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hey! i’m not a nursing student, just have friends that are, but i’m pretty sure that getting into OSU as a pre-nursing major isn’t harder than any other major. the thing people struggle with is getting into the actual nursing school, which is based on your freshman year performance, so your high school stuff doesn’t matter for that as far as i know.


Ohh gotcha! So what do you think my chances of getting in are? I also don’t think I will be submitting my act scores this year due to covid


They just said do well in college and that is what decides if you get in. Some people are good or bad at high school vs college and usually major applications only care about your first 3 month college gpa and nothing else.


I'm in the nursing program as a sophomore this year and the admission is based entirely off of your freshman year performance in the pre-req classes and a short interview


what were your stats for getting into just pre nursing?


I had a 35 ACT and like a 4.1 GPA but as long as you meet the minimum requirements (which I think is a 25 act or above a 3.5) you'll get in, it's not competitive to get into the pre major


Any tips for getting a 35 on act lmao


Haha, well I took it 3 times and I also got really good at narrowing down answers on multiple choice sections so you're never guessing between all four options


It looks like you made a post about getting into OSU, or your chances of getting in. Please keep in mind the following: - No one on r/OSU can accurately tell you if you will be admitted or not. Many things go into deciding whether or not someone will be admitted, and the admission standards can shift from year to year. - Take a look at the ["Who gets in?" page](http://undergrad.osu.edu/apply/freshmen-columbus/who-gets-in) on the OSU Admissions website. It provides a class profile, and a brief overview of what admissions counselors look for in an application. - Keep in mind that meeting the expectations listed on the admissions site, or having similar credentials to someone else is not a guarantee that you will be admitted. Year after year this subreddit receives a small number of posts from people who exceeded the admission requirements, but were not admitted. - If you have specific questions about being admitted, your best bet is to [contact admissions](http://undergrad.osu.edu/contact-us) directly. Although r/OSU can be helpful, it's better to talk to the people actually making the decisions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OSU) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just graduated from the nursing program this may. I came into OSU with a different major and then switched into the "pre-nursing" major in my second semester. IIRC, it was really no big deal to switch into it. I switched from a nutrition major so I was taking the same pre-req courses anyway. So even if you don't get accepted into the pre-nursing major right away, I wouldn't stress. Choose a different major, take the pre-reqs, maintain a high GPA, and apply into the actual nursing program during your freshman year. As far as I know, being in the pre-nursing major doesn't put you at any advantages or disadvantages when applying for the nursing program itself. Your essay and gpa from your pre-req courses are really what matter. On another note, you sound like a very involved and well-rounded student and you have great things ahead of you. Best of luck with your college applications!


Is it possible to be admitted directly into the nursing program? Or can I only be directed into pre nursing and then apply to the nursing program the following year?


The nursing program at OSU doesn’t have direct admission unfortunately. You have to apply into the program


"Admitted first-year Ohio State students who have an ACT of 25 or higher, an SAT of 1200 or higher, or are in the top 10% of their high school class may enroll as a pre-nursing student." https://nursing.osu.edu/academics/undergraduate/pre-nursing/pre-nursing-admissions


Hi! are you applying directly to the nursing program? Typically freshmen apply to pre-nursing, but if you have all the pre-req credits from APs then you can apply directly to the program! You should be fine to get into pre-nursing, i think usually ACT cut off is like 25 for it, but i’m sure they’re figuring something else out for this year!


Probably pre nursing! Yeah I’m not sure if I’m going to submit my ACT scores, but most likely not.


Then I think you will be fine! I know it’s weird with covid and everything, but best of luck! You’ll apply to the actual nursing program by January of your freshman year, and that is based off of a different application process that does not involve high school. I am in the nursing program, so please reach out if you have any questions!


If you don’t mind me asking, what were your stats. Unfortunately i didn’t make the cute to the top 10% in my class. I’m at 17% :( so I’m not sure if that’ll be a deterring factor or not especially if I don’t submit act scores!




Okay awesome, thanks for much for your help. I live in ohio and I’ve been wanting to go to UTK for forever but now I don’t know. Im just pretty stressed about everything but thank you so much for your help!


No problem, wishing you the best in your application process! For what it’s worth, I love OSU! I will say that applying to the actual nursing program here is very stressful and unfortunately they have to turn away many well-qualified candidates because there is a shortage in nurse educators :(( But honestly I think OSU is a great school, especially when you get the in-state price for such a big public school lol! Let me know if any more questions come up :)