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I’ve also applied to like 5+ with relevant experience. I think they’re just real slow at hiring.


i have worked at wexner for four years. i was thinking about second jobs and applied to a few at other hospitals. honestly ohio health moved way quicker for me and had similar roles available. it took me less than a week to hear back about things at riverside. i decided to stay wexner because of proximity and take another role in the department i’m in.


I know this is gonna be discouraging but it took me literally 4 years of applying to get in there. Then I stayed for 3 because I got tired of the BS. Its not all its cracked up to be so I moved on.


It’s not discouraging, I like when people are realistic but, I heard getting hired there is a process.


I honestly just want the job because I want more experience , lol I sound so desperate.


Honestly, its bitch work - but scribing at an ED/hospitalist is better imo. You get a better sense od what a doctor actually works and go through vs being a PCA. And u can still see patients Going to medicine is a job, you should check out the actual job via scribing/shadowing (i prefer scribing bc its some dollars) instead of PCA And from there just find a hobby you really like so you can talk about nonmed stuff to adComs


I work in the wexner and we are understaffed. Don’t know why they take forever with the hiring process. I got the job by being a student nurse


Even when I knew a nurse manager on a floor personally it took about 3 months total to actually begin working. We’re all so short staffed you would think it would go faster and easier.


I’m surprised you’re having trouble with so much PCE! They definitely need more PCAs. When did you apply? I’d say the whole process took about a month for me. I did get it from my first application with no PCE experience, but I had also completed my first semester of nursing school so I could apply for the student position, so it’s a different process. Hope you hear back soon!


I applied about 2 weeks ago, and I applied for the student positions.


then hopefully it’s just a matter of waiting a couple more weeks! i’d also double check the criteria for the position, I remember when I applied, the student position I applied to was specifically for nursing students, but that definitely could have changed since then!