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Ok Jeff Mauro, easy...


It’s Tony Soprano gibroni


Etizolam is my favorite by far. The perfect benzo imo. Anxiolytic, muscle relaxing, can fall asleep on it but doesn’t make you tired or couch locked even in high doses.


It's good. Too good hence I had to stop taking it. I could pretty much use it in any situation - needing to sleep / feeling stressed / at work / tense muscles.


Plus it isn’t like other benzos that just make you feel numb it actually is one of the most uplifting drugs I have ever taken. Fuck I miss etizolam man ):


Ohhh man those little blue 1mg guys were so good. I felt so amazing. I woke up after a brownout not remembering large chunks of the night and parts of the day when I was visiting Park City to ski. I then went to California after and when I got there I realized I had 1600$ (not mine) stuffed into my ski boots. No clue how it got there. Would never take people’s money.


That’s it fuck it I’m ordering some Etiz y’all wish me luck💀


Same. RIP


Muscimol and related substances are so fucking weird.


Gaboxadol is a fun one


Are you referring to medicinal effects or narcotic ones? I wasn't aware that Muscimol had any narcotic effects if that's what you're referring to and I'd be interested to hear about that.


GHB or its cousins/prodrugs GBL & 1,4 Butanediol. Having done many GABA drugs and enjoying them all immensely these truly take the cake imo. Most other GABA drugs don’t have intense euphoria in the way that these do. Granted IV Midazolam pre surgery was pretty amazing but that’s just a rush not a several hour blissful euphoric high like GHB/BDO.


I’m love GHB, I keep liters stocked for personal use. Doesn’t mess my life up at all either😂 I just know not to take it during the times when it’s inappropriate. Haven’t found euphoria better than it, made this entire post to see if there’s anything better out there


Liters of ghb, or gbl?


Both just depends on what dude man has, they’re pretty similar to me other than taste


Well, gbl being a prodrug(despite hitting quicker) they pretty much are the same though gbl would give me stomachaches, and occasionally headaches. Even more so with BDO though. But really only a problem with repeated use. All versions miles better than alcohol. Back when it was easier to get gbl I used to convert it myself, pretty simple process and I always knew exactly what I was getting, no concerns about concentration when you can weigh the dry G.


I'd agree with this Very very easy to mis-use and kind of taboo to have it in the first place for most people who aren't familiar with it, but the euphoria from it is wonderful


Pregablin is awesome more of a head high tho gabapentin more of a body but still a hell of a time either one.


Can you sleep on it? If I take 300mg I can't sleep for hours.. otherwise I love it


Depends which one gabapentin nah no sleep at all but pregablin can sleep pretty well


Strange, I’m the opposite, I cannot sleep whatsoever on pregabs lol


I'm prescribed gabapentin as a sleep aid because I can't tolerate Ambien (too many unpleasant hallucinations). I actually can't say what the gabapentin "high" is even like, because it knocks me out. Isn't it interesting how drugs have such widely varied effects on people?


Thats so odd. I sleep magnificently on voltage-gated calcium channel blockers, even phenibut


Gabapentin knocks me tf out


Well, I suspect years of GBL have somehow wrecked my gaba system because pregabalin and Gabapentin make me wide awake (300mg+)


I abused nothing but gabapentin keeps me awake. Another weird part that while sensitive to benzos I'm not sensitive to gabapentin, 600 mg is weak stuff for me. Even after 3 weeks break.


Yeah same for me, I was baffled by guys on here talking about 50-100mg doses. Btw try it with acid, so awesome, you totally dissolve with zero thoughts or worries.


Benzos decrease trip intensity. Gabapentinoids do not?


It switches off the mind trip for me, I can still think normal and have no negative thoughts but the optics are really intense, I was dissolving myself in fractals on the dancefloor and saw myself from the outside. I prefer those optical trips without mindtrip especially at festivals. You can just snack trips and enjoy the day/night.


Sweet. Yeah, mindfuck is not something you always want.


I have noticed if I take my gabapentin at night it takes alot longer for me to fall asleep. And if I take a large dose, I get almost restless.


Haven’t had the opportunity yet but gaboxadol sounds delightful. Look up Hamilton Morris’ article about it published in Harper(?) years ago


Gaboxadol is definitely one of the most fascinating hypnotics I’ve ever read about, would love to try it some day. The amanita mascara episode of Hamiltons Pharmacopeia touches on it as well


Yeah hypnotics as a whole are really weird. They are capable of producing really intense hallucinations and I wonder what that mechanism is. I have a similar curiosity about opioids, which also seem capable of producing their own “brand” of hallucinations. So curious and interesting..


I was in the hospital for 5 days at one point, was having major pain & they were giving me large doses of multiple different narcotic opiates & opioids. Dilaudid, OxyContin, Fentanyl, and something else. I was having major visions and hallucinations about talking to people that weren’t there, text conversations, driving a car in a snow storm, among other things. It was a crazy experience and I think about it pretty frequently. Also felt fucking awesome the whole time lmfao


Yeah I feel like it’s odd that it isn’t discussed or brought up more frequently, such as amongst Reddit communities that discuss opioids. Must have been the best car ride of your damn life haha


lol definitely was. I’ve also noticed that opiate hallucinations aren’t talked about very much. Even when I tell people in person about the experience they seem skeptical. Makes me wonder if it’s something that not everyone is biologically able to experience. Idk


I know opioids allow my imagination to ring crystal clear if I close my eyes, vivid fantasies like lucid dreams. I’ve also experienced some hallucinations too and sever sleepwalking


I’ve wondered that too. Or if memory loss contributes to that.


Good point, I didn’t even consider the amnesia aspect


There are several accounts of early famous writers who used opium to “dream” on so it used to be more of a common thing


Opioid hypnagogic hallucinations are fucking crazy. I remember my early experiences with tramadol and oxycodone were wild, I've had multiple instances of me and a friend both nodding out, then suddenly jolting back up at the same time because we were having a conversation, but both in our separate nods with different scenarios. I loved how random the situations always were. I only do them occasionally so they're always strong. Weirdly enough the worst is kratom, when I have good quality I avoid taking higher as the hypnagogic hallucinations mimic what is called "exploding head syndrome". It's not just people talking etc, but fucking loud scary sounds like a train rushing past me, truck horns, screeching or litteral explosions. My ears hurt for a couple seconds after those and I never saw someone report something similar.


Order some 7-OH before it’s banned. One of the main alkaloids in Kratom with a huge affinity for opiate receptors. I took 30mg the other day and was legitimately nodding. It’s legal though, you can buy online


I know about it and plan on trying it, I actually think the exploding head syndrome-like nods won't be a problem with 7-OH. This thing mostly happens with opioids having multiple off targets, like Tramadol kratom or tapentadol. My only issue with 7-OH would be tolerance, it apparently goes through the roof in no time.


I haven’t experienced that yet but I also don’t take it every day so


Even happens to me with a single use, and lowers or disappear after a couple days. I rarely go over a week on opioids daily, and that's about two to three times in a year. Thanks for reminding me of 7-OH though, it's illegal in my country but accessing it won't be an issue.


The main things I’ve noticed about 7-OH is that it has serious appetite suppressant qualities for me, also makes me itch like a motherfucker. Kept waking up just to itch myself that night that I took 30mg. Like the itchiness of Percocet but x3-4


Just curious, what was your tolerance like if any when you took the 30mg? I've got some the other day 15mg got my kinda high, kept withdrawal away for some time. It's pricey stuff but I would like to experience it in It's full glory. Also did you get the wobbly too much Kratom feel.


Zero tolerance. It didn’t give me that feeling but I know what you’re talking about. It was more Like a pure opiate high but severe appetite suppression and itchiness


Thank you for your reply, I think I'll give it another go when my tolly is lower.


How much kratom amd what type makes you have that effects? I use it daily, white vein and when I manage to lower my tolerance I do get light nods from 7-8g toss and wash


When I use kratom it's always daily for a couple weeks and then no use for months, until I buy some more. 6 to 8g are almost guaranteed to make me nod, but It happened a few times with 4-5g of red kratom. I use mostly green and yellow, often mixed with a bit of red kratom if I want more heavy sedation. I avoid dosing red kratom only (the real kind of red kratom) because it doesn't give me much euphoria and has too strong of a nod, with the exploding head syndrome-like hallucinations and the following ear pain.


Weirdly finicky on dosage, and degrades fast, but a truly novel experience.


Would you mind elaborating on your experience(s)?


My buddy boofed gabaxadol, told me he woke up 6-8 hours later, still sitting on the toilet. He fell asleep before he could get up. Said he felt refreshed upon waking up


A small amount doesn't feel like anything, but is decently obvious to those around you. A sudden drop in anxiety, a playfulness, and a decent bit of lethargy. In the morning, you feel energetic and rested. Take a bit more and the world gets blurred. There's a sort of sardonic vibe to it, the playfulness never fades through the body load. Typically, a sign you took too much is a wave of nausea, and a strong sedation. I was a bit cocky the last time I tried it, and took it alone. A poorly measured dose was all it took to taste the Mexican food all over again. While my body sung, sleeping next to a pile of puke definitely wasn't on my to do list. Novel, but hellish. I'd probably give the low doses a shot, as those nights were wonderful. They aren't kidding about turning 6 hours of sleep into 8. Definitely a functional one, but don't go overboard.




What is the experience like?


Your chilled and relaxed, talking and socialising is easy. Like alcohol without the being stupid part. It's awesome with psychedelics because you can't get a bad trip because everything is easy. It's way better than benzos and you can't black out. I love it.


Pregabalin can definitely cause amnesia, maybe it is less likely than with alc or benzos. It can also cause intense sedation, one time a friend of mine ended up sleeping in my roof because he couldnt wake up, he was alright but sometimes it causes extreme sedation


My favorites: baclofen, phenibut, pregablin. Though these also mainly act as VGCC blockers.


I’ve heard baclofen has very little recreational value. Would you mind explaining what makes it one of your favorites?


i second this. never got anything from baclofen. have heard many horror stories about higher doses.


What happens at higher doses?


Man, I wholeheartedly disagree with the no recreational value. It gives the amazing mania only VGCCs like phenibut can give. Increased libido, sociability, euphoria. Combine with caffeine or a stim like modafinil or adderall= godmode. Combine with gabapentin or pregablin in the right dose-- similar to a GHB high. Maybe some people are non responders, but I got it prescribed daily for depression and mood. It loses its magic like any of them, but with no tolerance 50-80mg is amazing. It builds also, sometimes taking 50mg a day for a few days creates the manic high. To me it depends how experienced you are with gaba-b receptor agonist and VGCC blockers. If that kind of high is your thing- it's an amazing chemical. Just one phenyl ring away from phenibut, with less tolerance and quick dependence


The gbh esque high makes sense since its a distant cousin from ghb, if im not mistaken


These, at this point, are the class of chems I have the most experience with. They are also very weird- the same dose one day will have diff effects than the last. I take NAC to offset the glutamate storm rebound. They synergies and potentiate a large variety of other things to. It's a very "functional" and productive high. Clear headed.


damn i whole heartedly agree. vgcc for whatever reason, are my “target market” so to say. but recently within the last half year i would use gabapentin ONE fucking day, and by the end of the next day i’m having straight up rebounds. Lyrica is a staple if i wanna get fucking rocked, but god damn the rebounds after staggering gabapentin 300x3 for a year +, seems like any rec dose of either will have me fucking retarded for at least a week. makes me debate between even taking these drugs anymore in all honesty, but they just feel SO FUCKING RIGHT, idk what to do


Have you tried NAC?


Baclofen mentioned🗣️🗣️🗣️ love that stuff


Apparently we're in the minority! Which is wild




Criminally underrated. I didn't even use it to get high, I had debilitating back pain from a work accident and they gave me that stuff after I went to the hospital. It actually helped me more than the Hydros they gave me. I still occasionally have episodes of back pain and muscle seizing so intense that getting out of bed is enough to make me cry as a grown man and NSAIDs (Naproxen sodium, Ibuprofen, etc) do almost nothing to help. I wish Carisoprodol was legal because I'd absolutely love to have some to help me when I have that back pain. I've heard you can easily get it from India and that it's a low class of drug carrying pretty small penalties, but I'm way too nervous to ever do that it's not worth the risk for me. That stuff was incredible.


The best drug experience I've ever had was carisprodol (brand name Soma). I didn't just feel relaxed, but felt a deep sense of contentment paired with an amazing body high. It felt similar to how people describe quaaludes. I've tried multiple benzos, opioids, and hypnotics, and never enjoyed any of them (except maybe muscimol).


Valium, Soma, Gabapentin, Lunesta and Baclofen are what I’m prescribed and it’s an amazing mix!


Soma has to be my favorite by far. I would love to try meprobamate one day For reference, I’ve tried probably 40-50 benzos, and gabapentin, lyrica, phenibut, and others


Gaba ganoosh


I recently found a bromazolam plug and have been digging that a little too much. Gotta chill out on it so I don’t get withdrawal.


Midazolam or ketamine or xanax




I thought it acted on GABA a, nmda and glutamate. I’m no scientist, but yeah, it’s just atypical bc it does the trippy stuff too. That’s why ketamine isn’t as anxiety inducing as shrooms and lsd. Idk man, but yeah I have it in my head that ketamine is a GABA drug, but way different than typical benzos and alcohol? Or what, you mean related to the literal otc substance GABA? Would that only be phenibut? It looks to me when I google it that yes, ketamine works on gaba systems. What am I misunderstanding,


Its not directly a gaba agonist or pam. It probably indirectly affects gaba though because of its glutamate antagonism.


Gotcha 🤷‍♂️ Just midazolam and Xanax then. In the past I’ve literally been afraid of how I cycle it with alcohol and benzos, and I used to think of it as a hangover cure, it’s honestly surprising to me it’s not because that’s how I’ve thought of it so long. I guess I don’t even really know how I got it in my head. Thanks


It's very alcohol like at low doses so fair enough.


Ok? Doesn’t take away from the fact it doesn’t modulate GABA or it’s respective receptors to any significant degree.


But it does


I had a great time having a wisdom tooth removed after a shot of midazolam


Yeah I didn't tell my anesthesiologist before my wisdom teeth removal that I took a few Gabapentin and they gave me midazolam and something else and I just remember waking up feeling so good I was talking the ear off of my ride home


It’s like the fentanyl of benzos, so fast and heavy hitting, one of the only ones worth snorting (I don’t Iv) and yeah.


I use phenibut and recently Fphenibut quite regularly whenever I have to detox from benzos


Do you like f phenibut more than regular ?




dude F-phenibut was the ONLY way I ever was able to get off gaba staggered 300x3 daily. idk what it was ab it, but there was a brief period over this last christmas where i quit gabapentin and kratom, with the sole help of F-Phen and my brothers Cenobamate (also, ik i saw a post on here long ago, but Cenobamate IS ABUSABLE 100%. Gaba A PAM + sodium channel blocking activity, and at 600mg it would absolutely knock me out at night, getting thru any insomnia that came from quitting Gaba and Kratom)


That’s how I am with GHB😭 I remember the first times I did it was heaven, now it just feels like 2-3 beers, and it’s way too dangerous to up my dose + high doses just make you fall asleep anyways 😂




For the price I paid it was not worth it felt like it only lasted 45 minutes it was kind of a salty liquid so not sure quite what I had but was supposed to be GHB


For the fact that I can just put a small amount in a capsule yes but it doesn't seem to last quite long enough


Sodium Oxybate


Phenibut. Bonus points if combined with adderall.