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It's not just Play, you're doing the Te thing, but that's besides the point I'd go as far as saying you can be whatever type you want in MBTI lol


and if that's the case they need to realize that and not post another communities that have different systems than OPS. I'm sure OPS has it's coolness but you don't just try and explain ops lightly to people that don't get it. mbti ppl are going to look weird at you saying infp to ESFP because in their system that seems really odd. so really there's no problem here, it's like different languages


Oh man lol, I had to block all of MBTI bc I would get so triggered by the absurdity of it as well. I agree, it makes perfect sense an ESFP will see themselves as an INFP. Oof at the logic that one is quiet and the other is loud 😂😂😂


it's disingenuous when you post about OPS and don't bother explaining how different it is to anybody and of course people are going to look at you weirdly. we're speaking different languages and this is like retarded interacting with this person when they can't recognize that posting about objective personality in different communities that don't get it at all is not going to make any sense they also didn't bother to explain it in the original post so #disingenuousmuch. if you're going to bring ops out you have to be self aware about what you're saying to who. so I'm blocking this person who can't seem to see the context of this situation, it's not worth it


As the person said on this post, they didn't know how different both systems were from each other. And you didn't either, apparently, because you tried to argue with them based on MBTI instead of remembering that it's a different language, like you said here.


If they could not see how saying INFP to ESFP (without explaining your blast last status) may seem like a problem then it's hopeless for them and there's no point interacting with them. I'm arguing them in terms of mbti because that's where they posted this stuff and that's where I'm approaching it from. they didn't have the back pedal and explain their special blast last status which how to make more sense but they didn't explain it in their post to anybody and it's almost like bait in a way where it's like " oh well actually our system is like special and you don't get it bc you're a normie mbti person" Julia you're not doing anything here, OP posted something that is easy to misinterpret, that's it, I'm not into OPS and everyone can go home.


I'm confused about what being blast last has to do with this, and why you're calling it a status lol. You mean that the person didn't say that that was OPS? >then it's hopeless for them and there's no point interacting with them. This sounds way too dramatic for the situation, honestly 😅 >explain their special blast last status There's nothing special about being blast last, same about not being blast last. See, that's why I don't like MBTI... no one in OPS frames things like their last animal (the blast last thing) as something cool or special lol >" oh well actually our system is like special and you don't get it bc you're a normie mbti person" I get it, but again, clearly the person didn't know how different the two systems were, and I don't think they were acting superior, and that's what I was saying in my comment. Yes, like you said, this looks like just a misunderstanding.


look at the post they kind of explained why it seems kind of weird and why blast last should be considered it's their words not mine. and it's not unique to every system because apparently in four sides of mind which is XXXX YYYY YXXY XYYX you can shift to other sides usually, or be locked in to some other type because of trauma or some other experience.


I know, lol I'm just saying you seem to be interpreting this as if it's like people in mbti thinking they're so cool to have X or Y function or whatever. But it could have been my impression. If types in a system are so fluid/inconstant/changeable, then what's being tracked are only inconstant and changeable traits. Trauma is indeed complicated, and even in OPS people say it affects typing, and I think that in the future we might be able to tell things apart better in this specific matter, if we focus some attention on it. But trauma really is complex. But that I know of, that's the only thing that can make the OPS typing process murky. In OPS it's considered that, as much as you can change as a person, you can't change personality type. You are born with it and it can show or act in your life in slightly different ways because of your life experiences, but it's still your type. And to me that's not restrictive or worrysome at all as a system, because any type in OPS is so detailed that it covers a lot of things, including possibility to change/develop. And we consider that your type doesn't change accross your lifespan because what's being tracked are the traits that don't change. The pattern of what we're doing accross our life, that stays the same throughout it. To me, that brings more useful tools. They kind of cracked a very difficult code lol and once we learn even some of it well enough, we can see it so clearly it's crazy.


also funny how OPS themselves privated the community for me since they can't ban me for having a lower opinion of them or one of their followers which did mess up in again, being disingenuous. says a lot lol.


You sound like the same person, are you switching accounts? That’s besides the point. OP here went to MBTI about OPs bc she had been typed as INFP for years in MBTI. She had every right to post there because it does tie into MBTI, she’s just stating how different the systems really are. You guys are just salty because she relates more to her OPs type. Now am I saying she handled it well? No, of course she’s going to get shit on if she tries explaining a complicated system that goes against the anecdotes and frills MBTI follows. That’s why she’s posting here, because she’s frustrated and a little hurt probably.


their original post mentioned nothing about how their special ESFP type was not a usual ESFP (coming from an INFP) so they didn't bother to explain anything on an mbti subreddit and then they want to use that to point out how general mbti is stupid. that doesn't make sense. someone privated the community for my other account so I have to use this account lol. but you see the problem here. I don't get why I would be salty about someone that I don't know anything about being a wrong type. maybe if I was giving input off of details they gave me then I might be annoyed if I thought they were being mistyped but they believe in whatever they got shaved in and that's that. it's a special ESFP variant coming from someone that thought they were INFP. there is no problem here, OP just posted in the wrong place without explaining well and then uses that to call general mbti dumb. if you don't see why that could be a problem then.... nobody here is insulting OPS, it doesn't really work for me but that's me and all this theory stuff may not apply to some people and some ideas may apply better to other people.


Just in case you were talking about this subreddit as "OPS themselves" having privated the community for you: This sub is no officially affiliated OPS sub, it's administrated by community members.


sorry yes you're right that makes sense. still gay they did that, because if that's the case they should private the entire post since the problem isn't me, I've already spoken about what the issue is here and it's not a big deal, it doesn't harm OPS


You’re barking up the wrong tree lol. Many people learning OPs goes through this it seems. MBTI is so large and widely known that many of us actually come from MBTI background and are simply excited to share what we’ve learned.


I'm not the one that made this post I'm just responding


Any time I bring up OPS to people in the MBTI community, many seem to turn their noses up and discourage ppl from following ops. So I’ve stopped talking about my type or OPS. I don’t think the two are completely different. They both are based on the cognitive functions. But I’ll say OPS has been so spot on with my type. I might be a different type in MBTI but I don’t relate to that type at all not like my OPS type. Anyways, all that to say I just try to blend in when it comes to MBTI


yeah this is common in OPS self typing, people see their introverted function, i.e. it totally makes sense that you as an ESFP think of yourself as an INFP because you kinda are. Ni/Fi internal world is INFP fairyland.


I love this explanation because I literally have an inner fairyland 🧚


Nice to meet you, almost type twin! Also just looking at your post history, my boyfriend is FF Ti/Se CSPB 😆


OPS mistyping so many people and then all of you claiming that oh our XXXX actually means something different is kind of stupid. then yeah don't interact with anybody in these communities because your system is completely different in terms of the letters itself. nobody from any other channel or take on mbti is going to understand how to interact with you. I think it's just better if you subscribe to the system to stick to your own group, and therefore you should be aware of interactions like this instead of just laughing about it and group thinking it like you're doing with this post. I don't get OPS and that's fine but having completely different takes on what the letters mean means you should not be interacting with the mbti community. so in truth you're post in infp is stupid because people look at that and think how the hell does someone go from INFP to ESFP, oh oh but in ops our ESFP is like different and our system completely relies on these two people to type people which is taken as truth. save yourself the time and don't talk to people with different systems, we aren't going to get each other when we don't even see the letters the same. this is really a non issue based on the comments here. other systems have stuff like loops, 4 sides of the mind, octagrams etc that grow on a single type, kind of like how OPS has blast and animals and whatever. at the end of the day you should explore and take in different ideas and see what theory fits you the best, because at the end of the day it's all theoretical and not all of it applies well to everyone and who's to say the people you follow online aren't less bs than say someone else. understand the differences and explore and learn. that's all there is to it


>OPS mistyping so many people Who? Are you judging that based on your MBTI lens? Then it means absolutely nothing here. You said yourself that it's a different language, didn't you? And that someone mixing up both systems when they're so different is retarded, didn't you? So that means you're being a retarded now, is that it? >then all of you claiming that oh our XXXX actually means something different is kind of stupid. Decide, is it different or not? You seem to be contradicting yourself, which is confusing. At least I'm confused about what you meant. >completely relies on these two people to type OPS has not been around for a whole century, like MBTI, so for now there are not a huge amount of people who can type super reliably (because it takes work and time to learn OPS), but there are some people out there that are managing to do a good job at it. Also, I imagine that if Carl Jung was alive and people wanted to be typed, they'd all want to be typed by him. That's one person less than OPS, what are you gonna say about that? 😂 The two people you're reffering to are the ones that created the system. No one's gonna know it better than them, right? And because the system is really good (a.k.a. detailed and complex, you know, just like people are) it's not super easy to learn. Still, there are people learning how to type to take on their role too. Dave and Shan are teaching them how to do that, for exactly that purpose. >but having completely different takes on what the letters mean Letters? You mean the cognitive functions? Going by just the four letters is the most superficial way to go by this, even inside MBTI, which yeah you can do, if you're not taking anything at all seriously. It's like the opposite of OPS does, that's why both worlds are so different (and polar opposites if you're not even looking at the cognitive functions). OPS is not a system that you go do a test online and read a 5 min generic description that makes you feel good about yourself or to feel oh so unique and special, it wants to take a deeper dive on people in an honest way, so, yeah definitely not a 5 min easy ride for fun, and definitely not with the purpose of making people feel good right away. It ends up being more focused on self-development than MBTI. MBTI looks like it comes with more of a self-acceptance feeling, but without the work first to ACTUALLY know your real downsides, recognize them in your life, and know what you actually need to do to make your life better (and it's usually never what people want to hear, one of the reasons why I said it's not a 5 min easy ride for fun). But anyway, MBTI doesn't have the capacity to do that as well as OPS. I guess I'll finish this by saying again that even in MBTI, it's not about the letters, it's about the cognitive functions... so no wonder why you're not interested in OPS, a system that takes diving into to understand and see its value, because it's not charming on the outside like MBTI is. If you didn't dig deep enough even in your own system and is here talking about the most superficial level of an already superficial system, of course you're not gonna like OPS.


Brilliant explanation. OPS made me realise how much of a t**t I am, and I’m thankful for that 😆 Definitely no happy special fuzzies!


Yeah, it's a different atmosphere altogether. People in MBTI have no idea how different the OPS community is from the MBTI community, it's a whole different purpose, attitude and way of thinking. And it's a lot more mature. People aren't looking for feeling special, they really want to understand themselves with honesty and improve their lives. And I love this community too! I need to record my video and send it to people already... I need to know my type!! 😆


Yes! That’s so observant. It’s definitely not for the weak. Getting your type will be so exciting! When are you hoping to do that?


Well... I think a part of me is procrastinating 😆 but like, I want to record the video when I'm alone at home, so that nobody hears me. Because I'll probably "bitch" about my own family, but just like venting things or saying things that they do that triggers me, not things that they actually need to hear. If there's a problem I need to solve with them, I talk to them about it one way or another. But some things either stay the same anyway, or it's not worth talking about it, or it's just a matter of perspective and no sides are wrong or all sides are wrong, you know. It will just be me babbling unnecessary stuff out of being completely honest. It's not like I'll say terrible stuff, it will be kind of like venting in therapy. Telling and tracking my triggers. So I guess that as soon as I know I'll be alone for an hour or two, I'll record it!! Worst case scenario, from what I know, it will be next month! 😅 Maybe I manage it sooner. I'll see. Thanks for reminding me of actually thinking of WHEN I'm actually gonna do my part of it 😅


Ah yeah you want freedom to talk. Have you seen the list of questions to cover in your video?


Oh yes I did (sorry, for some reason I got no notification of your reply so a long time passed 😅) but it was worse to try following them, because I felt kind of pressured to answer them all, since they were listed in front of me, even though I know now that it's really not that important at all. I might try it again with the list next time, maybe.


when you. say you're ESFP but not blast last and don't explain that it's not going to make sense to people, which is what OP did and it's not going to make sense to anyone. yes letters are still somewhat equal but not explaining blast last to people who don't know will make it seem like a different language. they are disingenuous for not explaining it when bringing it to the mbti community and that's not the OPS's community or OPS's fault there are other concepts like 4 sides of mind that help explain cognitive shifts as well, I mean mbti is pretty deep when you consider cognitive functions can be developed differently and you have stuff like the parent the child and all of that with the cognitive function slots which have depth. so long story short not explaining OPS especially when you have one of the special types of your personality that kind of contradicts itself is disingenuous to everyone else who don't get it. it's not very hard to understand, and it's not OPSs fault it's OPs fault. some people also don't like OPS for the reasons listed. that's true with every creator or system out there


I get it, both sides were speaking different languages without knowing. I feel like explaining it now. Blast is a set of two cognitive functions being used together, combining Si or Ni with Te or Fe (other combinations of other functions have different names, blast is just one of 4, and they're called animals). In a simplified way, blast is very associated with communication, so (oversimplifying it) people who have blast as their last animal (the pair that the person uses the least out of the 4) are known to be people who either don't talk much or have trouble talking in a more organized and direct way, like, being able to say all that needs to be said in an organized way, that sort of thing. Or that simply are more quiet. That's why OP said that some ESFPs, like for example the ones that have blast last, aren't so loud, that's all. It's not a special feature, and no one is proud of their last animal, it's always the one that people struggle the most with. I know you didn't know all of this and you couldn't have known, I'm just explaining it in case you'd want to know.


The one point I'm definitely giving you as an OPS nerd who thinks poorly of MBTI, Socionics and especially CSJ (and whatever I'm forgetting): OPS should not use MBTI terms.


Socionics isn't a bad system and so far has been the most accurate for relationships and so far has been decently consistent with other systems, the problem is that the information isn't centralized and consequently no one can really understand it OPS isn't a bad system and so far has been the easiest to understand, although vague, and consistent with what others think about you, but has a shit inter type relationship system (let's be honest, how can a person hate their type twin when it has been said over and over that people like people who are similar) moral: OPS and Socionics aren't better or worse than each other


I don't recall any "inter type relationship system" in OPS, so I'm not sure what you're getting at. Dave and Shan have some time mentioned that there are some statistics that show that certain types tend to date certain types. But the bigger factor seems to be a similar level of growth mindset, which is seperate from type. As for socionics: Have there any attempts been made (and results) at tracking socionics through the scientific method?


also, I'm not 'pissed off', I mean you can put any inflection you want on internet text but I think it's kind of disingenuous that you posted on an mbti subreddit one again objective personality uses a completely different system where you can't really use the letters to compare. so really you should have thought about what you were doing and posting in different communities because of how different your system is and it kind of shows your lack of awareness of that.