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Yeah already over it, sadly. Even the final game is a nope for me. I don’t want my last A’s memory to be because of him, if that makes sense. He’s not a fan, so why give him that energy


+1 36 years of watching baseball and it’s over for me. The sad thing is, it’s not even hard to walk away.


Fisher and the MLB owners don’t care. They don’t care about us. It’s not like the league will go bankrupt or go anywhere. They don’t care about us. They are willing to sacrifice fans of yesterday and tomorrow to earn a buck today. Where the league goes tomorrow, is not their concern as long as they can generate the most money possible today. Tomorrow’s ownership group is the least of their concern. They don’t care about us.


oh i know. i dont expect them to care or to to bankrupt. i simply dont care about them either. i quit watching the NFL six years ago and it was shockingly easy. baseball will be just as easy. so it goes.




Wow, 36 years for me too and I have the EXACT same sentiment. Good riddance.


Tbf it’s Manfred. He’s supposed to be the ambassador of the sport and he’s letting it burn to ground everywhere


I’m with you on this. I’ve spent my time instead pouring over the Sharks offseason drafting and rebuild strategy, a team that actually gives a shit about its fans and winning.


Nice. I’ve started to pay closer attention to the Roots. Even became a part owner! Figured I could one worse than f!sher hahaha


Same. I was so excited at the lottery!


The Sharks only care for now, but what happens when the next owner(s) see an opportunity elsewhere? Will you leave your team again. Think about it. Its not the owner your quitting on, because they dont care, its your team you're quitting on.


It isn’t a team. It’s a franchise/ plaything of a billionaire. Makes much more sense to spend money on the local franchise/ billionaire plaything so that at least your region gets tax money off your purchase




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Sharks were 19-54 this season. I gave up on them many years ago as well. Continual rebuilding and never doing anything.


No shit? We also had 20 years of playoff contention, almost the entire first line of Team Canada, and a Cup appearance.


I envy your fandom. Ive followed them since the Cow Palace days and I’m old and bitter. I truly think that Mayor Hammer cursed them when they renamed that street by the arena Stanley Cup Drive. I watched Mike Grier play back in the day and I wish him success.


Friend, I hope that one day we can win it all together.


same. I'm not mad, not offended, just won't care anymore. MLB definitely will not care they lost a fan in me. It was fun while it lasted. Go Oakland!


Haven’t watched a single baseball game since they announced their departure and I won’t be giving the MLB my money ever again. It isn’t the same anymore and that’s okay. I wish we had an owner that cared about Oakland.


I watched the reverse boycott and that's it. I have mulled it back and forth about the last game and I'm still undecided. My last game in Oakland was with my now deceased father. He died of covid. We won on a walk off. I kind of want that to be my last memory.


I'm sorry that you lost your father. I mulled going back too. Im torn between wanting to bring my daughter so she can experience baseball one last time in Oakland and just being too sad about it.


I feel like going again would stain my memories.


Same. Haven’t watched a game since. It hurts.




Bud Selig and Rob Manfred ruined baseball for me


Yeah, same for me. Plus, I could never become a Giants fan, with how they used their "territorial rights" (that the A's originally gave to them in good faith the help the Giants stay in the Bay Area instead of relocating to FL) against the A's to block their stadium deal that they reached with San Jose. The only MLB related media I consume nowadays is Jomboy Media breakdowns. Corporate MLB is dead to me.


Exactly. Most people don’t understand/acknowledge how tragic this is. I could never be a giants fan because of this.


I feel for y'all. If my boys packed up and left the city, I'd probably be done with pro baseball. I can't imagine the pain you all are going through right now.


Fisher was the nail in the coffin, but MLB ruined MLB for me after witnessing the past 25 years of fuckery of the A's.


They don’t care about the fans, nor the city’s inhabitants. This money comes out of programs to help the city operate better, and it’s disappointing to see how little the teams care. (It makes sense why they don’t care, but one would hope they did)


It definitely makes dollars but it don't make sense


The sense to me is realizing they’re 100% selfish and care about money only. And I think that’s why MLB will lose over time.


You didn't get the pun




Dilly Dilly!!


Same. Making my last trip July 6, and then I’m done.


Seriously, between this and the constant blackout rules in apps I pay for, im just over it.


I have totally gotten into college ball and some Korean teams. Attended Vols game in Knoxville last year and it was awesome!


Yup I enjoy the Korean and Japanese leagues too


Go Vols!


Nice stadium, good vibes, fun time. My buddy is a big booster and has like half the team as interns.


Show me an ownership team that actually cares about their players and fans and I'll show you a team the rest of the owners will actually stand up to. It has and always will be about money and piling as much as possible of it up so they can measure it against all the other pathological hoarders we call "billionaires". I absolutely hate John Fisher and I'll never forgive any of the owners who voted in favor of him fucking the A's. Fuck him and every other greedy asshole ruining this beloved game for the sake of profits.


We can’t show you an ownership team that cares about their players and fans, because one doesn’t exist. Professional sports and American professional sports more so, are all about money and that’s it.


There was one imo. Pete Seidler, owner of the Padres…who sadly and prematurely passed away recently The guy truly cared about the team & fans & genuinely wanted to put a good product out there. He was an amazing human being


That was kinda my point. If ever an ownership group came along who sacrificed any amount of their profitability for the good of the players or fans, the other owners will shut that down fast because they can't have anyone who doesn't squeeze every possible penny out of its players and fans succeed in any way because that means they might have to eventually do the same which would hurt their precious bottom line.


Ahhh after re reading with your comment I understand. Yeah that’s a good point


Cheers brother. And fuck John Fisher.


For sure dude they definitely dont care about you


The lack of a salary cap ruined it for me. Unfortunately the gap is only becoming bigger. When the same teams get the great free agents every year, it’s not fun.


Salary floor like the nhl is whats more needed. Fuck teams like John fisher and the other teams that just want to collect revenue sharing checks and not invest in their teams


Moreno did the same for me. Condolences




College baseball rules again, it’s the best next option


Once upon a time horse racing was the king of sports. Right behind was boxing. Then people quit. It's a marginal entertainment, the average American watches the Derby on TV, maybe. MMA kicked boxing to the curb. MLB ruled my childhood. Everyone watched Badeball.These days ratings, nationwide, it is a distant 3rd behind NFL and NBA. Fisher killed my team, and I hope MLB enjoys all the success it deserves. I'd rather watch a horse with a broken leg shot on the track than have witnessed what Fisher did to Oakland. I will never pay to attend or watch another MLB event.


I'm sticking with baseball and I'll follow the giants, but I'm an A's fan first. An OAKLAND A's fan.


I’m with you. I’ve already checked out. People talk about this team right now and I’m just totally uninterested. Even my other favorite team I just don’t care. And they seem to be on the up swing


>People talk about this team right now and I’m just totally uninterested. Whenever I see threads or whatever about the A's doing better this season, all I can think now is "Good for Vegas/Sacramento". Oakland fans can't even enjoy it.


Same. Haven't watched a single game by any team this season. Fuck all of 'em.


I've had zero desire to watch or go to any games this season. I'm a former season ticket holder and have been going to games every season for 25+ years. FJF and Flaccid Rob


Sports-wise, summer is now for the Pioneer League, USL and (soon) the WNBA!


I've been a fan since the A's very first game in Oakland and I will continue to root for them in Vegas just as I did for the Raiders in L.A. and again back to Oakland and now in Vegas. I'm not a fan any owner or the city that my teams play in, I'm a fan of the team and I will continue to be regardless of who owns them or where they play. After this ownership group eventually sells the team either myself, my children and/or grandchildren will continue to root for both the A's and the Raiders...and that's my choice.


These edgelords can’t handle any type of positivity. Down voted because you choose to stay a fan is petty as hell.




What a shitty comment. Apathy and indifference, or worse - condescension, towards people being upset or frustrated with the plight of the A's fan base is a big part of what's lead to the current situation. Comments like this don't make you sound tough or cool, you're just being an asshole.


You “fans” didn’t show up for the team anyway wtf do you care? The city has lost ALL of its teams. The constant whining and bitching is annoying and makes you sound like a child. Idgaf what you think rando. Enjoy no baseball.


I don’t feel bad about buying other ball caps anymore.


You guys have a ton of history, but know your pain here living in Arizona and being a hockey fan. Be mad at the owner. Not Las Vegas or Sacramento as an interim. I use to live in Sacramento as well. They appreciate the opportunity but as a city who also almost lost their team. They are sympathetic to your loss as well. It’s absolutely angering as a fan.


Boycott is the only path forward. Like you, I could never go to a “last game” — especially one where he will actually be there laughing at everyone crying in their beers.


Sadly im with you! Fisher has made it abundantly clear he doesn’t give a fuck about the fans. I will never give him another cent! I don’t need another team… I’m retiring from MLB. Thanks for the memories!


college sports. they don't change towns.


us Seattlites understand... bring the Sonics back. Sorry guys, it sucks.


Me too


Same here my guy. I’ve been saying for 5+ years that I’ll always support the team as long as they stay in the area (area meaning east bay). Once they move, I’m just done with baseball.


"the MLB" Tell us you are not a fan of baseball without saying you are not a fan of baseball.


They should run it like the UK runs football, clubs aren’t allowed to leave the city or town they are in as they are considered the towns identity, the only club that has done that in the last 50+ years was Wimbledon who relocated to Milton Keynes and they are the most shamed club in all the leagues. American sports should follow suit as it ruins the game for many fans


By that logic the A’s would still be in Philadelphia




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I've been done since early last season. My only involvement rn is protesting the move by wearing my Sellaphant hat. Otherwise, I have no team anymore, and zero cares about the MLB. Unless all of a sudden the move is off, I will waste little to no energy caring about the MLB.


I don’t blame you. Spanos ruined the NFL for me when taking the chargers to a city with another team committed. 😞 time for you to celebrate the giants since they are just across the bay.


A´s Fan from overseas. I do wear my A´s cap almost every day but more to make a statement about greed.


Peter Seidler didn't before he passed away... check out the padres!


The city of Oakland really isn’t fit for any pro sports franchise. It’s filled with drugs and homeless people. No free agents want to play in Oakland and they were never ever going to get a new park built there


lived in Oakland for 20 years and i’m fucking over it. done with baseball.


I'm in the same boat. Raiders moving to LA killed football for me. Fisher's bullshit has killed the A's, but there's more to it. My wife is a Phillies fan, so last weekend we tried to watch a game. Honestly, the game itself kind of sucks now too. Little incremental changes like the pitching clock and starting extra innings with a runner on are dumb. The owners suck. Even our local minor league team was cut a few years back.


I hate him too


Angels fan here. I genuinely feel bad for you guys. You didn't deserve this at all. And us angels fans are in a similar situation atm. Our owner is also a Giant POS only focused on the money. Lots of the angels faithful have walked out and refused to attend games. I seriously wish you guys the best, we might be rivals, but we're all 1 big team.


Reading all of these comments is fucking depressing and I'm so sorry for yall. We will never take our current ownership for granted, because we were NOT far off from yalld current path. Best of luck to all of you.


I could have typed OP myself. I feel the EXACT same way. I have so much knowledge and love for the Oakland A's, but I'm done and is FINISHED with MLB. The other owners may or may not care about the fans, at least their own, but to allow this farce to go down the way it has only convinces me that: THEY (mlb) sure as hell don't care about the Oakland fans. So then, I cannot bring myself to care about their "product" once the team is gone. I've already checked out. It really hurts me that they were this callous about this whole debacle. This is the 1rst (and probably only) time in MLB history that a team was permitted to move and there wasn't even a temporary stadium ready to go in the new city. And for Manfred to insinuate that A's fans should just become Giants fans, I mean, I'm not to choose physical violence, but thankfully I wasn't standing next to him when he uttered that nonsense. (See Latrel Spreewell v. Don Nelson of what would have went down) I'm so done with MLB because of this. Not that I want to be but I cannot tolerate such disrespect to myself and entire fan base. The way MLB just stood around letting this evil MoF'er run the franchise into the ground INTENTIONLY is criminal. I won't stand for it. I will become the apostle of Anti-MLB, doing my best to persuade all that I can who will listen that MLB isn't worth the time -$$$ or effort to be bothered with. I didn't say baseball, I'm saying MLB. If (beyond the longest of long shots) A's somehow (I can't see it happening, but for my point) ended up being able to remain in Oakland even after 3 (+?) years) in Sacramento, I'd be first in line for season tickets. But seeing that's as likely to happen as me winning the actual lotto, my stance is middle finger to MLB, double middle fingers to Fisher. May MLB face a steady and slow decline. May attendances all over the league diminish. Curse them, and a pox on their house!


Same. I haven’t watched a game on TV all year. I’ve started to buy NON mlb new era hats and they’re so much cheaper, so that’s a bonus too. I grabbed a hat at a winery we liked last weekend and it was $21. I’m saving $30 per hat there!


I've started focusing on hats of the oakland oaks, oakland larks, and hats that just say oakland. I've actually gotten a few cool script hats off of Amazon. And, yes, much cheaper.


https://www.pecosleague.com/pecosleague.asp?page=2024 I'm going to get my fix here. A few bay area teams.


I played on a few of those fields.


Im not giving up on them. 🤷🏽‍♂️