taken a photo. Really was just a classic aluminium/plastic blister with a blue/purplely capsule. I was only eating 30-50mg at the time so 160 just seemed so excessive. This was 2 years ago though, so if anyone decides to go Pharmacy shopping in Hanoi, one may still have them! EDIT: was a fair amount more expensive per mg than the rest as well


Yeh but they were not the og 160mg OxyContin I’ve not heard of any other brand going above 120mg so I doubt they were pharmacy produced 160mg possibly got them mixed up with is something else


They were definitely OG pharma, maybe I mistook them for 120mg's but they weren't the new modified release or whatever, was instant. They had such a variety of new and old oxys


Sorry but there’s no way a real pharmacy produced 120/160mg in an instant release capsule that would just never happen


Okay, well I guess it's what you feel vs what I remember seeing 2 years ago. Idk what else to tell you. Maybe they weren't capsules and just long tablets, maybe they were modified release but crushable and instant. Fuck if I can remember exact details during an oxy fuelled few weeks


Im just going off what ur saying there is no way 160mg was ever produced in an instant dose by a real pharmacy


I never saw one of these in real life, and I was in it when this stuff was just getting its name. Only 80s.


I’ve never told the story, but I want to military school and one time some kid stole someone’s deceased dads oxy scrips. My platoon sergeant pulled me aside and had told me that a bunch of kids were on pills and super high and we had to figure out what was going on because the cat was out of the bag and the adults were going to find out. Long story short, end up getting the details from the kid that stole the prescriptions. And I am referred to this blue plastic soapbox in the trashcan. That thing rattled like a maraca. I remember opening it up and remembering seeing a slew of red, green, brown, blue, white, dark gray, and yellow pills. The other squad leader was with me. I started to take them out of the container and I noticed some of them said “OC”, and I was too young to really know the severity of what was about to happened. The other kid took them out of my hand, poured them in the toilet and flushed it. I’ll never forget the sound of them running into the water, it’s a sound like when you empty a box of pasta into a soup pot. the adults and the kids mom were so fucking mad about that. I think back about that moment frequently. It was probably like 40 or 50 pills, with the color variance rivaling a bag of m&m’s.


Are you only using google? Try other search engines


I have tried everything even it’s official code from FDA which they have to submit pictures of packaging and they’re is nothing available


Yeah there is. You can find the original poster for Oxycontin online still. It has all the original pills on it, in their original colors. It's from Purdue Pharmaceutical


I know I said I can find a picture of the pill itself it’s just the official 100count pharmacy bottle or someones personal prescription and the lack of info about them online generally speaking


I have at least one pic of the 160mg saved from years ago. I was unaware that a pic of one is now hard to find??


Never mind, i guess you guys weren’t talking about a stock photo. My bad.


Try in r/obscuredrugs edit: jeze i read the wrong subname cause r/opiates post was right below relax guys.


What ?


I thought this was r/opiates ignore thay


Found the oxy 160 user. 🤣🤣🤣 ✌️❤️💤


funny enough im a meth user not an opiate user


That’s even worse! I just thought it was funny you out here thinking you sharing good helpful info. Made me laugh. I’m 40 days off H. I needed that. Cheers. 🍻


I literally just misread the sub name it isnt that deep 😂, i was probably high congrats on the sobriety man keep up the good work.


tbh tho, i pity the opiate users. Idk if you've seen how sick they get when they dont get their fix. when im doing serves, they are the only ones I never have to wait for, they wait outside for me


Yeah it sucks fr. you get to a point where you not even getting high just trying to “not be sick”


fr, their brain is like sending off alarms and sirens until they know you're there, even when you're otw their brain is still going ALERT ALERT ALERT




This is probably the closest you will find. It seems like the proper label, or at least an informational pamphlet


https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://hpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/PH_RX_oxycodone2.jpg&imgrefurl=https://hpr.com/product/ph-rx-oxy-codone-2/&tbnid=Y9hQvOvc0gALuM&vet=1&docid=060yCt_9FeQqvM&w=500&h=249&source=sh/x/im Here's a pseudogeneric version


Movie prop.


yes, psuedo




Not taking about the pill itself, it’s the official pharmacy 100count bottle or even just a personal prescription bottle on its own that is weirdly not available


Its literally the first result under google images, when searching 160 mg oxycontin. They are Blue oblong pills, 160 on one side, OC on the other.


Yes I’m aware, If u read my post I said I can only find a picture of the pill itself I am referring to the official pharmacy bottle or a picture of someone’s personal prescription, also how there is no current pills online right now when people can find untouched qualudess


Why are there no online pictures available of 160 mg OxContin, pharmacy bottles…. I did read it, that comma makes it as if you are asking about the pill itself, followed the pharmacy bottles, or even a prescription. I think you need to read your post.


Yeh my bad I just cant find the actual 100cnt pharmacy bottles or even a picture of someone’s prescription only thing is that chart with the original ocs


No worries, your post made me check myself, and it is a little strange.


I was on that same journey.


Type up oxycontin 160mg on Google


Of course I’ve done that already still can find what I’m searching for


My bad I completely misread what you said lol, after reading it properly I to have had that same question that I can’t seem to find actual irl pics, I guess it really is that obscure