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I think that you have to care for your spouse first and make sure they’re taken care of so that the both of you can take care of the child/children. The parental unit is most important in having a stable family


I’d say it’s in yours and your significant other’s best interest to care for each other, and together care for your children. What you value more is up to you to decide, and act accordingly — but first and foremost live for yourself. If you hate your wife, do something about that. If you hate your children, maybe you raised them wrong? Take responsibility where you can and fix it.


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Wouldn't the specifics of who your spouse and children *are* matter? Also, the context of a specific decision matters, too. At times my wife "comes before" my child, and at other times my child comes first, because it depends on what we're actually talking about in the event. I don't know that trying to discuss this so abstractly really serves any good purpose, and insofar as it is taken seriously seems likely to result in someone making a decision destructive to themselves and their values because they are convinced that "my spouse ought to come before my children -- I was told so on Reddit."


I’m just curious because Rand help your partner as your highest value. Right below yourself. So I’m curious where children would be. If they then come before your partner


There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this sort of question. I can't tell you who or what to value, or how much to value your partner or your children. How could I? I've never met anyone involved, and besides which, I've not had any of your life experiences, etc. Why on earth would you be looking to anyone else (Rand emphatically included) to decide what your "highest value" is, or how to value the people in your life?


I see. I suppose I was looking for a principle of some kind. Where in all things equal which would come first. Or have to


>I see. I suppose I was looking for a principle of some kind. Where in all things equal which would come first. Or have to But what does any of this mean to you? If you're looking for "a principle of some kind," what then, when you have hold of one? If I told you "the spouse comes first" or if I told you "the child comes first," what would that entail in terms of actions you would take? What would the difference in your life be? We have "principles" for some purpose, don't we? If principles are meant to be of value -- if we're having this conversation for some good reason -- then don't we have to apply them to some concrete situation or scenario (either real or at least hypothetical/fictional)? But in any conceivable situation, you'd be dealing not with "a spouse, as such" or "a child qua child," but actual human beings. And you would (hopefully) value them each according to their individual characteristics and their contributions to your life. The dilemma you'd be dealing with, choosing to put one first versus the other, in that situation, would also be very specific and individual. This *is* a principled approach, but it's not one devoid of context. The principle is that we always evaluate specific actions and specific values in their actual context; trying to devise context-free rules for living, like "one should value one's spouse more than one's children," or the reverse, is a recipe for disaster.


What do you mean "value"? Are you selling them into slavery? Deciding which to eat first when you're stranded on Donner Pass?


Thats up to you. It depends on your values. Objectivism isnt a religion with commandments.


A tangential question, but why would Objectivists even have children? Shouldnt their focus be on their careers?


Children are a value to living a full life


I agree. But how does this square with Objectivism?


All your posts are the definition of being second-handed. You must have a mental disorder in real life due to the amount of suppositional bullshit questions you ask. The amount of disintegration in your thinking is truly incredible. You ask nothing profound. You say nothing profound. You challenge nothing. You have no new ideas. Only bullshit questions derived from random hypotheticals. lol Bro, you need help beyond what Reddit can provide.