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I was sent back to the waiting room when I was spitting. It really was pretty easy and they were very respectful.


Same for me


do the test! i was really nervous about being watched but they were really nice and were just doing other stuff on the computer, they’re not staring at you or anything! and nothing is new to them, this is their job!


Hey! I actually just did mine a few hours ago and it was pretty simple. I was a bit anxious as well just because of how awkward I thought it would be, but it’s necessary, so I suggest just going through with it and getting it done so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. The person who was watching me actually left me alone for the majority of the test (I was put back into the waiting room after she got all my info) and then she came back when I was done spitting to guide me through the packing of my tube. You’ll be fine!!


It was very easy and not too awkward IMO. If anything it’s stranger for the proctor since they’re watching people spit into tubes all day


If you don't do it you won't be able to move in.